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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rioux R. (2023) Carbon and Strontium Isotope Insights on Bedrock Chemical Weathering: Implication for CO2 Removal via Natural Water Alkalinization
Sun F, Wang J, Rioux R, Zacharias Q, Planavsky NJ, Raymond P & Saiers JE

Ripberger D. (2021) From a Sounding Rocket Towards NanoSIMS Analyses – An Interdisciplinary Student Project Sending Foraminifera on a Rough Voyage
Gfellner SV, Haettig K, Kunst N, Menkens-Siemers K, Blumenkamp J, Kipry N, Ripberger D, Lohmann S, Sondej G, Kulmann C, Cáceres SG, Senger D, Bruhn CS & Hartmann J

Ripinen O.I. (2001) Statistical Characteristics of Oscillatory Zoning in Agate from Arc-Bogdo, Mongolia
Bryxina NA, Ripinen OI & Halden NM

Ripley E.M. (2011) Mechanisms for the Attainment of Sulfide Saturation in Magmas Derived from Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Ripley E
(2011) Multiple Magma Inputs and Sulfur Sources in the Development of the BIC Intrusion, Northern Michigan, Midcontinent Rift System
Donoghue K & Ripley E
(2010) A Global Survey of Oxygen Isotopes of Uranium Ores
Horita J, Fayek M & Ripley E
(2009) Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Massive Cu-Ni-(PGE) Mineralization, Duluth Complex, Midcontinent Rift System, USA
Williams CD, Ripley EM & Li C
(2007) A New Genetic Model for the Noril'sk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-Pge Sulphide Deposits
Li C, Ripley E & Moore C
(2007) Fractional Crystallization of Monosulfide Solid Solution from Sulfide Liquids Lead to the PGE Enrichment in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposit, Western China
Su S, Li C, Zhou M, Ripley EM & Qi L
(2006) Radiolysis of Water as a Source of Bioavailable Chemical Energy
Pratt LM, Lefticariu L, Ripley EM & Onstott TC
(2005) The Roles of Fluid in the Genesis and Modification of Reef-Type PGE Deposits in Large Layered Intrusions
Li C & Ripley E
(2005) Re/Os Isotopic and Fluid Inclusion Studies of Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Contact Aureole of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Ripley E
(2005) Re/Os Isotopic Studies of Oxide Minerals in the Birch Lake PGE Prospect, Duluth Complex, MN
Shafer P, Ripley E & Li C
(2005) Experimental Study of Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Associated with Pyrite Oxidation by H<->2<$>O<->2<$>
Lefticariu L, Pratt L, Ripley E & Bish D
(2004) Prediction of the Sulphur Content of Reduced Mafic Magma at Sulfide Saturation
Li C & Ripley E
(2003) Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Cr-Spinels from Archean to Phanerozoic Chromite Deposits
Mondal S, Ripley E, Li C, Ahmed A, Arai S & Liipo J
(2002) The Effect of Ni-S Speciation on Nickel Partitioning in Olivine
Li C & Ripley EM
(2001) Application of the Re-Os Isotope System to the Study of Ore Genesis in Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Systems: Active to Passive Systems
Foster JG, Lambert DD & Ripley EM
(2001) Copper Solubility and Cu-Fe Distribution Coefficients in a Sulfide-Saturated Tholeiitic Melt
Ripley EM, Brophy JG & Li C

Ripmeester J. A. (2010) A New Structure of Xenon Clathrate Hydrate
Yang L, Tulk CA, Klug DD, Moudrakovski IL, Ratcliffe CI, