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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ritter X. (2022) Mobility of Carbonate-Rich Melts within the Deep Carbon Cycle
Sanchez-Valle C, Ritter X & Massuyeau M
(2021) A Density Model for Mantle Carbonate-Rich Melts and Applications to Carbonatite Magmatism in the Upper Mantle
Massuyeau M, Ritter X & Sanchez-Valle C
(2019) Carbonate Melt Mobility in the Upper Mantle
Ritter X & Sanchez-Valle C
(2015) Alteration Patterns of Impact Glass Spherules in the Chicxulub K-Pg Event Bed at Beloc, Haiti
Ritter X, Deutsch A, Berndt J & Robin E

Ritter Jelinek A. (2019) Southernmost Brazil and Uruguay Basements Thermal Evolution Investigated with Low Temperature Thermochronometry
Silveira Luiz Machado JP, Ritter Jelinek A, Müller Bicca M & Stephenson R

Ritter Pedersen N. (2017) Specific Ion Effects on the Interaction of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces
Rios Carvajal T, Ritter Pedersen N, Bovet NE, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS

Ritterbusch F. (2023) New Frontiers for 81Kr-Dating
Li H, Yan J, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Yang G
(2023) Developments of 39Ar Dating by Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Yang G-M, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Hu W-K, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Wan Z-F
(2022) Extending the 81Kr-Dating Range Down to 10 ka
Jiang W, Li H, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Jia Z-H, Liu J-L, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M
(2021) Upper Age Limit of Cosmogenic 39Ar Dating Extended to 1, 800 Years
Jiang W, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M
(2018) New Developments at the Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating at USTC
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Landais A, Lipenkov V, Lu Z-T, Stenni B & Tong A
(2017) A New Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Liu J-L, Lu Z-T, Sun L-T & Tong A-M
(2017) Argon and Krypton Purification Systems for Noble Gas Radioisotopes Measurement with Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA)
Mathouchanh E, Beyersdorfer S, Kersting A, Ritterbusch F, Schmidt M & Aeschbach W
(2017) Sampling and Sample Preparation for Radiokrypton Dating of Groundwater, Glacier Ice and Ocean Water
Ritterbusch F, Yang G-M, Zhao L, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Lu Z-T & Tong A-M
(2016) Towards Dating Ocean Water and Glacier Ice with Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 39Ar
Ebser S, Feng Z, Ritterbusch F, Beyersdorfer S, Kersting A, Aeschbach W & Oberthaler M
(2016) Campaigns and Sample Preparation for Dating of Ocean Water and Glacier Ice with 39Ar – ATTA
Ritterbusch F, Beyersdorfer S, Kersting A, Ebser S, Feng Z, Ringena L, Hoffmann H, Tanhua T, Oberthaler MK & Aeschbach W

Rittman D. (2017) The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of Rare Earth Hafnate and Stannate Pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
Turner K, Rittman D, Tracy C, Heymach R, Turner M, Mao W & Ewing R

Rittmann B. (2005) Biosorption of Neptunium (IV) and Neptunium (V) on Soil Bacteria
Reed D, Rittmann B & Songkasiri W

Rittmann S. (2017) Molecular Hydrogen Production during Low-Temperature Serpentinization: A Modeling Study with Implications for Potential Microbial Life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Taubner R-S, Bach W, Rittmann S, Schleper C & Peckmann J
(2017) Archaeal Methanogenesis at the Onshore Serpentinite-Hosted Chimaera Seeps, Turkey
Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Gier S, Smrzka D, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Schleper C, Rittmann S, Grasemann B, Koşun E & Peckmann J

