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Till Christy B (2022) Barometers Behaving Badly: Assessing Analytical and Experimental Error on Clinopyroxene Thermobarometry
Wieser P, Kent A, Till CB, Donovan J, Neave D & Krawczynski M
(2022) Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints on Magma Storage Depths along the Cascade Arc: Knowns and Unknowns
Kent AJR, Wieser P & Till CB

Till Christy B. (2021) Using Experimental Petrology to Explore Exoplanet Melts and Solidi: Preliminary Implications for Habitability
Brugman K, Phillips MG & Till CB
(2019) Stars to Planets: Experimental Determination of Exoplanet Mantle Solidi and Crust Compositions
Brugman K, Phillips M & Till C
(2019) Oxidation of the Mantle Wedge by H in Aqueous Fluids: A New Interdisciplinary Approach
Iacovino K, Guild M & Till CB
(2019) Redox Model for Silicate Melts at Mantle Conditions
Wolf AS, Ghiorso MS, Till C & Unterborn C
(2018) Can Slab Fluids Oxidize the Sub-Arc Mantle?
Iacovino K & Till C
(2018) Mg Diffusion in Alkali Feldspar; Applications for Diffusion Chronometry in Magmatic Systems
Shamloo H & Till C
(2018) Towards Assessing the Causes of Volcanic Diversity at the Arc Scale
Till CB, Kent AJR, Abers GA, Janiszewski HA, Gaherty JB & Pitcher BW
(2018) Solid-Earth Processes are Key Drivers in the Evolution of Earth’s Redox State and Set the Stage for the Great Oxidation Event
Hartnett H, Till C, Anbar A, Glaser D, Guild M, Iacovino K, Johnson A, Leong J & Ostrander C
(2018) Early Solar System Chronometry Using Presolar Grains
Bose M, Till C & Floss C
(2015) Experimental Constraints on Lithium Diffusion and Isotope Fractionation in Water-Bearing Magmatic Systems
Cichy SB, Hervig RL, Roggensack K, Till CB & Clarke AB
(2014) Insight into Arc Magma Genesis from the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite, Japan
Till CB, Grove TL, Carlson RW, Wallis S & Mizukami T

Till Claire (2019) Redox Cycling of Iron at the Peruvian Margin
Heller M, Croot P, Lam P, Moffett J, Lee J-M, Till C & Wuttig K

Till Claire P (2017) Surprises in Iron Cycling at the Peru Margin
Lam PJ, Heller MI, Moffett JW, Till CP, John S, Sanial V, Charette M, Lee J-M, Toner BM & Marcus M
(2017) Iron-Binding Organic Ligands in the Oceans: Insights from U.S. GEOTRACES Field Efforts and Shipboard Experimental Studies
Buck K, Mellett T, Till C, King A & Barbeau K

Till Jessica (2013) Experimental Comparison of Abiotic and Microbial Fe-Mineral Transformations to Identify Pathways of Magnetic Nanoparticle Production during Pedogenesis
Till J, Guyodo Y, Lagroix F, Bonville P, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N & Morin G

Till Jessica L. (2019) Fe Partitioning and Bioavailability in Plant Ash and Char
Till JL, Poulton SW, Mankasingh U & Ragnarsdóttir KV

Till R. (2015) Dissolved Lead in the Deep Southeast Pacific Ocean: Results of the 2013 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Lee J-M, Zubrick C, Till R, Boyle E & Flegal AR

Tillberg M. (2021) Veins and Fracture Coatings Linked to Tectonic Events by in situ Rb-Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS Dating
Tillberg M, Drake H, Zack T & Hogmalm J
(2020) Dating Biosignatures in Fracture Habitats of the Deep Igneous Rock-Hosted Biosphere
Tillberg M, Drake H, Roberts N, Zack T, Ivarsson M, Heim C & Whitehouse M
(2018) Development of Superheavy δ34S Values in Paleozoic Pyrite Detected by SIMS Microanalysis and Ion Imaging
Drake H, Whitehouse M, Heim C, Reiners P, Tillberg M & Hogmalm J
(2017) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Fault and Fracture Zone Minerals Resolving Multi-Stage Deformation History
Tillberg M, Drake H, Zack T, Hogmalm J & Åström M

Tille Stefanie (2009) The Deep "Cool" Terrestrial Biosphere – Fracture Water and Dissolved Gases at >2.5 km in the Canadian Shield
Sherwood Lollar B, Tille S, Moran J, Voglesonger K, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Onstott T & Slater G
(2008) Ancient Analogs for Ultramafic-Hosted Vents: Water-Rock-Derived Energy for Deep Subsurface Chemosynthesis
Moran JJ, Slater G, Tille S, Voglesonger K & Sherwood Lollar B

