Ueno Yuichiro
Low 13C-13C Clumping on Abiotic Hydrocarbons
Taguchi K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
Application of Fluorination Method to Isotopologue Biogeochemistry
Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Taguchi K, Nakagawa M, Yoshida N & Gilbert A
Δ34S18O Systematics of Modern Sulfate
Katsuta T, Ueno Y, Nakagawa M, Aoki R & Yoshida N
Speciation and Quantification of Sulfur Distributed in the Ediacaran Limestones: Implications for Diagenetic Mobilization of Sulfur Species
Matsu'ura F, Nakada R, Sawaki Y, Ueno Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
Highly Siderophile Elements Behavior in the Paleoarchean Camel Creek Komatiites from East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Nakano S, Ishikawa A, Ueno Y & Yokoyama T
Missing Negative Δ33S Reservoir in Mantle Inferred from 2.7 Ga Komatiite
Kubota Y, Matsu'ura F, Shimizu K, Ishikawa A & Ueno Y
Ueno Yuichiro
The Compositional Dichotomy of ca. 3.3 Ga Komatiites from the West Pilbara
Kubota Y, Nakano S, Ishikawa A & Ueno Y
Large Contribution of Oxygen to Organic Matter Degradation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Matsu'ura F, Sawaki Y, Komiya T, Ushikubo T, Shimizu K & Ueno Y
Potential Mechanisms to Synthesize Amino Acids from Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Through Large Molecular Weight Precursor
Zang X & Ueno Y
Ueno Yuichiro
Double-Substitution of 34S and 18O – A Tracer for Sulfate Sources
Surma J, Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Nakagawa M, Crockford PW, Bao H & Yoshida N
Sulfur Mass-Independent Fractionation in SO2 Photolysis: Comparison between Absorption Spectra Measurements and Photolysis Experiments of SO2 – GSJ Medal Lecture
Endo Y, Danielache SO, Ogawa M & Ueno Y
Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Pyrites in Paleoproterozoic Black Shales from Francevillian Succession, Gabon
Kurihara A, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Moussavou M & Ueno Y
Hydrocarbon Cycling in Tokamachi Mud Volcano, Niigata, Japan
Jajalla MAB, Gilbert A, Nakagawa M, Zhang N, Li-Hau F & Ueno Y
Strong 13C Depletion Induced by Solar UV Photolysis of CO2 and its Implication for Early Mars
Ueno Y, Johnson MS, Schmidt JA, Gilbert A, Kurokawa H, Usui T & Zang X
Clumped Isotope Analyses of Sulfate Using HR-Irms Help Decipher the Global Sulfur Cycle
Albrecht N, Surma J, Kohl IE & Ueno Y
Intra-Molecular Isotope Analysis of Acetate in a Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal System
Wakabayashi H, Taguchi K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Microbialites from Modern Redox-Stratified Lakes
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Surma J, Nakagawa M, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Benzerara K & Ueno Y
Ueno Yuichiro
Beyond Formaldehyde: Atmospheric Synthesis from CO2 and CO
Ueno Y, Ito S, Zang X, Isoda K, Yokoyama T, Moori K & Nishiuchi K
A Sulfide Consuming Reaction with Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionations in the Long-Term Culturing Experiment of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Matsu'ura F, Makita H, Takai K, Nakagawa M & Ueno Y
In situ Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Archean Basalts Associated with the Belingwe Komatiite: Implications for Recycling of Oceanic Lithosphere
Kubota Y, Ushikubo T, Shimizu K, Ishikawa A & Ueno Y
Multiple Sulfur, Oxygen, and 34S-18O Doubly Substituted Isotopic Analysis of Sulfateusing High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry of SO2F2
Surma J, Ueno Y, Nakagawa M, Bao H, Kohl IE, Killingsworth BA & Yoshida N
Small Fractionation Factors of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Proterozoic Sediments Inferred from High Precision Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Pyrite
Kurihara A, Sawaki Y, Moussavou M, Jiang C, Nakagawa M, Sato T & Ueno Y
Solar UV Synthesis of Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds from N2O and CO
Zang X, Moori K, Udo T, Li Y, Kebukawa Y, Kobayashi K & Ueno Y
Uenver-Thiele Laura
Phase Relations of MgFe2O4 and the Stability of the New Fe3+ -Oxide Mg2Fe2O5 at Conditions of the Deep Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
Uenver-Thiele L, Woodland A, Boffa-Ballaran T & Frost D
Synthesis of Fe5O6 and the High-Pressure Stability of Fe2+-Fe3+-oxides Related to Fe4O5
Woodland A, Uenver-Thiele L & Boffa Ballaran T
The Relation between Metasomatism and Redox State of the Upper Mantle Below the Massif Central, France
Uenver-Thiele L, Woodland A, Downes H & Altherr R
Uenver-Thiele Laura
Stability of Fe5O6 and Other Fe2+-Fe3+-oxides at Transition Zone Conditions
Woodland A, Uenver-Thiele L & Boffa Ballaran T
Complexities in the Phase Relations of MgFe2O4 at High Pressure and Temperature: Evidence for New Oxides Such as Mg5Fe2O8
Uenver-Thiele L, Woodland A, Boffa-Ballaran T, Miyajima N & Frost D
Uenver-Thiele Laura
Fe-Ti Metasomatism Recorded in Peridotites from Montmaton, French Massif Central
Woodland A, Uenver-Thiele L & Schreiter C
Uenzelmann-Neben G.
Evolutionary Lineages of Alkenones Recorded in Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments from the Transkei Basin (Iodp Site U1581)
Doiron KE, Brassell SC, Bijl PK, Wagner T, Herrle J, Uenzelmann-Neben G, Bohaty SM, Childress LB & Science Party IE3
Uesawa S.
History of the Kikai Caldera that Devastated the Prehistoric Jomon Culture in Southern Japan as Revealed by Zircon U-Pb Dating
Ito H & Uesawa S
Ueshima M.
Biogeochemical Stability of Iron Phosphate Minerals for Attenuation of Acid Mine
Ueshima M, Kalin M & Fortin D
Ueshima T.
High Resolution Records of Organic Carbon and its Isotopes in Core MD01-2421 off Central Japan, NW Pacific, during the Last 145, 000 Years
Ueshima T, Yamamoto M, Oba T, Kuramoto T, Minagawa M & Irino T
Precession-Controlled Changes in Alkenone Sea Surface Temperature in Core MD01-2421 off Central Japan, NW Pacific, during the Last 145, 000 Years
Yamamoto M, Shimamune J, Ueshima T & Oba T
Uesugi J.
Growth-Zoned Chromian Spinel in Rodingite: Evidence for Cr Mobility in Hydrothermal Solution
Akizawa N, Arai S, Tamura A & Uesugi J
Uesugi K.
3D Reconstruction of Synthetic Crystals and Results Comparisons
Charles C, Pupier E, Duquennoy J, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K & Uesugi M
3D Modeling from CT Images: Synthetic Basalt Model
Pupier E, Charles C, Duquennoy J, Nakamura M, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K & Uesugi M
Development of XRD Combined CT for the Observation of Mm-Sized Meteorites
Uesugi M, Takeuchi A & Uesugi K
Predicting Macroscale Properties of Rocks from Nanoscale Data
Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Dalby KN, Müter D, Uesugi K & Stipp SLS
Heating Experiment for Chondrule Formation with 4D Observation
Uesugi M, Uesugi K & Hoshino M
A Very Porous Lithology of the Acfer 094 Meteorite
Tsuchiyama A, Nakato A, Matsuno J, Miyake A, Matsumto MK-UAJ, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Nakano T, Vaccaro E & Russell S
Laboratory Simulation of Shear Deformation and Outgassing of Silicic Magmas
Okumura S, Nakamura M & Uesugi K
Fragmentation of Vesicular Magma with Non-Uniform Distribution of Bubbles
Kameda M, Ichihara M, Maruyama S, Aoki Y, Okumura S & Uesugi K
Chondrule Flattening of MET01072 CM Chondrite: Possible Evidence for Long-Duration Slow Impact
Nakamura T, Matsuoka M, Yamashita S, Sato Y, Nakato A, Uesugi M, Miyahara M & Uesugi K
SR-Based Analytical Micro-Nanotomography and its Appication to Extraterrestrial Materials
Tsuchiyama A, Nakano T, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Miyake A
3D Shapes of Olivine Negative Crystals in Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: Estimation of Equilibrium Form
Nakamura R, Tsuchiyama A, Miyake A, Takigawa A, Igami Y, Ohi S, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Nakano T
Low Core-Mantle Boundary Temperature Inferred from the Solidus of Pyrolite
Nomura R, Hirose K, Uesugi K, Ohishi Y & Tsuchiyama A
3D Shapes of Regolith Particles: Comparison between Itokawa and Moon
Tsuchiyama A, Matsushima T, Matsumoto T, Nakano T, Amemiya D, Matsuno J, Nagano T, Shimada A, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Suzuki Y & Ohtake M
CSD, Crystal Shape and Connectivity in Synthetic Basalt from 3D Reconstruction by X-Ray CT Image
Ottavi-Pupier E, Dardé B, Monnier L, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi M & Uesugi K
Two- and Three-Dimensional Imaging of Platinum-Group Minerals at Submicrometer Scale with Synchrotron X-Ray
Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T & Uesugi K
Detection of Sub-Micro Scale Highly Siderophile Element Nugget in Kimberlite by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
Senda R, Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Suzuki Y
In situ Detection of Highly Siderophile Element Micronuggets in Peridotite by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping
Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Shinotsuka K, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Suzuki Y
Development of Micro SR X-Ray CT System at Spring-8 for Earth and Planetary Samples
Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K, Nakano T, Suzuki Y & Yagi N
Uesugi M.
3D Reconstruction of Synthetic Crystals and Results Comparisons
Charles C, Pupier E, Duquennoy J, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K & Uesugi M
Uesugi Masasyuki
Chondrule Flattening of MET01072 CM Chondrite: Possible Evidence for Long-Duration Slow Impact
Nakamura T, Matsuoka M, Yamashita S, Sato Y, Nakato A, Uesugi M, Miyahara M & Uesugi K
Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M
Uesugi Masayuki
3D Modeling from CT Images: Synthetic Basalt Model
Pupier E, Charles C, Duquennoy J, Nakamura M, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K & Uesugi M
Development of XRD Combined CT for the Observation of Mm-Sized Meteorites
Uesugi M, Takeuchi A & Uesugi K
Heating Experiment for Chondrule Formation with 4D Observation
Uesugi M, Uesugi K & Hoshino M
CSD, Crystal Shape and Connectivity in Synthetic Basalt from 3D Reconstruction by X-Ray CT Image
Ottavi-Pupier E, Dardé B, Monnier L, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi M & Uesugi K
Stability of a Melted Iron Inclusion on the Surface of a Melted Chondrule
Uesugi M & Sekiya M
Evidence Against the Nebular Shock Model of Chondrule Formation
Uesugi M, Akaki T, Sekiya M & Nakamura T
Uesugi S.
High-O2 Atmosphere on Early Mars? Interpretation of Mn-Oxide on Gale Crater by Laboratory Experiments
Noda N, Imamura S, Sekine Y, Uesugi S, Kurisu M, Murakami T & Takahashi Y
Ueta S.
Splashed Hadean Seawater Hypothesis
Genda H, Ueno Y, Foriel J, Usui T, Ueta S, Bao H & Sun T
Uetake J.
Geographical Variations in Pigment Compositions of Snow Algae in Japan
Nakashima T, Takeuchi N, Uetake J, Tanabe Y, Tsuji M, Miyauchi K & Okamoto C
Distinctive Nitrogen Cycles between Asian and Polar Glaciers
Takeuchi N, Ohte N, Segawa T, Uetake J, Nagatsuka N & Li Z
Uetz G.
Spidey Senses: Using Wolf Spiders as a Sentinel Species for Pb Soil Amendment Effectiveness
Noerpel MR, Vedula D, Bauer-Nilsen O, Uetz G & Beaubien G
Ueyama M.
Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L
Ufimtsev I.
Reactive Solvation and Transport Simulations of OH<sup>-</sup> Ions in Aqueous Environment: A Multistate Empirical Valence Bond (MS-EVB) Approach
Ufimtsev I, Kalinichev A, Martinez T & Kirkpatrick RJ
Ufkes J.
Impact of High CO2 Concentrations on the Structure of Microbial Communities in Marine Sediments
Ufkes J, Ramette A, Haeckel M, de Beer D, Inagaki F & Boetius A
Ugalde C.
Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC
Ugalde R.
On the Presence of Almandine Bearing Rocks at the Moraine of Collins Glacier, King George Island: Part of the Scotia Metamorphic Complex?
Bastias J, Süssenberger A, Ugalde R, Matus D, Spikings R & Schmidt S