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Tartese Romain (2018) Lunar Halogen Determinations Using a Noble Gas Approach
Burgess R, Clay P, Joy K, McDonald F, Busemann H, Ruzie-Hamilton L, Joachim B, Tartese R, Lyon I & Ballentine C

Tartese Romain (2019) Mass Independent Fractionation in of Titanium Isotopes
Robert F, Tartese R, Gonzalez-Cano A & Chaussidon M

Tartese Romain (2021) The Volatile Inventory and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Apatite in the Brachina Meteorite
Tartese R, Marrocchi Y, Piani L & Anand M
(2021) Apatite Halogen and Hydrogen Isotope Constraints on the Conditions of Hydrothermal Alteration in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Piralla M, Tartese R, Marrocchi Y & Joy KH
(2021) Evidence for Oxidised Sulfur in the Mantle beneath the Western Canary Islands Revealed by the Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Melt Inclusions
Taracsák Z, Hartley ME, Burgess R, Edmonds M, Longpré M-A, Tartese R & Turchyn A(

Tartese Romain (2023) Néma 001 – A Fragment of the Crust of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body?
Tartese R, Gattacceca J, Devouard B, Debaille V, Joy KH, Sonzogni C & Jambon A

Tarvainen T. (2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2019) Risk Management of As in the Agricultural Soils of Europe
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Turkki A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Pinka J, Jordan I, Le Guedard M, Jones C, Elert M, Müller I, Tarvainen T, Hatakka T & Kaija J
(2013) Elemental Patterns in Agricultural and Grazing Land Soils in Norway, Finland and Sweden – What Have We Learned from Continental Scale Mapping?
Ladenberger A, Uhlbäck J, Andersson M, Reimann C, Tarvainen T, Sadeghi M, Morris G & Eklund M

Tas E. (2010) Efficient Bromine-Induced Mercury Oxidation Observed Under Temperate Conditions at the Dead Sea
Obrist D, Peleg M, Fain X, Matveev V, Tas E, Asaf D & Luria M

Tas N. (2009) Regulation of Biogeochemical Fluxes Through Microbial Networks
Roling W, Staats M, Tas N & Wegkamp A

Tasai Y. (2009) Multi-Stage Igneous Evolution of Anorthite in Three Type B CAIs
Tasai Y, Fagan T, Itoh S & Yurimoto H

Tasaka M. (2016) Pressure Dependence on Carbon Isotope Fractionation between Diamond and Iron Carbide Melt
Satish-Kumar M, Tasaka M, Yoshino T & So H
(2016) Rheological and Microstructural Development in Olivine Aggregates during Dislocation Creep Under Hydrous Conditions
Tasaka M, Zimmerman M & Kohlstedt D

Tasaka Y. (2019) Chemical State of Dissolved Aluminum in Silicic Acid Solution and its Adsorption Behavior to Silica
Masunaga S, Tasaka Y, Yonezu K, Kiyota Y, Watanabe K & Yokoyama T

Tasáryová Z. (2011) Geochemical Constraints on Petrogenesis and Geotectonic Setting for Silurian Basalts of the Prague Synform (Bohemian Massif)
Tasáryová Z, Janoušek V, Frýda J, Manda Š, Petr Š & Jakub T

Tase N. (2008) Estimation of Recharge Water Flux into Confined Aquifer System in Northeastern Osaka Basin, Japan
Yamanaka M, Nakano T & Tase N
(2007) Sulfur System in Anoxic Confined Aquifers in the Northeastern Osaka Basin, Japan
Yamanaka M, Nakano T & Tase N

Tasev G. (2021) Tl Sequestration in the Middle Part of the Allchar Sb–As–Tl–Au Deposit, North Macedonia
Đorđević T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Majzlan J, Peřestá M, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B
(2020) Mobility of Tl and Hg in the As-Rich Waste Dumps of Adit no. 25, Former Allchar Mine, North Macedonia
Dordevic T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Peresta M, Majzlan J, Kiefer S, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B
(2019) A Case Study of Realgar and Stibnite Weathering in an Iron-Deficient Environment: The Abandoned Lojane Flotation Tailings Dump, North Macedonia
Đorđević T, Kolitsch U, Serafimovski T, Tasev G, Stöger-Pollach M & Boev B
(2009) Assessment of the Heavy Metal Contamination in Surficial Sediments from Kalimanci Lake (Macedonia)
Rogan N, Dolenec T, Serafimovski T, Tasev G & Dolenec M

Tashakor M.
(2015) Geochemical Assessment of Serpentinite Heavy Metals and Fluvial Ingress in Tropical Settings
Tashakor M & Hochwimmer B

