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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Slomberg D. (2023) Behavior and Fate of Tungsten-Based Nanoparticles and their Biological Impacts within Freshwater Ecosystems
Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Slomberg D, Vidal V, Proux O, Brousset L, Angeletti B, Thiéry A, Rose J & Auffan M
(2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O
(2018) Evaluation of the Environmental Exposure to Nanoparticulate UV-Filters Used in Sunscreens
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Boudenne J-L, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Masion A & De Garidel C
(2018) Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Aging of Sunscreens with TiO2 UV Filters
Slomberg D, Masion A, Ziarelli F, Catalano R, Viel S & Labille J
(2017) Eco-Design of Sunscreens Through the Minimization of Risks Associated with Nanomaterials
Labille J, Slomberg D, Bartholomei V, Catalano R, Hubaud J-C, Vidal V, Rose J, de Garidel C & Boutry D
(2017) Investigations into Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle and Pesticide Interactions in Aqueous Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Slomberg D, Baran N, Pariat A, Devau N, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J
(2017) Heteroaggregation of Manufactured Nanoparticles with Suspended Particulate Matter Analogues as Compared to a Natural River System
Slomberg D, Labille J, Pariat A, Praetorius A, Ollivier P, Radakovitch O, Sani-Kast N & Scheringer M
(2016) The Role of Pesticides in Stabilization of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Ilina S, Ollivier P, Baran N, Slomberg D, Devau N, Pariat A, Sani-Kast N, Scheringer M & Labille J
(2016) Assessing the Heteroaggregation of Manufactured Nanoparticles with Natural Colloids in Surface Water
Slomberg D, Labille J, Ollivier P, Praetorius A, Sani-Kast N, Ilina S, Radakovitch O, Scheringer M & Brant J

