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Thompson Roy (2012) Oxygen Isotopes from Chinese Caves: Records not of Monsoon Rainfall but Circulation Regime
Maher B & Thompson R

Thompson Sally (2022) Introducing the OZCZO – Australian Critical Zone Network: What can We Learn from the Soils ‘down Under’ About the Near-Surface Biogeochemical Cycles and Pedogenesis
Farkas J, Thompson S, Andersen M, Chittleborough D, Mayer W, Leopold M, Cleverly J, Beringer J, Marshall A & Dahan O
(2018) Tracing Groundwater Flow Paths in Fractured Rock Using Naturally-Occurring Organic Biomarkers
Stillings M, Shipton Z, Lord R, Lunn R, Kinali M, Pytharouli S & Thompson S

Thompson Shannon (2010) Overview of Plutonium (Pu) Transport in the Vadose Zone: Field Experiments, Mathematical Modeling, Soil-Plant Interactions and Future Research Questions
Molz F, Demirkanli I, Thompson S, Kaplan D & Fjeld R

Thompson Ward H. (2022) Hydrogen-Bonding Networks in Nanoconfined Water
Ilgen AG, Greathouse JA, Thompson WH & Senanayake HS

Thompson William G. (2013) Uranium Isotopes as a Novel Tracer of Paleo-Hydrology?
Robinson LF, Swartz JM & Thompson WG
(2011) Best Practices for Ensuring Consistent Coral Geochronology
Thompson WG
(2010) Strategies for the Treatment of Coral Age Data in the Reconstruction of Sea-Level Change
Thompson WG
(2010) U-Series Evidence for a Brief but Widespread Interval of Coral Reef Development during MIS 5e, Cape Range, Western Australia
O'Leary M & Thompson W
(2002) The Timing of Glacial Terminations from Open-System Ages of Corals
Thompson WG

Thoms S. (2017) NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera
Keul N, Langer G, deNooijer L, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Reichart G-J & Bijma J

Thomsen J. (2009) Acidification-Sensitivity of M. edulis
Heinemann A, Fietzke J, Hiebenthal C, Thomsen J & Melzner F

Thomsen K. (2010) Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Influence of Thermodynamic Data and Activity Models on Predicted Mineral Precipitation-Dissolution Reactions
Hingerl FF, Wagner T, Kulik D, Driesner T, Kosakowski G & Thomsen K

Thomsen S. (2018) Offshore Transport of a Key Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from the SUP05 Clade Sustains ‘cryptic Sulfur Cycling’ in the the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Peru Upwelling
Callbeck C, Lavik G, Ferdelman T, Fuchs B, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hach P, Littmann S, Schoffelen N, Kalvelage T, Thomsen S, Schunck H, Löscher C, Schmitz R & Kuypers M

Thomsen T (2004) Immiscible Liquids during High Pressure Melting of Carbonaceous Pelites and Marls
Thomsen T & Schmidt M

Thomsen Tonny (2020) Camp Century Basal Sediment Revisited: A Multi-Parameter Geochemical Analysis, Northwest Greenland
Christ A, Perdrial N, Bierman P, Hughes J, Knutz P, Thomsen T, Hemming S, Fosdick J, Dahl-Jensen D & Steffensen J
(2009) Allanite in situ Dating in Mylonite: Case Study at the Mt Mucrone, Italy
Cenki-Tok B, Berger A, Thomsen T, Goncalves P, Oliot E, Engi M & Spandler C

Thomsen Tonny B. (2021) Rutile U-Pb Geochronological Record of Pre-Subduction History of Medium-Temperature Orogenic Eclogites (North Muya Complex, Eastern Siberia)
Skuzovatov S, Thomsen TB, Skublov S & Shatsky VS
(2015) Titanite from Nalunaq Gold Mine, Greenland – Potential New Reference Material for in situ Single Grain Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
Thomsen TB, Bell R-M, Waight TE & Kolb J
(2015) Detrital Zircon, Rutile and Titanite Study of Present-Day Labrador River Drainages: Fingerprinting the Grenvillean Front
Knudsen C, Thomsen TB & Hinchey A

Thomsen Tonny Bernt (2018) Controls on Element Exchange in Ultramafic-Hosted Plumasite-Type Corundum, South-East Greenland
Poulsen MD, Keulen N, van Hinsberg VJ, Kolb J, Frei R, Wennemann T & Thomsen TB

Thomsen-Ebert T. (2001) Biogenic Precipitation of Monomineralic Nanocrystalline Sulfides: Implications of Observed and Modeled Processes to Metal Contaminant Remediation and Ore Deposition
Druschel GK, Chan CS, Moreau J, Thomsen-Ebert T, Labrenz M, Fowle D, Welch SA & Banfield JF
(2000) The Effects Biogenic Nanoscale Iron Oxyhydroxides on Metal Mobilities in Near-Surface Water-Rock Systems
Fowle D, Welch S, Thompson-Ebert T & Banfield J
(2000) Biomineralization and Geochemical Cycling in Subsurface Solutions: An Example
Banfield JF, Welch SA, Labrenz M, Druschel G, Bond PL, Fowle D, Thomsen-Ebert T & Gihring TM
(2000) Biogenic Carbonate Precipitation by a Planktonic Microbial Population
Welch SA, Skatvold AM, Labrenz M, Druschel GK, Thomsen-Ebert T & Banfield JF

Thomson Andrew (2014) Water Content of Stishovite, Majorite, and Perovskite Inclusions in Juina Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey S, Hauri E, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Kohn S & Walter M
(2013) An Experimental Investigation of the Formation Mechanisms of Superdeep Diamonds
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2013) The Redox State of Diamond-Forming Fluids: Constraints from Fe3+/Fe2+ of Garnets
Burnham A, Kohn S, Potiszil C, Walter M, Bulanova G, Thomson A & Smith C
(2013) Water Content of Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Thomson AR, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Kohn SC & Walter MJ
(2012) Evidence for the Role of Carbonate Melts in the Origin of Superdeep Diamond Inclusions from the Juina-5 Kimberlite, Brazil
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Russell B, Bulanova G, Araujo D & Smith C

Thomson Andrew (2015) Deep Mantle Melts Recorded in Superdeep Diamonds and their Mineral Inclusions
Walter M, Thomson A, Brooker R & Kohn S

Thomson Andrew (2016) Slab Melting as a Transition Zone Carbon Filter
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S & Brooker R
(2016) The Fate of Carbon in Deeply Subducted Oceanic Crust
Walter M, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Burnham A, Brooker R & Kohn S

Thomson Andrew (2018) Crystallographic Incorporation of Hydrogen in Ringwoodite
Thomson A, Dobson D, Brodholt J, Crichton W, Cerantola V & Piltz R
(2018) The Fate of Carbonate in Oceanic Crust Subducted into Earth’s Mantle
Walter M, Drewitt J, Thomson A, Zhang H, Lord O & Heinen B

Thomson Andrew (2019) Water Content of Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds from Juina, Brazil
Thomson A, Hauri E, Shirey S, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C & Wang J

Thomson Andrew R (2023) Post-Stishovite Transition of Eclogitic Stishovite: Insights from in situ XRD and Ultrasonic Interferometry
Rosenthal A, Crichton W, Thomson AR, Druzhbin D, Myhill R, Huang R & Brodholt J
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ

Thomson D. (2012) Rhenium-Osmium Dating of Black Shales from the Neoproterozoic Shaler Supergroup, Victoria Island, Canada
van Acken D, Thomson D, Rainbird RH & Creaser RA

Thomson J. (2013) Mediterranean Sapropel S1: Synchronous Basin-Wide Preservation Versus Productivity Signals
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Corselli C, Erba E, Thomson J & Reitz A
(2011) Mediterranean Sapropel Formation; Preservation and Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Principato S, Erba E & Thomson J
(2007) Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Preservation; Diagenesis Versus Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Thomson J, Ferreira A, Sinninghe-Damste J & Vale C
(2006) Non-steady state diagenesis in hydrothermal sediments records oceanic variability over the last 800 ka in the South East Pacific
Taylor S, Mills R, Thomson J & Palike H
(2000) A Spatial and Temporal Record of the Hydrothermal Plume at Rainbow, 36N on the MAR
Cave RR, German CR, Khripounoff A, Nesbitt RW & Thomson J
(2000) Geochemical and Micro-Palaeontological Evidence of a Climatic Perturbation during Formation of the most Recent Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel
Thomson J, Mercone D, Abu-Zied R, Croudace I & Rohling E
(2000) Redox-Sensitive Element Uptake at the North-East Atlantic Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment Sites
Thomson J, Nixon S, Croudace I, Pedersen T, Brown L, Cook G & MacKenzie A

Thomson R. (2008) Holocene Record of Decadal Variability from the NE Pacific
Ivanochko T, Calvert S, Thomson R & Pedersen T

Thomson Stuart (2019) Thermochronology of Antarctic-Derived Pebbles for Ice Sheet and Geologic History
Cox S, Hemming S, Williams T, Thomson S, Reiners P & van de Flierdt T
(2018) Phosphogenesis in the Wake of the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Turee Creek Group, W.A
Soares G, Van Kranendonk M, Belousova E & Thomson S
(2016) Tracking Anatolian Lithosphere Evolution with 'Tectonochemistry'
Whitney D, Meijers M, Lefebvre C, Cosca M, Thomson S & Mulch A

Thomson Stuart N. (2010) Insight into Drake Passage Opening from Sediment Provenance and Thermochronology
Barbeau DL, Zahid KM, Gombosi DJ, Guenthner WR, Scher HD, Bizimis M, Davis JT, Brown AR, Gehrels GE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN & Garver JI
(2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W
(2008) Triple-Dating of Detrital Apatites and Zircons from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Cox SE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN, Gehrels GE, Nicolescu S, Hemming SR, van de Flierdt T, Goldstein SL & Brachfeld SA
(2008) Secondary Weathering Phases and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
Reiners P, Thomson S, Tipple B, Peyton L, Rahl J & Mulch A

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