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Tims S (2006) Aluminium-26 measurements with beryllium-10 counting statistics
Fifield K, Tims S, Gladkis L, Morton C & Barrows T
(2006) The Development of AMS Measurements of Manganese-53 for Erosion Rate Studies
Morton C, Fifield K, Gladkis L, Barrows T & Tims S

Tims Stephen (2016) In situ Beryllium-10 in Pyroxene
Norton K, Collins J & Tims S

Tims Stephen G. (2009) Constraining the 36Cl/Cl Ratio of Seawater and its Sources
Argento D, Stone J, Fifield K & Tims S
(2009) 10Be and 36Cl Interlaboratory Comparisons: Implications for Terrestrial Production Rates?
Merchel S, Bremser W, Alfimov V, Arnold M, Aumaître G, Benedetti L, Bourlès DL, Braucher R, Caffee M, Christl M, Fifield LK, Finkel RC, Freeman SPHT, Ruiz-Gomez A, Kubik PW, Rood DH, Sasa K, Steier P, Tims SG, Wallner A, Wilcken KM & Xu S

Timsic S. (2012) Ten Millennia of North Atlantic Seasonality: Evidence from Stable Isotope Values of Micromilled Molluscs
Timsic S, Patterson W, Eglington B & Andrews J

Tina K. (2007) How Fast do the Alps Erode? A Cosmogenic Nuclide Study on Central Alpine River Basins
von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H, Tina K, Kevin N & Peter K

Tina T. (2002) Molecular Evidence for Microorganisms in Recent and Ancient Methane-Related Settings
Michaelis W, Richard S, Katja N, Tina T, Martin B & Katrin K

Tindale K. (2012) Arsenic Association with Iron-Based Colloids in Historic Gold Mine Tailings
Tindale K, Patel P & Wallschlaeger D

Tindall Julia (2022) Simulating Neodymium Isotopes in a General Circulation Model (FAMOUS): Exploring the Role of Non-Conservative Particle-Seawater Interactions in Governing Marine Distributions
Robinson S, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J, van de Flierdt T, Plancherel Y, Pöppelmeier F, Tachikawa K & Valdes P
(2017) The Radiocarbon Fingerprint of Different Meridional Overturning Circulations
Dentith J, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J & Robinson LF
(2016) Tracing Changes in Neogene Antarctic Hydrology Using a Data-Model Approach
Rees-Owen R, Newton R, Ivanovic R, Francis J, Tindall J, Valdes P & Riding J
(2016) Deconvolving Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Lacustrine Carbonates to Reconstruct the Composition of Paleo- Precipitation
Jourdan A-L, Holmes J, Tindall J & Holloway M

Tindall Julia C (2015) Constraints on the Antarctic Hydrological Cycle during the Neogene
Rees-Owen RL, Newton RJ, Ivanovic RF, Francis JE, Tindall JC, Riding JB & Vane CH

Tindell T. (2017) Geology and Mineralization of the Sangilo Epithermal Gold Deposit, Baguio Mineral District, Philippines
Gabo-Ratio JA, Aguilera Pradenas MA, Yonezu K, Tindell T & Andal E
(2016) Fluctuations in the Chemical Composition of Electrum at the Lebong Tambang Gold Deposit, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Terashima K, Yonezu K, Tindell T, Suryani E & Rosana M
(2016) Characteristics of the Au-Ag-Te Mineralization in the Kencana Epithermal Gold Deposit, Halmahera
Tindell T, Hase T, Yonezu K & Watanabe K

Tindle Andrew (2011) Newly-Discovered Abyssal Peridotite Mantle Xenoliths Constrain Mid-Ocean Ridge Melting Models
Pearce J, Leat P, Barry T & Tindle A
(2002) Melt and Source Diversity Under the Ultra Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
Font L, Murton B, Roberts S & Tindle A

Tindle Andy (2018) Five Years of Earth and Moon: History of a Virtual Microscope
Kelley S, Schwenzer S & Tindle A

Tinet A-J. (2023) New Lysimetric Experiments to Assess the Effect of the Intensity of Groundwater Table-Level Variations on the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) in Soils in the Climate Change Context
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P
(2022) Impact of Groundwater Table Level Variations on Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) Remobilization Processes in the Climate Change Context: An Experimental Approach
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P

Ting J. (2021) Oxygen Deficient Lead-Technetium Pyrochlore, the First Example of a Stable Valence V Technetium Oxide?
Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Carter M, Losurdo L, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Ting J, Wallwork KS, Zhang Z & Kennedy B

Ting Yang (2014) Research on the Symbiotic Relationship between River-Delta Depositional System and Source Rocks: An Example from North Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
Ting Y, Yunhua D & Hongquan K

Ting Yang (2015) Oil and Gas Reservoir-Forming Analyses in Northwestern Slope Area of Shawan Sag, Junggar Basin
Zhongying Z, Shan L & Ting Y

Tingey David (2015) 87Sr/86Sr as a Tracer of Aeolian Dust from Snowpack to Snowmelt Runoff
Carling G, Dastrup D, Tingey D, Fernandez D, Nelson S & Aanderud Z

Tingey David G. (2022) Characterization and Parameterization of P-Sorption Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Utah Lake, a Shallow Hypereutrophic Lake
Jarvis F, Piena M, Aremu A, Hughes AS, Hunter KM, Stewart SA, Tingey DG, Nelson ST, Rey KA, Carling GT & LeMonte J

Tingshan Z. (2012) Evolution and Depositing Response during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Dunhua Basin, Northeastern China
Xiaohui C, Ting-Shan Z & Liu Z
(2012) The Study of the Sequence Stratigraphy and the Sedimentary Enviroment of Ordovician in Southern Margin of Sichuan Basin
Tingshan Z, Yang W, Liu Z & Min H

Tingström D. (2007) Competitive Adsorption between Tricarboxylic Acids and Phosphate
Lindegren M, Tingström D & Persson P

Tingting C. (2020) Comparative of Oil Content from Salt Cyclothems in Qianjiang Depression, Jianghan Basin, Central China and its Indication
Tingting C, Ershe X, Zhiming L & Maowen L

Tingyu L. (2007) The Effect of Water-Rock Interaction Time on Stable Carbon Isotope of Cave Drip in Qixing Cave, China
Tingyu L & Shijie W

Tinivella U. (2009) A Crustal Seismic Profile Across Sicily: Preliminary Results
Accaino F, Catalano R, Di Marzo L, Giustiniani M, Tinivella U, Nicolich R, Sulli A & Valenti V
(2009) Gas Hydrate and Mud Volcanoes Offshore Antarctic Peninsula: A Geophysical Study
Tinivella U, Accaino F, Giustiniani M & Loreto MF

Tinker D. (2005) Tungsten Self-Diffusion: Constraints on the Core Formation Timescale
Jacobsen B, Yin Q, Tinker D & Lesher C

Tinkham Douglas (2012) Evaluation of Zr in Rutile Geothermometry for Pelitic Rocks from the Mica Creek Area, British Columbia
Ghent E & Tinkham D

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