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Thiemens Maxwell Marzban (2023) Lithium at the Top of the World – Analyses and Modelling of Li Mobility in the Salar de Uyuni
Thiemens MM, Parlato JS, Ganeshram R, Butler I, Ngwenya B & Pichevin LE
(2022) Cerium-Nd Isotope Evidence for an Incompatible Element Depleted Moon
Hasenstab E, Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Garbe-Schönberg D & Sprung P
(2021) Modelling Constraints Point to the Ancient Formation of the Moon
Thiemens MM, Tusch J, Fonseca ROC, Leitzke FP, Fischer-Gödde M, Debaille V, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) The Ce and Nd Isotope Inventory of Lunar Basalts – Implications for the Bulk Moon Composition
Hasenstab E, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Sprung P & Münker C

Thien B. (2014) Disequilibrium Effects on Elemental Incorporation into CaCO3
Gabitov R, Thien B & Sadekov A
(2013) Modeling Non-Equilibrium Uptake of Se(IV) Upon Calcite Precipitation
Thien B, Heberling F & Kulik D
(2012) Adding Uptake Kinetics and Surface Entrapment to Geochemical Models
Thien B, Kulik DA & Curti E
(2012) Partial-Equilibrium Concepts to Model Trace Element Uptake
Kulik D, Thien B & Curti E
(2011) The Double Effect of Mg on the Long-Term Alteration Rate of a Nuclear Waste Glass
Thien B, Godon N & Ayral A
(2011) Short-Lived Nuclides of the U and Th-Series Probing Recent Pedogenic Processes in Soils
Rihs S, Prunier J, Thien B, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C & Chabaux F
(2008) Time Constants of Chemical Transfers in a Forested Ecosystem Inferred from Short-Lived Nuclides (226-228Ra, 210Pb and 137Cs)
Rihs S, Thien B, Prunier J, Lemarchand D, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Chabaux F

Thierry A. (2013) Environmental Fate and Impacts of Ceria Nanomaterials: Distribution, Transformation and Bioaccumulation within Aquatic Mesocosms
Tella M, Brousset L, Auffan M, Issartel J, Pailles C, Artells E, Thiery A, Santaella C, Achouack W, Massion A, Kieffer I, Rose J, Bottero J-Y & Espinasse B
(2012) Mesocosms as an Essential Tool to Assess the Environmental Exposure to Nanomaterials during their Life Cycle
Tella M, Brousset L, Bottero J-Y, Auffan M, Espinasse B, Artells E, Thierry A, Santaella C, Rose J, Masion A & Wiesner M

Thierry P. (2017) Cl, Br and I Behaviour during Magma Differentiation and Degassing: Contribution of a New LA-ICP-MS Analysis Technique
Villemant B, Caron B, Dubacq B & Thierry P

Thierstein H.R. (2002) Environmental Dependence of Size in Planktic Foraminifers
Schmidt DN, Renaud S, Bollmann J & Thierstein HR

Thiéry A. (2023) The Shape of Nanomaterials Drives their Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems: A Safer-By-Design Perspective
Auffan M, Santaella C, Brousset L, Rose J & Thiéry A
(2023) Behavior and Fate of Tungsten-Based Nanoparticles and their Biological Impacts within Freshwater Ecosystems
Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Slomberg D, Vidal V, Proux O, Brousset L, Angeletti B, Thiéry A, Rose J & Auffan M
(2014) Stability of SiO2-Coated Silver Nanoparticles Under Environmental Conditions – A Safer by Design Perspective
Levard C, Artells E, Auffan M, Thiéry A, Gelabert A, Sivry Y, Issartel J, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A & Bottero J-Y

Thiery R. (2004) Modelling of P-V-T Properties of Water by a Peng-Robinson-Saft Equation of State
Perfetti E, Dubessy J & Thiery R

Thiessen E. (2018) Decoupling of U-Pb Zircon and Lu-Hf Garnet Dates during High-Pressure Metamorphism in the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thiessen E, Gibson D, Regis D, Pehrsson S & Smit M

