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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Telfeyan K. (2021) Field Methods and Geochemical Analyses for Interpreting High Resolution Hydrogeochemical Changes in a Macrotidal Marsh
Telfeyan K, Piliouras A, Newman BD, Myers-Pigg AN, Ward ND & Rowland JC
(2020) Experimental Methods to Quantify Bentonite Swelling Anisotropy
Hoinville A, Telfeyan K & Boukhalfa H
(2020) Interaction of Wyoming Bentonite and Grimsel Granodiorite in High Temperature EBS Experiments
Sauer K, Rock M, Caporuscio F, Telfeyan K & Matteo E
(2019) Characterization of Hydrothermally Altered Colloids and Effects on Radionuclide Transport
Telfeyan K, Boukhalfa H & Caporuscio F
(2015) The Influence of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Coastal Marshes in Louisiana, USA
Telfeyan K, Breaux A, Kim J, Johannesson K, Kolker A & Cable J
(2015) Arsenic in Southern Louisiana Groundwaters: A North American Analog for Bangladesh and West Bengal, India
Yang N, Winkel L, Telfeyan K, Mohajerin J, Datta S, White C & Johannesson K
(2014) Vanadium Geochemistry in Contrasting Aquifers in the United States
Telfeyan K, Johannesson K, Mohajerin T & Palmore C
(2013) Investigation of Sediment Geochemistry in Areas with Elevated Arsenic in Groundwater of Matlab, Bangladesh and Murshidabad, India
Kibria G, Hossain M, Bhattacharyya P, Ahmed K, Bromssen MV, Jacks G, Kirk M, Sankar MS, Telfeyan K, Ford S, Neal A, Haug TJ, Johannesson K & Datta S
(2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigation of Tungsten in Natural Environments: An Emerging Contaminant
Hobson C, Johannesson K, Haug T, Telfeyan K, Tappero R & Datta S
(2012) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution Controls throughout Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Telfeyan K, Sasidharan S, Datta S, Ford S & Johannesson K
(2012) Field Scale Investigation of Geochemical Parameters Controlling High and Low As Occurrence in Murshidabad District, West Bengal: India
Manalilkada Sasidharan S, Telfeyan K, Ford S, Neal A, Haug TJ, Johannesson K & Datta S
(2012) Sources of Organic Matter Fueling As Mobilization in Groundwaters of West Bengal, India: Evidence from Reactive Transport Modeling
Johannesson K, Datta S, Mohajerin J, Telfeyan K, Yang N, White C & Rosenheim B
(2011) Arsenic and Tungsten in Groundwaters of West Bengal, India
Haug J, Neal A, Yang N, Telfeyan K, Datta S & Johannesson K
(2011) Contrasting Sediment and Water Geochemistry between Low and Very High Arsenic Affected Areas in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Neal A, Telfeyan K, Haug T, Tappero R, Ocheltree T, Johannesson K & Datta S

Tella M. (2017) HERFD-Xas: A New Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental & Geochemistry Sciences
Lahera E, Bazarkina E, Del Net W, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Proux O, Testemale D, Irar M, Thomas S, Aguilar-Tapia A, Prat A, Tella M, Auffan M, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
(2013) Environmental Fate and Impacts of Ceria Nanomaterials: Distribution, Transformation and Bioaccumulation within Aquatic Mesocosms
Tella M, Brousset L, Auffan M, Issartel J, Pailles C, Artells E, Thiery A, Santaella C, Achouack W, Massion A, Kieffer I, Rose J, Bottero J-Y & Espinasse B
(2012) Mesocosms as an Essential Tool to Assess the Environmental Exposure to Nanomaterials during their Life Cycle
Tella M, Brousset L, Bottero J-Y, Auffan M, Espinasse B, Artells E, Thierry A, Santaella C, Rose J, Masion A & Wiesner M
(2011) Copper Speciation in Organic Wastes by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Tella M, Chataing S, Collin B, Diot MA, Bravin MN & Doelsch E
(2007) Impact of Organic Ligands on Antimony Behavior in Aquatic Systems
Tella M & Pokrovski G
(2005) Transport of Metalloids by Low-Density Hydrothermal Fluids: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Pokrovski G, Hazemann J, Testemale D, Roux J & Tella M

