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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Siddiqui S. (2010) Quantitative Application of CT-Scanning in Characterizing Reservoir Rocks and Flow in Porous Media
Siddiqui S

Siddiqui Z. (2020) Geo-Accumulation and Health Risk of Trace Metals in Road Dust of the Residential Areas Close to Industrial Sites of Delhi
Siddiqui Z & Khillare PS

Siddons P. (2006) The next generation of synchrotron fluorescence imaging for geological applications
Ryan C, Siddons P, Moorhead G, Dunn P, Kirkham R, Dragone A, De Geronimo G, Hough R & Etschmann B

Siddoway Christine S (2022) K-Ar Dating of Clay in Paleoweathering Environments: A Case Study from Weathered Granite beneath the Great Unconformity in Manitou Springs, Colorado
Levenstein BM, Schaen AJ, Siddoway CS, Kirk J & Reiners P
(2017) Age, Emplacement Conditions, and Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Clastic Dike by Hematite (U-Th)/He Dating and Fluid Inclusion Analysis
Jensen JL, Reiners PW, Steele-MacInnis M, Ault AK & Siddoway CS

Siddoway Christine S. (2012) Cretaceous P-T-T Evolution of the Fosdick Migmatite-Granite Complex, West Antarctica: Orogenic Collapse along the East Gondwana Margin
Yakymchuk C, Korhonen FJ, Brown M, Piccoli PM & Siddoway CS
(2012) Zircon U-Pb, O and Hf Isotope Characteristics of Granites Emplaced during Cretaceous Wrench to Transtension in West Antarctica
Siddoway C, Yakymchuk C, Fanning CM & Brown M

Sidenko N. (2008) Occurrence of (Na, K)2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2×nH2O in Gold Heap Leach Mine Waste
Sidenko N, Cooper MA, Sherriff B & Jamieson H
(2005) The Attenuation of Ni, Zn, Cu, by Secondary Fe Phases from Surface and Ground Water of Two Sulfide Mine Tailings Deposits
Sidenko N & Sherriff B
(2001) Precipitation of Metal Sulfates from Draining Solutions of Burning Slags of the Belovo Zinc Plant
Sidenko NV, Miroshnichenko LV & Gerasimov PA

Sideridis A. (2019) Occurrence of Rare Phosphides in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Greece and Russia
Zaccarini F, Ifandi E, Sideridis A, Tsikouras B, Grammatikopoulos T, Garuti G, Pushkarev E, Bindi L, Mauro D & Stanley C

Sides I. (2013) Mantle Control on Eruption Style at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i
Edmonds M, Sides I, Maclennan J, Swanson D & Houghton B

Sidhu Y. (2015) Biomineralisation of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Sorbents for Waste Cleanup
Handley-Sidhu S, King S, Stolpe B, Sidhu Y, Cuthbert M, Macaskie L, Lead J & Mullan T
(2014) Mechanism of Microbial Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Manufacture and its Application to Radionuclide Remediation
Handley-Sidhu S, King S, Stolpe B, Sidhu Y, Lead J, Cuthbert M & Macaskie L

Sidkar P. (2015) The Geomicrobiology of Arsenic Release in the Bengal Delta
Osborne T, McArthur J, Sidkar P & Santini J

Sidki-rius N. (2017) The Museum of Geology Valentí Masachs: A Tool for Learning About the Use of Minerals
Alfonso P, Sanz J, Sidki-rius N, Biosca J & Parcerisa D
(2017) Mineral Chemistry of Ore Minerals in the San Jose Mine of the Oruro District, Bolivia
Sidki-rius N, Jiménez-Franco A, Alfonso P, Penedo A & Aguilar A

Sidorina Y. (2016) The Lupveem Lifting: Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Rocks
Kalko I, Nikolaev Y, Nikolaeva I, Bychkov D & Sidorina Y
(2014) Precious Metal and Porphyry Mineralization of the Baimka Trend, the Chukchi Peninsula, Russia
Sidorina Y, Dzhedzheya G, Kalko I & Nikolaev Y

Sie S.H. (2001) AUSTRALIS: A New Approach to Mass Interference Resolution for in situ Geochemical Microanalysis
Sie SH

Siebach J.