Thiessen F. (2023) Preparing for Mars Sample Return: Curation and Science Updates
Hutzler A, Harrington AD, Kminek G, Thiessen F & McDonald FE
(2023) Microstructures and U-Pb Ages of Phosphates in Apollo 14 Breccias
Thiessen F, Goderis S, Whitehouse M & Carpenter J

Thieu V. (2021) Reservoir Changes Nutrient Concentrations of their Downstream Rivers: Evidence from Four Reservoirs in the Seine Basin (France)
Yan X, Thieu V & Garnier J
(2021) Assessing Nitrate, Carbon and Sediment Fluxes by Coupling SWAT and RIVE Models: The Case of Vienne Watershed (France)
Manteaux S, Sauvage S, Samie R, Monteil C, Cakir R, Garnier J, Billen G, Thieu V & Sanchez-Perez JM
(2020) Coupled River/Estuary Modeling Approach for Carbon Dynamics in a Temperate European River
Laruelle G, Marescaux A, Thieu V & Garnier J
(2018) Application of a Generic Estuarine Model to Coastal Waters: A Mechanistic Understanding of pH and the Carbonate System
Laruelle G, Cai W-J, Thieu V, Raimonet M, Volta C, Marescaux A, Garnier J & Regnier P
(2017) Nutrient Cascade Through the Agro-Food System and the Terrestrial-Water Continuum: Exploring Scenarii for Combatting Coastal Eutrophication
Garnier J, Ramarson A, Thieu V & Billen G

Thijssen A.C.D. (2022) Microtextures and their Influence on Molybdenite High-Precision Re-Os Geochronology
Thijssen ACD, Parkinson IJ, Tapster SR & Webster AMJ

Thil Francois (2013) Distribution of 230Th and 232Th along the Bonus GoodHope Section in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean
Roy-Barman M, Marchandise S, Thil F, Bordier L, Ayrault S, Garcia-Solsane E & Jeandel C

Thil Francois (2015) Strontium Concentration and Isotopic Ratio in CaCO3 Matrix, Marine Carbonates and Speleothems, by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Thil F, Pons-Banchu E & Blamart D
(2015) High Precision U-Series Dating of Speleothems from Alpine Caves
Arps J, Frank N, Thil F & Spötl C
(2015) Silicon Isotopes and Biogeochemical Processes in Indian Estuaries
Mangalaa KR, Cardinal D, Thil F, Dokala B & Sarma VVSS
(2015) Sea-Ice Influence on Carbon and Silicon Biogeochemical Cycles in the Southern Ocean
Closset I, Cardinal D, Thil F & Masse G

Thil François (2021) Reproducible paleo-Ph and Temperature Reconstructions Using Cold-Water Coral Aragonite Fibers with an Improved Mechanical Cleaning Procedure
Matos L, Douville E, Thil F, Montagna P, Frank N, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Wienberg C & Hebbeln D
(2017) Centennial Growth Rate Variability of Two Alpine Holocene Speleothems
Arps J, Trüssel M, Leutz K, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Edwards L, Cheng H, Zhang P, Thil F, Deininger M, Aeschbach N, Spötl C, Fohlmeister J & Frank N
(2016) Quantifying Sediment Sources in an Agricultural Catchment Using Fallout Radionuclides and Radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr Ratios (Loire River Basin, France)
Le Gall M, Evrard O, Thil F, Foucher A, Laceby JP, Salvador-Blanes S & Ayrault S

Thil Francois (2017) New Constrains on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Changes during the Past 40 ky from Combined 231Pa/230Th, Benthic δ13C and 14C Benthic-Planktonic Ventilation Ages
Missiaen L, Waelbroeck C, Pichat S, Dapoigny A, Thil F, Foliot L, Wacker L, Hajdas I, Böhm E, Vasquez-Riveiros N & Moreira Martinez S
(2017) Influence of Deep Water Formation and Boundary Scavenging on 231Pa and 230Th Distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
Roy-Barman M, Gdaniec S, Foliot L, Thil F, Burckel P, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Masque P & Garcia-Orellana JG-O

Thilakarathne D. (2017) N2-fixation Footprint on Nitrate Isotopic Composition in Temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Fripiat F, Le Roy E, Thilakarathne D, Lemaitre N, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F

