Walker Jim
Measurement of Light Extinction by Single Aerosol Particles
Orr-Ewing A, Reid J, Carruthers A, Walker J & Mason B
Walker Joe
Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Retrogression
Peltzer D, Wardle D, Allison V, Baisden T, Bardgett R, Chadwick O, Condron L, Parfitt R, Porder S, Richardson S, Turner B, Vitousek P, Walker J & Walker L
Walker K.
What Controls the Generation of Alkalinity in Marine Sediments?
Turchyn AV, Bradbury HJ, Lin CY, Walker K & Antler G
Walker L.
Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Retrogression
Peltzer D, Wardle D, Allison V, Baisden T, Bardgett R, Chadwick O, Condron L, Parfitt R, Porder S, Richardson S, Turner B, Vitousek P, Walker J & Walker L
Walker M.
Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D
Walker Rebecca
Formation of Magmatic Rift Segments: Evidence from the Ma’Alalta Volcanic Field (MVF) Near the Western Margin of the Afar Rift
Pagli C, Tortelli G, Gioncada A, Walker R & Keir D
Kinetic Controls on Isotopic Fractionation of Soil Denitrification
Walker R & Houlton B
Walker Richard
Early Mantle Isotopic and Elemental Heterogeneity: Evidence from the ~3.2 Ga Ruth Well – Regal Komatiites, Western Australia
Puchtel I, Horan M, Walker R, Nisbet E & Locmelis M
Exploring Correlations between Anomalous 187, 186Os and 182W in Mantle-Derived Rocks
Walker R & Puchtel I
Combined Structural, Elemental and Isotopic Characterisation of Calcite Fracture-Fill Mineralisation
Roberts N, Lee J, Walker R, Drake H & Rushton J
Coupled Trace Element and Stable Isotope Proxies Expose Alternating Wet and Dry Climates in Iran’s Past
Carolin S, Ersek V, Henderson G & Walker R
Siderophile Element Heterogeneity of the Mantle: Evidence from Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Mundl A, Blichert-Toft J, Hanski E & Walker R
The Hadean Geochemical Heritage of the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Mundl A, Carlson R, Day J & Walker R
Revisiting Late Accretion
Walker R
A New Decay Constant for 184Os and Evidence for P-Process Heterogeneity of 180W in Iron Meteorites
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M
Walker Richard J
Highly Siderophile Elements and Os Isotope Compositions of Ryugu Samples
Ishikawa A, Yokoyama T, Nakanishi N & Walker RJ
Geochemical Weirdness of the Early Earth and Implications for Earth Evolution
Walker RJ
Evolution of Tungsten Isotopic Compositions in the Mauna Kea Volcanic System
Willhite LN, Finlayson V & Walker RJ
Hf-W Isotope Systematics of Chondrites
Hellmann JL & Walker RJ
A Review of 182W in Terrestrial Systems
Walker RJ
Analytical Approach to Constraining Siderophile Element Genetics of Late-Stage Terrestrial Accretion
Bermingham KR, Tornabene HA, Meyer B & Walker RJ
A High Field Strength Perspective on Tungsten-182 Variability in Modern Mantle Melts
Finlayson V, Walker RJ, Bermingham K, Day JMD & Schilling ME
W Isotopic Compositions of Barberton and Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Archer GJ, Kleine T, Stracke A, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
Mixing Times of the Archean Mantle: Evidence from 2.7 Ga Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Blichert-Toft J & Walker R
Fingerprinting the Mantle during Subduction Initiation Using Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of Izu-Bonin-Mariana Forearc Boninites
Nelson W, Reagan M, Pearce J, Niles D, Leierzapf J & Walker R
Exploring the Causes of 182W Heterogeneity in Earth
Walker R, Marchi S & Canup R
Constraints on the W Abundance of Upper Mantle from Xenolithic Peridotites
Rizo H, Rudnick RL, Walker RJ & Carlson RW
Excess 180W in Iron Meteorites: Cosmogenic or Radiogenic?
