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Smith Frank (2017) Shock-Metamorphosed Rutile and Associated Mineral Phases in Neoarchean Impact Layers
Davatzes A, Smith F, Simonson B, Smith J & Booksh K

Smith Fred
(2019) Isotope Ratio Measurements for Sample Dating Studies Using Multicollector ICP-MS and Signal Enhancement via a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory with Nitrogen Gas Addition
Smith F & Polyak V
(2018) Using Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer Accessory for Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Ratio Measurements of Speleothem and Marine Coral Samples
Smith F & Polyak V
(2017) Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for Isotope Ratio Measurements
Smith F & Williams N
(2016) Multicollector ICP-MS with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating of Late Pleistocene Terrestrial Snails
Smith F & Polyak V
(2014) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System for Reduction of Matrix-Induced Oxide Interferences on Rare Earth Elements, Iridium, and Platinum Using Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Smith F
(2013) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System and Rapid Washout Accessory for Tungsten Isotope Measurements with Multicollector ICP-MS
Smith F, Holst J, Paton C & Bizarro M
(2012) Enhanced Multicollector ICP-MS Coupled with a Desolvating Nebulizer System for Geochronology
Smith F & Polyak V
(2010) A Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating with Multicollector ICP-MS
Horton M & Smith F

Smith G (2006) Iron Cycling within the Columbia River plume: The role of tidal mixing and upwelling.
Lohan M, Buck K, Berger C, Aguilar-Islas A, Sohst B, Smith G & Bruland K

Smith Garrett (2023) Nitrate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (N-Damo) as a Bioremediation Strategy for Waters Affected by Agricultural Runoff
Glodowska M, Legierse A, Struik Q, Smith G, Echeveste Medrano MJ, Jetten M, Veraart AJ & Welte C
(2014) Differentiating Anthropogenic and Geologic Sources of Arsenic Near Anaconda, MT
Icopini G, Smith G & Duaime T

Smith Gary (2018) Historical Overview of the Leaching Performance of Cementitious Waste Forms Used in Performance and Risk Assessments at the Hanford Site
Asmussen M, Westsik J, Saslow S, Serne J, Smith G & Bacon D
(2018) Understanding Tc-99 Immobilization Pathways by Ettringite Formation in Cementitious Waste Forms
Saslow S, Asmussen RM, Corkhill C, Smith G & Peterson R

Smith Gary L (2023) Effects of Ceria on the Mineralogical and Mechanical Properties of Cement Matrices
Saslow SA, Bourchy A, Fujii Yamagata A, Smith GL & Seiner B
(2023) Monitoring the Behavior of Cementitious and Glass Waste Form in Disposal Conditions: Lysimeter Testing
Asmussen M, Meyer P, Thomle J, Emerson H & Smith GL

Smith Gene (2014) Neogene Magmatism and Coeval Crustal Extension in Death Valley, CA, Part 1: Geology of the Greenwater Range
Calzia J, Ramo T, Smith G, Jachens B & Sleeter R

Smith Geoff M (2022) Contribution of Zn Isotope Ratios in the Understanding of Neandertals Subsistence Strategy: A Case Study from Gabasa, Spain
Jaouen K, Villalba Mouco V, Smith GM, Trost M, Leichliter J, Luedecke T, Mejean P, Mandrou S, Chmeleff J, Guiserix D, Bourgon N, Blasco Sancho MF, Mendes Cardoso J, Duquenoy C, Moubtahij Z, Salazar Garcia DC, Richards M, Tütken T, Hublin J-J, Utrilla P & Montes L

Smith Greg (2017) Geochemical Mineral Exploration Under Cover: Considerations, Challenges and Innovative Approaches
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, King A, Smith G, Klump J, Butt CRM & Fraser R

Smith Hannah (2020) Understanding the Dissolution of Advanced Doped Nuclear Fuels for Geological Disposal
Smith H, Cordara T, Mohun R, Stennett M, Hyatt N & Corkhill C
(2011) Understanding Bioavailability of Iodine in Soils of Northern Ireland
Smith H, Ander L, Bailey E, Crout N, Watts M & Young S

