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Roden N. (2022) Making Silicic Magmas: It’s Igneous but Maybe a lot Colder Than you Think
Lundstrom C, Bruckel KM, Velazquez-Sanchez MG, Ortega K, Roden N, Manselle P, Campe C & Marks C

Rodenburg J. (2011) Ptychography: A Powerful X-Ray Imaging Tool
Maiden A, Morrison G, Kauliich B, Gianoncelli A, Kakonyi G & Rodenburg J

Roder M. (2015) Respirometric Measurements of Toxic Effects on Iron-Oxidizers
Giebner F, Roder M, Kaschabek S, Schlömann M & Schopf S

Rodés Á. (2017) 10Be/9Be in FeMn Crust 3514-6: A Record of Paleoceanographic Changes
Modestou S, Rodes A, Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Bolhao Muinos S, Ellam R & Flecker R
(2015) Precessional Variation in Seawater-Derived Late Miocene Pb Isotopes
Modestou S, Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Rodés Á, van der Schee M, Frank M, Muiños S, Ellam R & Flecker R
(2015) Cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne and 10Be Production in Xenoliths from Mount Hampton, West Antarctica
Carracedo A, Rodes A, Stuart F & Smellie J
(2008) 10Be Dating of Erratics at Hell Creek (Coast Mountains, BC, Canada)
Ortuño M, Evans S, Clague J, Pallàs R, Rodés Á, Cuman A, Braucher R & Bourlès D
(2008) How Minimum are the Minimum Ages of Deglaciation Deduced from Surface Exposure Dating? Assessment Based on Data from the Pyrenees (Iberian Peninsula)
Pallàs R, Rodés A, Braucher R & Bourlès D
(2008) Climate during the Last Glacial Cycle in the Pyrenees Inferred from 10Be Dating and Paleoglacier Modeling
Rodés Á, Plummer M, Pallàs R, Braucher R & Bourlès D

Rodger A. (2011) Drillcore Imaging Spectroscopy for Exploration and Mining
Laukamp C, Sonntag I, Cudahy T, Haest M & Rodger A

Rodger M. (2017) The Influence of Amino Acids on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Structure and Formation
Freeman C, Finney A, Innocenti-Malini R, Rodger M & Harding J
(2016) Molecular-Level Insight into the Effects of Amino Acids on Biomineralisation
Innocenti-Malini R, Finney A, Rodger M, Freeman C & Harding J
(2012) Insights into Biomineral Growth from Atomistic Simulations of Clusters and Nanocrystals
Quigley D, Bano M & Rodger PM
(2010) Towards Accurate Modeling of the Growth and Nucleation of Carbonates
Raiteri P, Gale J, Quigley D & Rodger M
(2010) Simulating Crystal Nucleation: Seeing the Infrequent with Molecular Dynamics
Rodger M, Quigley D, Harding J & Freeman C
(2009) Modelling Biomineralization Processes
Duffy D, Freeman C, Harding J, Quigley D & Rodger M

Rodger P.M. (2015) In Silico Studies of Calcium Carbonate Phases Emerging from Aqueous Solution
Finney AR & Rodger PM

Rodgers J. (2010) Characteristics of Produced Waters and Biogeochemical Processes for Effective Management Using Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems
Rodgers J & Castle J

Rodgers K. A. (2001) Post Depositional Changes to Silica Residue and Silica Sinter Formed from Thermal Fluids in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Browne P, Rodgers KA & Campbell KA
(2000) Transient Tracers and Interannual Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cell
Rodgers K, Dutay J, Orr J, Monfray P, Madec G, Peacock S & Key R

Rodgers Keith (2018) A Modified Marine Carbon Cycle Under RCP8.5: Implications for Ocean Carbon Storage
Fassbender A, Rodgers K & Schlunegger S

Rodgers Ryan

Rodgers Ryan P. (2011) Petroleomics: Past, Present and Future
Rodgers R, McKenna A, Hendrickson C & Marshall A
(2010) Petroleomics: Molecular Characterization of Petroleum Crude Oil
Marshall A, Blakney G, Hendrickson C, McKenna A & Rodgers R
(2010) The Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen by Atmospheric Pressure Photionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cylotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Podgorski DC, Osborne DM, McKenna AM, Rodgers RP, Marshall AG & Cooper WT