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M
Ancient 182W Signatures in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
Mundl A, Walker R, Touboul M, Jackson M, Day J, Kurz M, Lekic V & Helz R
Tracking Hadean Processes in Modern Basalts
Horan M, Carlson R, Walker R, Jackson M & Mundl A
Dating Faults with U-Pb Calcite Petrochronology
Roberts NMW, Walker RJ, Imber J, Haslam RB & Drake H
Walker Richard J.
Evolution of Tungsten Isotopic Compositions Across the Hawaiian Archipelago
Willhite LN, Finlayson V, Williamson NMB, Weis D & Walker RJ
Magmatic and Tectonic Processes Recorded by Mantle Rocks of the Taitao Ophiolite (6 Myr), Southern Chile
Schilling ME, Plissart G, Akizawa N, Lin K-Y, Corgne A, Alvear M, González EJ, Marín C, Walker RJ, Anma R, Warren JM, Ishikawa A, Prigent C, González VE, Rivera A, Martínez FA, Donoso NF & González-Jiménez JM
Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of the IIG Iron Meteorites
Chiappe E, Hilton C, Ash RD & Walker RJ
Effects of Saharan Weathering on Highly Siderophile Elements in Ordinary Chondrites
Almas KS, Ash RD & Walker RJ
The non-CArbonaceous Nature of Earth’s Late-Stage Accretion
Bermingham KR, Tornabene HA, Walker RJ, Godfrey LV, Meyer BS, Piccoli PM & Mojzsis S
Top Down? Bottom Up? Earth's Siderophile Element Riddles
Walker RJ
Siderophile Anomalies in the Easter Plume: Source or Process?
Finlayson VA, Schilling ME, Tornabene HA, Bermingham KR, Day JMD & Walker RJ
Global Chemical and Isotope Heterogeneity in the Early Earth's Mantle Revealed by Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Puchtel IS, Horan MF, Walker RJ, Nisbet E & Locmelis M
Tungsten-182 and Neodymium-142 Evidence for an Ancient Kimberlite Source
Nakanishi N, Carlson RW, Horan MF, Giuliani A, Woodhead J, Pearson DG & Walker RJ
The Search for Preserved Late-Stage Accretionary Components in Terrestrial Materials
Bermingham KR, Walker RJ, Finlayson VA, Tornabene HA, Peters B, Day JMD, Rudnick RL, Nakanishi N, Jackson MG, Pearson DG & Schilling ME
New Insights to Earth History Provided by Short-Lived Radiogenic Isotope Systems
Walker R & Mundl-Petermeier A
Ancient Lower Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Modern OIB – A Story Told by W and He Isotopes
Mundl-Petermeier A, Walker R, Fischer R & Jackson M
Siderophile Element Heterogeneity of the Early Mantle: The Western Australia Komatiite Connection
Puchtel IS, Nicklas RW, Slagle J, Locmelis M, Nisbet EG & Walker RJ
Lithophile-Siderophile Constraints on Hadean Processes Preserved in Hotspot Sources
Peters B, Mundl-Petermeier A, Carlson R, Walker R & Day J
Extinct Radionuclide Signatures from Juvenile Crustal Blocks within the Slave Craton
Reimink J, Pearson DG, Shirey SB, Carlson RW, Mundl-Petermeier A & Walker RJ
Siderophile Element Constraints on the Deep Earth: What’s Down There and How and When Did It Form?
Walker R
Investingating Signatures of Late Accretion: The Ruthenium Isotopic Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Bermingham KR & Walker RJ
Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
Rizo H, Walker R, Carlson R, Mukhopadhyay S, Francis D & Jackson M
A Hadean Enriched Mantle Source Revealed by W Isotopes
Touboul M, Puchtel I & Walker R
Large 182W Anomalies in Eoarchean Residual Mantle Rocks from Northern Labrador, Canada
Liu J, Touboul M, Ishikawa A, Walker R & Pearson G
Early Mantle Heterogeneities Recorded by 2.7 Ga Komatiites
Touboul M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
High-Precision Tungsten Isotope Analyses by Multicollection N-TIMS
Trinquier A, Touboul M & Walker RJ
Geochemical Effects of Alteration and Refertilization in Abyssal Peridotites
Day J, Walker R & Warren J
Silver in the Terrestrial Mantle
Horan M, Carlson R, Walker R & Jenner F
Investigating Terrestrial Mantle Evolution Using Ru Isotopes
Bermingham KR, Puchtel IS, O'Driscoll B & Walker RJ
Constraints on Late Accretion from W, Os, and Nd Isotopes in 2.4 Ga Vetreny Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M & Walker R
Multiple Early Earth Differentiation Events Revealed by 142Nd, 182W, and HSE Abundances in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Walker RJ, Carlson RW, Horan M, Touboul M, Puchtel IS, Boyet M & Rosing M
Non-Chondritic 142Nd and Archean 142Nd and 182W Variability Reconciled by Magma Ocean Crystallization and Overturn
Brown S, Elkins-Tanton L & Walker R
Mantle Mixing Processes Revealed from HIMU Basalts
Day J, Cabral R, Jackson M & Walker R
Chemical/Isotopic Tracing of Late Stages of Planetary Accretion
Walker R
Mantle Composition, Structure and Distribution of Radiogenic Power: Paradigms of the Earth’s Interior
Arevalo Jr. R, McDonough W, Stracke A, Willbold M, Ireland T & Walker R
New Constraints on the Magnitude and Timing of Late Accretion
Walker R, Touboul M, Puchtel I & Liu J
Formation Mechanisms of Reaction Zones in Mélange Zones: Evidence for Mechanical Mixing
Gorman J, Penniston-Dorland S, Walker R & Marschall H
A Comprehensive Separation Procedure for Precise Determination of Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd in Geological Samples
Chu Z, Walker R, Guo J, Yan Y, Yang Y & Zhang Y
Isotopic and Elemental Evidence of Magma Ocean Processes Recorded in Early Archean Komatiites
Puchtel I, Walker R, Touboul M & Blichert-Toft J
Tungsten Isotope Heterogeneities in Archean Komatiites
Touboul M, Puchtel I & Walker R
Early Mantle Composition and Evolution Inferred from 142Nd and 182W Variations in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Touboul M, Carlson RW, Boyet M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
Effects of Subduction-Related Melt Extraction on Iapetus Ocean Mantle
O'Driscoll B, Walker R, Day J & Daly S
Bendego IC-Iron: HSE and Re-Os
Rios D, Carvalho W, Walker R, Davis D & Zucolotto ME
Separation of Mo, W and HFSEs from Rock Samples for the Study of Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Nagai Y, Yokoyama T & Walker R
Combined 182W, 186, 187Os and 142,143Nd Constraints on Terrestrial Differentiation and Mantle Mixing
Walker R, Touboul M & Puchtel I
Early Earth: An Insight from the Combined Os-Nd-Hf Isotope Systematics of Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Blichert-Toft J & Walker R
Primordial Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Coupled 182W and 186, 187Os Investigations
Touboul M, Liu J, O'Neil J, Puchtel I & Walker R
The Upper Pennsylvanian Hushpuckney Black Shale Member from the Swope Formation in Kansas: Rhenium -Osmium Isotope Systematics, and the Highly Siderophile Elements (HSE)
Pitcher LL, Rasbury ET, Walker RJ & Watney WL
Planetary Scale Sr Isotopic Heterogeneity
Moynier F, Day J, Okui W, Yokoyama T, Bouvier A, Walker R & Podosek F
Comparative Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os Isotopic Systematics of Xenolithic Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Liu J, Carlson R, Rudnick R, Walker R, Wu F & Gao S
Understanding Late Accretion on the Earth, Moon, and Mars
Bottke W, Walker R, Day J, Nesvorny D & Elkins-Tanton L
Evolution of Deep Mantle Sources as Inferred from Os-Nd Isotope Systematics of Archean Komatiites
Puchtel I & Walker R
Tungsten Isotopic Anomalies in Archean Komatiites
Touboul M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
186Os-187Os and Highly Siderophile Element Abundance Systematics of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Day J, Warren J & Walker R
Uniform Os Isotopic Composition in Early-Formed Planetesimals
Walker R
Os Isotope Evidence for Diachronous Formation of Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton
Liu J, Rudnick R, Walker R, Gao S, Wu F, Xu W & Xu Y
186-Os Systematics of Hawaiian Picrites
Ireland T, Walker R & Brandon A
186Os-187Os Systematics of EM and HIMU Flavours
Day J, Jackson M & Walker R
Melting and Refertilization in Peridotites: What Happens to Os?
Rudnick R & Walker R
84Sr Anomalies in Meteorites?
Moynier F, Day J, Bouvier A, Podosek F & Walker R
The HSE Budget in Early Mars and Genesis of Shergottites
Brandon A, Puchtel I, Day J & Walker R
Highly Siderophile Elements as Tracers of Mantle-Crust Interactions in Subduction Zone Metamorphic Rocks: Evidence from the Franciscan Complex, CA
Penniston-Dorland S, Walker R, Pitcher L & Sorensen S
Highly Siderophile Elements in the Early Earth: A Story Told by Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I, Walker R, Robin C, Arndt N, Nisbet E, Anhaeusser C & Byerly G
Clues to the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets from Highly Siderophile Elements
Walker R, Puchtel I, Day J, Galenas M & Brandon A
Re-Os Geochemistry of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites from Horní Bory, Czech Republic
Ackerman L, Walker R & Puchtel I
Highly Siderophile Elements in the Earth’s Mantle: Message from the Archean Komatiite Zoo
Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
The Role of Volatiles during Asteroidal Differentiation
Day J, Walker R, Sunshine J, Ash R, Rumble D, Liu Y, McDonough B & Taylor L
Recycled Lower Continental Crust: Re-Os Isotopic Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites in the Eastern North China Craton
Xu W-L, Gao S, Yang D-B, Yuan H-L, Rudnick RL & Walker RJ
Highly Siderophile Element Evidence from Early Solar System Processes in Ordinary Chondrite Components
Horan M, Alexander C & Walker R
Highly Siderophile Elements in the Mantles of the Terrestrial Planets
Walker R, Puchtel I & Day J
Fractionated Highly Siderophile Elements in Fertile Mantle Xenoliths
Palme H, Witt-Eickschen G & Walker R
Chemical and Chronologic Complexity in the Oceanic Mantle: Evidence from the Taitao Ophiolite
Walker R, Schulte R, Schilling M, Horan M, Anma R & Farquhar J
Osmium Partitioning Behavior between Metal and Silicate Melt at High Pressure and Temperature: A New Experimental Approach
Yokoyama T, Walker D & Walker R
Constraining Deep Mantle Contributions to Canary Island Lavas
Day J, Walker R, Hilton D, Carracedo J-C & Hanski E
Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of 3.5 Ga Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I & Walker R
Light Mo Isotopic Signatures in Chesapeake Bay Sediments
Scheiderich K, Dolor M, Helz G, Walker R & Kaufman AJ
Highly Siderophile Elements and 187Os/188Os in the Parental Melts of Hawaiian Picrites
Ireland TJ & Walker R
187Re-187Os Isotopic and Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Systematics of Pallasites
Lee SR, Walker RJ, McCoy TJ & McDonough WF
More on Os Isotope Anomalies in Chondrites: Possible Carriers
Yokoyama T, Rai V, Alexander C & Walker R
Geochemical Tracing of Core-Mantle Interaction: High-Precision W Isotopic Data on Komatiites Using TIMS
Becker H, Brandon A & Walker R
Fractionated HSE in Suboceanic Mantle: Assessing the Influence of Refertilization Processes on Upper Mantle Peridotites
van Acken D, Becker H, Wombacher F, Walker RJ, McDonough WF, Ash RD & Piccoli PM
The 187Os/188Os of the Convecting Upper Mantle
Walker R
Re-Os Depth Profile of the Upper Mantle beneath Central Europe
Ackerman L, Puchtel IS, Walker RJ & Jelínek E
Pt-Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of Belingwe Komatiites
Puchtel I, Brandon A, Walker R & Nisbet E
Re-Os evidence for age and origin of peridotites from the Dabie-Sulu UHP belt
Yuan H, Gao S, Rudnick RL, Jin Z & Walker RJ