Thill A. (2011) Imogolites as a Tool for Evaluating the Hazard of HARN
Levard C, Liu W, Masion A, Thill A, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Doelsch E, Proux O & Bottero JY
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y
(2009) Formation and Growth Mechanisms of Natural Nanotubes: Imogolites
Masion A, Levard C, Rose J, Doelsch E, Thill A, Borschneck D & Bottero JY
(2009) Physicochemical and Biological Interactions between Manufactured Nanoparticles and Environmental Bacteria
Thill A, Zeyons O, Spalla O, Huber G & Chauvat F
(2006) Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O
(2004) Physico-Chemical and Biological Interactions between CeIII, CeIV Nanoparticles and Escherishia Coli
Thill A, Spalla O, Chauvat F, Verbavatz J & Chaneac C

Thines J. (2020) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Large-Volume Silicic Eruptions from the Afro-Arabian Volcanic Province
Thines J, Wall C, Ukstins I & Schmitz M
(2019) Quantifying Magma Generation Mechanisms of Large-Volume Silicic Eruptions of Afro-Arabian Flood Volcanics Through Mineral Chemistry, Radiogenic Isotope Analyses and Numerical Modelling of Melt Evolution
Thines J, Ukstins I, Peate D, Horkley LK & Coulthard, Jr. D

Thinnappan V. (2007) Adsorption of As(III) and As(V) onto Viviantite – Evaluation as a Sink for Arsenic in Bengali Aquifers
Islam F, Lawson M, Lythgoe P, Wogelius R, Thinnappan V, Lloyd J, Charnock J & Polya D

Thinon I. (2023) The Fe-Rich, Mildly Alkaline Magma Series of Mayotte’s Eastern Submarine Volcanic Chain (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Chaudron Vrignaud E, Lacombe T, Médard E, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C, Gurioli L, Verdurme P, Besson P, LeBas E, Thinon I, Jorry S, Paquet F, Rinnert E, Feuillet N, Yves F, Cathalot C & Le Friant A

Thio V. (2016) What can Seismology Tell us About Water in the Mantle Transition Zone?
Cobden L, Thio V & Trampert J

Thiombane M. (2021) Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) of Arsenic and Mercury from Large- and Artisanal-Scale Gold Mining Districts of Senegal (West Africa)
Thiombane M, Marriott A, Hamilton E, Watts M, Niane B & Di Bonito M
(2020) Hazard from Soil Contamination in the Gold Mining District of Kedougou (Senegal, Africa)
Thiombane M, De Vivo B, Niane B, Watts MJ, Marriott A & Di Bonito M

Thiriet M. (2017) Consequences of a Hemispheric Dichotomy in Crustal Structure on the Thermal Evolution of Mars
Thiriet M, Michaut C, Breuer D & Plesa A-C

Thirkell L. (2023) Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry (LDMS) with an Orbitrap Analyzer for in situ Planetary Science
Arevalo R, Ray S, Ni Z, Southard A, Danell R, Grubisic A, Graham J, Briois C, Thirkell L, Colin F & Makarov A
(2021) Analysis of Europa Surface Analogues with Laser-Cosmorbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Cherville B, Briois C, Thirkell L, Gaubicher B, Colin F & Lebreton J-P

Thirlwall Matthew (2019) Carbonate Assimilation by Sunda Arc Magma at Sumbing Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia
Macpherson C, Dempsey S, Nowell G, Ottley C, Thirlwall M & Hall R
(2018) Carbonate Isotopic Constraints on Seawater Chemistry during Pliensbachian – Toarcian
Li Q, McArthur J, Eiler J, Ryb U & Thirlwall M
(2017) Origin, Distribution and Residence of Halogens in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland
Hoare B, Tomlinson E, Barnes J, Caulfield J & Thirlwall M
(2017) Seawater Ca and Stable Sr Isotope Records during Pliensbachian – Toarcian Boundary
Li Q, Thirlwall M & McArthur J
(2016) Geochronological Constraints on the Tectonothermal History of the Shetland Caledonides, Scotland
Walker S, Thirlwall M, Strachan R & Bird A

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