Slomp C.P. (2023) Gene-Based Modeling of Methane Oxidation in Coastal Sediments: Constraints on the Efficiency of the Microbial Methane Filter
Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Dalcin Martins P, Wallenius AJ, Jetten M & Slomp CP
(2023) Methane from the Past: Insights from Clumped Isotope Measurements
Sivan M, Sun J, Röckmann T, Haghnegahdar MA, Farquhar J, Veen CVD, Slomp CP & Popa ME
(2023) Effectiveness of P Retention in Eutrophic Peat Lake Sediments 10 Years after Fe Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As KS, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP, Voegelin A & Behrends T
(2023) Unraveling Trace Metal Co-variation Patterns in Coastal Marine Sediments: Anthropogenic, Redox, and Diagenetic Controls
Paul M, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP & Jilbert T
(2023) Influence of Filter Age on Fe and Mn Removal in Dual Media Rapid Sand Filters Used for Drinking Water Production
Haukelidsaeter S, Boersma A, Lenstra WK, Kirwan L, Corbetta A, Vos L, Gorres I, Schoonenberg F, Borger K, Wielen PVD, Kessel MV, Lücker S & Slomp CP
(2021) A Sequential Extraction Procedure for Manganese and its Application to Marine Sediments
Lenstra WK, Behrends T, Klomp R, Molema F & Slomp CP
(2021) Methane Dynamics in a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Zygadlowska OM, Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Röckmann T, Venetz J, Wallenius AJ, Dalcin Martins P, Veraart AJ, Jetten MSM & Slomp CP
(2021) Speciation Influences Copper Mobilisation from Marine Sediments by the Chalcophore Methanobactin
Rushworth D, Kumar N, Noel V, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP, Lehmann MF, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
(2021) Iron and Manganese Dynamics in Coastal Seas and Response to Eutrophication
Slomp CP, Lenstra WK & Hermans M
(2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP
(2021) Phosphorus Dynamics in a Eutrophic Coastal System with Contrasting Bottom Water Redox Conditions
van Helmond NAGM, Carstensen J, Hermans M, Bastiaan TC, Conley DJ, Humborg C, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2021) Sedimentary P and Fe Dynamics in a Eutrophic Peat Lake after Fe-Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As K, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP & Behrends T
(2021) Controls on Phosphorus Burial in Marine Sediments
Slomp CP
(2019) Chromium in the Black Sea
Severmann S, Bruggmann S, Goring-Harford H, James R & Slomp C
(2019) Phosphorus Sequestration in Sediments Populated by Cable Bacteria in the Seasonally Hypoxic Gulf of Finland
Hermans M, Astudillo Pascual M, Behrends T, Lenstra WK, Conley DJ & Slomp CP
(2019) Iron Dynamics in Marine Sediments: New Insights from a Comparison of Sequential Extraction Procedures
van Helmond NAGM, Ungerhofer KA, Hermans M, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2019) Release of Iron and Manganese from Louisiana Continental Shelf Sediments and Impact on the Water Column
Lenstra W, van Helmond N, Zygadlowska O, van Zummeren R, Witbaard R & Slomp C
(2018) Oxygen Loss In Coastal Waters: Impact on Geochemical Cycles
Slomp C
(2018) Controls on Marine Organic Carbon Burial and its Impact on the Global Carbon Cycle during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Papadomanolaki NM, Egger M, Sluijs A & Slomp CP
(2018) Impact of Cable Bacteria on the Biogeochemistry of Coastal Sediment
Hermans M, Behrends T, Risgaard-Petersen N, Meysman FJR & Slomp CP
(2018) Transfer of Iron from Continental Shelves to Anoxic Basins: A Comparison of the Black Sea and Baltic Sea
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Groeneveld R, van Helmond N, Witbaard R, Severmann S & Slomp C
(2018) Probing Sequential Chemical Extractions for Iron Speciation Using Magnetic Methods
Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Sperling E, Miller A, van Helmond N & Slomp C
(2018) Hypoxia in the Stockholm Archipelago over the Past 3 ka: A Natural Phenomenon or Human-Induced?
van Helmond N, Vollebregt A, Lougheed B, Peterse F, Fontorbe G, Conley D & Slomp C
(2017) Trace Metal Dynamics in the Water Column along a Shelf-To-Basin Transect in the Black Sea
Séguret M, Lenstra W, Hermans M, Dijkstra N, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Rijkenberg M, Laan P & Slomp C
(2017) Post-Depositional Vivianite Formation Alters Sediment Phosphorus Records
Hagens M, Dijkstra N, Egger M & Slomp CP
(2017) Molybdenum Dynamics in Sediments of a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Slomp CP, Sulu-Gambari F, Roepert A, Jilbert T, Meysman FJR & Hagens M
(2017) Impact of Natural Reoxygenation on the Sediment Geochemistry in a Euxinic Baltic Sea Basin
Hermans M, Lenstra W, van Helmond NAGM, Egger M, Jilbert T, Witbaard R, Gustafsson E, Gustafsson BG, Conley DJ & Slomp CP
(2017) Hypoxia in the Holocene Baltic Sea: Comparing Modern Versus Past Intervals Using Sedimentary Trace Metals
van Helmond NAGM, Jilbert T & Slomp CP
(2017) Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, Pohl A, van Helmond NAGM, Coe A, Cohen A, Donnadieu Y & Slomp CP
(2017) The Shelf-To-Basin Iron Shuttle in the Black Sea Revisited
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Witbaard R, Kraal P, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Teaca A, Behrends T, Dijkstra N & Slomp C
(2017) Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 Signals of Methanogenesis and Methanotrophy
Ash J, Egger M, Kohl I, Treude T, Slomp C, Cragg B, Parkes RJ, Rumble D & Young E
(2016) Coupled Cycling of Iron, Manganese and Phosphorus in the Water Column of the Black Sea and its Implications for Phosphorus Burial
Dijkstra N, Kraal P, Seguret M, Rijkenberg M, Gonzalez S & Slomp CP
(2016) Redox Processes in Suboxic Worlds: The Highly Different Benthic Geochemistry of Fe-S-Mn Across the Chemoclines of Baltic and Black Sea
Yucel M, Sommer S, Dale A, Slomp C & Arkin S
(2016) Coupled Dynamics of CH4-S-Fe-P in Black Sea Sediments
Egger M, Kraal P, Jilbert T, Sulu-Gambari F, Sapart CJ, Röckmann T & Slomp CP
(2016) Cable Bacteria Impact Sediment Iron and Manganese Dynamics in a Seasonally-Hypoxic Marine Lake
Sulu-Gambari F, Seitaj D, Behrends T, Banerjee D, Meysman F & Slomp C
(2015) A Holocene History of Dynamic Redox Conditions in the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Lyons T, Planavsky N, Andrén T, Jorgensen B, Slomp C, Ash J, Bauersachs T & Martin E
(2015) Phosphorus Dynamics in Coastal Marine Sediments: New Insights in the Role of Fe-P Phases
Slomp C, Egger M, Dijkstra N, Jilbert T, Behrends T, Reed D & Kraal P
(2015) Reassessing the Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Sediments from the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, van Helmond N, Tsandev I, Middelburg J & Slomp C
(2014) Controls on Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Coupled to Iron Reduction in a Brackish Coastal Sediment Subject to Eutrophication
Tsandev I, Egger M, Rooze J & Slomp C
(2013) Mediterranean Sapropel S1: Synchronous Basin-Wide Preservation Versus Productivity Signals
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Corselli C, Erba E, Thomson J & Reitz A
(2013) Rapid High Amplitude Variability in Baltic Sea Hypoxia during the Holocene
Jilbert T & Slomp CP
(2013) Coupled Fe-S-P Cycling in Sediments of an Oligotrophic Coastal Basin and the Role of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Egger M, Jilbert T & Slomp C
(2013) Sediment Phosphorus Dynamics in a Marine Coastal Lake: Response to Seasonal Bottom Water Anoxia
Sulu-Gambari F, Seitaj D, Meysman F & Slomp C
(2012) Multi-Scale Segmentation of Global Continental and Coastal Waters: Typological Analysis and Application to the Carbon Budget
Duerr H, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Hartmann J, Regnier P & Slomp C
(2011) Enhanced Phosphorus Regeneration in Low Oxygen Marine Settings: Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments and Implications for the Future Ocean
Jilbert T, Slomp CP, Kraal P, Steenbergh AK & Palastanga V
(2011) Mediterranean Sapropel Formation; Preservation and Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Principato S, Erba E & Thomson J
(2010) Seasonal to Decadal Dynamics of Phosphorus Cycling in the Baltic Sea: The Role of Sediments
Jilbert T, Slomp C, Gustafsson B & Reed D
(2010) Sedimentary Phosphorus Cycling along an Oxygen Gradient in the Arabian Sea: Insights from Sequential Extractions and X-Ray Spectroscopy
Kraal P, Slomp CP, Reichart G-J & Bostick BC
(2010) Nutrient Biogeochemistry in Permeable Sediments Impacted by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Charette M, Breier C, Dulaiova H, Gonneea M, Henderson P, Kroeger K, Mulligan A, Rao A & Slomp C
(2009) Reconstructing Phosphorus and Carbon Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: Why We Need Modern Analogues
Slomp C, Kraal P, Reed D & Tsandev I
(2009) Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Sandy Aquifer: A Multi-Isotope Study
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H, Böttcher M & Van Cappellen P
(2009) Assessing the Role of the Bothnian Sea Phosphorus Burial Sink
Mort HP, Slomp CP & Gustafsson BG
(2008) Denitrification Coupled to Pyrite Oxidation and Changes in Groundwater Quality at Oostrum, the Netherlands
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H & Van Cappellen P
(2008) Sedimentary Organic C/P Ratios as a Redox Proxy in Long-Term Records for the Mediterranean Sea
Slomp CP & De Lange GJ
(2008) Redox-Dependent Phosphorus Burial and Regeneration in Cretaceous Black Shales and Mediterranean Sapropel S5
Kraal P, Slomp CP, Forster A & de Lange GJ
(2008) Phosphorus Burial in Baltic Sea Sediments with Contrasting Redox Conditions
Mort HP, Slomp CP & Gustafsson BG
(2008) Modeling Phosphorus Cycling and Carbon Burial during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Tsandev I, Slomp C, Kraal P & Van Cappellen P
(2007) Modeling Marine Carbon and Phosphorus Cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Slomp C, Kraal P & Tsandev I
(2007) Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Preservation; Diagenesis Versus Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Thomson J, Ferreira A, Sinninghe-Damste J & Vale C
(2004) Biogeochemical Dynamics in Sediments of a Coastal Fresh Water Lake
Canavan R, Slomp C, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2002) Trace Metal Dynamics in Freshwater Sediment: The Haringvliet
Canavan R, Slomp CP & Van Cappellen P