The Search for Evidence of Chemical Interaction Between the Core and Mantle
Walker R, Ireland T & Brandon A
187Re-187Os isotopic and highly siderophile element systematics of pallasites
Lee SR, Walker R, McCoy T & McDonough W
Behavior of PGEs and Re in Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii
Helz R, Pitcher L & Walker R
Platinum-Osmium Isotope Evolution of the Earth's Mantle
Brandon A, Walker R, Puchtel I & Humayun M
Pt-Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of 2.8<!s><$>Ga Komatiites
Puchtel IS, Brandon AD, Humayun M & Walker RJ
Lithium Isotopic Fractionation in Pegmatites
Teng F, McDonough W, Rudnick R & Walker R
Low Abundances of Highly Siderophile Elements in Lunar Mantle Imply Prolonged Late Accretion
Horan M, Walker R, Shearer C & Papike J
Ru and Mo Isotopic Constraints on the Scale of Isotopic Homogeneity in Meteorites and their Parent Bodies
Becker H & Walker R
Evolution of Osmium Isotopes In Komatiite Sources
Walker R
Permian-Triassic Komatiites and their Os Isotopic Characteristics in Northern Vietnam
Hanski E, Walker RJ, Polyakov GV, Glotov AI, Balykin PA & Hoa TT
The 98Tc-98Ru and 99Tc-99Ru Chronometers: New Results on Iron Meteorites and Terrestrial Ru
Becker H & Walker RJ
The Fingerprint of the Late Veneer: Evidence from the Highly Siderophile Elements and Osmium Isotopes
Walker RJ, Horan MF & Morgan JW
Siderophile Elements in Earth's Upper Mantle and Lunar Breccias: Manifestations of the Same Late Influx
Morgan JW, Walker RJ, Brandon AD & Horan MF
Walker S
Application of Synchrotron-based Micro-analysis to Mine Waste Mineralogy
Jamieson H, Walker S & Andrade C
Walker S R
Transformation of Arsenic Species in Solids and Porewaters from Yellowknife Bay, NWT, Canada
Andrade CF, Jamieson HE, Walker SR, Lanzirotti A, Praharaj T & Fortin D
Walker Sally
Walker Sally E
Nitrogen Isotopes in the Shell of the Antarctic Scallop Adamussium Colbecki as a Proxy for Sea Ice Cover in Antarctica
Gillikin DP, Puhalski E, Camarra S, Cronin KE, Verheyden A & Walker SE
Walker Samantha Renee
Combined Cadmium-Chromium Analyses of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Belqa Group, Central Jordan
Walker SR, Cuney M, Baioumy H, Farouk S, Lehmann B & Frei R
Walker Sarah
Imaging the Reduction of chromium(VI) on Magnetite Surfaces Using in situ Electrochemical AFM
Walker S, Marcano M, Bender W & Becker U
A First Principles Study of Uranyl and Neptunyl Incorporation into Sulfate Minerals
Walker S & Becker U
Walker Sharon
Discovery of Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields along the Central Indian Ridge, 8°S-16°S
Kim J, Son S-K, Pak S-J & Walker S
New Hydrothermal Vents Discovered along the Mariana Back-Arc Spreading Center
Baumberger T, Lupton J, Resing J, Chadwick W, Butterfield D, Baker E, Walker S & Merle S
Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at the Monowai Volcanic Centre, Kermadec Arc
Leybourne M, de Ronde C, Baker E, Faure K, Walker S & Resing J
Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R
Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting
De Ronde CEJ, Baker ET, Massoth GJ, Lupton JE, Wright IC, Sparks RJ, Walker SL, Greene RR, Bannister SC, Reyners ME, Ishibashi J & Faure K
Walker Sharon L
Linking Volcanic and Hydrothermal Systems along 150 Kilometers of Southern East Pacific Rise Crest by AUV Sentry Photo, Water-Column and Sonar Data
White SM, Keohane I, German CR, Resing JA & Walker SL
Walker Sharon L.
