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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Travis C. (2018) Fe and Mn Catalyzed Bromination of Soil Organic Matter from Freshwater Wetlands
Schlesinger D, Travis C & Myneni S

Travkina A. (2010) Speciation and Migration Pathways of 137Cs and Plutonium Isotopes on Geochemical System River – Sea
Travkina A & Stepanets O
(2009) Speciation of Anthropogenic Radionuclides in Arctic Marine Environment
Travkina A & Stepanets O

Trayhorn S. (2002) Mantle Source Enrichment beneath Sardinia (Italy): Evidence from Oxygen Isotope Analyses
Downes H, Thirlwall M & Trayhorn S

Trayler R. (2014) Re-equilibration of Enamel Carbonate during Maturation
Trayler R & Kohn M

Traynor M. (2017) Pore Water Geochemistry from a Depth Transect of Cores Collected on the Iberian Margin
Greaves M, Hodell D, Skinner L, Misra S, Traynor M, Daunt C & Souanef-Ureta S

Traynor T. (2023) Net Carbon Dioxide Removal via Electrolytic Seawater Mineralization
La Plante E, Chen X, Bustillos S, Bouissonnie A, Traynor T, Jassby D, Corsini L, Simonetti D & Sant G

Trbojevic L. (2019) Soil Colloidal Characterization Regarding P and Corg in the Atacama Desert
Moradi G, Trbojevic L, Missong A, Mörchen R, Fuentes B, Lehndorff E, Amelung W, Bol R & Klumpp E

Trcera N. (2021) Evaluation of Selectivity of Sequential Extraction Procedure for REE Speciation in Laterite
Denys A, Janots E, Auzende AL, Findling N, Lanson M & Trcera N
(2017) Redox Transfer by Iron- and Sulfur-Bearing Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Brunet F, Vidal O, Hattori K, Vantelon D, Trcera N & Huthwelker T
(2017) Biogeochemistry of Zn and Cd in a Phytostabilized Mining Soil
Isaure M-P, Huguet S, Trcera N, Reguer S, Proux O & Cleyet-Marel J-C
(2017) Microorganisms are Major Drivers of the P Geochemical Cycle in Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Duprat E, Benzerara K, Lefèvre C, Monteil C, Jézéquel D, Menguy N, Viollier E, Guyot F, Férard C, Miot J, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Skouri-Panet F & Trcera N
(2015) Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution and Fractionation during Lateritisation: Insights from XRF/ XAS
Janots E, Bernier F, Brunet F, Muñoz M, Trcera N, Berger A & Lanson M
(2015) Bioalteration of Fe(III), Fe(II) and no Fe-Bearing Basaltic Glasses in the Presence of Heterotrophic Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impact of Siderophores
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Verney-Carron A, Van Hullebusch E & Guyot F
(2013) The Browning Phenomenon of Medieval Stained Glass Windows
Ferrand J, Rossano S, Loisel C, Trcera N, Farges F, van Hullebusch E, Bousta F & Pallot-Frossard I
(2013) Impact of Organic Acids and Siderophores on Dissolution of Basaltic Glasses in Ultrapure Water at 25℃ and pH 6.3
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Van Hullebusch E, Verney-Caron A & Sarrasin L
(2013) REE Microdistribution in Laterite from Madagascar
Janots E, Brunet F, Berger A, Bernier F, Munoz M, Lanson M, Trcera N & Gnos E

Treble P C (2006) High resolution SIMS δ18O analyses of Hulu Cave speleothem at the time of Heinrich event 1
Treble PC, Schmidt AK, Edwards RL, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM, Grove M, Chen H & Wang YJ

Treble Pauline (2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P
(2002) High Resolution Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Analyses of a Modern Speleothem
Treble P, Harrison TM, Shelley JMG, McKeegan KD, Grove M & McCulloch MT

Treble Pauline C. (2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H

Trebosc J. (2011) Boron Isotopes as pH Proxy: Combination of Boron Speciation and Isotope Composition Data
Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D, Trebosc J, Tricot G, Mussi A & Cuif J-P

Trebotich D. (2019) Hybrid Multiscale Model for Evolving Porous Media
Molins S, Trebotich D, Deng H & Steefel C
(2017) Pore-Scale and Multi-Scale Models for Dissolution in Heterogeneous Media
Molins S & Trebotich D
(2016) Incorporating Mineralogical Heterogeneity in Pore Scale Models Using a Direct Numerical Simulation Approach
Molins S, Trebotich D, Swift A & Steefel C
(2015) Multiple Scale (and Multi-Scale) Reactive Transport Modeling of Terrestrial Systems
Steefel C, Trebotich D, Molins S, Maxwell R, Beisman J & Moulton D
(2014) The GEWaSC Framework: Multiscale Modeling of Coupled Biogeochemical, Microbiological, and Hydrological Processes
Steefel C, Brodie E, Bouskill N, Molins S, Arora B, Yabusaki S, Karaoz U, Spycher N, Maxwell R, Trebotich D, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J
(2012) Diffusion Versus Surface Reaction Control of Mineral Precipitation and Dissolution Kinetics at the Pore Scale
Steefel C, Trebotich D, Molins S, Yang L & Shen C
(2012) Investigation of Coupled Flow and Geochemical Reactions at the Pore Scale by Direct Numerical Simulation
Molins S, Shen C, Silin D, Steefel C & Trebotich D
(2011) Direct Pore-Scale Numerical Simulation of Precipitation and Dissolution
Molins S, Silin D, Trebotich D & Steefel C

Trechera P. (2019) Automated Mineralogical Analysis of Coal Dust PM2.5 and PM10
Johnson D, Williamson B, Rollinson G, Moreno T, Trechera P, Lah R & Wrana A

Tredoux M. (2013) Pre-Nucleation Clustering of Noble Metals in High-Temperature Magmatic Liquids
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Wirth R, Nagel T & Tredoux M
(2013) Possible PGE Nano Structures, in Magmatic Systems
Kennedy B, Tredoux M, Ballhaus C, Coetsee E & Steyl G
(2013) Isotope Characterictics of the Bon Accord Oxide Body, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Tredoux M, Roelofse F & Shukolyukov A
(2011) Possible Platinum Group Element (PGE) Clusters in Magmatic Systems; Using Synthetic Sulphide Melts
Kennedy B, Tredoux M, Ballhaus C, Helmy H, Swart H & Coetsee L
(2011) Hydrothermal Alteration and Ni Sulphide Formation in the Bon Accord Ni-Oxide Body, Barberton, South Africa
Wildau A, Williams-Jones AE & Tredoux M
(2011) Geochemistry and PGE Mineralogy of Chromitite Seams of the Eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa
Tredoux M, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Kottke-Levin J & Gauert C
(2011) PGE Complexes at Superliquidus Temperature: Embryos for Platinum-Group Minerals?
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Wirth R & Tredoux M
(2009) The Mobility of U in Groundwater: A Study Done in a Semi-Arid Region of South Africa
Tredoux M, Litthauer A & Vermeulen D
(2006) Sub-microscopic phases in the Bon Accord Ni ore body, Barberton, South Africa.
Tredoux M, Garuti G, Zaccarini F & Cloete M
(2006) Re-Os systematics of the Platreef (Sandsloot mine) of the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex
Reisberg L, Tredoux M & Harris C
(2001) Experimental Fractionation of Magmatic Fe-Nu-Cu-Pge Sulfide Melts -- with Application to the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Ballhaus C, Tredoux M & Spaeth A

Tree J. (2014) The Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge: Geochemical Variations over 40 Myr
Harrison L, Weis D, Tree J & Garcia M

Treffkorn J. (2022) Does Dust Contribute to Changes in Organic Carbon Export to the Deep Sea during the Miocene Climate Optimum in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific?
Bell BB, Griffith EM, Farley K & Treffkorn J

Tregidga J. (2022) Investigating the Structure and Composition of Freshwater Oyster Adhesive and Shell
Metzler RA, Zaborowsky J, Tregidga J, Underhill J, Nichols L, Gillikin DP & Bouillon S

Tréguer P.J. (2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) Bias in the Estimation of the Global Burial Flux of Biogenic Silica due to Incomplete Digestion Using Conventional Alkaline Methods
Zhu D, Sutton JN, Leynaert A, Tréguer PJ & Liu SM