Tellez H. (2012) Iodide and Iodate Interactions with Clay Minerals
Miller A, Kruichak J, Tellez H & Wang Y

Telling J. (2008) Abiotic Sulfide Oxidation via Manganese Fuels the Deep Biosphere
Bottrell S, Böttcher ME, Schippers A, Parkes RJ, Jorgensen BB, Raiswell R, Telling J & Gehre M
(2006) Compound Specific Isotope Analysis and the challenge for identifying life: the role of biosignatures and abiosignatures
Sherwood Lollar B, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Telling J, McCollom TM & Slater GF
(2005) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Measurements in Abiogenic Hydrocarbon Synthesis
Sherwood Lollar B, Telling J, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Fu Q, Seyfried Jr. W, Horita J & McCollom T
(2000) The Geomicrobiology of a Relict Sulphide Deposit: Extending the Boundaries of the Submarine Hydrothermal Ecosystem
Severmann S, Parkes RJ, Cragg BA, Telling J, Rhodes J, Mills RA & Palmer MR

Telling Jon (2023) Mineralogical Controls on Subglacial Abrasion Products and their Role in Sustaining Subglacial Microbial Ecosystems
Gill-Olivas B, Telling J, Skidmore M & Tranter M
(2023) Hydrogeological Controls on Microbial Activity in Continental Crust
Song M, Warr O, Telling J & Sherwood Lollar B
(2023) How Does Temperature Affect Aeolian Abrasion on Mars?
Edgar JO, Gould JA, Badreshany K, Graham SP & Telling J
(2020) Oxidant Regulation of Hydrogen Production in Low Temperature Water-Rock Interactions
Edgar J, Telling J, Abbott G, Gilmour K & White M
(2019) Crushing of Real and Model Subglacial Sediments as a Source of Microbial Nutrients and Energy
Gill Olivas B, Telling J, O'Doherty S, Skidmore M, Christner B, Priscu J & Tranter M
(2017) Microbial Metabolisms in Ancient Fracture Fluids Investigated via MPNs
Lollar G, Telling J, Voglesonger K, Warr O & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) Exploring the Controls on Glacial-Interglacial Oceanic (234U/238U) Variation
Beasley M, Robinson L, Chen T, Richards D, Nita D, Smith C, Andersen M, Wadham J & Telling J

Telling N. (2011) Using Bacteria to Produce Tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Coker V, Telling N, van der Laan G, Vaughan D, Pattrick R & Lloyd J
(2011) Bioengineering Nano-Magnetite for Contaminant Clean-Up
Coker V, Crean D, Cutting R, Telling N, Byrne J, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Vaughan D & Lloyd J
(2009) Reductive Microbial Transformations of Iron Oxides; Engineering Biominerals for the Remediation of Metals and Organics
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Hofstetter T, Mosberger L, Telling N, Pattrick R, Pearce C, van der Laan G & Vaughan D
(2007) Nano-Spinel Synthesis Using Fe(III)-reducing Bacteria
Coker V, Pearce C, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Telling N, Charnock J, Arenholz E & Lloyd J

Tellini F. (2013) Arsenic Anomalies in Shallow Groundwater and Sediments (Venetian Plain, Italy)
Carraro A, Fabbri P, Giaretta A, Peruzzo L, Tateo F & Tellini F

Telloli C. (2023) Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis for the Definition of Tomato's Terroir in po River Delta Environment: The Case Study of Massenzatica (Fe, Italy)
Wibisono KF, Aquilano A, Telloli C, Ferroni L & Marrocchino E
(2021) Tritium as a Marker for Anthropogenic Pollution and for the Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater Systems
Rizzo A, Di Renzo D, Telloli C, Salvi S & Vaccaro C
(2010) Monitoring and Comparison of Solid Particulate Matter between Po Valley and Friuli Plain
Telloli C, Coren F, Marrocchino E, Vaccaro C & Bovolenta MR

