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Simonetti Antonio (2019) Chemical and Isotopic Examination of Nuclear Materials: Adopting a Multi-Faceted Approach to Forensic Investigations
Simonetti A
(2019) Eliminating U-Pb ‘downhole’ Elemental Fractionation and Achieving Nanometer (nm) Depth Resolution by Low Volume Single-Shot LA-ICP-MS
Corbett E, Simonetti A, Crowley Q, Shaw P & Corcoran L

Simonetti D. (2023) Net Carbon Dioxide Removal via Electrolytic Seawater Mineralization
La Plante E, Chen X, Bustillos S, Bouissonnie A, Traynor T, Jassby D, Corsini L, Simonetti D & Sant G

Simonetti M. (2023) Coupling Monazite and Titanite Dating to Unravel the Evolution of an Amphibolite-Facies Shear Zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone; Italy)
Langone A, Corvò S, Maino M, Bonazzi M, Simonetti M, Piazolo S, Braschi E & Orlando A

Simonetti R. (2015) Combined Use of TEM/EDX, microRaman and AFM for Characterizing Single Atmospheric Particles
Choël M, Unga F, Simonetti R, Derimian Y & Duponchel L

Simonetti S. (2017) The Redox State of Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A, Simonetti S, Woodland A & Harris C
(2008) Sulfides, Diamonds and Eclogites: Their Link to Peridotites and Slave Craton Tectonothermal Evolution
Aulbach S, Creaser R, Heaman L, Simonetti S, Griffin W & Stachel T

Simoni E. (2016) In situ Investigations of Short Chain Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids on U(VI) Sorption on Silica and Rutile
Lefevre G, Zhao Y, Singh B, Simoni E & Mercier-Bion F
(2007) U(VI) and Eu(III) Interaction with Pyrite (FeS2)
Eglizaud N, Descostes M, Schlegel ML, Mizerque F & Simoni E

Simoni J.A. (2011) Calorimetry in Soil Sciences; An Unique Approach
Ullah H, Simoni JA & Airoldi C

Simonin J-P. (2002) Thermodynamic Modelling of Lithium-Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Dubois M, Monnin C, Papainocomou N & Simonin J-P

Simonin M. (2018) Temporal Fate and (Bio)transformations of Cu- and Au- Based Nanomaterials Chronically Added in Freshwater Mesocosms
Avellan A, Simonin M, Geitner N, Colman B, Cooper J, Bossa N, Spielman-Sun E, Bernhardt E, Wiesner M, Unrine J & Lowry G
(2017) Long Term Behavior of Metal Nanoparticles after Low Dose Chronic Addition in Simulated Freshwater Wetlands
Avellan A, Spielman-Sun E, Simonin M, Colman BP, Cooper J, Geitner NK, Bernhardt E, Wiesner M, Unrine J & Lowry GV

Simonits A. (2007) Inferences for the Style of Subduction in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region Based on Boron Signatures
Gméling K, Harangi S, Kasztovszky Z, Pécskay Z & Simonits A

Simonneau Anaëlle (2023) Speciation of Pharmaceutical Products and Trace Metals within the Aqueous/Sediment/Colloidal Fractions in a Suburban Watershed with Both Lab-Experimental and Field Approaches (Egoutier, France)
Humbrecht A, Simonneau A, Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Ratié G, Freslon N, Le Milbeau C, Boscardin R, Hatton M & Le Forestier L
(2023) Application of Iron-Based Nanoparticles in French Wetland Ecosystems: Reactivity, Iron Transformation and Pharmaceutical Removal
Veselská V, Ratié G, Simonneau A, Baragaño D, Kašlík J & Filip J
(2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A
(2023) Suspended Particulate Matter Geochemical Signature at a Suburban Catchment Scale: Effects of Land Use Artificialization on Erosion Processes and Contaminants Export
Simonneau A, Thiebault T, Bernier-Turpin G, Freslon N, Humbrecht A & Ledieu L
(2017) Organic Geochemistry of Anthropocene Sediments in the Sewer Network of Orléans (France)
Thibault A, Jacob J, Simonneau A, Le Milbeau C, Di Giovanni C, Sabatier P, Reyss J-L, Ardito L & Morio C

