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Smith Robert W (2023) Simulation of Aqueous CO2 Injections into Eastern Snake River Plain Basalts, Idaho, USA
Smith RW, Neupane G, Atkinson TA, Jin W & McLing T

Smith Robin (2011) Mercury Isotope Fractionation in Layered Roasted Ore Waste
Smith R, Wiederhold J, Jew A, Brown G, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R

Smith Roger (2008) Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Chronology for Pleistocene Shoreline Deposits in Panamint Valley, California
Phillips F, Marrero S, Roof S, Smith R & Jayko A

Smith Ron (2019) Uranium Remobilization from a Wetland 50 Years after Contamination
Kaplan D, Smith R, Ferguson B, Martinez N, Montgomery D, Parker C, Seaman J, Powell B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

Smith Ryan (2023) Using Statistical and Machine Learning to Explain the Threat of Arsenic in Groundwater in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, USA
Honeyman A, Lopez A, Blythe C, James K, Smith R & Fendorf S
(2017) Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Combustion Residuals by Leaching and Membrane-Based Separations
Taggart R, Smith R, Hower J & Hsu-Kim H
(2012) Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Change: Observations and Modeling
Rupper S, Schaefer J, Burgener L & Smith R

Smith S (2005) Sulfide Ligands in Natural Organic Matter (NOM)
Kramer J, Bell R & Smith S
(2005) Metal Binding to NOM Determined Using Component Resolution and Multiresponse Modelling
Smith S
(2003) Surface Chemical Heterogeneity of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from a Subterranean Environment
Martinez R, Smith S, Pedersen K & Ferris G
(2000) The Bio-Availability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils
Farrelly D, Smith S & Mason JR
(2000) Reductive Dissolution of Hematite by the Microbe Shewanella putrefaciens: Surface Transformations and Dissolution Pathways
Rosso K, Zachara J & Smith S

Smith S. C. (2001) Biogeochemical Processes Controlling Metal Ion Fluxes from Fe(III) Oxides during Reductive Phase Transformations
Zachara JM, Fredrickson JK, Smith SC & Kukkadapu RK

Smith Sara (2020) Evaporation Modeling to Predict Feasibility of Life in Hyper-Saline Brines
Smith S & Poulson S

Smith Scott (2017) Fluorescence Spectroscopic Analysis of the Binding of Cu, Co and Cs to Aqueous Natural Organic Matter (NOM)
Caron F, Siemann S & Smith S
(2015) Developing a Clinically Useful Calcium Isotope Biomarker
Anbar A, Gordon G, Skulan J, Smith S & Fonseca R
(2013) Understanding Controls on Ca Isotopes in Human Blood and Urine
Channon M, Gordon G, Shollenberger Q, Morgan J, Smith S & Anbar A
(2011) Rapidly Assessing Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes
Morgan JLL, Gordon G, Romaniello S, Skulan J, Smith S & Anbar A

Smith Scott M. (2019) Winter Soil Processes in Transition
Rezanezhad F, Smeaton CM, Hug L, Jensen GB, Krogstad KJ, Macrae ML, McCarter CPR, Milojevic T, Mills R, Parsons CT, Quinton W, Rudolph D, Smith S, Townsend HR & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Evaluating Spaceflight-Induced Bone Loss in Astronauts Using Ca Isotopes
Romaniello SJ, Gordon GW, Skulan J, Smith SM, Zwart SR & Anbar AD

Smith Selena (2020) Using Soil Organic Carbon Isotopes in C3 Dominated Ecosystems to Reconstruct Ancient Precipitation
Stein R, Sheldon N & Smith S

Smith Shafer (2016) Exploring the Dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal
Al Azhar M, Lachkar Z, Smith S & Levy M

Smith Stanley (2013) Helium Equilibrium between Pore Water and Quartz: A Clever, but Limited Tool
Smith SD, Harrington GA, Smerdon BD & Solomon DK
(2012) The Importance of a Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Tracer Data
Solomon DK, Smith S, Stolp B & Massoudieh A

Smith Steven (2012) C, N, O Abundances and Isotopic Compositions in the Sun
Heber V, Burnett D, Guan Y, Jurewicz A, Smith S, Olinger C & McKeegan K
(2009) The End of Aerosols: Two Hundred and Fifty Years of Aerosols and Climate
Smith S, Bond T, Kyle GP, Delgado-Arias S & Volke A

Smith Steven A.F. (2023) Deciphering the Combined Structural and Mineralogical Record of Serpentinite Fault Rocks
Tarling MS, Rowe CD, Eves E & Smith SAF

Smith Tanya (2017) New Tooth Growth Model for Studying Ancient Climate
Green D, Colman A, Green G, Bidlack F, Tafforeau P & Smith T

Smith Terry (2002) Hf and Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Lesser Antilles Island Arc
Munday D, Thirlwall M, Smith T & Davidson J
(2000) Isotopic Variation in Cumulate Xenoliths from Bequia, Lesser Antilles
Munday D, Thirlwall M & Smith T