Telmer K. (2008) The Distribution of Mercury in 6 Meters of Soil Developed over Diabase, in São Paulo, Brazil
Fiorentino J, Enzweiler J, Cotta A & Telmer K
(2008) Hg Isotope Fractionation in Sediment Cores
Hintelmann H, Foucher D, Telmer K, Zheng J & Yamada M
(2008) Mass-Dependent and -Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes in Lakes: Effects of Smelter Emissions and pH
Jackson TA, Telmer KH & Muir DCG
(2005) Dissolved and Adsorbed Rare Earth Element (REE) Transport by Rivers in the Canadian Cordillera: Influence of Weathering and Erosion
Spence J & Telmer K
(2005) Dissolved, Adsorbed, Organic Bound and Mineral Bound Mercury Transport by Rivers, British Columbia, Canada: The Role of Rock Weathering
Telmer K & Spence J
(2004) Sediment Fe Mineralogy of 100 Boreal Forest Lakes
George B, Rancourt D, Dang M & Telmer K
(2004) Links between Mercury and Methane Emissions: Mercury in Lake Sediments on Modern to Holocene Time Scales
Telmer K & Desjardins M

Telouk Philipp (2020) The Role of Cd Storage Forms on the Mobility of Cd in Soil-Rice Systems during Grain Filling Stage
Wiggenhauser M, Aucour A-M, Telouk P, Ma JF & Sarret G