Rittner M. (2023) Multiphase LA-Icp-Tofms Mapping at Mpx/hr Rates
Rittner M, Schweikert A, Douglas D & Paul B
(2021) LA-Icp-Tofms for Multi-Element, Multi-Isotope Studies
Rittner M & Bussweiler Y
(2020) Benefits of Assessing Elemental and Isotopic Distributions in Marine Biominerals and Precipitates by LA-ICP-MS Imaging
Hutchinson R, Foster G, Milton J, Standish C, Sherrell R, Ko S, Pelejero C, Kozdon R, Rittner M & Field MP
(2020) Multi-Elemental LA – ICP – TOFMS Study of Mn Nodules
Rittner M & Hutchinson RW
(2019) Advances in High-Performance LA-Icp-TOF-MS Imaging
Rittner M, Stremtan C & Săbău G
(2018) Advances in Zircon Geochronology by LA-Icp-TOF-MS
Rittner M, Borovinskaya O, Tanner M, Danyushevsky L, Thompson J, Van Malderen S & Woodhead J
(2016) Hadean-Eoarchean Microfossils in Hydrothermal Vent-Related Sediments
Dodd M, Rittner M, Grenne T, Pirajno F, Slack J, O'Neil J & Papineau D
(2009) U/Pb-Dating of Calcite Slickenfibres
Rittner M & Müller W

Rittschof D. (2023) Exploring Barnacle Exoskeleton Formation and the Potential Impact of Increased Temperature in Amphibalanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Davis E, Traenkle S, Menendez P, Gautam R, Krishnamurthy K, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH
(2021) Exploring the Early Stages of Mineralization in the Parietal and Opercular Plates of the Barnacle Amphialanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Gupta A, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH

Rittweger J. (2011) Calcium Isotopes in Human Urine Under Simulated Microgravity Conditions
Heuser A, Frings-Meuthen P, Rittweger J & Galer S

Ritz C. (2013) Improvements of the Coherent and Precise Ice Core Dating Tool Datice: New Data and Parameterization
Bazin L, Landais A, Durand G, Ritz C, Montagnat M, Lemieux-Dudon B & Raynaud D

Ritz K. (2011) Thermodynamic Principles of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in a Changing World
Herrmann AM, Grice SM, Ritz K & Harris JA
(2009) Potential of Visualisation Methods to Further our Understanding of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
Herrmann AM, Nunan N & Ritz K

Riva Matthieu (2023) A Software Tool (Orbitool) for Analyzing Online Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry Data and its Applications
Cai R, Li Y & Riva M
(2023) Heterogeneous Chemistry and Nanometer Particle Growth: Laboratory Studies of Particle Size Dependent Aerosol Chemistry
Hoffmann T, Klink D, Douverne M, Rautenberg W, George C & Riva M
(2023) Revealing the Chemical Processes Governing the Evolution of Particle Oxidation Products from Naphthalene OH Initiated Oxidation
Sari Doré F, Zhang Y, Top J, Carstens C, Dubois C, Perrier S, El Haddad I, Bell D & Riva M

Riva Monica (2023) Chemical Speciation and Microbial Growth of Natural Spring Waters Associated with Diverse Hydrogeological Settings in the Area of Lecco (Italy)
Khan AU, Ronca RR, Porta GM, Riva M & Guadagnini A
(2023) Stochastic Modeling of Calcite Dissolution Rates from Microscale Observations
Recalcati C, Siena M, Riva M & Guadagnini A
(2023) Modeling the Fate of Diclofenac in Soil-Water Systems
Ceresa L, Guadagnini A, Riva M & Porta GM

Rivai T.A. (2016) Recent Investigation on Ag-Bearing Minerals at the River Reef Zone, the Poboya Prospect, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Rivai TA, Yonezu K, Syafrizal S, Kusumanto D & Watanabe K

Rivalenti G. (2009) Evidence for Ultra-Depleted Pb Isotopic Component in the Backarc Patagonian Mantle Wedge
Rivalenti G, Mazzucchelli M, Zanetti A, Hémond C & Cipriani A
Ciuffi S, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Cingolani CA
(2000) Melt Migration in the Mantle Wedge: A Case Study from Patagonia Back-Arc
Laurora A, Mazzucchelli M, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A & Cingolani CA

Rivalta E. (2021) Effect of Stratovolcanic Edifices on Timescales of Mafic Magma Ascent: Case Study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile
Chamberlain KJ, Morgan D, Lara LE & Rivalta E

Rivard B. (2023) Analysing the Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Agricultural Soils Amended with Various Silicate Rocks, and the Potential Co-benefits and Side Effects
Spence J, Wilson S, Rivard B, Feng J, Chiang YW & Santos RM
(2016) VMS Exploration: Oxygen Isotope Mapping from Top to Bottom
Taylor B, Peter J, Laakso K & Rivard B