Simonneau Anaelle (2016) Trace Metal Legacy on Mountains Aquatic Ecogeochemistry: TRAM
Le Roux G, Claustres A, Binet S, De Vleeschouwer F, Gandois L, Hansson S, Mazier F, Simonneau A & Teisserenc R

Simonnin P. (2021) Reduction of Selenate in Contact with Pyrite [100]: A DFT ab Initio Study
Ramothe V, Simonnin P, Gilbert B, Rosso K & Charlet L
(2021) Transverse Electron Exchange Pathways in Nontronite from First Principles
Simonnin P, Dong H, Neumann A & Rosso K
(2019) Molecular Simulation of the Solid-State Transport Properties of Silver Sulfide Towards Smart Passivation Strategies for Silver Nanowires in the Environment
Simonnin P, Charlet L, Gilbert B & Rosso K

Simonnot M-O. (2023) Preconcentration of Co and Ni from Aged Mine Tailings: Exploring Mineral Processing Techniques
Teillaud S, Coudert L, Simonnot M-O, Laubie B, Morel J-L & Guittonny M
(2016) Sustainable Management of Former Iron Industry Settling Ponds by Revegetation
Huot H, Simonnot M-O & Morel JL

Simonov V. (2004) Temperature and Chemistry of Fluids in Modern Seafloor Oreforming Systems: A Case of Fluid Inclusion Studies
Bortnikov N, Simonov V, Ikorskii S & Bogdanov Y

Simonović N. (2021) Geochemical Evidence for Water Column Sulfidic Holomixia in the Sediment of a Marine Lake
Ciglenečki-Jušić I, Čanković M, Marguš M, Mateša S, Simonović N, Dutour-Sikirić M & Mikac N

Simons Ben (2020) Magmatic Evolution, P–T Conditions, and Volatile Degassing of a Steady-State Volcano: Yasur, Vanuatu
Ukstins I, Hartsock T, Simons B & Cronin S

Simons Beth (2018) A Microstructural Study of Tungsten-(Tin) Skarns in Tabuaço, NE Portugal
Spruzeniece L, Andersen J, Rollinson G, Simons B, Noronha F, Ramos V & Seltsmann R

Simons D H (2000) Biomarker Constraints on Water Column Structure and Oceanographic Circulation in an Epeiric Sea (Callovian, Jurassic, North-Western Europe)
Kenig F, Simons DH & DiFrancesco G
(2000) Molecular Fossil Constraints on the Water Column Structure of the Cenomanian-Turonian Western Interior Seaway, North America
Simons DH & Kenig F

Simons Dirk-Jan (2002) Significance of Novel Branched Alkanes with Quaternary Carbon Centers in Black Shales
Simons D-J, Kenig F, Crich D & Schroder-Adams C
(2002) Alkanes with a Quaternary Carbon Centre: A 2, 200 Myr. Record of Sulfide Oxidizing Bacteria
Kenig F, Simons D-J, Crich D, Cowen J, Ventura G & Brown T

Simons K. (2010) Relationship between Water and Hydrogen Isotopes in Mantle End-Members
Simons K, Dixon J & Kingsley R
(2008) Li Isotopes in HP-Lt Rocks: Insights into the Role of Sediment-Derived Fluids
Simons KK, Harlow GE, Brueckner HK, Goldstein SL, Sorensen SS, Hemming NG & Langmuir CH

Simons S (2005) U-Series Ages of the Latest Silification Event in Regolith of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Simons S & Nemchin A

Simons Suzanne (2013) Rates of Natural Silica Precipitation Through Time
Merle R, Nemchin A, Simons S, Geisler T & Tomaschek F

Simonsen S. (2017) The Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Gardar Rift Magmatism: Hf Isotopic Clues to Archean Crustal Recycling
Finch A, Borst A, Hutchison W, Horsburgh N, Andersen T & Simonsen S

Simonson B. (2017) Shock-Metamorphosed Rutile and Associated Mineral Phases in Neoarchean Impact Layers
Davatzes A, Smith F, Simonson B, Smith J & Booksh K
(2009) Response of the Ancient Anoxic Biosphere to the Oxidation of Terrestrial Environments
Melezhik V, Fallick A & Simonson B

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