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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Thompson Katharine (2020) DNRA Dominates NO3-reduction in Persistantly Anoxic Saanich Inlet
Michiels CC, Huggins JA, Simister RL, Thompson K, Hallam SJ & Crowe SA
(2019) Microbial Community Metabolism and Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling in Ferruginous Environments
Thompson K, Simister R, Lliros M & Crowe S
(2019) Mineral-Microbe Interactions in Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Simister R, Tocheva E, Martinez R & Kappler A

Thompson Katherine (2016) Photosynthetic Oxidation of the Earth Before Cyanobacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Kenward P, Bauer K, Michiels C, Gauger T, Kappler A, Reinhard C & Konhauser K
(2016) An Ecophysiological Throttle on Planetary Oxygenation during the Archean
Reinhard CT, Crowe SA, Ozaki K & Thompson KJ

Thompson Kathleen (2020) Astrobiological Applications of µ-Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy on Earth and Mars
Blake D, Walroth R, Bristow T, Sarrazin P, Gailhanou M, Downs R & Thompson K
(2019) MapX – An in situ Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Planetary Science
Walroth R, Blake D, Sarrazin P, Marchis F, Gailhanou M & Thompson K
(2017) MapX – An in Situ, Full-Frame X-Ray Spectroscopic Imager for Planetary Science and Astrobiology
Blake D, Sarrazin P, Thompson K & Bristow T

Thompson Lauren (2011) Photochemical Production of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients from Resuspended Sediments
Kieber R, Southwell M, Laquire C, Thompson L, Skrabal S, Avery B & Mead R

Thompson Linda (2012) Quadrupolar Corrections and Increased Accuracy for Non-Bridging Oxygen Measurements in Silicate Glasses Using 17O NMR
Thompson L & Stebbins J
(2012) Interactions between Network Cation Coordination and Oxygen Speciation in Oxide Glasses
Stebbins J, Thompson L & Wu J

Thompson Lonnie (2013) Detailed History of Atmospheric Pollution in South America as Recorded by Trace Elements in the Quelccaya Ice Core
Uglietti C, Gabrielli P & Thompson L
(2013) Revealing a High Altitude Paleoclimate Record from a Southern Europe Ice Core
Gabrielli P, Barbante C, Carturan L, Davis M, Dalla Fontana G, Dreossi G, Dinale R, Draga G, Gabrieli J, Kehrwald N, Mair V, Mikhalenko V, Oeggl K, Schotterer U, Seppi R, Spolaor A, Stenni B, Thompson L & Tonidandel D

Thompson Lonnie G. (2023) Late-Pleistocene Paleodust Records from the Guliya Ice Cap (Northwestern Tibet)
Beaudon E, Griffith EM, Sheets J, Scher H, Bizimis M, Sexton J, Sierra-Hernández R, Mosley-Thompson E & Thompson LG
(2023) Sources of Anthropogenic Lead (Pb) in Asia Since the Industrial Revolution: Pb Isotopic Characterization in Ice Cores from Tibet and the Himalayas
Sierra-Hernández R, Marcantonio F, Beaudon E, Griffith EM & Thompson LG

Thompson Lucy (2018) Sulfur in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the APXS on Curiosity
Berger J, Gellert R, O'Connell-Cooper C, Schmidt M, Thompson L, VanBommel S & Yen A

Thompson Lucy (2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A
(2011) Differentiation of Impact-Melt Sheets: Evidence from Manicouagan with Implications for the Moon
Spray J, O'Connell-Cooper C & Thompson L

Thompson Lucy (2015) Ge Enrichments in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
Berger J, Schmidt M, Gellert R, Campbell JL, Elliott B, King P, Ming D, Perrett G, Thompson L & VanBommel S

Thompson Lucy (2016) MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A

Thompson Lucy M. (2019) The Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge: Oxidative Weathering on Mars?
Fraeman A, Arvidson R, Edgar L, Fedo C, Fischer W, Horgan B, L'Haridon J, Grotzinger J, Lanza N, Milliken R, Morris R, Salvatore M, Siebach K, Stack K, Thompson L, Sun V, Wiens R & Williams A
(2019) Extreme Isotopic Heterogeneity in Impact Melt Rocks from Manicouagan
Jaret SJ, Rasbury ET, Thompson LM & Spray JG