Slon V. (2023) Characterization of Archaeological Sediments to Facilitate the a Priori Selection of Samples for Ancient DNA Analyses
Vanghi V & Slon V

Slotta J.

Slotte N. (2018) Temporal HSE Variation and Core Formation in Vesta
Debaille V, Slotte N, Wainwright A, Goderis S & Luguet A

Slotte T. (2017) Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B

Slotton D.G. (2014) Distribution of Historical Gold Mines Helps Predict Mercury in Fish Tissue, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA
Alpers CN, Slotton DG, Orlando JL, Yee JL, Ackerman JT, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Fleck JA & Stumpner E

Slotznick S. (2020) Redox Controls on Trace Element Mobility during Shale Weathering from Microscale Analyses
Carrero S, Arora B, Slotznick S, Wan J, Steefel C, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2019) Trace Metals are Retained during the Circumneutral Weathering of Pyritic Shale
Carrero S, Sharrar A, Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2018) Chemical Imaging Approaches to Untangle Depositional and Post-Depositional Processes in Ancient Rocks on Earth and Mars
Fischer W, Lingappa U, Trower E, Magyar J, Slotznick S, Johnson J, Webb S, Ma C, Guan Y, Rasmussen B & Liu Y
(2018) Probing Sequential Chemical Extractions for Iron Speciation Using Magnetic Methods
Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Sperling E, Miller A, van Helmond N & Slomp C
(2014) Archean ‘Whiffs of Oxygen’ Tied to Post-Depositional Processes
Fischer W, Slotznick S, Johnson J, Webb S, Rasmussen B, Raub T & Kirschvink J
(2014) Using Novel Coupled Microscale Techniques to Investigate Iron-Bearing Minerals in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks and their Use as a Redox Proxy
Slotznick S, Webb S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W
(2013) Micro-Scale Complexity in Iron-Sulfide Phases in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks Determined by Coupled Spectroscopic, Isotopic, and Magnetic Techniques
Webb S, Johnson J, Slotznick S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W

Slowakiewicz M. (2015) Evidence for Euxenia in Two Late Devonian Black Shale Basins
Harris N, Dong T, Poole S, Slowakiewicz M & Pancost R

Slowey A. (2012) Bulk Redox Status or Redox Microenvironments: Which is More Important for Controlling Trace Element Transport?
Nico P, Varadharajan C, Beller H, Han R, Yang L, Brodie E, Conrad M, Bill M, Slowey A & Moses W
(2007) Speciation of Mercury in Mining Environments
Brown, Jr. GE, Slowey A, Jew A, Kim CS, Lowry GV, Shaw S, Gustin MS & Rytuba JJ
(2006) Transformations of mercury, iron, and sulfur during the reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxide by sulfide
Slowey A & Brown G

Slowey N. (2013) Ice Age Carbon Dynamics of the Interior Atlantic Ocean Inferred from a Highly Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
Foreman A, Charles C, Rae J, Slowey N & Adkins J
(2012) Proxies of Tropical Cyclone Isotope Spikes in Precipitation: Suitable Species in Subtropical Climate Zones
Lawrence J, Maddocks R, Slowey N & Roark B
(2002) Nd in Sedimentary Planktic Foraminifera Located in a Phase that Records the Nd Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
Beney P, Vance D, Staubwasser M, Henderson G & Slowey N
(2000) U-Th Dating of Marine Isotope Stage Seven in Bahaman Slope Sediments
Robinson LF, Henderson GM & Slowey NC
(2000) Neodymium in Sedimentary Foraminifera Records the Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
Vance D, Henderson GM, Burton KW & Slowey NC

Slowik J. (2011) Discrimination of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Different Sources
Heringa M, Chirico R, Platt S, Pfaffenberger L, Barmet P, Slowik J, DeCarlo P, Dommen J, Prévôt A & Baltensperger U

Slowinski M.