Rodhe A. (2012) A Particle-Based Approach to Modelling Water Flow and Residence Times in a Small Catchment
Davies J, Beven K, Nyberg L & Rodhe A

Rodier J. (2021) Study of the Geochemical Variability of the Archaeological Hammerscale found in Switzerland According to their Morphology and Chronology, 450 BCE to 500 CE
Rodier J, Katona Serneels I & Serneels V

Rodiguez-Fonseca B. (2016) Multi-Scale Hydrological Variability in N Iberia during the Mid to Late Holocene from Speleothem Mg/Ca
Cruz JA, Turrero MJ, Marin-Roldan A, Caceres JO, Ortega AI, Edwards RL, Rodiguez-Fonseca B, Muñoz-Garcia MB & Martin-Chivelet J

Rodionov A. (2017) Size Distribution and Composition of Soil Nanoparticles and Small Microaggregates in Dependence of Clay Content
Krause L, Rodionov A, Schweizer S, Lehndorff E, Klumpp E & Amelung W

Rodionov D. (2017) Searching for Traces of Life with the ExoMars Rover: The What, When, and Where of Landing Sites
Vago JL, Westall F, Loizeau D, Sefton-Nash E, Svedhem H, Rodionov D, Landing Site Selection Working Group T & ExoMars Project Team T
(2007) Jarosite and Goethite Identified by Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Surface of Mars: Mineralogical Evidence for Aqueous Processes
Klingelhöfer G, Morris RV, Rodionov D, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Yen A & Ming DW
(2007) Investigation of Weathering Rinds on Earth and Mars by Depth Selective Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Fleischer I, Klingelhöfer G, Rodionov D & Schröder C
(2006) Mineralogy on Mars at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum as seen by Iron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Yen A, Ming D, Schroeder C & Rodionov D
(2004) Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Mars and its Potential Contribution in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Schroeder C, Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Bernhardt B, Rodionov D, de Souza P & Renz F

Rodionov N. (2021) Titanite Composite Grain as an Evidence of Alkaline Granite Evolution
Belyatsky BV, Rodionov N, Lepekhina E, Antonov A, Arzamastsev A & Sergeev S
(2019) Baddeleyite + Zircon Association as a Tracer of Metamorphic Overprint
Lvov P, Rodionov N, Antonov A, Belyatsky B, Myskova T & Sergeev S
(2017) Pyrochlore and Baddeleyite from Carbonatites of the Paleozoic Polyphase Kovdor Massif (N.Karelia)
Rodionov N, Lepekhina E, Antonov A, Petrov O, Belyatsky B, Shevchenko S & Sergeev S
(2017) Long-Term History of Tikshe-Eletozero Alkaline-Ultramafic Complex, Fennoscandian Shield, Russia: Isotopic Signatures
Belyatsky B, Krymsky R, Rodionov N, Petrov O, Lepekhina E, Antonov A, Prasolov E, Arzamastsev A, Shevchenko S & Sergeev S
(2013) Carbonatites Age of the Tiksheozero Massive (North Karelia, Russia)
Frantz N, Rodionov N & Lokhov K
(2010) Lithospheric Mantle Evolution of the East Antarctic Craton: Isotope Evidence and PGE Patterns of Spinel Lherzolite Xenoliths
Belyatsky B, Krymsky R, Antonov A, Rodionov N & Sergeev S
(2008) Hydrothermal Zircon from Proterozoic Carbonatite Massif
Antonov A, Belyatsky B, Savva E, Rodionov N & Sergeev S
(2007) Age of HP Metamorphism from the Escambray Massif, Cuba
Krebs M, Stanek KP, Scherer E, Maresch WV, Grafe F, Idleman B & Rodionov N
(2007) New Evidences for Existance of Early Archaean Terrains within Enderby Land, Antarctica
Belyatsky B, Rodionov N, Leitchenkov G & Sergeev S
(2006) First SHRIMP U-Th-Pb data on detrital zircons and monazite from ice drillcore, Vostok lake, Antarctica
Rodionov N, Belyatsky B, Matukov D, Antonov A, Presnyakov S, Leitchenkov G & Sergeev S