Siebach K. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2019) The Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge: Oxidative Weathering on Mars?
Fraeman A, Arvidson R, Edgar L, Fedo C, Fischer W, Horgan B, L'Haridon J, Grotzinger J, Lanza N, Milliken R, Morris R, Salvatore M, Siebach K, Stack K, Thompson L, Sun V, Wiens R & Williams A
(2016) Sedimentary Petrology of the Murray Mudstone, Gale Crater, Mars
Siebach K, Grotzinger J, Hurowitz J, McLennan S, Fischer W & Gellert R
(2016) Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A

Siebe C. (2023) Linking Sulfur Degassing and Magmatic Redox at Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, Mexico
Lippitt R, Kelley K, Andrys J, Carey S, Widom E & Siebe C
(2022) Unravelling the Evolution of the Late Holocene Monogenetic Volcano Cluster, Zacapu Basin, Mexico: Crystal Fractionation, Crustal Assimilation, or Mantle Source Heterogeneity?
Reyes Guzman N, Widom E, Siebe C, Larrea P & Kuentz D
(2021) Paricutin Volcano (Michoacán, Mexico): Petrogenesis and Magma Dynamics of a Nine-Year Historical Monogenetic Eruption
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Albert H, Ubide T, Costa F, Colás V, Salinas S & Kuentz D
(2021) Multi-Isotope Systematics of the AD ~500-700 El Astillero and El Pedregal Monogenetic Cluster (Michoacán, Mexico)
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Kuentz D & Salinas S
(2020) El Astillero and El Pedregal Monogenetic Volcanoes (Michoacán, Mexico): A Multi-Isotopic Study of the Eruptive Sequence
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Parra D & Salinas S
(2019) Origin of Bimodal Magmatism in Continental Arcs: The Case of Las Derrumbadas Area, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Guilbaud M-N, Pedroza Aldana KG, Chedeville-Monzo C & Siebe C
(2015) Parícutin Volcano: A Multi- Isotopic Study of the Eruptive Sequence
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Salinas S & Guilbaud MN
(2011) Constraining Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Vesuvius, Italy: Insights from Stable Isotopes and Experimental Petrology
Jolis EM, Troll V, Harris C, Freda C, Orsi G, Siebe C, Blythe L, Deegan F, Misiti V & Civetta L
(2010) Os Isotope Systematics of Jorullo Lavas, Mexico: Petrogenetic Implications
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Siebe C, Guilbaud MN, Salinas S & Valdez G

Siebecker Matthew (2020) Surface Induced Ni(Ⅱ) Precipitation at the Palygorskite-Solution Interface Revealed by EXAFS, HRTEM, and DRS
Mo X, Siebecker M, Gou W & Li W
(2016) Probing the Rapid Formation Kinetics of Ni-Al LDH Precipitates on γ-Alumina Using QEXAFS
Li W, Siebecker M & Sparks D
(2016) How do Fe-Oxidizing Microbes Influence Biogeochemical Cycles? Perspectives from Kinetics and Metagenomics/Transcriptomics
Chan C, McAllister S, Field E, Chiu B, Hoppes K, Siebecker M & Luther G

Siebecker Matthew G. (2022) Understanding Zn(Ⅱ) Sorption on Palygorskite at the Molecular Scale: A Coupling XAFS and Zn Stable Isotope Approach
Mo X, Takahashi Y, Siebecker MG, Gou W, Wang Z & Li W
(2019) Surface Induced Ni(Ⅱ) Precipitation at the Palygorskite-Solution Interface Revealed by EXAFS, HRTEM, and DRS
Mo X, Siebecker MG, Gou W & Li W
(2019) Direct Detection of Solid-Phase Phosphorus Speciation in Agricultural Soils Using Paired µ-XRF Mapping and µ-XANES
Szerlag K, Northrup P, Tappero R, Siebecker M, Jaisi D & Sparks D

