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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tsai Chin-Ho (2008) Textures of Progressive Garnet Growth Recorded in Ti-Rich Metagabbros from the Southern Tongbai Mountains, Central China
Tsai C-H, Zhou H, Iizuka Y & Beane RJ
(2007) Petrological Characterization and Tectonic Implications of Multi-Stage Garnet Crystallization in Eclogitic Rocks from the Southern Tongbai Region
Tsai C-H, Zhou H & Iizuka Y

Tsai Chin-Ho (2015) Whole-Rock Geochemical Characterization of High-Pressure Mélanges in the Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan
Tsai C-H

Tsai Chin-Ho (2016) New P-T and Geochronological Constraints on High-Pressure Garnet-Bearing Paragonite-Epidote Amphibolite in the Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan
Tsai C-H, Liu C, Webb L & Keyser W

Tsai E. (2020) Eoarchean Iron Metabolism?
Hassenkam T, Tsai E, Osholm H, Dalby K, Mackenzie D, Holler M, Ferreira D, Grolimund D, Bruns S & Rosing M

Tsai Frank T-C

Tsai Fujung (2020) Chemical Analysis of Water Soluble Aerosol Composition in Northern Taiwan during Northeasterly Monsoon
Tsai F & Lin J-Y
(2016) Aerosol Chemical Characteristics over Dongsha Island in the Northern South China Sea
Tsai F & Hong J

Tsai J-F. (2020) Sulfur Cycling in Deep Groundwater Hosted by Metamorphic Rocks in a Rapidly Exhumed Catchment
Wang P-L, Tseng J-Y, Chen B-Y, Tsai J-F, Wang L-Y, Tu T-H & Lin L-H
(2019) Variations in Chemical Weathering and CO2 Flux along a Subtropical Catchment in an Active Orogen
Wang Y-J, Chen R, Tsai J-F, Lin L-H & Wang P-L

Tsai T. (2013) Using Laser-Based Technology to Quantify Carbon-13 Ratios and Fugitive Emission CH4 Flux Rates Quickly and Easily
Tsai T, Rella C & Crosson E

Tsai W-Y. (2011) Contrasting Microbial Communities and Geochemical Patterns Reflect Different Styles of Methane Oxidation and Methanogenesis in Terrestrial Mud Volcanoes
Wang P-L, Lin L-H, Cheng T-W, Chang Y-H, Lai W-J, Tseng J-Y, Tsai W-Y & Sun C-H
(2011) Microbial Communities in Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Environment of the Kueishantao Island, Taiwan
Lin L-H, Tsai W-Y, Lu G-H, Wang P-L, Cheng T-W & Price RE

Tsan T. (2023) Quantifying Pyrite Oxidation Driven pCO2 Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum
Tsan T & Wortmann UG
(2022) Quantifying the Effect of Shelf Pyrite Oxidation on the Marine Carbonate System during the Last Glacial Maximum
Tsan T, Niazi M & Wortmann U

Tsandev Iana (2012) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in High-Latitude Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P & Dale A
(2011) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P, Ridgwell A & Dale A
(2009) Reconstructing Phosphorus and Carbon Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: Why We Need Modern Analogues
Slomp C, Kraal P, Reed D & Tsandev I
(2008) Modeling Phosphorus Cycling and Carbon Burial during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Tsandev I, Slomp C, Kraal P & Van Cappellen P
(2007) Modeling Marine Carbon and Phosphorus Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Slomp C, Kraal P & Tsandev I

Tsandev Iana (2015) Reassessing the Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Sediments from the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, van Helmond N, Tsandev I, Middelburg J & Slomp C
(2014) Controls on Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Coupled to Iron Reduction in a Brackish Coastal Sediment Subject to Eutrophication
Tsandev I, Egger M, Rooze J & Slomp C

Tsanev V. (2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I

Tsang Daniel CW (2016) Geochemistry of Metal Transport in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water
Tsang DC & Chen SS

Tsang Debbie Pui Wai (2016) Age and Duration of Igneous Activities in the Cerro Colorado Cu Mine, N. Chile, Constrained by Zircon Geochronology
Tsang DPW, Wallis S & Tattitch B

Tsapakis M. (2013) Impact of Saharan Dust and Polluted Aerosol on the Microbial Food Web of the Eastern Mediterranean – A Mesocosm Approach
Pitta P, Krom MD, Tsagaraki TM, Giannakourou A, Gogou A, Lagaria A, Mihalopoulos N, Panagiotopoulos C, Parinos C, Rahav E, Shi Z, Tsapakis M, Tsiola A, Violaki K & Herut B
(2008) Study of PAHs’ and PCBs’ Occurrence and Fate in Marine Aerosols of Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou EG, Mandalakis M, Tsapakis M & Apstolaki M
(2003) Evaluation of Atmospheric Transport as Source of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Marine Sediment of Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou E, Gogou A & Tsapakis M

Tsapin A. (2002) Endolithic Genetic Record of Ancient Microbes in Cretaceous Black Shale
Inagaki F, Okada H, Tsapin A, Nealson K & Horikoshi K