The Use of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes at Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Walker SL, Walter M, Türke A & Brumsack H-J
Walker Stephanie
Rb-Sr Systematics of Erg Chech 002 Constrain the Volatile Element Accretion History of Early Planetesimals
Nicklas RW, Walker S, Lonero AJ & Baxter EF
Garnet Sm-Nd Geochronological Insights into the Metamorphism of the Nashoba Terrane, Massachusetts, USA
Croft KL, Castro AE, Walker S & Baxter EF
Single-Outcrop Petrochronology to Constrain Heterogeneous Prograde Reactivity in the Central Appalachians
George FR, Viete DR, Harvey KE, Walker S, Guice GL & Baxter EF
Zoned Sm-Nd Geochronology Reveals Rapid Garnet Megablast Growth in Dora-Maira Whiteschists
Croft KL, Harvey KM, Alvaro M, Scambelluri M, Walker S, Starr PG, Gilio M, Baxter EF, Williams ML & Jercinovic MJ
Plate Motions from Porphyroblasts: Direct Dating of Multiple Deformation Phases in the NW Himalaya
Walker S, Sayab M & Baxter E
Geochronological Constraints on the Tectonothermal History of the Shetland Caledonides, Scotland
Walker S, Thirlwall M, Strachan R & Bird A
C.479 Ma Lu-Hf Garnet Ages from the Footwall of the Shetland Ophiolite: Rapid Crustal-Heat Propagation during the Onset of Orogenesis or Diffusional Artefact?
Walker S, Thirlwall M, Bird A & Strachan R
Walker Stephen
Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Mobility and Bioaccessibility at Historical Gold Mines in Nova Scotia
Parsons M, Walker S, Jamieson H, Meunier L, Koch I & Reimer K
Computational Studies of Actinide Clusters and Hydrolysis Reactions
Dixon D, Jackson V, Vasiliu M, Walker S, Duke J, Flamerich R, Knope K & Soderholm L
Characterization of Multiple Secondary Minerals in Arsenic-Rich Gold Mine Tailings
Jamieson H, Walker S, Parsons M & Hall G
Solid-State Speciation of As and Sb Associated with Mine Waste and Downstream Sediment at the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada
Fawcett SE, Jamieson HE & Walker SR
Walker Steven N.A.
Magma Sources of the Mull Lava Sequence, British Palaeogene Igneous Province, Western Scotland
Walker SNA, Cortes JA & Olive V
Walkner C.
Platinum Group Elements in Indian Environment: Magnitude and Pathways
Mitra A, Sen IS, Meisel T & Walkner C
In situ Measurement of Sulfur Isotopic Composition (δ34S) in Sphalerite Using LA-(QQQ)-ICP-MS
Onuk P, Walkner C, Pribil M & Melcher F
Wall Andrew
Cu Isotope Systematics of the Butte Mining District, Montana
Wall A, Heaney P, Mathur R, Gammons C & Brantley S
Copper Isotope Fractionation during Leach Layer Development on Cu-Sulfide Minerals
Wall A, Heaney P, Brantley S, Mathur R & Post J
Potential Utility of Cu Isotopes to Recognize Secondary Cu Mineralization and the Degree of Enrichment
Mathur R, Brantley S, Wall A, Kimball B, Barra F, Titley S, Munizaga F & Makseav V
Insights into Copper Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidative Phase Transition of Chalcocite, Using Time-Resolved Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Wall A, Heaney P, Mathur R & Post J
Wall Andy
Geochemical Characterization and Assessment of Migration or Mixing of Upper and Middle Devonian Produced Waters Following Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing
Capo R, Kolesar Kohl C, Stewart B, Wall A, Schroeder K, Hammack R & Guthrie G
Wall Candace
Assessing the Release of Bioactive Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash into Natural Fresh Waters
Wall C, Sohst B, Cutter G & Sedwick P