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Siirila-Woodburn E. (2018) Modeling Nitrogen Sources, Sinks and Transformations in a Mountain Watershed Under Changing Climate
Maavara T, Bouskill N, Arora B, Siirila-Woodburn E, Sample J, Couture R-M, Newcomer M, Foster L, Maxwell R, Williams K & Steefel C

Siitari-kaupii M. (2021) Sorption of Selenium Species onto Kaolinite Surface: Experiments, Surface Complexation Modelling and DFT Studies
Li X, Puhakka E & Siitari-kaupii M

Sikdar Pradip

Sikdar Pradip Kumar (2018) Effect of Seasonal Parameters in the Mobilization Process of Arsenic in Groundwater at Nadia, WB
Pathak P, Ghosh P & Sikdar PK

Sikder J. (2015) REE and Mo Isotopic Study of Permo-Triassic Sediments from Spiti Himalaya
Rai VK, Sikder J & Shukla AD

Sikder M.D. (2015) How Ion Identity, Ion Concentration, and pH History Affect the Silica/Water Interface
Darlington A, Azam MS, Sikder MD & Gibbs-Davis J

Sikes D. (2020) Nonlinear Soil Change by Exotic Earthworms: Organisms as a Soil Forming Factor
Yoo K, Wackett A, Baumann T, Frelich L, Sikes D, Bowser M, Brown S, Ihl C, Zhang M, Riley J & Klaminder J

Sikes Elisabeth (2020) Reduced Northern Source Water and Ventilation during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean Linked to a “Deep Gateway” Effect
Sikes E, Williams T, Starr A & Martin E
(2020) Measuring Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic CO2 in the Southeastern Indian Ocean: Changes in the 13C Suess Effect over the Last Decade
Wagner A, Williams T, Sikes E & Martin E
(2018) Clues on Pacific Ocean Carbon Cycle & Circulation Dynamics Since the Last Glacial Maximum from Southern Hemisphere Depth Transects
Sikes E, Clementi V, Allen K & Lund D
(2018) Asynchronous Changes in the Vertical Structure of the Southern Ocean and the Deglacial Rise in Atmospheric CO2: Inferences from Isotopic Differences
Clementi V & Sikes E
(2017) Dueling Transects Show Enhanced δ13C and δ18O Differences between the South Atlantic and South Pacific during the Last Glaciation: The Deep Gateway Hypothesis
Sikes E, Allen K & Lund D
(2017) Rapid Changes in Pacific Seawater Carbonate Chemistry during the Last Glacial Termination
Allen K, Sikes E & Anderson R
(2017) The Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Proxy: A Uvigerina Core-Top Calibration and Deglacial Record from the Southwest Pacific
Stirpe C, Allen K & Sikes E
(2016) Environmental Controls on Alkenone Based UK’37 Temperature Reconstructions
Sikes E, Hardee M & Popp B
(2014) Ventilation and Stratification of the Southwest Pacific Ocean Across the Last Glacial Termination
Sikes E, Elmore A, Cook M, Allen K & Guilderson T
(2012) Calibration of the B Isotope paleo-Ph Proxy in the Deep Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus; Fine Scale Sampling and 2-D Mapping
Anagnostou E, Foster G, Huang K-F, Sikes E, You C-F & Sherrell R
(2011) Deglacial Southern Ocean Ventilation History from a Benthic Foraminiferal δ13C Transect
Elmore A, Sikes E, Cook M, Schiraldi B & Guilderson T

Sikes Elisabeth L (2023) Southeastern Indian Ocean Seawater Isotopes (δ18O) Across the Subtropical Front
Wagner AJ, Glaubke R, Sikes EL & Croteau A
(2023) Circulation in the Modern and Glacial Pacific: Oxygen Isotope and Model Constraints
Millet B, Gray WR, De Lavergne C, Wagner AJ, Waelbroeck C, Michel E, Rae JWB, Sikes EL & Roche D
(2023) Evolution of δ13C of Surface Water Masses in the Southeastern Indian Ocean over the Last 50, 000 Years
Sikes EL, Umling N, Starr A, Glaubke R & Martin E
(2023) Glacial-Interglacial Variability in Indian Ocean Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation
Umling N, Stirpe C, Sikes EL, Yang S-C, John SG & Goodkin N
(2022) High-precision Measurements of Southern Indian Ocean Seawater Isotopes (δ18O) Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Wagner AJ, Sikes EL, Glaubke R & Peltier JM
(2021) Deglacial CO2 Release and Ventilation in the Indian Ocean Sector Attributed to a Southern Ocean Deep Gateway Effect
Sikes EL, Glaubke R, Umling NE, Wiliams TJ, Starr A & Martin E

Siketić Z. (2022) Earliest Fossil Record of Cyanobacterial Microbialites >120 Myr Before the Great Oxygenation Event
Hickman-Lewis K, Gasparotto G, Maris A, Poggiali G, Brucato JR, Baneschi I, Boschi C, Siketić Z, Jakšić M, Barac M, Brajković M, Krmpotić M, Ghica D, Stefan M & Cavalazzi B

Sikl J. (2011) Lithium Isotope Fractionation at the Soil-Plant Interface
Myska O, Magna T, Novak M, Sikl J, Zoulkova V & Oulehle F

