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Rispoli C. (2020) The Evolution of Hydrothermal Alteration in Glassy and Variably Palagonitized Surtsey Tuff: An XRPD Approach
Cappelletti P, Rispoli C, Weisenberger TB & Prause S

Rispoli G. (2021) Anthrobiogeochemical Cycles: A Russian Perspective
Rispoli G

Risse A. (2013) Using TOF-SIMS Isotope Mapping for Studying Dissolution and Precipitation Processes at Mineral Grains in an Experimental CO2-Sequestration Setup
Rinnen S, Riße A, Ostertag-Henning C & Arlinghaus HF
(2011) Characterization and Identification of Minerals in Rocks by TOF-SIMS and Principal Component Analysis
Rinnen S, Stroth C, Risse A, Ostertag-Henning C & Arlinghaus H
(2011) Alteration of Carbonates in Saline Aquifers due to CO2 and Accessory Gases at Geological Storage Conditions
Risse A, Heeschen K, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2011) Mineral Alterations due to Accessory Gases in the Geological Storage of CO2
Heeschen K, Risse A, Stadler S & Ostertag-Henning C
(2010) Using TOF-SIMS Isotope Mapping to Constrain Dissolution/Reprecipitation and Redox Reactions in Experimental CO2-Sequestration Studies
Rinnen S, Stroht C, Heeschen K, Ostertag-Henning C, Risse A & Arlinghaus HF

Risse-Buhl U. (2015) Influence of Stream Morphology on Metabolism and Reactive Solute Transport
Kurz M, Schmidt C, Anlanger C, Risse-Buhl U & von Schiller D
(2013) Depth-Dependent Links between Surface and Subsurface as Reflected by Microbial Community Structures in Limestone Aquifers
Kuesel K, Herrmann M, Rusznyak A, Akob D, Risse-Buhl U, Opitz S & Totsche K-U

Rissmann C. (2016) Boron Isotopes as a Tracer of River Catchment Eutrophication (Southland, New Zealand)
Brown D, Rissmann C & Leybourne M
(2012) Soil Gas Exploration at Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand
Kennedy B, Bloomberg S, Rissmann C, Horton T, Mazot A, Gravley D & Oze C
(2012) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from White Island Volcano, New Zealand
Mazot A, Bloomberg S, Horton T, Rissmann C, Oze C, Gravley D & Kennedy B
(2008) Understanding Water Sources, Age and Flow Paths in Hydrochemical Exploration: Constraints from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Leybourne M, Cameron EM, Rissmann C & Miller N

Risso C. (2012) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia Plana, Nereis Diversicolor)
Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Thomas-Guyon H, Luna-Acosta A, Amiard-Triquet C, Amiard J-C, Risso C, Guibbolini M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E & Mouneyrac C

Rist R. (2015) Composition and Structure of Oyster Cement Provides Unique Materials Properties
Metzler R, Rist R, Alberts E & Wilker J

Risthaus P. (2000) Molecular Simulations and AFM Observations on the Interaction of Organic Growth Inhibitors and Ionic Strength on the Crystal Growth of Barite and Celestite
Becker U, Risthaus P & Bosbach D

Ristori P. (2014) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dust Elemental Composition in Patagonia
Qu Z, Losno R, Monna F, Vaillant M, Quisefit JP, Journet E, Quesne A, Heimburger A, Salvador J, Bulnes D, Ristori P & Quel E

Ristovski Z. (2009) Evolution of Volcanic Aerosol over the North Atlantic Ocean
Ovadnevaite J, Ceburnis D, Berresheim H, Plauskaite-Sukiene K, Modini R, Rimselyte I, Kvietkus K, Ristovski Z & O’Dowd C

Riswan M. (2012) The Source of Si in Terrestrial Plants: Amorphous Silica vs Clay Minerals
Meunier J-D, Riswan M, Sha J & Keller C

Ritalahti K. (2010) Uranium Biogeochemistry – Novel Insights from a Microbe’s Prospective
Sanford R, Fletcher K, Thomas S, Kemner K, Boyanov M, Ritalahti K & Loeffler F

Ritcher A. (2020) Mercury Methylation in Permafrost Thaw Ecosystems
Canário J, Jusek M, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Hugelius G, Wagner J, Vieira G, Martin V, Ritcher A, Lodi R & Lantuit H

