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Tapia C. (2019) Use of Magnetite/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Acid Mine Drainage Remediation
Tapia C, Rodríguez C & Leiva E

Tapia F.

Tapia Joseline (2020) Elevated Natural As in Surface Water Around the Guallatiri Volcano, Northern Chile
Inostroza M, Aguilera F, Tapia J, Sepulveda J & Tassi F
(2020) Origin and Distribution of As along an W-E Transect of Chile (19ºS)
Sepúlveda B, Tapia J & Bravo M
(2020) Origin, Distribution, and Biogeochemistry of Arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna Plateau of South America
Murray J, Tapia J, Ormachea M, Tirado N & Nordstrom K
(2017) Contaminant-Bearing Minerals and Related Elements of the Northern Atacama Region, Chile
Tapia J & Menzies A
(2010) Impact of Historical Mining Activities on Soils and Lacustrine Sediments in Oruro, Bolivian Altiplano
Tapia J, Audry S & Townley B
(2001) Mobilization of Platinum Group Elements Under Tropical Weathering Conditions
Tapia J & Loubet M
(2000) Platinum Group Elements (PGE) Mobility Under Tropical Weathering Conditions
Tapia J & Loubet M

Tapia Joseline Soledad (2022) Arsenic Distribution in Anthropogenically Impacted Soils of Northern Chile
Tapia JS, Valdes JR & Lavin PL

Tapia M.J. (2022) Zircon Petrochronology of Cretaceous Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposits of the Coastal Cordillera of Northern Chile
Barra F, Tapia MJ, Romero Núñez R, Reich M & Ojeda AJ

Tapia P.

Tapia Rodriguez F.E. (2020) What can Isotopes Tell us About the Atmospheric H2 Cycle?
Popa ME, Paul D, Janssen C, Felius F, Tapia Rodriguez FE & Röckmann T

Tappa E. (2010) Seasonal Variation in the Mg/Ca Ratio and δ18O of the Planktonic Foraminifera, Globigerina bulloides: Results from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Eastern Equatorial North Pacifc
Wejnert K, Thunell R, Tappa E, Machain M, Machain-Castillo ML, Argáez FRG, Nava XA & González-Chavez G

Tappa M. (2023) Reevaluation of the Highly Contested Nd Isotope Record of the 4.0-2.9 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada
Bauer AM, Mixon E, Tappa M & Reimink JR
(2018) Radiogenic Isotope Tracers of Marine Sediment Provenance in the Limpopo Catchment
Haws A, Hemming S, Baxter E, Caley T, Cai Y, Babin D & Tappa M
(2016) Ca and Ti Isotope Fractionation in Ca-, Al-Rich Inclusions
Simon J, Jordan M, Tappa M, Kohl I & Young E
(2013) Potassium Stable Isotopic Compositions Measured by High-Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Morgan L, Lloyd N, Ellam R, Simon J & Tappa M
(2011) Missed Connection: Ignimbrite Seeking Plutonic Relationship
Coleman D, Mills R & Tappa M
(2008) Thermal Evolution of Plutons in the Questa Caldera, NM
Tappa M, Zimmerer M & Coleman D