Smith Heidi (2022) Enhancement of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis during in situ Biostimulation of Coalbed Methane Generation
Barnhart E, Smith H, Schweitzer H, Mueller R, Orem W, Varonka M, Ruppert L, Clark A, Crockett Z & Fields M
(2019) Large Scale-Analysis of Constraints on Microbial Community Assembly, Activity, and Dispersal in a Contaminated Subsurface Aquifer
Lui L, Smith H, von Netzer F, de Leon K, Majumder E, Moon J-W, Nielsen T, Poole F, Kosina S, Ning D, Paradis C, Stahl D, Wall J, Northen T, Adams M, Zhou J, Hazen T, Fields M, Adams P & Arkin A
(2015) Using HISH-Nanosims to Probe Trophic Interactions in Cryoconite Sediments from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Smith H, Schmit A, Foster R & Foreman C
(2015) Biogeography of Supraglacial Environments
Foreman C & Smith H

Smith Hugh (2016) Landscape Controls Fate and Transport of Radionulides in Fukushima
Onda Y, Taniguchi K, Wakiyama Y, Yoshimura K, Smith H, Brake W, Iwagami S & Kato H

Smith Ian (2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Magmatic Behaviour throughout Growth Phases of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
Zemeny A, Zellmer G, Procter J, Nemeth K, Cronin S & Smith I
(2019) Volatiles in Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Olivine from the Auckland Volcanic Field
Ukstins I, Brenna M, Cronin S & Smith I

Smith Ian E M (2022) The Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai Jan 15, 2022 Eruption: Mineral and Melt Evidence for Heterogeneous Magma Sources
Ukstins I, Adams DT, Peate DW, Cronin S, Wu J, Brenna M, Shane P, Smith IEM, Paredes Marino J & Kula T
(2020) Magma Ascension Rates in Auckland Volcanic Field Revealed by Elemental Diffusion Patterns in Olivine Xenocrysts
Cassady V, Anae M, Ukstins I, Brenna M, Cronin S & Smith I
(2020) The Individuality of Melting Regimes in Small Basaltic Systems: Variations in Space and Time
McGee L, Smith I & Morgado E
(2020) The Magma Source of Small-Scale Monogenetic Volcanic Systems
Smith IEM, Cronin SJ, McGee LE & Brenna M
(2020) Understanding Magma Rise and Storage Using Major Element Diffusion in Olivine; Pupuke Maar, Auckland Field, New Zealand
Anae M, Cassady V, Ukstins I, Brenna M, Cronin S & Smith I

Smith Ian E. M. (2013) Dual Sources for Early Taranaki Magmas; The Sr Isotope Story
Stewart R, Price R, Smith I & Zernack A
(2012) Refertilisation of the Hawaiian Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Doull J, Yaxley G, Norman M, O'Neill H, Sossi P & Smith I
(2012) Origin of Silicic Magmas in the Primitive, Intra-Oceanic Tongan Arc
Rushmer T, Turner S, Caufield J, Turner M, Cronin S & Smith I
(2011) How Small-Volume Basaltic Magmatic Systems Develop: A Case Study from Jeju, Korea
Brenna M, Cronin SJ, Smith IEM, Maas R & Sohn YK
(2011) Volume Control on Magmatic Evolution and Eruption Style Transition, Jeju, Korea
Brenna M, Cronin SJ, Smith IEM & Sohn YK
(2011) Monogenetic Basaltic Volcanoes Represent Extraction Rather Than Melting Events
Smith IEM, McGee L, Cronin S, Bebbington M & Lindsay J
(2011) Monogenetic, but not Monotonous: Basaltic Eruptions in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
McGee L, Smith IEM, Millet M-A, Beier C, Lindsay J & Handley H
(2011) Evolution of Andesite Magma Systems; Egmont Volcano, New Zealand
Stewart RB, Zernack A, Turner M, Price R, Smith I & Cronin S
(2011) Did the AD 1452 Kuwae Eruption Have Global Climatic Impact?
Nemeth K, Cronin S & Smith I
(2009) Crustal Influences on U-Th Disequilibrium at Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu Volcanoes, New Zealand
Price R, Turner S, Cook C, Hobden B, Smith I & Gamble J
(2008) Making Andesites in a Lower Crustal Hot Zone: Preconditioning the Lithosphere of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Gamble J, Price R, Smith I, Bill M, Gardner M & Cameron E
(2008) Andesites as Mixtures of Crystals and Evolved Melts Derived from Multi-Component Crustal and Mantle Sources: Evidence from Ruapehu, New Zealand
Price R, Smith I & Gamble J
(2008) Timescales of Crustal Assimilation at Intra-Oceanic Arcs: U-Series and Geochemical Constraints from Lopevi Volcano, Vanuatu, SW Pacific
Handley H, Turner S, Smith I & Stewart R
(2008) Compositional Variations in Very Small Basaltic Systems Reveal Near Source Processes
Smith IEM, Blake S & Wilson CJN
(2008) Variable Magmatic and Eruptive Cycles at Arc Volcanoes; Taranaki (New Zealand) and Lopevi (Vanuatu)
Stewart R, Turner M, Smith I & Cronin S
(2008) Structural Controls on Changing Differentiation Depths at Mt. Ruapehu Volcano
Lee T, Macpherson C, Davidson J, Price R, Gamble J & Smith I
(2007) Melt Segregation and Near Source Fractionation: Examples from Small Scale Basaltic Systems
Smith I
(2007) Processes and Timescales of Magma Genesis and Differentiation at Lopevi Volcano, Vanuatu, SW Pacific
Handley H, Turner S, Cronin S & Smith I
(2007) Magmatic Processes and the Evolution of Crust: Insights from the New Zealand/Kermadec Subduction System
Price R, Smith I, Gamble J, Zernack A & Stewart R
(2006) Manufacturing and recycling crust in oceanic subduction systems of the southwest Pacific: processes and timescales
Smith I, Price RC & Gamble JA
(2006) A refined geochemical dataset of volcanic rocks from the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc
Graham I, Smith I, Arculus R & Wright I
(2006) New Zealand Andesites: Priming the lithosphere for a supervolcano.
Gamble J, Price R & Smith I
(2006) Mixing, fractionation and crustal assimilation in andesites: evidence from U-Th disequilibrium data, Ruapehu, New Zealand.
Price R, Gamble J, George R, Turner S, Smith I & Cook C
(2004) Insights into Andesites from Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand and Links to Rhyolitic Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone
Gamble J, Price R & Smith I
(2003) A Petrogenetic Link between High-MgO and Garnet-Bearing Andesites – A Setouchi Analogue from the Eastern Volcanic Belt in Northland, New Zealand?
Bach P, Malpas J & Smith I