Telouk Philippe (2023) Beyond Ultra-Sensitive Trace Elemental Analysis: A New era for Isotope Composition Using Tandem ICP-MS
Telouk P, Albalat E, Albarede F, Bourdon B & Balter V
(2023) Calcium and Potassium Isotopes Analyses Using the Neoma MC-ICP-MS with and Without the MS/MS Option: Benefits and Limitations
Albalat E, Telouk P & Balter V
(2022) Strontium Isotopes Measurement of Certified Reference Materials, Igneous and Biological Apatite Samples Using the MC-ICP-MS Neoma in MS/MS Mode and Laser Ablation (LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS)
Telouk P, Guiserix D, Craig G, Martin J & Balter V
(2022) Potassium Isotopes Analyses of Biological Samples Using the MC-ICP-MS NEOMA
Telouk P, Albalat E, Craig G, Arnaud-Godet F & Balter V
(2021) High-Precision Pb and Ag Isotope Analysis of Galenas from Spain: New Insights into Silver Ore Exploitation in Roman Times
Milot J, Malod-Dognin C, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P, Ayarzagüena Sanz M & Albarede F
(2021) Copper Isotope for Potential Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
Kazi Tani LS, Gourlan AT, Dennouni-Medjati N, Dali Sahi M, Harek Y, Belhadj M, Telouk P & Charlet L
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Marine Food Webs
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Metian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Telouk P, Cherel Y & Vigier N
(2021) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Biological Reference Materials and Automated Li Separation Using PrepFAST MCTM
Weppe L, Thibon F, Montanes M, Telouk P, Viscardi A & Vigier N
(2021) From Soil to Bean: Tracing Cd Pathways in Cacao Trees
Blommaert H, Aucour A-M, Wiggenhauser M, Telouk P, Smolders E & Sarret G
(2021) Biological Fractionations of Lithium Isotopes
Vigier N, Thibon F, Bustamante P, Counillon L, Metian M, Telouk P & Team I
(2019) Lead Isotopes Inform on Crude Oil Migration Processes
Fetter N, Blichert-Toft J, Ludden J, Lepland A, Sanchez Borque J, Greenhalgh E, Garcia B, Edwards D, Telouk P & Albarede F
(2019) Combined Cadmium Stable Isotope and Solid State Speciation Measurements in Contaminated Soil-Rice Systems
Wiggenhauser M, Aucour A-M, Telouk P, Campillo S, Bureau S, Ma JF & Sarret G
(2019) Copper Isotope in Serum of Thyroid Cancer Patients
Kazi tani S, Dennouni Medjati N, Telouk P, Gourland A, Toubhans B, Dali Sahi M & Charlet L
(2017) A Comprehensive Box-Model for Calcium Isotopes in Humans
Tacail T, Balter V, Pelletier S, Barbesier M, Hernandez J-A, Jaouen K, Lafage-Proust M-H, Lamboux A, Soulage C, Télouk P, Wegrzyn J, Albarède F & Fouque D
(2015) Precise Analysis of Ca Isotopes Natural Variations in Biological and Igneous Apatites Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Tacail T, Télouk P & Balter V
(2015) Copper and Sulfur Isotope Variations in Liver Cancer
Balter V, Nogueira da Costa A, Bondanese V, Jaouen K, Lamboux A, Vincent N, Fourel F, Télouk P, Gigou M, Lécuyer C, Bréchot C, Albarède F & Hainaut P
(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M
(2013) A Mass Fractionation Law for High-Transmission MC-ICP-MS
Albarède F, Telouk P & Albalat E
(2009) Use of Sn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Ag and Pb Isotope Analyses by MC-ICP-MS to Track Potosi Silver
Desaulty A-M, Kuga M, Tereygeol F, Albalat E, Telouk P & Albarède F
(2007) Li Isotopic Signature of the Reunion Plume Inferred from Li-Pb Isotope Systematic of Piton de la Fournaise Historic Lavas
Vlastelic I, Telouk P & Staudacher T
(2004) Magnesium Isotopes in Fe-Mn Nodules
Rose-Koga E, Albarede F & Telouk P
(2004) The Ni Isotope Geochemistry of Chondrites and Iron Meteorites
Moynier F, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P & Albarède F
(2002) 182Hf-182W in Meteorites and the Timescale for Planetary Formation
Yin Q-Z, Jacobsen SB, Yamashita K, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P & Albarede F
(2002) 142Nd Anomaly Confirmed at Isua
Boyet M, Abarede F, Telouk P & Rosing M
(2001) In Search for 142Nd Anomalies in Isua Amphibolites, West Greenland
Boyet M, Albarède F, Télouk P & Rosing M
(2000) Evidence for Extinct 92Nb Radioactivity in Chondrites and SNC Meteorites
Sanloup C, Blichert-Toft J, Télouk P, Gillet P & Albarède F
(2000) Ancient Oceanic Plateaus in the Source of EMI Basalts: Evidence from Sardinian Basalt Geochemistry
Gasperini D, Blichert-Toft J, Bosch D, del Moro A, Macera P, Télouk P & Albarède F

Telscher M. (2021) Turnover Mass Balance of Bromoxynil in Two German Soils
Namini M, Miltner A, Nowak KM, Telscher M, Seidel E & Kaestner M

Telsiz S. (2011) Origin of Miocene Volcanic Rocks from Eskisehir, NW Anatolia, Turkey
Telsi̇z S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Eskişehir, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2007) Geochemical Properties of Miocene Basaltic Rocks from Yavuzeli-Araban-Narli Region, Southeast Anatolia, TURKEY
Telsiz S, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Alpaslan M
(2004) Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from Guvem District, NW Central Anatolia, Turkey
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A

Telus M. (2023) Chondritic Meteorite Outgassing Experiments: Implications for the Volatile Composition and Early Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
Thompson M, Telus M & Fortney JJ
(2022) Building Rocky Planets and their Atmospheres: Meteorite Outgassing Experiments and the Lamat Summer Research Program
Thompson M, Telus M & Fortney JJ
(2021) Leveraging Meteorite Outgassing Experiments to Constrain the Initial Atmospheres of Terrestrial Exoplanets
Thompson M, Telus M, Schaefer L, Fortney JJ, Joshi T & Lederman D
(2013) MC-ICPMS and NRIXS: A Stereo View of Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Silicic Magmas
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Telus M, Hu M, Alp E, Moynier F, Sio C, Tissot F, Teng F, Neuville D, Nabelek P, Craddock P, Groat L & Zhao J