Siebel Wolfgang (2015) Petrogenesis of TTG-Type Granitoids by Partial Melting of Thickened Lower Crust and Implication for Early Crustal Growth: A Case Study from the Huichizi Pluton, Qinling Orogen, Central China
Qin Z, Wu Y, Siebel W & Wang H

Siebel Wolfgang (2013) The Halogen (F, Cl, Br) Budget of Continental Granitoid Plutonic Rocks
Teiber H, Marks M, Wenzel T, Siebel W, Altherr R & Markl G
(2011) Late Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Songliao Basin, NE China: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Ages and Sr-Nd Isotopes
Li S, Chen F, Zhu X & Siebel W
(2011) Geochronological and Thermochronological Evolution of the Southern Gaoligongshan Metamorphic Belt, Yunnan (China)
Eroglu S, Siebel W, Danisik M, Pfänder J & Chen F
(2011) Provenance of Early Sedimentary Sequences in the Tethyan Yunnan, SW China: Age and Hf Isotope of Early Archean Zircons
Chen F, Liu B-X, Li S-Q & Siebel W
(2011) Eruptive History and Chemical Evolution of the Acigöl Volcanic Field, Central Anatolia, Turkey, Based on Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb, δ18O) Constraints and Ion Microprobe Zircon Analysis
Siebel W, Schmitt A, Danisik M, Aydin F & Kiemele E
(2009) Kazdag Massif (NW Turkey): Metamorphic Equivalent of the Mesozoic Platform of Sakarya Continent
Erdogan B, Akay E, Hasozbek A, Satir M & Siebel W
(2009) Magmatic Evolution of the Northwestern Edge of Tauride- Anatolide Platform: Geochronological and Isotopic Implications
Hasozbek A, Satir M, Erdogan B, Akay E & Siebel W
(2008) Element and Isotope Compositions of Variscan S-Type Granites Reflect Different Basement Domains
Siebel W, Shang C, Reitter E & Taubald H
(2007) The Age of the Danube Fault, 40 Years after W. Schreyer
Siebel W, Hann H, Berthold C, Shang C, Rohrmüller J & Wemmer K
(2004) Timing of Mylonitization along the Bavarian Pfahl Zone, Bohemian Massif: Implications from U-Pb and Pb-Pb Radiometric Ages
Siebel W, Chen F, Blaha U, Rohrmueller J & Shang C
(2004) Early Paleozoic Magmatism in the Baoshan-Tengchong Block of the Tethyan Yunnan, China
Chen F, Siebel W & Guo J
(2004) Tectonic Evolution of the Central Higher Himalayan Crystallines in the Kharta Area, Southern Tibet: New Constraints from Geochronological Data
Liu Y, Siebel W, Massonne H & Xiao X
(2003) Extremely Low D/H Ratios of Amphiboles from Alkaline Syenite Complexes: Implications for the Genesis of Alkaline to Peralkaline Magmas or Problems with Mineral-Water Fractionations?
Vennemann T, Marks M, Siebel W, Markl G & Potter J
(2002) Geochemical and Geochronological Investigations of TTG Rocks from the Ntem Complex, Congo Craton and Implications for Post Magmatic Evolution
Shang CK, Siebel W, Satir M, Nsifa EN, Taubald H & Chen F
(2002) Provenance of Low-Grade Metamorphic Terrains of the Dabie UHP Collisional Zone, Central China
Chen F, Guo J-H, Siebel W & Satir M
(2002) Geochemistra and Zircon Ages of Variscan S-Type Granites from the Western Bohemian Massif
Siebel W, Chen F & Satir M

