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Taracsak Zoltan (2023) What can Sulfur Isotope Ratios Measured in Melt Inclusions Tell us About the Subduction Zone Sulfur Cycle?
Taracsak Z, Mather TA, Pyle D, Plank T, Ding S, Peccia A & Aiuppa S

Tarakanov S (2004) Helium in Quartz Crystals and Pore Fluids: Equilibrium – Concentration Concept and Helium Residence Times
Gannibal M, Tolstikhin I, Tarakanov S, Pevzner B & Lehmann B
(2002) Residence Time of Helium Isotopes in Sediments and Related Groundwaters, Molasse Basin, Northern Switzerland
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Gannibal M, Tarakanov S, Lehmann BE & Waber HN

Tarakanov Sergey (2009) Mantle and Crustal Helium in Ancient Mafic Rocks: Components, Sites and Mobilities
Tolstikhin I, Kamensky I, Tarakanov S, Kramers J, Pekala M, Skiba V & Gannibal M

Taran L. (2011) The 1.86-1.84 Ga Magmatism in the Western East European Craton: Implications for a Convergent Continental Margin
Skridlaite G, Whitehouse M, Bogdanova S & Taran L

Taran M. (2017) High-Pressure Behavior of Natural and Synthetic Triphylite
Efthimiopoulos I, Taran M, Wilke M & Koch-Müller M

Taran Olga (2013) A Possible Route to Potassium Enriched Aqueous Solutions on Early Earth
Taran O, Lange H & Whitesides G

Taran Oxana (2019) Fate of Elements in Marine Systems: Evidence from Salt Lake Sediments
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Taran O, Chikunov A, Rozanov A, Surkov O, Peltek S & Zhmodik S
(2013) A Cyano-Bacterial Community as a Possible Agent of Ge Аccumulation in Coal
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Morozova V, Babkin I, Tikunova N, Taran O, Shuvaeva O & Zhmodik S

Taran Y. (2021) Origin of Magmatism of the Sredinny Range, Kamchatka, Constrained by Noble Gas Isotopes
Fukagawa M, Volynets A, Sumino H, Churikova T, Pevzner M & Taran Y
(2016) Geochemistry, Time Evolution and Solute Fluxes of Hydrothermal Systems of Karymsky Volcanic Center, Kamchatka
Taran Y, Kalacheva E, Inguaggiato S & Cardellini C
(2016) High-Temperature Fumarolic Activity at Kudriavy Volcano (Iturup Isl, Kuriles) during Past 25 Years
Chaplygin I, Taran Y & Inguaggiato S
(2016) Geochemistry and Solute Fluxes from Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems of Kunashir, Kuril Island Arc
Kalacheva E, Taran Y, Kotenko T & Inguaggiato S
(2013) How Much Magmatic Water is Transported by Volcanic Gases?
Taran Y, Zelenski M & Chaplygin I
(2013) The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Volcanic Fluids
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Fridriksson T & Caliro S
(2012) 3He/4He in Volcanic and Hydrothermal Fluids of the Mexican Subduction Zone
Taran Y & Inguaggiato S
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes in Volcanic Fluids of Different Geodynamic Settings
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Fridriksson T, Melián G & D'Alessandro W
(2008) Inverse Carbon Isotopic Trend in Hydrocarbons from Hydrothermal Fluids of Socorro Island, Mexico
Taran Y & Cienfuegos E
(2007) Volatile Budget of the Kamchatka Arc
Taran Y
(2007) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from Volcanic Lakes
Mazot A, Bernard A & Taran Y
(2005) Transport of Elements by High-Temperature and Highly Oxidized Gases from Colima Volcano
Gonzalez-Hernandez G & Taran Y
(2004) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Bubbling Gases from Some Thermal Springs at Jalisco Block, Mexico: Evidence of a 15Nenriched Source
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Capasso G, Favara R, Grassa F, Varley N & Faber E
(2004) Identification of Several Mineralising Events with Combined (UTh)/ He Dating and Lanthanide Geochemistry at La Azul Fluorite Deposit (Mexico)
Pi T, Solé J & Taran Y
(2003) Light Hydrocarbons in Volcanic and Hydrothermal Fluids
Taran Y

Tarantino Serena (2019) Mineralogy of Serpentines at the Sub-Micron Scale
Elmaleh A, Wright J, Tarantino S & Baptiste B

Tarantino Serena C. (2018) Insights into Water-Rock Interactions in Carbonaceous Chondrites from µ/Nano-Xrd-Ct
Elmaleh A, Wright JP, Baptiste B, Tarantino SC, Doisneau B & Troadec D

Tarantino Serena Chiara (2013) Crystal Chemistry and Magnetism of Fe-Serpentines Based on XMCD
Elmaleh A, Arrio M-A, Juhin A, Sainctavit P, Tarantino SC, Zema M, Auzende A-L, Smekhova A & Rogalev A