Tashiro T. (2016) The Nulliak Supracrustal Rocks, Labrador, Canada: Their Occurrence, Age, and the Oldest Evidence for Life
Komiya T, Aoki S, Koshiba K, Tashiro T, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa A, Ishida A, Hori M, Igisu M & Sano Y

Tasi A. (2019) Impact of α–D–gluconic Acid on the Solubility and Speciation of An(III)/Ln(III) in Dilute to Concentrated NaCl/MgCl2 Solutions
Tasi A, Gaona X, Rabung T, Kutus B, Sipos P, Altmaier M & Geckeis H
(2019) Calcium Silica Speciation and Carbonation in Cement Systems
Blanc P, Tasi A, Gaona X, Andre L, Grangeon S, Lach A, Altmaier M & Madé B

Tasker T. (2019) Tracking Oil and Gas Isotopic Signatures in Freshwater Bivalves
Warner N, Piotrowski P, Dorman F, Geeza T, McDevitt B, Tasker T & Gillikin D
(2018) Mobility of Contaminants in Waste Fluids Applied to Dirt and Gravel Roads for Dust Suppression
Stallworth A, Warner N, Tasker T & Burgos W

Tasnadi F. (2011) Importance of Correlation Effects in First-Principles Simulations of Iron at High-Pressure
Pourovskii L, Glazyrin K, Dubrovinsky LS, Tasnadi F, Ekholm M, Katsnelson M, Ruban AV & Abrikosov I

Tassan-Got L (2006) (U-Th)/Ne chronometry
Gautheron C, Tassan-Got L & Farley K

Tassan-Got Laurent (2023) 40Ar Closure Dynamics in Mantle Phlogopite: Theoretical Constraints on Pressure Effects
Nteme J, Scaillet S, Brault P & Tassan-Got L
(2017) He and Ne Diffusion Modeling in Minerals: Insight from Atomic to Mineralogical Scale
Gautheron C, Roques J & Tassan-Got L
(2013) Chemical Influence on Recoil Damage Annealing and Impact on (U-Th)/He Age in Apatite
Gautheron C, Pinna R, Ketcham R, Tassan-Got L, Carter A & Pagel M
(2013) He Diffusion on Apatite Viewed by Microbeam ERDA and RBS Experiments
Gerin C, Oliviero E, Bachelet C, Tassan-Got L & Gautheron C

Tassara C.S. (2017) Gold Particles in Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Tassara CS, González-Jiménez JM, Reich M, Morata D, Schilling M & Barra F

Tassara S. (2023) From a Fertile Mantle Source to Epithermal Deposits: Tracing the Flux of Precious Metals Across the Lithosphere
Tassara S, Rooney A, Ague J, Guido D, Reich M, Barra F & Navarrete C
(2019) Minor and Trace Elements Fingerprints on Spinels of Mantle Xenoliths from North and South America
Colás V, Dávalos-Elizondo MG, Tassara S, González-Jiménez JM, Aranda-Gómez JJ & Schilling M
(2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F