Siklosy Zoltan (2011) A Warming-Cooling Cycle between 3.8 and 3.2 ky BP: Correlations of Speleothem and Bivalve Compositions with Ice Core Records
Demény A, Schöll-Barna G, Siklósy Z, Serlegi G, Sümegi P & Bondár M
(2007) Climate Changes and Volcanic Signals during the Bronze Age: A Stalagmite Record
Siklosy Z, Demeny A, Vennemann TW, Hegner E, Kramers J & Leel-Ossy S

Siklósy Zoltán (2016) The 8.2 Event as Recorded by Compbined H-C-O Isotope Composition in Speleothem in Central Europe: Implications for Changes in Moisture Sources and Precipitation Seasonality
Czuppon G, Demény A, Siklósy Z, Lin K, Baykara O & Shen C-C

Sikora A. (2018) Biodegradation of Lignite Under Conditions of Acidic Molasses Fermentation
Bucha M, Detman A, Simoneit BRT, Mielecki D, Piwowarczyk C, Chojnacka A, Blaszczyk MK, Jedrysek MO, Marynowski L & Sikora A

Sikora E. (2005) Cr Isotopes as Indicators of Cr(VI) Reduction and Contaminant Sources
Johnson T, Bullen T, Ellis A, Sikora E & Kitchen J

Silantyev Sergei (2014) Plagiogranites from Oceanic Core Сomplex of MAR at 5°10’S: Dating and Possible Mechanism of Formation
Silantyev S, Koepke J, Ariskin A, Anosova M, Krasnova E, Dubinina E & Suhr G
(2011) Mantle Peridotites from the Stalemate F.Z. (NW Pacific)
Krasnova E, Portnyagin M, Silantyev S, Werner R & Hoernle K
(2011) Contrasting Mantle Signatures along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (10-50°N)
Dosso L, Hamelin C, Hanan B, Thirlwall M & Silantyev S
(2009) U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotope Analysis of Zircon from Young Magmatic Rocks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Kostitsyn Y, Belousova E, Bortnikov N, Silantyev S & Sharkov E
(2007) A Geochemical Gradient along the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge Revisited: New Hf and Pb Isotope Data
Silantyev S, Dosso L & Hanan B

Silantyev Sergey (2021) N-Ar-He-CO2 Systematics and H2O, Cl, K Abundances in MORB Glasses: Evidence for Interaction of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems in the MAR at 16°07'-17°11’N
Buikin A, Silantyev S & Verchovsky A

Silberg J. (2019) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Stadler L, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Gao X, Shis D & Bennett G
(2018) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Scale up Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Cheng S, Del Valle I, Fulk E, Gao X & Bennett G

Silburn M. (2006) Hydrogeochemistry of Hodgson Creek Catchment, Queensland Murray-Darling Basin
Cresswell R, Silburn M, Rassam D, Biggs A & McNeil V

Silén J. (2015) COSIMA – Analysis of Collected Dust Particles in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Hilchenbach M, Paquette J, Langevin Y, Kissel J, Briois C, Koch A, Schulz R & Silén J

Silenzi S. (2009) Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean Sea: High Resolution Constraints from Vermetid Reefs
Silenzi S, Calvo M, Chemello R, Devoti S, Fallon S, McCulloch M, Montagna P, Templado J & Trotter J
(2009) An Improved Sampling Method for Coral P/Ca as a Nutrient Proxy
Montagna P, McCulloch M, Taviani M, Trotter J, Silenzi S & Mazzoli C

SiLiang L. (2018) Multiscale Investigations on Responses of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration to Moisture Changes
Zhifeng Y, Bond-Lamberty B, Todd-Brown K, Bailey V, SiLiang L, CongQiang L & Chongxuan L

Siliauskas L. (2023) Radiation-Damaged Zircon and its Dating: A Case Study of ca. 1.50 Ga Granitoid Veins Crosscutting Skarns in South-Eastern Lithuania
Skridlaite G, Siliauskas L, Whitehouse M & Dunkley DJ
(2022) Fluid-Driven Reactions in Ca-Mg-Skarns from the SW East European Craton (Lithuania): Microstructural Study and Dating of Ore-Forming Events
Skridlaite G, Siliauskas L, Söderlund U & Næraa T
(2020) Baddeleyite, Zircon and Monazite Minerals in the Metasomatites of the Varena Iron Ore Deposit in the Western East European Craton: Application for Dating Skarn and Ore Formation Processes
Skridlaite G, Soderlund U, Siliauskas L & Naeraa T
(2019) Textural Relationships and Mineral Chemistry at the Varena Iron Ore Deposit, S Lithuania: Rock-Fluid Interactions during the Metamorphism and Metasomatism of Calcareous and Silicic Rocks
Skridlaite G, Siliauskas L, Prusinskiene S & Baginski B

Silin D. (2012) Investigation of Coupled Flow and Geochemical Reactions at the Pore Scale by Direct Numerical Simulation
Molins S, Shen C, Silin D, Steefel C & Trebotich D
(2011) Direct Pore-Scale Numerical Simulation of Precipitation and Dissolution
Molins S, Silin D, Trebotich D & Steefel C
(2010) Three-Dimensional Imaging of Tight Gas Host Rock – Observations and Conceptual Models
Silin D, Kneafsey T, Ajo-Franklin J & Nico P

Siljanen H. (2011) Synoptic Approaches to Scale CH4 Flux in Boreal Landscapes
Dörsch P, Lange H, Thomas B, Siljanen H, Jensen S & Bakken L

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