Temel A. (2018) Insights on the PTX Fluid-Conditions of the Afyon Volcanic Rocks (Western Anatolia, Turkey) from Natural Rocks and Phase Relation Experiments
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Cichy SB, Spallanzani R & Temel A
(2016) New K-Ar Ages of Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Volcanism in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Guillou H, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Çayırhan Volcano-Sedimentary Units, Beypazarı, Ankara, Turkey
Uyanık Sönmez Ö & Temel A
(2014) Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Magmatism from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP): Mineralogy and P-T Estimates
Doğan GD, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2013) Adakite-Like Volcanism in Boyabat Region, Turkey: Geochemistry and Petrogenesis
Yesiloren-Gormus N & Temel A
(2013) Reconstructing the Magma Feeding System of the Cappadocian Ignimbrites (Turkey) Through Amphibole Thermobarometry
Médard E, Le Pennec J-L, Francomme J, Temel A & Nauret F
(2011) Origin of Miocene Volcanic Rocks from Eskisehir, NW Anatolia, Turkey
Telsi̇z S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2011) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Emet Borate Basin, Kütahya, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Hatipoglu ZN & Temel A
(2010) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Sepiolite Deposits at Polatlı Basin (Ankara, Turkey)
Çelik Karakaya M, Karakaya N & Temel A
(2010) Origin of the Neoformation Minerals in the Polatlı Volcano-Sedimentary Lacustrine Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Temel A, Akdag N & Varol E
(2010) Geochemical and Petrological Characteristics of The Carnian Basic Volcanic Rocks from The Alakircay Nappe of The Antalya Nappes, SW Turkey
Varol E, Tekin UK & Temel A
(2009) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of The Borate Bearing Kirka Volcanosedimentary Lacustrine Basin, Gocenoluk Area, Eskisehir, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Sahin T, Temel A & Sylvester P
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Afyon Volcanics, West Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Doğan GD, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Demirbağ H
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Eskişehir, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2007) Petrology and Geochemistry of Cemilkoy Ignimbrite, Cappadocia, Turkey
Dogan GD, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2007) Geochemical Properties of Miocene Basaltic Rocks from Yavuzeli-Araban-Narli Region, Southeast Anatolia, TURKEY
Telsiz S, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Alpaslan M
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Quaternary Volcanic Rocks from Hatay Region, Southern Turkey: Evidence for Lithospheric Mantle Source
Varol E, Frei R, Alpaslan M, Kurt MA & Temel A
(2007) Petrogenesis of Delihalil Quaternary Basaltic Volcanism, South Anatolia, Turkey
Temel A, Frei R, Alpaslan M & Kurt MA
(2004) Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from Guvem District, NW Central Anatolia, Turkey
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2004) Origin of the Ultrapotassic Volcanics within the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Ulukışla Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Alpaslan M, Frei R, Kurt M, Temel A & Boztu D
(2003) Alkaline and Subalkaline Intrusives within the Post-Collisional Ulukisla Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Transition from Extentional to Compressional Tectonics
Kurt M, Alpaslan M, Boztug D & Temel A
(2002) Petrology and Geochemistry of Çamlıdere Volcanic Rocks, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Varol E, Temel A & Yurur T
(2002) Petrographic and Geochemical Evidences Indicating the Crustal Assimilation in the Within-Plate Basalts: Karasar Basalt (Divri›i-Sivas, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Yilmaz H, Alpaslan M & Temel A
(2002) Some Textural and Geochemical Evidences on Mixing and Mingling in the Genesis of Karamagara Volcanics, Saraykent-Yozgat, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Alpaslan M, Otlu N, Ekici T, Temel A & Boztug D
(2000) The Role of Asthenospheric Mantle in the Generation of Tertiary Basaltic Alkaline Volcanism in the Polatli-Ankara Region, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Constraints from Major-Element, Trace-Element and Sr-Nd Isotopes
Temel A, Gourgaud A, Alici P & Bellon H
(2000) Petrology and Geochemistry of Balkuyumcu-Ankara Volcanics, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Varol E, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Bellon H