Rodionova A.A. (2021) Distribution of Radionuclides in Heterogeneous Systems of Mineral Phases Typical for Crystalline Rocks of the Russian Underground Research Laboratory
Rodionova AA, Vlasova IE & Petrov VG

Rodiouchkina K. (2021) Longitudinal Isotope Ratio Variations in Human Hair
Rodiouchkina K, Rodushkin I, Goderis S & Vanhaecke F
(2020) On-Line Species-Specific Isotopic Analysis of Sulfur by Hyphenation of Capillary Electrophoresis with MC-ICP-MS
Fassbender S, Rodiouchkina K, Vanhaecke F & Meermann B

Rodius F. (2009) Ecotoxicological Effect of Altered TiO2 Nanocomposite on the Earthworm, Eisenia fetida
Bigorgne E, Foucaud L, Falla J, Labille J, Rose J, Rodius F & Nahmani J

Rodkin M. (2013) Permeability of the Continental Crust – Experimental Study and Insight from the Petrological and Seismological Data
Zharikov A, Rodkin M & Vitovtova V

Rodler A. (2022) Neoproterozoic Glaciations and their Tally on Seawater Evolution: Stable C, O and Cr Paired with Radiogenic Nd, Sr Isotope-Stratigraphy of the Witvlei Group (Namibia)
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Viehmann S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Goderis S, Frei R & Huang X
(2022) Stromatolites of the Western Pannonian Basin Reflect Trace Metal Availability in Microbial Habitats during the Middle Miocene Salinity Crisis
Viehmann S, Kujawa R, Hohl SV, Tepe N, Rodler A, Hofmann T & Draganits E
(2022) The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon
Rodler A, Brøns C, Tepe N, Hofmann T, Koeberl C, Frei R & Artioli G
(2020) Redox and Nutrient Fluctuations in Interglacial Neoproterozoic Witvlei Group Carbonates (Namibia) Argue for Ecosystem Instability Promoting Animal Evolution
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Gaucher C & Frei R
(2019) The Utility of Modern Microbialites for Recording Environmental Conditions
Bruggmann S, Rodler A, Klaebe R & Frei R
(2019) Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions: A Novel Metal Stable Isotope Perspective
Rodler A, Hohl S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Hegenberger W, Goderis S, Claeys P & Frei R
(2017) Early Cryogenian Cr Isotope Stratigraphy, Otavi Group, Namibia
Rodler AS, Frei R, Korte C, Gaucher C & Germs GJB
(2017) A Highly Unusual Constituent in Roman Polychromy
Buccarella Hedegaard S, Rodler A, Bredal-Jørgensen J, Klein S & Brøns C
(2015) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Coprecipitation with Calcium Carbonate
Rodler A, Sánchez-Pastor N, Fernández-Díaz L & Frei R
(2013) Chromium Isotope Record of the Otavi Group, Namibia
Rodler A, Frei R, Gaucher C, Voegelin A, Ullmann CV & Korte C

Rodley J. (2018) Understanding Trace Metal Sorption by Marine Minerals to Validate and Calibrate Geochemical Palaeoproxies
Peacock C, Rodley J, Dixon S, Poulton S, Parkinson I & James R

Rodney Joel (2022) Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Mariana Arc Lavas and Implications for K Recycling
Rodney J, Patel R, Tacail T, Lewis J, Andersen MB & Elliott T
(2021)238U Variation in Ancient Altered Mafic Oceanic Crust
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Gianola O, Andersen MB & Elliott T
(2021) Constraining the Tectonic Setting of Continental Crust Formation from Coupled in situ Rb-Sr Dating and Pb Isotopic Analysis of Detrital, Single K-Feldspar Grains
Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Stubbs D, Rodney J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2020) Timing the Oxygenation of the Deep Oceans Using δ238U
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Andersen M & Elliott T

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