Smith J R (2006) Reconstructing Pleistocene pluvial phase environments, Western Desert, Egypt, from the geochemistry of authigenic water-lain deposits
Smith JR, Kieniewicz JM, Adelsberger KA & Heil-Chapdelaine V

Smith J. L. (2001) Field Scale Pesticide Transport to Ground and Surface Water
Allen-King RM, Keller CK, Smith JL, Van Biersal T & Schaumloffel J

Smith J. Torquil (2015) Geochemical-Isotopic Systematics, Geothermometry, and THMC Models of the Newberry Volcano Enhanced Geothermal System
Sonnenthal E, Cladouhos T, Brown S, Christensen J, Smith JT, Spycher N, Conrad M, Kennedy BM, Yang L & Dobson P

Smith James (2012) Rapid Early- to Mid-Holocene Thinning of Pine Island Glacier Detected Using Cosmogenic Exposure Dating
Johnson J, Schaefer J, Bentley M, Fogwill C, Smith J, Schimmelpfennig I & Gohl K

Smith James (2013) Biogenic New Particle Formation and its Potential Impacts on Climate
Smith J, Lawler M, Winkler P, Zhao J & McMurry P

Smith James E. (2010) Transport of Volatile Contaminants in Groundwater by Gas Expansion and Mobilization Above a Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Pool
Mumford KG, Smith JE & Dickson SE

Smith Jennifer (2020) Canada’s First National-Scale Mineral Potential Model
Lawley C, Smith J, Tschirhart V, Schetselaar E & Eglington B
(2008) Geomorphic Evolution of Poljes: Implications for Human Settlement
Fadem C, Smith J, Moore A & Menđušić M

Smith Jeremy (2010) Catalytic Mechanism of Hg-C Bond Cleavage by the Organomercurial Lyase MerB
Parks J, Guo H, Momany C, Liang L, Miller S, Summers A & Smith J

Smith Jeremy (2014) Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Aqueous Reactions of Phenols
Smith J, Yu L, George K, Kinney H, Dillner A, Zhang Q & Anastasio C

Smith Jeremy C. (2014) Biophysical Characterization of HgcA, a Protein Required for the Biosynthesis of Methylmercury
Johs A, Tomanicek SJ, Belic A, Rush KW, Parks JM, Riccardi D & Smith JC

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