Tappe S. (2023) Calcium Isotope Constraints on the Mantle Sources of Volatile-Rich Alkaline Magmas
Chen C, Foley SF, Liu Y & Tappe S
(2023) Zinc Isotopes in Deep Carbonated Mantle Melts do not Hint at Recycled Carbon
Tappe S, Rosca C, Stracke A, König S, Strauss H & Schoenberg R
(2022) The Mineral Chemistry Derived Diamond Potential of NW Botswana: on- or Off-Craton in West Gondwanaland?
Shaikh A, Tappe S, Viljoen F, de Wit M & Ueckermann H
(2022) Mass-Dependent Titanium Isotope Variations of Global Carbonatites
Kommescher S, Magna T, Rapprich V, Fonseca ROC, Kynický J, Tappe S & Giebel RJ
(2022) Not yet on Everyone’s LIPs? Tasting the Potassic Flavours of Karoo Volcanism
Tappe S, Stracke A, Romer R & Schmitt A
(2022) IUGS Classification of Igneous Rocks Revisited: Update from the New Task Group
Lustrino M, Tappe S, Day JMD, Zellmer GF & Mitchell R
(2021) The Paleoarchean Buffalo River Komatiites: Evidence for Progressive Melting of a Single Large Mantle Plume beneath the Growing Kaapvaal Continent
Netshidzivhe T, Tappe S, Wilson A, Ishikawa A & Viljoen F
(2021) Cycling of Surficial Sulphur into the Lithospheric Mantle: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton Root
Burness S, Thomassot E, Smart K & Tappe S
(2021) Tracking Cratonic Lithosphere Thinning beneath Southern India with Mantle Xenocryst Geochemistry
Shaikh A, Tappe S, Bussweiler Y & Viljoen F
(2021) Calcium Isotopes in Cratonic Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Woodland AB, Harris C, Gussone N & Simonetti A
(2021) Late-Orogenic Juvenile Magmatism of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqualand Province (South Africa) and its Relation to REE-Th Monazite-Iron Oxide Mineralization
Ballouard C, Elburg MA, Harlov DE, Tappe S, Knoper MW, Eglinger A & Andreoli MAG
(2020) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Carbonatites, a Window into their Formation Conditions
Bouyon A, Klausen M, Mata J, Tappe S, Farquhar J & Cartigny P
(2019) Trace Elements in Olivine from Diamondiferous Lamproites: Proxies for Magma Origin and Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere Evolution
Shaikh A, Patel S, Bussweiler Y & Tappe S
(2019) Views of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Metal Budgets from Alkaline and Carbonate Magmas
Tappe S, Burness S, Smart K, Magna T & Stracke A
(2019) Metasomatic Effects of Sulphur-Bearing Carbonated Melts on the Lithospheric Mantle
Burness S, Smart KA, Tappe S, Stevens G & Woodland AB
(2018) Reduced Volatile Sources for Karelian Diamonds Linked to Punctuated Ultramafic Magmatism
Smart K, Cartigny P, Tappe S, O'Brien H & Klemme S
(2017) S-Bearing Metasomatism of Mantle Eclogites: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton and Experiments
Burness S, Smart K, Stevens G, Tappe S, Sharp ZD & Gibbons J
(2017) The Redox State of Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A, Simonetti S, Woodland A & Harris C
(2017) Cycling of the Elements of Life within the Archean Crust-Mantle System
Tappe S, Smart K & Stern R
(2016) Oxidized Carbon Species in the Early Archean Mantle: Clues to the Evolution of Plate Tectonics and Terrestrial Magmatism
Tappe S, Smart KA & Stern RA
(2016) Evidence for the Deep Archean Nitrogen Cycle from >3 Ga Diamonds
Smart KA, Tappe S & Stern RA
(2015) Metasomatic Growth of Eclogitic Diamonds from Decoupled Volatile Sources
Smart K, O'Brien H, Cartigny P, Tappe S, Klemme S & Harris C
(2015) The Misleading Role of Carbonatites in the Deep Volatile Cycle
Tappe S, Smart KA, Stracke A, Romer RL, Steenfelt A & Muehlenbachs K
(2014) Mantle Carbon Mobilization during Supercontinent Break-Up: Evidence from Kimberlites and their Diamonds
Tappe S, Kjarsgaard B & Aulbach S
(2013) The Role of Ultramafic Veins in Mafic Alkaline Magmatism: Contrary Evidence from Continental Intra-Plate Settings
Smart K, Tappe S, Stracke A, Romer R & Prelevic D
(2013) Linking Kimberlite Magmatism, Transition Zone Diamonds, and Subduction Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard B, Nowell G & Dowall D
(2012) Carbon Fluxes beneath Cratons: Insights from West Greenland Kimberlites and Carbonatites
Tappe S, Smart K, Stracke A, Romer R, Steenfelt A & Muehlenbachs K
(2012) Subduction-Driven Growth and Modification of Cratons: Examples from Canada and Greenland
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A & Klemme S
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links in Cratons
Pearson GD, Tappe S, Smart KA, Mather KA, Dale CW & Kjarsgaard BA
(2011) Rogue Hafnium Isotopes in Lac de Gras Kimberlites, Canada: Ultradeep vs. Shallow Mantle Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard BA, Nowell G & Dowell D
(2010) Relative Roles of Cratonic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Controlling Kimberlitic Magma Compositions: Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Evidence from the Greenland-Labrador Diamond Province
Tappe S, Pearson DG, Heaman L, Nowell G & Milstead P
(2009) Quest for Primary Carbonatite Melts beneath Cratons: A West Greenland Perspective
Tappe S, Heaman L, Romer R, Steenfelt A, Muehlenbachs K, Simonetti A & Stracke A
(2008) The Alleged Carbonatitic-Kimberlitic Melt Continuum: Contrary Evidence from West Greenland
Tappe S, Steenfelt A, Heaman L, Romer R, Simonetti A & Muehlenbachs K
(2007) Interactions between Carbonate Magmas and MARID Metasomes: The Case of Diamondiferous Aillikites from the Torngat Mountains, Canada
Tappe S, Foley S, Heaman L, Romer R, Stracke A, Kjarsgaard B & Jenner G
(2006) Ugandan kamafugites: Re-melting of a variable enriched veined subcontinental lithospheric mantle
Rosenthal A, Foley SF, Pearson GD, Nowell G & Tappe S