Tille Stefanie (2015) Abiogenic and Microbial Cycling of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ancient Crustal Fracture Waters in the Canadian Shield
McDermott JM, Heuer VB, Tille S, Moran JJ, Slater GF, Sutcliffe CN, Glein CR, Hinrichs K-U & Sherwood Lollar B

Tillement O. (2004) Olivine Surface Dissolution with Escherichia Coli Cells
Garcia B, Lemelle L, Perriat P, Tillement O & Gillet P

Tilliette Chloé (2021) Vertical and Spatial Distribution of the Iron-Humic Complex during the TONGA GPpr14 Expedition
Fourrier P, Dulaquais G, Tilliette C, Guieu C & Riso R

Tilliette Chloe (2022) Impact of Shallow Hydrothermalism on Lithium Content and Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Plankton
Vigier N, Weppe L, Tilliette C, Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Thibon F, Lombard F, Montanes M, Guieu C & Bonnet S

Tilling S. (2017) Now Anyone can Make a Virtual Field Lesson: The Power of FieldscapesVR
Argles T, Burden D, Tilling S, Minocha S & Wheeler P

Tillman F. (2020) Spatial and Temporal Changes in Geochemistry at Spring Sites Near Breccia Pipe Uranium Deposits of Grand Canyon Region, AZ
Beisner K & Tillman F

Tillmann R. (2016) DART/Orbitrap-Hrms Molecular Characterization of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Generated in the SAPHIR Chamber
Bridoux MC, Schramm S, Sarda-Esteve R, Zannoni N, Gros V, Kiendler-Scharr A & Tillmann R
(2014) How Different Stresses Influence the Emission of BVOC and Consequent the Biogenic SOA Formation
Kleist E, Mentel TF, Ehn M, Thornton J, Pullinen I, Wu C, Andres S, Kindler-Scharr A, Lopez-Hilfiker F, Springer M, Tillmann R & Wildt J
(2011) How do Plant VOC Emissions Affect Atmospheric Nanoparticle Formation?
Dal Maso M, Mentel TF, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R, Sipilä M, Petäjä T, Hakala J, Liao L, Lehtipalo K, Kulmala M & Worsnop D
(2011) Biogenic Volatile Emissions and their Contribution to Organic Aerosol Mass
Kiendler-Scharr A, Wildt J, Mentel T, Dal Maso M, Kleist E & Tillmann R
(2009) Photochemical Formation and Microphysics of Aerosols from Real Plant Emissions
Mentel T, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R & Wildt J

Tillmanns E. (2009) Ultra High-Pressure Tourmalines
Ertl A & Tillmanns E
(2008) Al- and [4]B-Rich Tourmaline from the Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Madagascar, and its Relevance on a New Barometer
Ertl A & Tillmanns E
(2007) The AsO6 Polyhedron in Arsenates, Statistics and the Novel Compound Tl1+Tl3+As4O12
Schwendtner K, Kolitsch U & Tillmanns E
(2007) Werner Schreyer's Experiments on Synthetic B-Rich High-Pressure Tourmalines and Micas
Ertl A & Tillmanns E

Tilman M. (2008) Augustine Volcano: Mg, Cr, & Ni- Rich, LILE, REE, & HFSE-Poor
Nye C, Coombs M, Larsen J, Izbekov P, Tilman M & Cameron C

Tilmann A. (2000) A Clusius Column in the Crust? Anomalous Noble Gas Isotope Ratios in Exhalations from the East Carpathians, Romania
Tilmann A, Niedermann S & Erzinger J

Tilney C.L. (2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A

Tilton G.R. (2011) Rollback-Enhanced Decompression Melting of a Volatile-Rich Mantle: The Ancient Lavas of Mt. Etna
Bryce J, Graham D, Blichert-Toft J, Hanan B, Miller S, Barkman J, Spera F & Tilton G
(2002) Mantle Pb Isostope Evolution Patterns
Tilton GR & Bell K
(2000) Probing the Mantle: The Isotope Story from Carbonatites
Tilton GR & Bell K

Tilton N. (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling for Desalination Systems
Molins S, Spycher NF, Dischinger SM, Nassr M, Lee JY, Johnston J, Tilton N, Gleason K, Freeman BD, Stringfellow W & Miller DJ

Tilton Robert (2010) Bioavailability of Polymer Nanoparticle Coatings
Kirschling T, Golas P, Tilton R, Gregory K & Lowry G

Tilton Robert D. (2021) Towards Efficient and Targeted Delivery of Nutrient and Micronutrient Nanomaterials in Crop Plants
Lowry GV, Zhang Y, Giraldo JP & Tilton RD

Timár G. (2022) Evolution of Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle of a Tectonically Inverted Extensional Basin: A Joint Study of Xenoliths and Shear-Wave Splitting from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Gráczer Z, Szanyi G, Cloetingh SAPL, Süle B, Aradi LE, Falus G, Bokelmann G, Timkó M, Timár G, Szabó C & Kovács IJ

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