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Teramoto E.H. (2019) Aerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Driven by Air Entrapment
Teramoto EH, Chang HK, Baessa MP & Soriano A
(2016) Reactive Transport Model for Biodegradation of Jet Fuel in Lateritic Aquifer
Teramoto EH & Chang HK

Teranes J.L. (2002) Carbon Cycling in Hypertrophic Lake Baldegg (Switzerland), with Implications for Eutrophic Models
Teranes JL & Bernasconi SM

Teranishi G. (2009) Fluid Geochemistry of the Suiyo Hydrothermal Field at the Izu-Bonin Arc Submarine Volcano
Ishibashi J-I, Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Teranishi G, Obata H & Gamo T

Terao K. (2016) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter Properties on Fe(II) Oxidation in Natural and Engineered Waters
Lee YP, Fujii M, Terao K, Kikuchi T & Yoshimura C

Terasaki H. (2022) Conditions of Core Melt Segregation in Planetesimals
Terasaki H, Miura T, Yoshino T & Kondo T
(2021) Deuterium Content and Site Occupancy in Iron Sulphide at High Pressure and High Temperature: Implications for the Oxidation of Early Earth’s Mantle
Abeykoon S, Howard C, Dominijanni S, Eberhard L, Frost D, Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Terasaki H, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A, Ohtani E, Sano-Furukawa A & Abe J
(2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A
(2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I

Terasaki M. (2003) Polyamino Acid Formation in the Abiotic Condition
Mita H, Nomoto S, Terasaki M, Shimoyama A & Yamamoto Y

Terasaki S. (2016) Variations in 134Cs and 137Cs Radioactivity of Coastal Marine Sediments off the Abukuma River in Japan during 2013-2015
Nagao S, Terasaki S, Miyata Y & Odano N

Terashima K. (2016) Fluctuations in the Chemical Composition of Electrum at the Lebong Tambang Gold Deposit, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Terashima K, Yonezu K, Tindell T, Suryani E & Rosana M

Terashima M. (2023) Gas Phase Reaction of Trace Iodine-129 for Determination by ICP–DRC–MS/MS
Matsueda M, Aoki J, Koarai K, Terashima M & Takagai Y
(2023) Chemical Equilibrium Modelling of Radiocesium Elution from Contaminated Litter and its Humus into Water Phase
Terashima M, Tagomori H, Watanabe Y & Sasaki Y
(2023) Removal Processes of Dissolved Elements in Groundwater Leached from Waste by Redox Reaction
Watanabe Y, Terashima M, Matsueda M, Koarai K, Aoki J & Inoue J
(2019) Distribution Coefficients of Rare Earth Elements to Microorganisms Including Uncultivated Species in Deep Sedimentary Groundwater
Terashima M, Beppu H, Endo T, Nemoto K & Amano Y
(2011) Application of NICA-Donnan Model to Modelling of Eu(III) Solubility in the Presence of Deep Groundwater Humic Substances
Terashima M, Okazaki M, Iijima K & Yui M

Terashima S. (2007) A Combined Terrestrial and Marine Geochemical Mapping Project in Japan
Ohta A, Imai N, Terashima S, Tachibana Y, Okai T, UJiie-Mikoshiba M & Kubota R
(2003) Geochemical Map of Japan
Imai N, Terashima S, Okai T, Kanai Y, Mikoshiba M & Ohta A

Terasmaa J. (2023) To What Extent is the Geochemistry of Curative Mud in Estonia Satisfactory?
Kapanen G & Terasmaa J

Terauchi D. (2019) Detailed Geochemical Characteristics of the Nuclei of Ferromanganese Nodules in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Terauchi D, Nakamura K, Shimomura R, Horinouchi K, Yasukawa K, Machida S & Kato Y

Teravest M. (2015) Bacterial Induced Transformation of Iron Oxides; Morphology and Rate Effects from Natural and Engineered Living Cells
Sand K, Teravest M, Ajo-Franklin C & DeYoreo J

Tercier-Waeber M-L. (2009) In situ Monitoring of the Diurnal Evolution of the Dynamic Metal Species in the Riou-Mort River
Tercier-Waeber M-L, Hezard T & Masson M

Terehin A. (2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P

Terehova A. (2011) Transition of a Pyrrhotites to Antiferromagnetic State Induced by Cation Vacancies
Terehova A, Onufrienok V & Sazonov A
(2011) The Role of Hydroxyl Group (OH) in Forming Minerals
Onufrienok V, Sazonov A, Terehova A & Nikiforov A

Shatova N, Skublov S, Shatov V, Melnik А, Molchanov A, Terekhov A & Sergeev S

Tereygeol F. (2009) Use of Sn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Ag and Pb Isotope Analyses by MC-ICP-MS to Track Potosi Silver
Desaulty A-M, Kuga M, Tereygeol F, Albalat E, Telouk P & Albarède F

Terhaar J. (2018) Model Constraints on the Anthropogenic Carbon Budget and Acidification of the Arctic Ocean
Terhaar J, Orr J, Gehlen M, Ethe C, Bopp L & Regnier P

Terjung F. (2002) Are Water Column Signatures of the NW German Backbarrier Tidal Flat Influenced by Microbial Activity?
Brumsack H-J, Dellwig O, Kölsch S, Reuter R & Terjung F

Terlaky V. (2022) Biological Productivity and Primary Producers Recorded in the Depositional Record of Middle to Late Devonian Mudstones from the Horn River Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
LaGrange MT, Li K, Li L, Konhauser KO, Harris BS, Biddle SK, Terlaky V & Gingras MK

Terlouw G.J. (2020) Hawaii Coastal CO2 Network: A Decade of Environmental Monitoring
Sabine CL, Knor LACM, Terlouw GJ, De Carlo EH & Sutton AJ

Ternes Thomas A (2017) Suction Based Profiling Approaches to Simultaneously Assess the Redox Value, Nutrient-, Pollutant- and O2- (Pore)water Concentrations Across Sediment Water Interfaces
Duester L, Fabricius A-L, Schroeder H, Dietrich C & Ternes TA

Ternes Thomas A. (2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L

Ternieten L. (2023) Hydrothermal Iron Nanoparticles – A Missing Link in the Deep Sea Biogeochemical Cycle?
Ternieten L, Kraal P, Preiner M, Zaveri U & Plümper O

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