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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sumner Dawn (2017) An Expanded Molybdenum Isotope Dataset for Precambrian Stromatolitic Carbonates
Thoby M, Lalonde S, Fralick P, Sumner D, Visscher P & Konhauser K
(2014) Microbial Commnity Structure and Lake Chemistry in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
Krusor M, Mackey T, Hawes I, Jungblut A, Wall K & Sumner D
(2007) Late Archean Molecular Fossils from Scientific Drill Cores Record the Antiquity of Microbial Diversity
Waldbauer J, Sherman L, Sumner D & Summons R
(2005) Before the Rise of Oxygen: Multiple Sulfur Isotope Systematics in the Late Archean Basins in South Africa and Australia
Ono S, Beukes N, Sumner D, Eigenbrode J, Wing B, Johnston D, Farquhar J & Rumble D

Sumner Dawn Y (2022) Throw out the Binary and Keep the Multiple Working Hypotheses for Microbial Influences on Stromatolites
Sumner DY

Sumoondur A.D. (2009) Formation of Lactate Intercalated Green Rust via the Reductive Dissolution of Ferrihydrite
Sumoondur AD, Shaw S & Benning LG
(2008) Green Rust is a Precursor to Magnetite: Direct Evidence from an in situ Diffraction Study
Sumoondur A, Shaw S, Ahmed I & Benning LG

Sun A. (2019) Spatial Variation of Soil Gas Rn, Tn and CO2 in the Liupan Shan Fault, Central-North China and its Tectonic Implications
Li Y, Yang J, Sun A & Chen Z

Sun Bainian (2010) Stable Isotope Compositions of Fossil Sun/Shade Leaves and Difference for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
Xiao L, Yang H & Sun B

Sun Binbin (2019) Relationship between Nano-Micron Particles Observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) and Electro-Geochemical Anomalies
Sun B
(2014) Flux of Elements in River Water Flowing into the Sea from Chinese Continent
Sun B, Zhou G, Wei H, Liu Z & Zeng D
(2014) On the Comparisons of Chemical Element Abundances of Granitoids between China and the World
Shi C, Yan M, Chi Q, Zhang B, Liu Y & Sun B

Sun Bingke (2019) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Igneous Rocks in the Kalatag area:Implications for the Tectonic Setting of Early Paleozoic Magmatism and VMS Mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China
Sun B, Lv X & Ruan B

Sun Bo (2016) Activity of Abundant and Rare Bacteria in the Forehead of East Antarctica Ice Sheet
Ma H, Yan W, Zhang Y, Shi G, Xiao X & Sun B
(2015) Higher Temperature and Hydrogen Availability Stimulated the Methanogenic Activity in East Antarctic Subglacial Sediment
Ma H, Yan W, Xiao X, Sun B, Dou Y & Zhang Y

Sun C (2003) Fission Track Dating of Authigenic Quartz from the Red Residua Overlying Carbonate Rock in Guizhou, China
Liu X, Wang S & Sun C
(2003) The Material Origin of Red Residua Overlying Carbonate Rock in Guizhou, China
Wang S, Sun C & Liu X

Sun C-Y. (2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH

Sun Caixia (2017) Influence of Biochar on the Degradation of Acetochlor on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Chinensis var Chinensis) and Soil Under Greenhouse Conditions
Sun C, Dai F, Zheng W, Yu G & Pan Z

Sun Caoxin (2015) Cycling of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Remote Marine Environment
Amos H, Zhang Y, Dutkiewicz S, Friedmand C, Forget G, Zhang X, Lohmann R, Sun C, Thackray C, Selin N & Sunderland E

Sun Chang-Yu (2020) Crystallization by Particle Attachment (CPA) in Biominerals over 550 Million Years
Gilbert P, Porter SM, Sun C-Y, Xiao S, Gibson BM, Shenkar N & Knoll A
(2016) Biomineral Vaterite Spicules do not Grow from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, They Grow Ion by Ion from Solution
Pokroy B, Kabalah-Amitai L, Polishchuk I, DeVol RT, Blonsky AZ, Sun C-Y, Marcus MA, Scholl A & Gilbert PUPA
(2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A
(2016) Transport of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate to Forming Nacre
Sun C-Y & Gilbert P

Sun Changxin (2002) REE Geochemistry in the Weathering Front of Red Residua Underlying Dolomites in Pingba County, Guizhou Province
Wang S, Ji H, Ouyang Z, Zhang S, Sun C & Zhou D

Sun Chao (2011) Ecological Stoichiometry of Plant Nutrients: A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province, NE China
Li Y, Wang D, Sun C, Guo D, Yang Y & Shi X

Sun Chao (2015) Research on the Lower Oily Limits for Shale in the Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin, North China
Sun C & Yao S

Sun Chen-Yang (2020) Trace Elements and Nd Isotope of Apatites in the Early Mesozoic Granitoids in the North China Craton: A Window to Constrain Petrogenesis
Zhang X-M, Xu W-L & Sun C-Y
(2020) In situ Chemical Composition of Apatite in Granitoids from the Eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A Window into Petrogenesis
Sun C-Y, Xu W-L & Zhang X-M
(2017) Crustal Accretion and Reworking Processes of Microcontinental Massifs within the Orogenic Belt Through Time: A Case Study from the Erguna Massif
Sun C-Y, Xu W-L, Tang J, Li Y & Zhao S

Sun Cheng-Jun (2020) Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Uranyl-Chloride Aqueous Solutions at Hydrothermal Conditions
Baker J, Akram N, Dhakal D, Mayanovic R, Guo X, Zhang X, Kelley M, Batista E, Yang P, Boukhalfa H, Migdissov A, Roback R, Sun C-J & Xu H

Sun Chengjun (2022) Oxidation Pathways of UO2 Thin Film Under Combined Oxygen-Humidity-Radiation Conditions Probed by XAFS
Liu J, Stubbs J, Eng P, Kelly S, Sun C, Xu H, Conradson SD, Chen A & Guo X
(2019) Uranyl-Chloride Speciation at Hydrothermal Conditions
Xu H, Mayanovic R, Dhakal D, Baker J, Guo X, Kelley M, Yang P, Batista E, Sun C, Boukhalfa H, Migdisov A & Roback R

Sun Chengpeng (2022) Human Impacts Overwhelmed Hydroclimate Control of Soil Erosion in China 5000 Years ago
Li X, Zhang F, Li S, Chen Y, Li W, Sun C, Chen Z, Zhao X & Nie T

Sun Chenguan (2022) The Fate of Nitrogen during Parent Body Partial Melting and Accretion of the Inner Solar System Bodies at Highly Reducing Conditions
Dasgupta R, Falksen E & Sun C

Sun Chenguang (2023) MAGEC_CHOSN: An Integrated Thermodynamic Framework for Modeling C-H-O-S-N Distribution in Planetary Magma Oceans
Sun C
(2023) Estimating the Carbon Budget of the Earth’s Deep Mantle from Petrogenesis of Silica-Poor Ocean Island Basalts
Dasgupta R & Sun C

Sun Chenguang (2014) Crystallization Temperatures of Lunar FANs Revealed by a New REE-in-Plagioclase-Clinopyroxene Thermometer
Sun C & Liang Y
(2010) The Distribution of REE between Diopside and Basaltic Melt along a Mantle Adiabat: A Coupled Major and Trace Element Study
Sun C & Liang Y
(2008) Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle beneath Southern Tibet Revealed by Mantle Xenoliths Entrained by Ultrapotassic Rocks
Zhao Z, Mo X, Niu Y, Zhu D, Sun C, Dong G & Zhou S

Sun Chenguang (2015) HFSE Partitioning in Pyroxenes and Olivine: Parameterized Models with Implications to HFSE Fractionation in the Upper Mantle
Sun C & Liang Y

Sun Chenguang (2020) Extraction of Life-Essential Volatiles via Melting of Rocky Planetary Mantles of Variable Redox
Dasgupta R, Chowdhury P, Eguchi J, Sun C & Saha S

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