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Thornalley David J.R. (2021) CO2 Storage and Release in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Period
Littley EFM, Rae JWB, Burke A, Thornalley DJR, Gray WR, Menviel L & Arndt S

Thornber C. (2018) Sulfur Degassing and Magma Oxidation State at Mount St. Helens (WA) and Augustine (AK) Volcanoes
Lerner A, Wallace P, Thornber C, Kelly P, Coombs M & Mandeville C
(2009) Kīlauea 2008: Primitive Components and Degassing Recorded by Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Matrix Glasses
Rowe M, Thornber C & Orr T
(2005) Field Geology and Petrology of the 2004-2<->0.5<$> Mount St. Helens Dome
Pallister J, Thornber C, Clynne M, Cashman K & McGee K
(2005) LA-ICP-MS Trace Element and Pb-Isotope Analysis of Mt St Helens Dome Material from 1981-1985 and 2004-2<->0.5<$> Eruptive Episodes
Kent A, Rowe M & Thornber C
(2005) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mount St. Helens Ash Before and during Continuous Dome Extrusion
Rowe M, Thornber C & Kent A
(2005) Plagioclase Zoning in Dacites of the Current Mt. St. Helens Eruption
Streck M, Thornber C, Clynne M & Pallister J

Thornber S. (2013) The Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel: The Effect of High Energy Surface Sites on Dissolution Rate
Corkhill C, Bailey D, Thornber S, Stennett M & Hyatt N

Thorne K (2005) Devil Pike Brook Gold Deposit, South-Central New Brunswick: An Example of a Mesothermal Lode Gold System in the Canadian Appalachians
Lafontaine J, Thorne K & Lentz D

Thorne Kathleen (2015) Geochemical Comparison of the Mount Douglas Granite and the Oldest Phase of the Mount Pleasant Granophile Deposit System
Mohammadi N, Lentz D, Thorne K & McFarlane C

Thorne R. (2019) Cu-Co-Au Mineralisation in the Pilbara Craton during the Mesoarchean
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Le Vaillant M, Barham M, Thorne R & Aspandiar M
(2018) Late Mesoproterozoic Oceanic Oxygenation Caused Widespread Sedimentary Manganogenesis
Spinks S, Sperling E, Thorne R, White A & Armstrong J
(2017) Regolith Evolution and Hydrogeochemical Analysis of the Capricorn Orogen Western Australia
Thorne R, Spinks S, Gray D, Anand R & Reid N
(2013) Bacterial Communities Inside Soil Iron Nodules
Thorne R, Kaksonen A & Anand R

Thornhill A. (2018) Co-evolution of Plant Biodiversity and Geochemistry in Australia
Bui E, Thornhill A, Gonzalez-Orozco C, Knerr N & Miller J

Thornhill L. (2014) Brown Carbon in the Continental Troposphere: Distribution, Sources and Radiative Impact
Weber R, Liu J, Scheuer E, Dibb J, Thornhill L, Anderson B, Wisthaler A, Jai Devi J & Bergin M

Thornton B. (2019) New Insights in Geobiochemical Characterization of Terrestrial and Planetary Underwater Vent Systems
Sobron P, Barge L, Acosta-Maeda T, Amend J, Burnett J, Detry R, Hermis N, Kelley D, Manalang D, Marburg A, Misra A, Nawaz A, Price R, Rehnmark F, Smith M, Thornton B, Yu D & Zacny K

Thornton D. (2015) Priming of Terrestrially-Derived Dissolved Organic Carbon: A Laboratory and Field-Based Approach
Bianchi T, Ward N, Thornton D, Yvon-Lewis S, King G, Shields M, Richey J & Curtis J

Thornton E. (2005) Rates of uranium(VI) Reduction by Hydrogen Sulfide in Aqueous Media: Effects of Carbonate and pH
Hua B, Terry J, Deng B & Thornton E
(2005) Vadose Zone Remediation by in situ Gaseous Reduction
Thornton E, Zhong L, Oostrom M & Deng B

Thornton G. (2004) Probing the Reactivity of Iron Oxides at the Nanoscale: Magnetite with Water and Small Organic Molecules
Vaughan D, Cutting R, Muryn C & Thornton G
(2001) The Stability of Polar Oxide Surfaces
Thornton G, Wander A, Schedin F, Steadman P, Norris A, McGrath R, Turner TS & Harrison NM

Thornton I. (2000) Contaminant Source Apportionment in Brownfield Soils by Combined SEM Image Analyses and Plasma Ionisation, Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry (PIMMS)
McGill RA, Pearce J, Fortey NJ, Watt J, Parrish RR, Young SD & Thornton I

Thornton J. (2014) Online Measurements of Organic Acids in the Gas and Particle Phase
Lopez-Hilfiker F, Mohr C, Ehn M, Rubach F, Mentel T, Kleist E, Wildt J & Thornton J
(2014) How Different Stresses Influence the Emission of BVOC and Consequent the Biogenic SOA Formation
Kleist E, Mentel TF, Ehn M, Thornton J, Pullinen I, Wu C, Andres S, Kindler-Scharr A, Lopez-Hilfiker F, Springer M, Tillmann R & Wildt J

Thornton K. (2014) Bromination Pathways in Marine Organic Matter Oxidation
Leri A, Mayer L, Thornton K & Ravel B