Slowinski S. (2023) Winter Soil Processes in Cold Region Agroecosystems: Impacts on Nitrogen Cycling
Rezanezhad F, Green D, Krogstad KJ, Jensen GB, Gharasoo M, Jordan S, Slowinski S, Hug LA, Wagner-Riddle C, Henry H, Rudolph D & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Salinization Increases Phosphorus Internal Loading in Freshwater Urban Lakes
Radosavljevic J, Slowinski S, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Sediment Core Reconstruction of Changes in Phosphorus Loading and Cycling Accompanying a Watershed’s Transition from Agricultural to Urban Land Use
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Ippolito I, Graham A, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Shafii M, Parsons CT, Rezanezhad F, Hall RI & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Contribution of Riparian Vegetation to the Carbon Budget of an Urban Stormwater Pond
Sabur MA, Kaykhosravi S, Slowinski S & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Soil Biogeochemistry Under Variable Moisture Content and the Role of Anaerobic Processes
Van Cappellen P, Fairbairn L, Ramezanzadeh M, Ye J, Gharasoo M, Parsons CT, Macrae M, Slowinski S & Rezanezhad F
(2022) CO2 Flux Measurements in Northern Peatland Soil Incubations: Q10 Climate Trends and Alternative Model Representations Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions
Byun E, Rezanezhad F, Fairbairn L, Slowinski S, Basiliko N, Price JS, Quinton WL, Roy-Léveillée P, Webster K & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Influence of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Experiment and Numerical Simulation
Ramezanzadeh M, Slowinski S, Rezanezhad F, Murr K, Lam C, Smeaton C, Alibert C, Vandergriendt M & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Global Trends in Timing and Rates of Chlorophyll-A Increase in Cold-Temperate and Temperate Lakes
Adams H, Ye J, Persaud B, Slowinski S, Kheyrollah Pour H & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Salinization Enhances Eutrophication in a Cold Temperate Urban Lake
Radosavljevic J, Slowinski S, Shafii M, Rezanezhad F, Akbarzadeh Z, Withers W & Van Cappellen P
(2021) Possible Coupling of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (AOM) and Anammox in Cold Wetland Soils
Townsend HR, Rezanezhad F, Slowinski S, Smeaton C, Macrae M, Parsons C, Webster K & Van Cappellen P
(2021) Sediment Core Phosphorus and Other Human-Influenced Element Distributions Record Historical Land Use and Runoff Changes in the Watershed of an Urban Lake
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Graham A, Rezanezhad F, Shafii M, Parsons C, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Hall R & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Microbial Uncoupling and Energy Storage: A Modeling Study of Nitrite Toxicity-Induced Stress Response
Mellage A, Smeaton C, Slowinski S & Van Cappellen P
(2018) Does Carbon or Energy Limit Chemosynthetic Mixotrophic Microbial Growth?
Slowinski S, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Global Modification of Riverine Nitrogen Fluxes by Damming
Akbarzadeh Z, Maavara T, Slowinski S & Van Cappellen P

Sluijs A. (2022) Exploring Systematic Bias in UK’37 in the Mediterranean Sea Through Alkenone Flux and Coccolith Clumped Isotope Measurements in a 28-Year Sediment Trap Record
Rice A, Bouwmans D, van Boxtel A, Peterse F, Ziegler M, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, de Lange GJ & Sluijs A
(2022) River Particles in Biogeochemical Cycles
Müller G, Börker J, Sluijs A & Middelburg J
(2022) Effect of Ocean Margin Calcification Dynamics on Global Carbon Transfer during the Cenozoic – A box Model Study
Kruijt AL, Soetaert K, Sluijs A & Middelburg J
(2021) Coastal Carbon Transfer in the Past – A box Model Study
Kruijt AL, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2021) Spatial Distribution of Lipid Biomarkers, Dinoflagellate Cysts and Pollen in Coastal Marine Surface Sediments in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Yedema Y, Sangiorgi F, Sluijs A, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Peterse F
(2021) New Insights into the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum from Lithium Isotopes
Krause AJ, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Sluijs A, van der Ploeg R & Lenton TM
(2020) Closing the Modern Ocean Alkalinity Budget by Riverine Particulate Inorganic Carbon
Müller G, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2018) Dinoflagellate Cyst Based pCO2 Proxy: First Results and Outlook
Frieling J, Reichart G-J, van Roij L, van de Waal DB & Sluijs A
(2018) A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
(2018) Controls on Marine Organic Carbon Burial and its Impact on the Global Carbon Cycle during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Papadomanolaki NM, Egger M, Sluijs A & Slomp CP
(2017) Towards Quantitative Reconstructions of Element Cycles for Weathering and Carbon Cycle Tracers Across the Cenozoic
van der Ploeg R, Soetaert K, Bohaty S, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2012) A Clumped Isotopes Perspective on Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene Southern High Latitudes
Douglas P, Ivany L, Beu A, Hollis C, Houben A, Sluijs A & Affek H
(2011) Quantifying Biotic Responses to Past Abrupt Climate Change: Thresholds and Sensitivities
Gibbs S, Edgar K, Bown P, O'Dea S, Sluijs A, Murphy B & Zachos J
(2010) Parallel Trends in Middle Eocene Temperatures and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration?
Bijl PK, Houben AJP, Schouten S, Bohaty SM, Sluijs A, Reichart G-J, Sinninghe Damste JS & Brinkhuis H
(2009) Evolution of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene and Oligocene Reconstructed Using Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Bohaty S, Houben S, Bijl P, Sluijs A, Eldrett J, Harding I, Sinninghe Damste J & Brinkhuis H
(2007) The Magnitude of Ocean Warming during the PETM: Implications for Forcing and Climate Sensitivity
Zachos J, McCarren H, Bohaty S, John C, Sluijs A, Brinkhuis H, Sinninghe Damste J, Schouten S & Sloan L

Sluyts W. (2010) The Geochemistry of the Brent Impact Structure, Ontario, Canada
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