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Thyssen M. (2023) Spatial Variability of the Primary Production and Structure of the Phytoplankton Community in the South Indian Ocean
Deteix V, Ridame C, Dimier C, Thyssen M, Gest L & Tribollet A

Tian Chong

Tian Chongguo (2016) Stable Carbon Isotope of PAHs from Typical Emission Sources in China
Chen Y, Wang Y, Tian C, Li J & Zhang G

Tian Chunshan (2008) Water Structure on Mineral Surfaces: Comparisons between Quartz, Corundum and Goethite
Waychunas G, Ghose S, Zhang L, Tian C & Shen YR

Tian Chunyan

Tian Fanfan (2023) The Formation of Explosive Volcanos at the circum-Pacific Convergent Margin
Sun W, Tian F, Li R, Guozhi X & Wang K

Tian Feng (2016) Transfer of S-Mif Signals from Reducing Late Archean Atmosphere
Ueno Y, Endo Y, Mishima K & Tian F
(2011) A Fractal Aggregate Model of Early Earth Organic Hazes: UV Shielding with Minimal Antigreenhouse Cooling
Wolf E, Tian F & Toon OB
(2004) Prebiotic Methane Abundance in the hydrogen/CO2-rich Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Tian F, Toon O & Holland H

Tian G. (2019) Age, Composition and Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Nuominhe, Xing'an Mongolia Orogenic Belt
Tian G, Liu J & Chen L

Tian Hailong (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling to Determine Methane Sources of Natural Gas Hydrates with Constraint of Geochemical Observation
Tian H, Xu T, Li Y & Shang S

Tian Hanqin (2020) Relative Impacts of Global Changes and Regional Watershed Changes on the Inorganic Carbon Balance of the Chesapeake Bay
St-Laurent P, Friedrichs M, Najjar R, Shadwick E, Tian H, Yao Y & Stets E

Tian Heng-Ci (2022) Potassium Isotope Geochemistry in Island Arc Volcanism
Teng F, Tian H-C, Chen X, Bindeman IN & Ryan J
(2020) Tracing Mantle Heterogeneity by Potassium Isotope Geochemistry
Teng F-Z, Hu Y, Wang Z-Z & Tian H-C

Tian Hua (2015) Experimental Evaluation of Source Rock Heterogeneities on the TOC Threshold in Resource Evaluation
Tian H & Liu K

Tian Hui (2022) Pulsed Oxygenation of the Early Mesoproterozoic by Enhanced Volcanism
Tian H & Wu Y
(2019) Oil-Cracking Gas Accumulation History Recorded by Fluid Inclusions
Tian H, Wang X, Li T & Zhou Q
(2018) Nano-Pore Preservation and Gas Storage Capacity in Overmature Shales
Tian H, Li T, Zhou Q & Wang X
(2009) Kinetic Modelling of Gas Generation and Methane Carbon Isotope Fractionation during the Cracking of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Tian H, Xiao X, Guo L & Zhu Y
(2009) Thermal Stability and Gas Generation of Petroleum in the Earth's Subsurface Based on Kinetics Modelling and Field Observations
Xiao X, Tian H & Song Z

Tian Hung-An (2023) Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R
(2018) Dissolved Iron in the Amundsen Sea
Middag R, Bertrand E, Brussaard C, Eich C, Gerringa L, Jung J, Lee S, Lee Y, van Manen M, McCain S, Pont S, Reichart G-J & Tian H-A

Tian Jiao (2016) Krypton-81 Sampling of Geothermal Water in Xianyang City, NW China
Li J, Pang Z & Tian J

Tian Jing (2023) Trace Element Composition Characteristics and Geological Significance of Sphalerite in the Dulong Tin-Polymetallic Deposit, Yunnan, China
Tian J, Yuan H & Yang G

Tian Jiwei (2019) Dominance of MGII in Surface Ocean Benefiting from the Acquisition of Proteorhodopsin during Evolution
Liu H, Haro-Moreno JM, Wang P, Zheng Y, Rodriguez-Valera F, Tian J, Zhang X & Zhang C
(2017) Light Effect on N2 Fixation and Diazotroph Derived Nitrogen Net Release of Field Trichodesmium
Lu Y, Wen Z, Shi D, Chen M, Zhang Y, Li Y, Tian J & Kao S-J
(2017) Integration of Multi-Discipinary Research in Deciphering Hadal Processes
Tian J, Lin J, Jiao N & Zhang C
(2017) Diversity and Niche Specificity of Archaea and Bacteria between Particle Attachment and Free-Living Phases in the Mariana Trench
Zhang C, Liu H & Tian J
(2017) Seawater Radiocarbon and Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Profiles from the Mariana Trench
Zhou L, An Y, Gao P, Zhang J, Xin Y & Tian J
(2016) The “Marathon” Project at the Mariana Trench: Integration of Physical, Geological and Biological Approaches for Exploring the Hadal Biosphere
Tian J, Chen H, Wang M, Xu H, Zhang Y, Zhang X & Zhang C

Tian K. (2019) The Source-Sink Relationship and Principles for Pollution Prevention and Control of Typical Multi-Metal Mining Sites and Surrounding Soils
Liu L, Cheng H, Gu S, Tian K & Hao L

Tian L.-Y. (2014) Behaviour of Stable Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Soils of a Karst Region
Lang Y-C, Tian L-Y, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Guo QJ, Zhao Z-Q & Liu T-Z

Tian Lan-Lan (2023) Controls on Barium Isotopes in Seep Barites from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Feng D, Sun T, Crockford PW, Tian L-L, Gong S & Roberts HH
(2020) Effect of Diagenesis on Ba Isotope Composition of Barites in from the Tarim Basin, NW China
Tian L-L, Zhou X-Q & Huang F
(2020) Dramatic Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Barium Isotopes in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform
Wei W, Zeng Z, Tian L-L & Huang F

Tian Lei (2019) Geochemical Characterizations of the Observations Well in the West of Yunnan Province China
Tian L & Zhou Z
(2017) Kinetics of Cation and Oxyanion Adsorption and Desorption on Ferrihydrite
Tian L & Shi Z
(2017) Hydrogeochemistry of Earthquake-Observation Wells in Liaohe Basin, Northeastern China
Zhou Z, Tian L & Wang H
(2017) Geochemical Characterization of the Simao Observation Well Water in the Yunnan Province, SW China
Tian L & Zhou Z

Tian Lele (2023) Probing Legacy and Alternative Flame Retardants in the Air of Chinese Cities
Zhao S, Tian L & Zhang G

Tian Li (2020) Facet-Dependent Bioavailability of Mercury Sulfide Nanoparticles for Microbial Methylation
Tian L, Guan W, Ji Y, He X, Chen W, Alvarez PJJ & Zhang T

Tian Li Yan (2018) Oxygen Isotope Composition of Inorganic Phosphate of Typical Black Soils in China
Tian LY & Guo QJ

Tian Lijun (2013) The δ18O Signals of Precipitation and Drip Water: Two Hydrological Years’ Monitoring Results from Eight Caves in Monsoon Regions of China
Duan W, Ruan J, Zhang P, Luo W, Zhang D, Li T, Tian L, Tao T, Zeng G & Tan M

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