Tarantola A. (2021) Geochemistry of CH4 Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2) within Fluid Inclusions in Alpine Tectonic Quartz Fissures
Mangenot XA, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J
(2021) Do Ancient Brines Trapped as Fluid Inclusions in Unconformity-Related Deposits Differ from Present-Day Porewaters in Triassic Aquifers of the Paris Basin?
Lenoir L, Blaise T, Chourio-Camacho D, Tarantola A, Agrinier P, Richard A, Rigaudier T, Monvoisin G, Bardoux G, Brigaud B & Barbarand J
(2020) Generation of Thermogenic Methane in the Central Alps (Switzerland) during Mid Miocene Metamorphism – New Insights from Paired Clumped Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2)
Mangenot X, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J
(2019) LIBS Imaging for Geological Samples: Short Review of Applications
Motto-Ros V, Fabre C, Trichard F, Pelascini F, Panczer G, Gaft M, Cugerone A, Genty D, Cauzid J, Tarantola A & Munoz M
(2017) Ore-Forming Fluids in the Maoping and Piaotang W-Sn Deposits (Jiangxi, China)
Legros H, Richard A, Mercadier J, Tarantola A, Kouzmanov K, Vennemann T, Bailly L, Marignac C, Charles N, Wang R-C, Cuney M & Lespinasse M-Y
(2012) Dating Fluid Flow Events in a Shallow Sedimentary Basin: The Key Contribution of K-Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illite
Blaise T, Clauer N, Cathelineau M, Boulvais P, Boiron M-C, Techer I, Tarantola A & Landrein P
(2009) Modification of Fluid Inclusions by Experimental Plastic Deformation of Natural Single Quartz
Tarantola A, Diamond LW & Stünitz H
(2007) Experimental Re-equilibration of Quartz-Hosted H2O-CO2-NaCl Inclusions Under Differential Stress Using a Griggs Apparatus
Tarantola A, Diamond L & Stünitz H

Tararushkin E.V. (2023) Nanoconfined Water in the 10-Å Phase at Subduction Zone Conditions: Classical and ab Initio MD Simulations up to 7 GPa and 800 K
Kalinichev AG, Tararushkin EV & Smirnov GS
(2023) The Structure of Uranyl Sorbed on Smectite Clays: Experiment and Modelling
Krot A, Tararushkin EV, Trigub A & Vlasova IE
(2021) Equation of State and Elasticity of Brucite at High Temperatures and Pressures from Classical Atomistic Simulations
Tararushkin EV & Kalinichev AG
(2021) Structural and Vibrational Properties of Ettringite from Classical Atomistic Simulations
Tararushkin EV, Pisarev VV & Kalinichev AG

Tarascon J-M. (2013) Textural Control over Electron Transfer and Reaction with Li<sup>+</sup> of Biomineralized Fe-Oxides
Miot J, Recham N, Larcher D, Guyot F & Tarascon J-M

Tarasenko I. (2011) Hydrogeochemistry and Origin of Cold High pCO2 Waters of Gonjinskoe spa (Priamurye, Russia)
Kharitonova N, Tarasenko I & Chelnokov G

Taraškevičius R. (2013) Important Factors for Geochemical Research of Stream Sediments Near Storm Water Outflow Sites
Taraškevičius R, Zinkutė R & Stankevičius Ž

Tarasov K.A. (2005) Greigite – Now you see it now you Don‚t: An in situ ED-Xrd Study
Hunger S, Benning LG & Tarasov KA

Tarasov N. (2019) Experimental Study of Chemical Re-magnetization of Rocks: Implication for LIP of the Karelian Craton Dating
Bychkov A, Lubnina N, Osadchii V & Tarasov N
(2019) Early Paleoproterozoic Paleogeography of Karelian and Superior Cratons: New Paleomagnetic and AMS Data from 2.45-2.1 Ga Mafic Intrusions
Lubnina N, Stepanova A & Tarasov N

Tarassov M. (2023) Contemporary Precipitation of Tungsten-Bearing Ferrihydrite from Drainage Waters in the Grantcharitsa Tungsten Deposit, Bulgaria
Tarassov M, Tarassova E, Lyubomirova V & Stavrev M
(2015) The Integration Modes of Structural Bound W(VI) in Hematite and Goethite
Kreißl S, Bolanz R, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Tarassov M & Markl G

Tarassova E. (2023) Contemporary Precipitation of Tungsten-Bearing Ferrihydrite from Drainage Waters in the Grantcharitsa Tungsten Deposit, Bulgaria
Tarassov M, Tarassova E, Lyubomirova V & Stavrev M

Taravella S. (2023) Effect of Alluvial Gold Mines Rehabilitation on Mercury and Trace Metals Release to Hydrosystems (French Guiana)
Nitschke N, Tessier E, Ali A, Hellal J, Taravella S, Guedron S & Amouroux D

Tarawneh K. (2002) K-Ar Ages, Pb Isotopes and Geochemistry of Basalts from Ash Shaam Volcanic Field, NE Jordan
Harlavan Y, Weinberger R, Ilani S, Tarawneh K, Rabba I & Steinitz G

Tarbell M. (2005) Next-Generation Robotic Planetary Reconnaissance Missions: A Paradigm Shift
Fink W, Dohm J, Tarbell M, Hare T & Baker V

Tarbox B. (2018) An Apatite for American Lobster
Kunkel J, Tarbox B, Hild S, Bahadur A & Jercinovic M

Tarbuck G. (2023) Using Experiments to Interpret Lithium Isotope Records of Weathering and Erosion Across Past Climate Events
Wilson DJ, Gou L-F, Tarbuck G & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2019) Exploring Seasonal and Lithological Controls on Lithium Isotopes during Weathering
Wilson D, Pogge von Strandmann P, Tarbuck G, White J, Atkinson T & Hopley P

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