Rivard Camille (2023) Impact of The Polymer Degradation on The Metallic Additives Distribution In Microplastics
Khatib I, Catrouillet C, Vantelon D, Rivard C, Davranche M & Gigault J
(2023) Cr(III) – Cr(VI): Variability of the Speciation of Chromium Released into the Environment by Microplastic Weathering
Vantelon D, Khatib I, Rivard C, Catrouillet C, Gigault J & Davranche M
(2023) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Ferrihydrite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D
(2022) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Goethite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Chaouchi K, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D
(2021) Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Tailings from Ion-Adsorption Deposits in Southern China
Janot N, Huot H, Rivard C, Bone S, Tang Y-T, Watteau F & Montarges-Pelletier E
(2017) The Oxidation State of Iron in Basaltic Glasses
Berry A, O'Neill H, Rowe M, Mosselmans F & Rivard C
(2015) Hydrogen Diffusion in Cr-Doped Forsterite Studied by XANES and FTIR
Jollands M, O'Neill H, Hermann J, Berry A & Rivard C
(2015) Behavior of Ferric Iron (Fe3+) during Partial Melting of MORB-Mantle Source
Sorbadere F, Frost D, Wenz M, Rosenthal A, Rivard C, Laurenz V & McCammon C
(2015) ID21 a Synchrotron Multi-Modal Platform for Micro-Spectroscopic Analyses in Earth, Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Fayard B, Hesse B, Rivard C, Bugnazet D, De Nolf W, Gagliardini E, Berruyer G & Susini J
(2014) Potassium in the Earth’s Core: New Experiments in a Deep Magma Ocean
Bouhifd MA, Andrault D, Pesce G, Petitgirard S & Rivard C
(2011) STXM and XAS Study of Kaolinite Conversion into Berthierine-Like Mineral
Rivard C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Pelletier M, Michot LJ, Vantelon D, Karunakaran C, Villieras F & Michau N

Rivard Christine (2017) Industry and Government Research Joint Venture; Sharing and Integrating Multisource Data for an Holistic Evaluation for Sustainable Resource Development
Lavoie D, Rivard C & Bordeleau G
(2016) Source of Dissolved Hydrocarbons in Groundwater– Isotopic Fingerprinting
Lavoie D, Bordeleau G, Haeri-Ardakani O & Rivard C
(2014) Assessing Baseline Near-Surface Bedrock and Groundwater Geochemical Data Prior to Shale Gas Exploration and Development – The Case of the Utica Shale, Quebec, Canada
Lavoie D, Mort A, Haeri Ardakani O, Sanei H, Bordeleau G, Rivard C & Aznar J-C

Rivas H. (2004) Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Groundwater in the Guanajuato Mining District, Central Mexico: Natural vs. Anthropogenic Sources of Heavy Metals
Carrillo-Chavez A, Morton O, Morales P, Cienfuegos E, Gonzalez-Partida E, Rivas H & Camprubi A

Rivas L. (2014) Studying the Response to Deglaciation Through the Prokaryotic Diversity and Metabolisms in the Sediments of Oligotrophic Andean Lakes
Parro V, Blanco Y, Rivas L, Puente-Sánchez F, Echeverría A, Demergasso C & Cabroll N
(2012) Exploring the Geomicrobiology of the Rio Tinto Subsurface Mars Analog by Using a Life Detector Biochip
Puente F, Moreno-Paz M, Cruz-Gil P, Rivas L, Postigo M, Gomez M, Garcia-Villadangos M & Parro V

Rivas P. (2002) Development of Advanced Tools for Modelling Wind's Tests
Sedano LA, Martin PL, Barcala JM, Campos R, Villar MV & Rivas P

Rivas S. (2023) Optimal Geologic Conditions for Metal-Rich Hydrothermal Systems in the Andes: Insights from the Sollipulli and Cordón Caulle Volcanic Fields
Sanchez-Alfaro P, Tardani D, Pérez Flores P, Aron F, Alvarez-Amado F, Becerra P, Rivas S & Munoz-Saez C

Rivas Meraz E. (2022) Mixed-Valent Manganese Oxide Modified Activated Carbon (MOMAC) Amendments for Mercury Contaminated Sediment
Rivas Meraz E, Traina SJ, Beutel M & O'Day PA

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