Tassi F. (2023) Geochemical Markers of Magmatic Solicitations to Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems: The Long-Standing Unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Dissected via Non-Condensable Gases
Moretti R, Robert V, Moune S, Inostroza Pizarro M, Jessop DE, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Bonifacie M, Fiebig J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Chilin-Eusebe E, Grassa F, Metcalfe A & Allard P
(2020) Elevated Natural As in Surface Water Around the Guallatiri Volcano, Northern Chile
Inostroza M, Aguilera F, Tapia J, Sepulveda J & Tassi F
(2019) “Sources and Pathways of Fluid Migration in Mt. Amiata Area (Central Italy): Novel Insights from Full Noble Gas Isotope Investigations”
Magi F, Darrah TH, Minissale AA, Pandeli E, Tassi F & Vaselli O
(2018) Abiotic Hydrocarbons in Earth's Crust: A Phantom?
Fiebig J, Tassi F, Stefansson A, Viveiros F, Silva C, D'Alessandro W, Ricci A, Schreiber C, Lopez T & Mountain B
(2017) Extreme Isotope Fractionation of Hydrothermal Methane due to Oxidation Processes in Hot Springs of Central Greece
D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Gagliano AL, Calabrese S, Fiebig J, Tassi F & Kyriakopoulos K
(2017) Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Hydrocarbons in Volcanic-Hydrothermal Emissions
Fiebig J, Tassi F, Stefansson A, Viveiros F, D'Alessandro W, Ricci A & Lopez T
(2013) Fluid Geochemistry of the Deep CO2-Rich Caprese Reservoir (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Bicocchi G, Tassi F, Bonini M, Capecchiacci F, Ruggieri G, Chiodini G, Buccianti A & Vaselli O
(2013) Gas Discharges for Continental Spain: Geochemical and Isotopic Features
Vaselli O, Nisi B, Tassi F, Darrah T, Bruno J, Elio J, Grandia F & Del Villar LP
(2013) Acid Water Problem: Mining Districts from Tuscany (Central Italy)
Nisi B, Raco B, Vaselli O, Abebe T, Battaglini R, Masetti G, Tassi F, Lelli M & Doveri M
(2012) Hydrothermal Hydrocarbon Gases: Geothermometry and Origins
Fiebig J, Tassi F, D'Alessandro W, Vaselli O & Woodland A
(2009) Sourcing Hydrocarbons in CO2-rich Hydrothermal Systems
Fiebig J, Tassi F, D'Alessandro W & Woodland A
(2009) Influence of the Analytical Errors in Geochemical Modeling Programs
Bicocchi G, Buccianti A, Montegrossi G & Tassi F
(2007) Statistical Evaluation of Anomalous Compositions in Fluid Geochemistry
Buccianti A, Tassi F & Vaselli O
(2006) Natural fluctuation of sulfur species (SO2, H2S and S80 ) in volcanic fumaroles
Minissale A, Montegrossi G, Tassi F, Vaselli O & Buccianti A
(2000) Hydrogeochemistry of the Bakony-Balaton-Highland Volcanic Field (Western Hungary)
Bodó P, Vaselli O, Szabó C, Tassi F, Casiglia A & Magro G
(2000) Multivariate Analysis of Water Geochemical Data: A Case Study in the Chiavenna Valley (Central Alps, Northern Italy)
Buccianti A, Vaselli O, Minissale A, Tassi F & Gallorini L
(2000) Fluid Geochemistry vs. Neotectonics: Constraints from the Rapolano Terme Area (Siena-Radicofani Basin, Central-Northern Apennine, Italy)
Minissale A, Vaselli O, Tassi F, Grechi G, Magro G & Montegrossi G
(2000) Analysis of Sulphur Species in Volcanic Gases
Montegrossi G, Tassi F, Vaselli O & Garofalo K
(2000) The Southern Strimon Lineament (Bulgaria/Greece): A Fluid Geochemistry Study
Vaselli O, Rossi F, Tassi F, Magro G, Petrov P, Kolios N, Minissale A & Marchev P

Tassinari Colombo (2022) The Jebilet-Rehamna-Fourhal Large Igneous Province of 348-340 ma (Meseta, Variscan Belt, Morocco): U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry, and Links with Coeval Magmatism on Other Crustal Blocks
Moutbir O, Ait lahna A, Khadraoui FZ, Youbi N, Tassinari C, Ernst RE, El Bilali H & Hadimi I
(2017) Pb Isotopic Constraints on Multi-Stage Fluid Migration; Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Tassinari C, Ferreira E, Mateus A, Azerêdo A & Riccomini C
(2013) Evidences of Paleoproterozoic Metamorphism in the NW Region of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero Area, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications for Gold Mineralizations
Tassinari C, Velaskez M, Munha J, Lobato L, Mateus A & Campos W
(2013) Nd and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Sediments and Associated Biota from Tagus and Sado Estuaries (Portugal)
Moreira S, Freitas MC, Munhá J, Andrade C & Tassinari C
(2010) Geochemical Patterns of Spartina maritima from Portuguese Estuaries
Moreira S, Freitas MC, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Andrade C
(2010) Petrological Cooling Rates from Central Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): New Breakthroughs and Developments
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Fonseca P & Tassinari C
(2008) C-O-H Isotopic Evidences for Fluid Sources of Granulites in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Fonseca P
(2008) Pseudosection and Thermobarometry Constraints on the P-T-T Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Munhá J, Bento dos Santos T, Tassinari C & Fonseca P
(2008) Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidences for Sources and Processes of Granulite Formation in Ribeira Belt, Brazil
Tassinari C, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J & Fonseca P
(2008) Thermochronological and Structural Analysis of the Geodynamic Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Fonseca P, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Dias Neto C
(2007) Thermochronological Evidence for Long-Term Elevated Geothermal Gradients in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C, Fonseca P & Dias Neto C

Tassinari Colombo C.G. (2017) Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Pb Isotope Compositions in Metasediments of the Iberian Pyrite Belt; Relevance to Mineral Exploration
Luz F, Mateus A, Figueiras J, Tassinari CCG & Gonçalves L
(2016) Comparing the Cana Brava and Niquelândia Complexes: Large Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Lower Crust and Contamination Processes
Giovanardi T, Girardi VAV, Correia CT, Sinigoi S, Tassinari CCG, Mazzucchelli M & Sforna MC

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