Temel M. (2011) Microbial Community Diversity in Oylat Cave and their Roles on Biogeochemical Cycling
Gulecal Y & Temel M

Temgoua E. (2002) Arsenic in Spring Waters and Soils in Southern Switzerland: Evidence of Complex Weathering and Re-deposition Processes
Temgoua E & Pfeifer H-R

Temgoua Louis (2015) Radionuclide Mobility Determining Processes Investigated by STXM
Schäfer T, Huber F, Temgoua L, Claret F, Darbha GK, Chagneau A & Jacobsen C

Temgoua Louis Geraldin (2014) Influence of Reaction Parameters on the Nucleation and Growth of SrSO4/SrCO3 Determining the Fate of An(III)/Ln(III)
Temgoua LG, Chagneau A, Schaefer T & Geckeis H
(2013) Effect of Solution Supersaturation and Presence/Absence of Seeding Crystals on the Precipitation Kinetics of Celestite and Strontianite
Temgoua LG, Chagneau A, Geckeis H & Schaefer T

Temime Roussel B. (2023) Multiphase Atmospheric Fate of Muconaldehyde
Brun N, Gonzalez-Sanchez JM, Ravier S, Temime Roussel B, Harb S, Cirtog M, Picquet-Varrault B, Brigante M, Mailhot G, Clément J-L & Monod A

Temizel İ. (2017) U-Pb Zircon Dating and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Systematics of Post-Collisional I-Type Monzonitic Intrusions in the Gölköy (Ordu) Area, NE Turkey
Arslan M, Temizel İ, Abdioğlu Yazar E, Aslan Z & Kaygusuz A
(2017) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Geochemistry and U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Post-Collisional Adakitic Intrusion in the Southwest of Samsun, N Turkey
Temizel İ, Arslan M, Abdioğlu Yazar E, Kaygusuz A & Aslan Z
(2014) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions of Carboniferous Magmatism in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
Kaygusuz A, Si̇pahi̇ F, Arslan M, Temizel I & S. Eker C
(2011) Whole-Rock Chemostratigraphy of Diverse Magma Series in the Tertiary Alkaline Volcanics of Trabzon-Giresun Area, NE Turkey
Yücel C, Arslan M, Temizel İ & Abdioğlu E
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence of Post-Collisional Extensional Volcanism of the Eastern Pontide Paleo-Arc, NE Turkey
Arslan M, Boztug D, Temizel I, Kolayli H, Sen C, Abdioglu E, Ruffet G & Harlavan Y
(2007) Petrochemical and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronogical Evidence of Post-Collisional Tertiary Calc-Alkaline Volcanism in the Ulubey (Ordu), Eastern Pontide, NE Turkey
Temizel I, Arslan M & Ruffet G

Temovski M. (2022) Šumovit Greben, a Tale of a Rhyolitic Lava Dome
Molnár K, Dibacto S, Lahitte P, Arató R, Benkó Z, Szepesi J, Agostini S, Döncző B & Temovski M

Tempel R. (2008) Hydrogeochemical Controls on Arsenic Enrichment in Waters and Sediments of the Humboldt River, North-Central Nevada
Mohammad S & Tempel R

Tempest K. (2011) Noble Gas Isotope Fractionation during Air-Sea Exchange: A Tracer for Mechanisms that Determine N2/Ar Ratios in the Ocean
Emerson S, Tempest K & Hamme R

Templado J. (2009) Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean Sea: High Resolution Constraints from Vermetid Reefs
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