Ritschel T. (2022) The Alteration of Weathering Rates by Organic Matter Governs Early Pedogenesis and the Evolution of Initial Soil Microstructure
Ritschel T, Aehnelt M & Totsche KU
(2017) Microstructure of Aged Tar-Oil Contaminated Soil
Ivanov P, Eusterhues K, Ritschel T, Eickhorst T, Georgiadis A, Rennert T & Totsche KU
(2017) A Stochastic Approach on Aggregate Development Based on Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
Ritschel T & Totsche KU
(2016) The Composition and Mechanical Properties of Soil-Derived Fe-Om Co-precipitates at Macro- and Nanoscale
Fritzsche A, Wieczorek AK, Mueller CW, Schroeder C, Ritschel T & Totsche K
(2013) Investigation of Reactive Transport with Closed-Flow Column Experiments and Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) of Fluorescence Data
Ritschel T & Totsche KU

Ritscher A. (2015) Iron Limited Diatoms do not Fractionate Zinc Isotopes: Culturing Evidence
Köbberich M, Ritscher A, Cox AD & Vance D

Ritsema J. (2019) The Geodynamical Origin of Lowermost Mantle Structure
Jones T, Maguire R, Sime N, van Keken P & Ritsema J
(2017) Persistence of Large-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Ballmer M, Nakagawa T, Houser C, Hernlund J, Waszek L, Schmerr N, Wentzcovitch R, Ritsema J & Hirose K

Ritson J. (2020) Overmedicated Minerals: Pharmaceutical Sorption to Iron Oxides
Kenney J, Ritson J & Rigby H

Ritter A-C. (2016) Mimicing Diagenetic Alteration in the Laboratory: Effects on the Microstructure and Mineralogy of Arctica islandica Shells
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Ritter A-C, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) Effects of Microbial Activity on the Stability of Aragonitic Bivalve Shells: Implications for Early Carbonate Diagenesis
Lange SM, Krause S, Immenhauser A, Ritter A-C & Treude T
(2015) Experimental Diagenesis: Exploring the Impact of Differential Fluid Temperature and Chemistry on Biogenic Aragonite
Ritter A-C, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Casella L, Koelen J, Neuser R, Niedermayr A, Buhl D & Immenhauser A
(2015) Microstructural Changes Reflect the Degree of Diagenetic Alteration in Biogenic Carbonates
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Stevens K, Ritter A-C, Mutterlose J, Brand U, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW

Ritter D.
(2014) Groundwater Extraction for Coalbed Methane Production: Influence on the Subsurface Geochemical Environment
McIntosh J, Vinson D, Ritter D & Vengosh A
(2014) Relationship between Recharge, Redox Conditions and Microbial Methane Generation in Coalbeds
Ritter D, McIntosh J & Vinson D
(2012) Improved Carbon Isotope Modeling of Biogenic Coalbed Methane Systems: The Nature of Initial CO2
Vinson D, McIntosh J, Ritter D, Blair N & Martini A

Ritter E. (2017) A New FIR Microscope at IRIS
Schade U, Efthimiopoulos I, Müller J, Ritter E & Koch-Müller M
(2015) In situ Vibrational Spectroscopy to Study the Phase Relations in the System CaCO3 at High P and T
Koch-Müller M, Jahn S, Birkholz N, Ritter E & Schade U

Ritter Scott (2014) Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures from a Hypersaline Desert Playa: A First Look
Lynch K, Almaraz N, Rey K, Ritter S, Spear J & Munakata Marr J

Ritter Simon (2017) Widespread Diffusion of Oxygen from Oceanic Crust into Overlying Sediments in the NE Pacific Ocean – Early Diagenetic Consequences and Significance for Biogeochemical Cycles (RV SONNE SO240)
Kasten S, Versteegh G, Koschinsky A, Villinger H, Dohrmann I, Filsmair C, Fronzek J, Hartmann J, Kleint C, Preuss I, Ritter S & Kuhn T
(2013) Hydrogeochemical Modeling and Noble Gas Analysis of Spring Waters from Poços de Caldas, MG-Brazil
Ritter S, Isenbeck-Schröter M, Freundt F, Aeschbach-Hertig W & Bonotto DM

Ritter Simon Michael (2019) Geochemistry of Freshwater Stromatolithes Reveals Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater Chemistry in the Semi-Arid Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, NE Mexico
Wellach YM, Ritter SM, Scholz CHM & Isenbeck-Schröter M
(2019) Hells Bells – Underwater Speleothems
Ritter SM, Isenbeck-Schröter M, Scholz C, Klose L, Schorndorf N & Stinnesbeck W
(2019) Hells Bells–underwater Speleothems: A Novel Paleohydrological Archive for the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Schorndorf N, Ritter SM, Frank N, Klose L & Stinnesbeck W

Ritter Simone (2015) Improved Quantification of Glass Corrosion
Kiefer P, Fischer C, Ritter S, Schuhmacher J, Corvers S, Kuhr M & Lüttge A

Ritter U. (2005) Molecular Retention Processes in Source Rocks: can They Explain Fractionation during Expulsion?
Ritter U & Groever A

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