Thornton S. (2011) The Influence of Contaminant Load on Microbial Ecology in a Sandstone Aquifer
Baker K, Edyvean R, Thornton S, Banwart S, Scholes J & Rolfe S
(2001) A Novel Method to Investigate the Mixing Processes of Dissolved Oxygen and a Plume in Porous Media
Huang W, Lerner DN, Smith CC & Thornton SF
(2000) Characterising Redox Processes in a Chemically Stressed Contaminated Aquifer Using Dissolved H2
Thornton S, Quigley S, Banwart S & Lerner D
(2000) A Study of Transverse Dispersion in a UK Aquifer
Huang W, Lerner D, Smith C & Thornton S
(2000) Anaerobic Biodegradability of Phenolic Compounds in Microcosms Derived from a Highly Contaminated Aquifer
Wu Y, Banwart S, Pickup R, Thornton S & Lerner D

Thorogood Gordon (2018) Thermal Behaviour of Tc and Re Salts
Thorogood G, Poineau F, Reynolds E, Yu M, Injac S & Kennedy B
(2017) REE3+ µ-Luminescence Spectroscopy Used to Quantify and Visualize Radiation Damage Accumulation – First Results of a Heavy Ion-Irradiation Study
Lenz C, Lumpkin G, Thorogood G, Ionescu M & Nasdala L
(2016) Durable Technetium Wasteforms and the Challenges They Pose
Thorogood G, Reynolds E & Kennedy B
(2013) Experimental and Modelling Studies of Nuclear Materials
Lumpkin G, Aughterson R, Gregg D, Kuo E, Middleburgh S, Qin M, de los Reyes M, Thorogood G, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Robinson M & Marks N
(2013) Structure and Radiation Damage in Y<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> And Y<sub>2</sub>TiO5
Robinson M, Marks N, Carter D, Qin M, Middleburgh S, Thorogood G, Kuo E, Aughterson R & Lumpkin G

Thorogood Gordon J (2023) Technetium Waste Forms, the Next Possible Steps
Thorogood GJ, Kennedy B, Ablott T, Avdeev M, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Zhang Z & Zhu H
(2023) Phase Separation in Fluorite-Related U 1– Y Ce Y O 2– x: A Re-examination by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction
Simeone D, Deschanels X, Thorogood GJ & Garcia P
(2022) Strategies for Reducing the Waste Generated from Medical Radioisotope Production: Towards a Sustainable Future
Thorogood GJ, Rozenfeld A & Raposio R
(2021) Oxygen Deficient Lead-Technetium Pyrochlore, the First Example of a Stable Valence V Technetium Oxide?
Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Carter M, Losurdo L, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Ting J, Wallwork KS, Zhang Z & Kennedy B
(2021) Insight into Disorder, Stress and Strain of Radiation Damaged Pyrochlores
Finkeldei SC, Chang S, Brandt F, Bosbach D, Ionescu M, Avdeev M, Simeone D & Thorogood GJ
(2021) Insight into the Order-Disorder Transition of Irradiated Pyrochlore Solid Solutions as Potential Nuclear Waste Forms
Chang S, Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Brandt F, Bosbach D, Ionescu M, Simeone D & Finkeldei SC

Thorogood K. (2023) Technetium Waste Forms, the Next Possible Steps
Thorogood GJ, Kennedy B, Ablott T, Avdeev M, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Zhang Z & Zhu H
(2021) Oxygen Deficient Lead-Technetium Pyrochlore, the First Example of a Stable Valence V Technetium Oxide?
Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Carter M, Losurdo L, Saura Muzquiz M, Thorogood K, Ting J, Wallwork KS, Zhang Z & Kennedy B

Thorpe A. (2021) Calibration of Bacterial 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid Based Palaeoclimate Proxies in Global Soils
Wang C, Bendle JA, Yang H, Yang Y, Hardman A, Yamoah A, Thorpe A, Mandel I, Greene SE, Huang J & Xie S

Thorpe Clare
(2015) Imaging 99Tc Bioreduction in Sediment Columns
Thorpe C, Lloyd J, Law G, Williams H, Atherton N & Morris K

Thorpe Clare L (2021) What can Shipwreck Glasses Reveal About the Durability of Vitrified Nuclear Waste?
Thorpe CL & Corkhill CL

Thorpe Clare L. (2014) Neptunium Biogeochemistry Across the Nuclear Waste Legacy
Law G, Williamson A, Thorpe C, Bots P, Boothman C, Shaw S, Livens F, Rothe J, Dardenne K, Denecke M, Lloyd J & Morris K
(2012) Microbial Transformation of Radionuclides – The Radionuclide Biomineral Interface
Morris K, Brookshaw D, Evans V, Thorpe CL, Williamson A, Law G, Rizoulis A, Livens FR & Lloyd JR
(2012) Neptunium Biogeochemistry and the Manganese Cycle
Law G, Thorpe C, Shaw S, Atkins A, Peacock C, Livens F, LLoyd J, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
(2011) Strontium Behaviour during Bioreduction in Nitrate Impacted Sediments
Thorpe CL, Lloyd JR, Morris K, Burke IT, Shaw S & Law GTW
(2011) Impact of Microbial Metabolism on Radionuclide Solubility in Natural and Engineered Environments
Lloyd J, Geissler A, Law G, Thorpe C, Evans V, Brown A, Kimber R, Brookshaw D, Boothman C, Livens F & Morris K

Thorpe L. (2023) Assessing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Managed Aquifer Recharge Basins Undergoing Wet-Dry Cycling Column Simulations
Thorpe L, Rodriguez M, Vega M, Pinelo J, Maki BC, Fisher AT & Ying S
(2023) Assessing Inadvertent Trace Metal Mobilization during Managed Aquifer Recharge: The Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling and Carbon Availability
Maki BC, Thorpe L, Edwards NP, Webb S, Fisher AT & Ying S

Thorpe M.T. (2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2022) High-Resolution Analysis of Clay Minerals and Amorphous Materials in Martian Analog Sedimentary Environments
Thorpe MT, Rampe EB, Thieme J, Dooryhee E, Lee S & Christoffersen R

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