Smith Thierry (2016) Silicon Isotopes as Paleoweathering Proxies: Application to Paleogene Central African Environments
Bayon G, De Putter T, Mees F, Ponzevera E, Delvigne C, Monin L, Smith T & André L

Smith Thomas (2018) A New Decay Constant for 184Os and Evidence for P-Process Heterogeneity of 180W in Iron Meteorites
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M
(2017) Excess 180W in Iron Meteorites: Cosmogenic or Radiogenic?
Cook DL, Smith T, Leya I, Hilton C, Walker RJ & Schönbächler M

Smith Victoria (2018) A Numerical Model for Apatite Cl-Oh-F Evolution and Quantitative Interpretation of Magmatic Processes
Humphreys M, Coumans J, Stock M, Smith V, Riker J, Brooker R & de Hoog C-J
(2016) Constraining the Evolving Volatile and Melt Geochemistry of Magma Reservoirs Using Apatite
Humphreys M, Stock M, Riker J, Smith V & Brooker R
(2015) Millennial-Scale Variability in Arc Volcanism; Insights from Volcán Mocho-Choshuenco, Chile
Rawson H, Pyle D, Mather T, Smith V, Fontijn K, Lachowycz S & Naranjo J
(2014) Fe Oxidation State in Hydrous Magmas during Ascent and Degassing
Humphreys M, Brooker R, Fraser D, Burgisser A, Mangan M, McCammon C & Smith V
(2013) Tephra from Ischia: Dating Eruptions and Geochemical Changes
Tomlinson E, Albert P, Wulf S, Civetta L, Brown R, Smith V, Keller J, Orsi G & Menzies M
(2013) Using Tephra Layers to Provide Absolute and Relative Chronologies for Sedimentary Archives: An Example from the Lake Suigetsu SG06 Record from Japan
Smith V, Staff R, Mark D, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C & Nakagawa T
(2013) The Y-3 Tephra: New Insights
Albert P, Hardiman M, Keller J, Tomlinson E, Müller U, Smith V & Menzies M
(2012) Reconstructing the Toba Magmatic System: Insights from Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Budd D, Troll V, Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Harris C, Freda C, Hilton D & Halldorsson S
(2011) Probing the Toba Super-Eruption: Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of Zoned Quartz Phenocrysts
Budd D, Troll V, Muñoz-Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Freda C, Harris C & Hilton D
(2011) New Juvenile Glass Chemistry from Colli Albani, Italy and its Use for Understanding Petrogenesis
Cross J, Smith V, Giordano G, Tomlinson E, Roberge J & Menzies M
(2011) Toward Establishing Precise Chronologies for the Integration of Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Archives: An Example from Suigetsu SG06, Japan
Smith V, Mark D, Staff R, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C, Bryant C, Nakagawa T, Kim KH, Weh A, Takemura K & Danhara T

Smith Victoria C (2022) The Apatite Record of Pre-Eruptive Magma Mixing and Mush Disaggregation
Humphreys MCS, Smith VC, Lormand C, Coumans J, Brooker RA & Stock MJ

Smith Wade (2019) Assessing Sources and Fate of Heavy Metals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Smith K, Smith W, Hunt B, Pakhomov E & Sunderland E
(2018) Assessing Lead Contamination Sources of Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Hunt B, Smith W & Pakhomov E

Smith William (2013) Molecular Simulation of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
Smith W, Moucka F & Nezbeda I
(2012) Carbon Dioxide Groundwater Mixing and Mineralization Reactions with Reservoir Rocks at a Natural Analogue Site, Soda Springs, Idaho, USA
McLing T, Smith R & Smith W
(2012) Discharge-Driven Harmful Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
MacIntyre H, Liefer J, Novoveska L, Burnett W, Su N, Eller K, Smith W, Dorsey C, Peterson R & Viso R
(2012) Ionic Force Fields for Electrolytes and Molecular Simulation of Chemical Potentials and Aqueous Solubility
Smith WR & Moucka F
(2011) Structure and Stability of Mineral Interfaces
Parker S, Molinari M, Zhu R, Smith W & Noguera C
(2011) Direct Molecular Simulation of Aqueous Electrolyte Solubility
Moucka F & Smith W

Smith Wyatt (2019) Micro XANES Studies of Oil Shales
Mitra-Kirtley S, Birdwell J & Smith W

Smith-Duque C.E. (2011) Molybdenum Isotopes in the Altered Oceanic Crust, a Novel Proxy for Recycling?
Vils F, Elliott T, Willbold M, Harris M, Smith-Duque C, Coggon R & Teagle D
(2010) Rapid Uptake of Calcium Carbonate during Ridge Flank Hydrothermal Circulation Reflects Past Oceanic Conditions
Teagle D, Coggon R, Palike H, Alt J & Smith-Duque C
(2010) Effects of Seawater Alteration on the 234U/238U-Ratios of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Vils F, Elliott T, Avanzinelli R, Smith-Duque CE, Alt JC & Teagle D
(2007) Reconstructing the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca History of Seawater from Ocean Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Carbonate Veins
Teagle D, Coggon R, Smith-Duque C, Alt J & Cooper M

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