Tappen C. (2005) Depth of Andesitic Magma Storage beneath Mt. Mazama from Melt Inclusions and Experimental Petrology
Mandeville C, Webster J, Tappen C, Rutherford M, Hauri E & Bacon C

Tappenden V. (2019) St. Helena Type HIMU Plume Involved in Zealandia-Antarctica Breakup
Hoernle K, Timm C, Hauff F, Tappenden V, Werner R, Jolis EM, Mortimer N, Weaver S, Riefstahl F & Gohl K

Tappero Ryan (2020) Nano-XANES: Chemical Mapping with Hard X-Rays
Pattammattel A, Tappero R, Ge M, Chu Y, Huang X, Gao Y & Yan H
(2020) Multi-Modal Imaging of Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Pine Rhizosphere
Tappero R, Liao S, Bhatnagar J, Averill C, Chen K, Zhang K, Nicholas SL, O'Neill H, Bilheux H & Vilgalys R
(2019) Direct Detection of Solid-Phase Phosphorus Speciation in Agricultural Soils Using Paired µ-XRF Mapping and µ-XANES
Szerlag K, Northrup P, Tappero R, Siebecker M, Jaisi D & Sparks D
(2015) Functional Engineered Barriers for Geological Repositories: A Mineralogical Approach to Improved Radionuclide Sorption
Corkhill C, Bridge J, Crean D, Vigor J, Tappero R, Provis J, Murray C, Tang C & Hyatt N
(2014) Factors Influencing Tungsten Mobility in Soils from Fallon, Nevada
Hobson C, Datta S, Bednar A, Tappero R, Mohajern T, Johannesson K, Sheppard P, Witten M & Hettiarachchi G
(2013) Spatial Variation of Dissolution at Fracture Boundaries
Fitts JP, Deng H, Tappero R & Peters CA
(2012) Distribution and Speciation of Arsenic in Poultry Particulate Emissions
Carter S, Sparks D, Rule AM, Tappero R & Benson E
(2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigation of Tungsten in Natural Environments: An Emerging Contaminant
Hobson C, Johannesson K, Haug T, Telfeyan K, Tappero R & Datta S
(2011) Contrasting Sediment and Water Geochemistry between Low and Very High Arsenic Affected Areas in Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Neal A, Telfeyan K, Haug T, Tappero R, Ocheltree T, Johannesson K & Datta S
(2006) Root-induced Changes in Metal Speciation in the Rhizosphere and Metal Homeostasis in a Ni/Co Hyperaccumulator: A Spectromicroscopic Investigation
Tappero R & Sparks D

Tappero Ryan V (2023) Hydrothermal Chimney Weathering Time Series, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: The View from the Sulfur Edge
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Toner BM & Jamieson J
(2022) Active and Extinct Chimneys in the Endeavour Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ne Pacific Ocean Show Similar Mineralogy with Distinct Trace Metal Fingerprints
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Northrup P, Bak SM, Toner BM & Jamieson J