Treibergs L. (2018) The Role of Iron Complexation in the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and CO2 in Arctic Soil Waters
Trusiak A, Treibergs L, Kling G, Bargar J, Noël V & Cory R

Treiman Allan (2023) Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
(2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2018) Neutron-Based Multi-Scale, Multi-Modal Imaging of Geological Systems
Hussey D, LaManna J, Jacobson D, Treiman A & Anovitz L
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
(2016) Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI

Treiman Allan H. (2019) The Effect of Oxidation on the Visible Near-Infrared Spectra of Basaltic Minerals with Implications for Age Dating Volcanic Flows on Venus
Filiberto J, Trang D, Treiman AH & Gilmore M
(2019) Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
(2015) Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM
(2015) Martian Geochemistry, from SNCs to Curiosity: Diversity in a Complex Planet
Treiman A
(2015) Mineralogy of the Dillinger Sandstone, Kimberley Area, Gale Crater, Mars
Treiman A, Bish D, Ming D & Rampe E
(2014) Mineralogical Analysis of Drilled Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Bish D, Rampe E, Morris R, Treiman A, Ming D, Chipera S, Morrison S, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Achilles C & Morookian J-M
(2014) Apatite Hygrometry
Boyce J, Tomlinson S, McCubbin F, Greenwood J & Treiman A
(2014) Mostly Wet Apatites on a Mostly Dry Moon
Boyce J, Tomlinson S, McCubbin F, Greenwood J & Treiman A
(2013) Petrologic and Metasomatic Controls on H and Cl Abundances and Isotopes in Lunar Rocks
Boyce J, Treiman A, Eiler J, Ma C, Guan Y, Greenwood J, Gross J & Stolper E
(2013) Crystal-Chemical Analyses of Soil and Drilled Rock in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Bish DL, Ming DW, Morris RV, Yen AS, Chipera SJ, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Gellert R, Achilles CN, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Crisp JA, Sarrazin PC & Morookian JM
(2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A
(2013) The Petrochemistry of Jake_M: A Martian Mugearite
Stolper EM, Baker MB, Cousin A, Fisk M, Gellert R, King PL, Maurice S, McLennan SM, Minitti ME, Newcombe M, Sautter V, Schmidt ME, Treiman AH & Wiens RC
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2010) Dispersed Fe/Mn Ratios of Lunar Rocks: ALHA81005’s View from the Farside
Gross J & Treiman AH
(2010) Effect of Chlorine on Near-Liquidus Phase Equilibria of Basalts
Filiberto J, Dasgupta R & Treiman AH
(2009) Chlorine-Rich, Water-Poor Martian Magmas
Filiberto J & Treiman A
(2005) Li, Cl, AND Br in Martian (Shergottite) Basalts: No Evidence of Water Loss
Treiman A
(2004) Partitioning of Light Lithophyle Elements at High Pressure: Implications for the Degassing of Martian Magmas
Musselwhite D, Treiman A & Herd C
(2004) Life in a Mars Analog: Microbial Activity Associated with Carbonate Cemented Lava Breccias from NW Spitsbergen
Amundsen H, Steele A, Fogel M, Mysen B, Kihle J, Schweizer M, Toporski J & Treiman A

Treinen K. (2017) Desorption of Plutonium from Altered Nuclear Melt Glass Colloids
Zavarin M, Joseph C, Balboni E, Baumer T, Treinen K & Kersting A

Trejo M. (2008) Siderophores Catalyze the Oxidation of Commercial Pb to Nano-Sized Lead (Hydr)oxides Stable in Water at pH 5 and 25℃
Cornejo-Garrido H, Guzman J, Alonso-Gomez A, Fernandez-Lomelin P, Trejo M, Hao Z, Lapidus-Lavine G, Gilbert B & Cervini-Silva J

Trejos-Espeleta J.C. (2023) Fungal Organic Nitrogen Assimilation and Community Assembly Across a 100-Year Arctic Proglacial Soil Chronosequence
Trejos-Espeleta JC, Marín-Jaramillo JP, Sommers P, Schmidt S, Bradley JA & Orsi W

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