Thompson Maggie (2023) Chondritic Meteorite Outgassing Experiments: Implications for the Volatile Composition and Early Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
Thompson M, Telus M & Fortney JJ
(2022) Building Rocky Planets and their Atmospheres: Meteorite Outgassing Experiments and the Lamat Summer Research Program
Thompson M, Telus M & Fortney JJ
(2021) Leveraging Meteorite Outgassing Experiments to Constrain the Initial Atmospheres of Terrestrial Exoplanets
Thompson M, Telus M, Schaefer L, Fortney JJ, Joshi T & Lederman D

Thompson Michelle (2017) Nanoscale Analyses of a Carbonaceous Chondrite Exposed to Simulated Space Weathering Conditions
Thompson M, Keller L, Christoffersen R, Loeffler M, Morris R, Graff T & Rahman Z
(2013) Chalcopyrite in the R Chondrite PRE 95411
Miller K, Thompson M, Zega T & Lauretta D

Thompson Michelle S. (2021) Coordinated Analysis of Space Weathering Characteristics in Lunar Samples to Understand Water Distribution on the Moon
Kling AM, Thompson MS, Greer J & Heck PR
(2021) Chemical and Microstructural Analysis of Space Weathered Fe-Sulfides Returned from Asteroid Itokawa
Chaves LC & Thompson MS
(2021) Understanding the Space Weathering of Returned Samples Through Coordinated Analysis of Experimental Analogs
Thompson MS, Laczniak DL, Loeffler MJ, Dukes CA, Clemett SJ, Morris RV, Glotch TD, Christoffersen R & Keller LP

Thompson Olivia (2016) Characterising Legacy Spent Nuclear Fuel Pond Materials Using Microfocus X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Bower W, Morris K, Mosselmans F, Thompson O, Banford A, Law K & Pattrick R
(2016) Cobalt Sorption to Ferrihydrite and Ferrihydrite-Humic Composites
Woodward G, Peacock C, Otero Fariña A, Law G, Thompson O & Burke I

Thompson Ondrea (2023) Automated and Streamlined Strontium Purification of Aqueous Samples for Isotopic Analyses
Manestar GN, Lewis H, McCoy-West AJ, Naidoo N, Makart S, Thompson O & Mahan B

Thompson P.M.E. (2006) Fingerprinting Thermal, Hydraulic, and Tectonic Activity via REE Phosphate Compositional Evolution: Mt. Monadnock Region, New Hampshire, USA
Pyle J & Thompson P
(2002) Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Gorgona Komatiites, and their Relationship with the Caribbean Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Saunders AD, Kerr AC & Tarney J
(2002) Did the Ancestral Hawaii Plume Interact with a Mid-Ocean Ridge? The Isotopic Evidence
Kempton PD, Thompson PME & Saunders AD
(2001) Hf-Nd Systematics of an Arc Sequence Associated with the Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Tarney J, Saunders AD & Kerr AC
(2000) The Geochemical and Tectonic Origin of Island Arcs Associated with the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PM, Tarney J, White RV, Saunders AD, Kempton PD & Kerr AC

Thompson R (2000) Heterogeneous Nature of Adiabatic Decompression Melts Generated in Upwelling Mantle Plume Heads
Gibson S, Thompson R & Dickin A

Thompson R N (2000) Extremely Magnesian Olivines in Phanerozoic Picrites Signify Transient High Temperatures during Mantle Plume Impact
Thompson RN & Gibson SA

Thompson R. M. (2001) Ideal Pyroxene Topologies
Thompson RM, Downs RT & Lienert C

Thompson Ren (2018) Pushing the Limits of 40Ar/39Ar Precision: Constraining the Eruptive History of the La Garita Caldera
Morgan L, Cosca M, Gilmer A, Johnstone S & Thompson R

Thompson Robert (2015) Double-Beta Decay of 96Zr – Nuclear Physics Meets Geology
Mayer A, Frekers D, Wieser M, Thompson R & Dilling J

Thompson Robert N. (2012) Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes in Etendeka Picrites and their Olivines: Mantle Melts and Crustal Interaction
Dale CW, Thompson RN, Pearson DG, Riches AJV & Mattey DP

Thompson Ross M (2016) Mercury Distribution in Australian Catchment Outlet Sediments at the Continental Scale
Furman O, de Caritat P, Maher W, Foster S, Gruber B & Thompson RM

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