Tappero Ryan Vincent (2021) Investigating the Nano- and Micro-Scale Features of Continental Fractured-Rock Deep Biosphere
Toner BM, Schuler C, Nicholas SL, Tappero RV, Marcus MA & Santelli CM
(2021) Non-Reductive, Ligand-Promoted Dissolution is Responsible for Enhanced Weathering of Ferric (Oxy)hydroxides in the Pine (Mycor)rhizosphere
Tappero RV, Liao H-L(, Bhatnagar J, Averill C, Chen K-H(, Zhang K, Erhunmwunse A, Northrup P, Victor T, Nicholas SL, McCarthy L & Vilgalys R

Tappert R. (2019) Garnet –Pyroxenite Formation and Partial Melting during Cambrian Delamination beneath the Gondwanan Margin
Foden J, Segui D, Tappert R & Sossi P
(2018) Geodynamic Control of Atmospheric pO2 over the Phanerozoic Eon
Schoell M, Tappert R & Muehlenbachs K
(2016) An Oxygen Fugacity Profile of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Adelaide Fold Belt, Australia
Goodarzi P, Berry A, Newville M & Tappert R
(2015) Anomalous PVT Behaviour of Periclase – An Ultra-Sonic and Raman Study between -200° and +100° C
Mirwald PW, Paulini P, Tappert R & Stalder R
(2014) Estimating Atmospheric pO2 during the Phanerozoic Using the δ13C of Terrestrial Plant Organic Matter
Tappert R, Muehlenbachs K, McKellar R, Wolfe A & Schoell M
(2014) Differentiating Baltic and Bitterfeld Ambers Using Multiple Geochemical Approaches: Implications for the Fossil Record of Amber Inclusions
Muehlenbachs K, Wolfe A, McKellar R, Tappert R & Sodhi R
(2012) Is the Deuterium Isotope Composition of Amber a Reliable Inland Paleoclimatic Indicator?
Gonzalez G, Tappert R, Wolfe A & Muehlenbachs K
(2009) The Petrology of Kimberlites in South Australia
Tappert R, Foden J & Wills K
(2007) Geochemical Variability within the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Adelaide Fold Belt, South Australia
Tappert R, Foden J, Wills K & Goryniuk M
(2007) Variations of the Eocene Climate Reflected in the Isotopic Composition of Fossil Resins from the Northwest Territories, Canada
Tappert R, Wolfe A & Muehlenbachs K
(2006) Alluvial diamonds from Brazil: Where and what are their sources?
Tappert R, Stachel T, Muehlenbachs K, Harris J & Brey G

Tappin A. (2007) Natural Estuarine Particles and their Uptake of Nitrogen in Estuaries
Tappin A, Fitzsimons M & Millward G

Tappin D. (2000) Hf Isotope Evidence for Mantle Domain Boundaries in the Western Pacific
Kempton PD, Pearce JA & Tappin D

Tapponnier P. (2018) U/Th Open-System Behavior in Fossil Corals: An Applicability Test of Alpha-Recoil Based Model
Lu Y, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Tapponnier P & Wang X
(2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X
(2011) Patterns of Cosmogenic Age Distributions for Late Quaternary Moraines in Tibet
van der Woerd J, Kali E, Chevalier M-L, Liu-Zeng J, Mériaux A-S, Tapponnier P, Hilley G, Li H, Finkel R & Ryerson F

Tapsoba N. (2023) Comparative Efficiencies of Chemical Stabilization Agents to Reduce Molybdenum Mobility from Excavated Materials
Dumas A, Tapsoba N, De Windt L, Serclerat I & Huet B