Siebel Wolfgang (2022) The Source Nature, Magma Evolution of I-Type Granites Revealed by Zircon Morphology and Grain-Scale Hf-O Isotopes
Qin Z & Siebel W

Siebenaller L. (2014) Femtosecond Laser Ablation-Time of Flight Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (fs-La- ICP-(TOF)MS) for Elemental Analysis of Fluid Inclusions
Gonzalez J, Oropeza D, Chirinos J, Salvi S, Siebenaller L & Russo R
(2013) The Copper Deposit of Gaoua, Burkina Faso: A Paleoproterozoic Porphyry Deposit
Le Mignot E, Siebenaller L, Beziat D, Salvi S, Andre-Mayer A-S, Reisberg L & Velasquez G

Siebentritt M. (2019) Sorption Behaviour of di- and Trivalent Radionuclides on Oxidesurfaces at High Salt Concentrations
García D, Lützenkirchen J, Petrov V, Siebentritt M, Huguenel M, Camels L, Schild D, Lefèvre G, Rabung T, Altmaier M, Kalmykov S, Duro L & Geckeis H

Sieber Matthias (2023) Extreme Variability of Iron Bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez MA, Janssen DJ, Conway TM, Cabanes D, Ellwood MJ, Sieber M, Trimborn S & Hassler C
(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN
(2022) Towards a Better Understanding of Nickel Cycling in the Modern Ocean: Development of an Automated Chromatography Method for Ni Isotope Analysis and the Generation of a GEOTRACES Ni Isotope Dataset in the Pacific Ocean
Bian X, Yang S-C, Raad R, Lanning N, Sieber M, Fitzsimmons JN, Conway TM & John SG
(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM
(2022) Examining Seasonal Variability in Seawater Iron Isotopes from the Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-Series (BAIT)
Toth ER, Sieber M, Sohst B, König D, Tagliabue A, Sedwick P, Boiteau RM & Conway TM
(2021) Re-assessing the Role of Water-Column Sulphide Formation in the Marine Cd Cycle
de Souza G, Vance D, Sieber M, Conway T & Little SH
(2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R
(2020) Tracing the Influence of Fe Sources in the North Pacific Using Fe Isotopes (Preliminary Results from GP15)
Sieber M, Lanning N, Fitzsimmons J, Weiss G, Hatta M, John S & Conway T
(2020) The Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in the South Atlantic Ocean (GEOTRACES GA10)
Conway T, Summers B, Schlosser C, Sieber M, John S & Achterberg E
(2019) Iron Cycling in the Upper Southern Ocean – Insights from Fe Isotopes
Sieber M, Conway T, De Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2019) Iron Sources and Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone Assessed Using Iron Isotopes
Rapp I, Sieber M, Scholz F, Hopwood M, Conway T, Xie RC, Frank M, Vance D & Achterberg EP
(2019) Biogeochemical Behaviour of Cd and Zn in Eastern-Boundary OMZs
de Souza G, Sieber M, Conway T & Vance D
(2018) The Cycling of Zn and Cd Isotopes in Multiple Sectors of the Southern Ocean from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
Sieber M, Conway T, de Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2017) The Role of Southern Ocean Processes in Controlling the Distribution of Cd Isotopes at Lower Latitudes in the South West Pacific
Sieber M, Conway T, Takano S, Sohrin Y & Vance D
(2016) The Role of the Polar Oceans in Controlling the Distribution of Cd Isotopes at Lower Latitudes in the South West Pacific
Sieber M, Conway TM, Takano S, Sohrin Y & Vance D

Sieber Melanie (2016) Carbonation of Serpentinite and Spinel Peridotite Under Fore Arc Conditions – An Experimental Study
Sieber M, Yaxley G & Joerg H
(2013) The Age of Eclogitisation Underneath the Kaapvaal Craton – A Composite Xenolith from Roberts Victor
Sieber M, Brey GP, Seitz H-M, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE

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