Tsarev S. (2016) The Role of Interlayer Fe(II) in the Reduction of Uranium by Nontronite and Montmorillonite
Tsarev S, Collins RN & Waite TD
(2015) Formation of Surface U(V) by Reduction of Ca-U-Carbonate Complexes with Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron
Tsarev S, Waite D & Collins R

Tsareva E. (2006) Extremely Cs-rich alumosilicate melts in ongonites
Peretyazhko I, Tsareva E & Zagorsky V
(2006) Enriched in Oxygen and Aluminium low temperature fluoride-calcium melts in the ongonite massif Ary-Bulak (Eastern Transbaikalia, Russia)
Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V & Tsareva E

Tsay A. (2023) Experimental Development of New Oxybarometers Based on V-Sc Exchange between Mafic Minerals and Hydrous Silicate Melts
Cacciatore EE, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2023) The Effects of Chlorine and Melt Aluminosity on Ore-Forming Potential in Arc-Related Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Gennaro I, Tsay A, Schirra M & Zajacz Z
(2023) Sulfur Speciation at 2.6 GPa and 700-900℃ in Hydrous Fluids: A Key to Understand Sulfur Transfer from Subducted Slabs to the Sub-Arc Mantle
Pálos Z, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2023) Development of New Methods to Track Magma Degassing and Fluid Fluxing in Complex Magmatic Systems Based on Halogen Ratios
Miranda M, Schirra M, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2020) Redox Control on Sulfur Mobility in the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Environment
Zajacz Z, Tsay A & Ghazali N
(2018) Redox Conditions Dictate the Fate of Sulfur at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Zajacz Z, Ghazali N & Tsay A
(2018) The Determination of Sulfur Concentration in Silicate Glasses and Recrystallized Silicate Melt Inclusions by LA-ICP-MS
Tsay A, Grondahl C & Zajacz Z
(2017) The Solubility of Anhydrite in Magmatic Fluids and its Implications for Porphyry Ore Genesis
Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2013) Rare Earth Element Behavior in Subduction-Zone Fluids: The Effect of T and Ligands
Tsay A, Zajacz Z & Sanchez-Valle C

Tsay Sasha (2017) Comparison of Three Analytical Techniques to Measure Mg/Ca Values in High-Latitude Encrusting Coralline Algae
Williams B, Halfar J, Light T, Hou A, Zajacz Z & Tsay S

Tsay Si-Chee (2011) Biogeochemical Impact of Long-Range Transported Dust over Northern South China Sea
Tsay S-C, Wang S-H & Hsu NC

Tschauner O. (2023) Ni-Rich Inclusions in Diamonds and the Enrichment of Nickel in the Earth's Mantle
Kempe Y, Remennik S, Navon O, Tschauner O & Weiss Y
(2020) HIMU Signature Trapped in a Diamond from the Mantle Transition Zone
Huang S, Tschauner O, Yang S & Humayun M
(2018) Ice-Vii Inclusions in Ultradeep Diamonds
Tschauner O, Huang S, Wu Z, Greenberg E & Prakapenka V
(2018) Advanced in situ Chemical and Structural Analyses of New Minerals Representing Extreme Conditions
Ma C & Tschauner O
(2017) Riesite, a New High Pressure Polymorph of TiO2 that Forms Upon Shock-Release – Comparison to (Zr, Ti)O2 in Pseudotachylites
Tschauner O, Ma C, Lanzirotti A & Newville M
(2016) Na-Bearing Phases in the Deep Transition Zone and Lower Mantle: Composition, Structural Features and Na Transport to the Deep Earth
Tamarova A, Bindi L, Bobrov A, Sirotkina E, Tschauner O, Walter M & Irifune T
(2013) Partitioning of Nb between Rutile and NaAlSi3O8-, NaCl- and NaF- Aqueous Fluids at 1-5 GPa and 300-600℃
Tanis E, Simon A, Tschauner O, Chow P, Xiao Y, Hanchar J, Shen G & Zhao Y
(2011) In situ SXRF Determination of Trace Element Abundances in Aqueous Fluid at 1 – 3 GPa and 300 – 500℃: Applications to Subduction Zone Element Cycling
Simon A, Tanis E, Tschauner O, Frank M, Chow P, Xiao Y, Shen G & Hanchar J
(2007) Crystalchemical Aspects and Polymorphism in Post-Perovskite
Tschauner O, Kiefer B & Liu H

Tschegg C. (2011) Asthenospheric Signature in Mantle Xenoliths from Enmelen, NE-Russia?
Ntaflos T, Tschegg C, Bizimis M & Akinin V
(2011) Basaltic Volcanism in NE-Russia; Evidence for Metasomatized Depleted Mantle Underneath Bering Sea Basalt Province
Ntaflos T, Tschegg C, Bizimis M & Akinin V

Tschiersch J. (2016) 236U, 239Pu, 240Pu, <sup>241</sup>Pu, 241Am, 2H and 18O in Floating Ice and its Surrounding Seawater in the Antarctic Ocean
Shinonaga T, Steier P, Stumpp C, Yamada M, Golser R & Tschiersch J

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