Tapster Simon
(2019) Every Atom Counts: High-Precision U-Isotope Analysis on Nanogram Quantities of U from Geoenvironmental Materials
Banks L, Horstwood M, Tapster S, Chenery S, Smith D & Barry T
(2019) A New Method for Cassiterite ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology and Limitations on the Accuracy of Common Pb-Bearing Hydrothermal Mineral Ages
Tapster S & Bright J
(2019) Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Arc-Like Post-Subduction Magmas: Apuseni, Romania
Ene V-V, Smith D, Tapster S, Rosu E, Munteanu M & Naden J
(2018) Uranium-Bearing, Oscillatory-Zoned Hematite: Assessing Closed System Behaviour for U-Pb Systematics
Courtney-Davies L, Ciobanu C, Cook N, Tapster S, Condon D, Kennedy A & Ehrig K
(2017) Multi-Episode Formation of the World-Class Hemerdon W-Sn Deposit and Cornubian Batholith
Tapster S, Shail R, Deady E & McFarlane J
(2017) Oscillatory-Zoned Hematite: A Reliable U-Pb Mineral Geochronometer
Courtney-Davies L, Ciobanu C, Cook N, Verdugo-Ihl M, Tapster S, Condon D, Kennedy A, Ehrig K, Wade B & Gilbert S
(2016) U-Pb Geochronology of Fe-Oxides: LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP Analysis
Courtney-Davies L, Kennedy A, Ciobanu C, Cook N, Ehrig K, Wade B, Condon D & Tapster S
(2015) Temporal Constraints on Magma Dynamics Resulting in Porphyry Copper Deposit Formation
Tapster S, Smith D, Naden J & Condon D

Tapster Simon R (2023) Trace Element Signatures of Magmatic Zircon
Roberts NMW, Keller CB & Tapster SR
(2023) New Temporal Records for Old Magmatic Systems: Advances in High Precision 207Pb/206Pb Geochronology
Tapster SR, Horstwood M, Banks L, Bista D, Condon D, Millar I, Roberts NMW & Pashley V
(2023) Turning Advances in High-Precision Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronology into Improved Mineral System Models
Goodey MA, Tapster SR, Roberts NMW, Gardiner NJ, Robb LJ, Shail RK & Bista D
(2023) Post-Subduction Porphyry Mineralisation – Triggers and Magma Sources
Tuffield L, Naden J, Smith DJ, Tapster SR, Millar I & Miles AJ
(2023) Contrasting Paragenetic Evolution of Lithium Pegmatites: Evidence from the Kamativi and Arcadia Pegmatites, Zimbabwe
Shaw RA, Goodenough K, Rushton JC, Roberts NMW, Tapster SR, Kemp S, Moodley A, Tyler R & Ruzvidzo B
(2023) New Approaches To Constraining The Temporal Evolution of Cu-Co Mineralisation In The Zambian Copperbelt: Evidence from The Mindola North Deposit
Kelly J, Tapster SR & Roberts S
(2022) Microtextures and their Influence on Molybdenite High-Precision Re-Os Geochronology
Thijssen ACD, Parkinson IJ, Tapster SR & Webster AMJ
(2021) Resolving Tectono-Magmatic Processes that Drive multi-Myr Arc Magma Evolution in Central Chile
Large SJE, Nathwani C, Buret Y, Tapster SR, Knott T & Wilkinson JJ
(2021) The 4D Trans-Crustal Architecture of a Porphyry Copper-Forming Magmatic System
Carter LC, Tapster SR, Williamson BJ, Buret Y, Selby D & Parvaz D

Tapu A-T. (2022) Improved Accuracy and Precision of in situ Sr Isotope Measurements by LA-MC-ICP-MS: New Insights into Magma Histories
Mulder J, Hagen-Peter G, Ubide T, Tapu A-T, Feng Y & Vasconcelos PM
(2020) Low Melt Fluxes Enhance Differentiation and Complexity of Intraplate Volcanic Plumbing Systems
Tapu A-T, Ubide T & Vasconcelos P

Tarabrella C. (2008) Structural Characteristics of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Michel FM, McDonald J, Feng J, Phillips B, Ehm L, Tarabrella C, Parise J & Reeder R

Taracsák Zoltán (2021) Evidence for Oxidised Sulfur in the Mantle beneath the Western Canary Islands Revealed by the Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Melt Inclusions
Taracsák Z, Hartley ME, Burgess R, Edmonds M, Longpré M-A, Tartese R & Turchyn A(
(2017) Generation and Evolution of Volatile-Rich Magmas from El Hierro, Canary Islands
Taracsák Z, Hartley ME, Longpré M-A, Burgess R & Edmonds M
(2015) Melting Column Modeling beneath Intracontinental Basaltic Volcanic Fields: A Possible Way to Estimate Continental Lithospheric Thickness
Taracsák Z, Harangi S & Molnár G

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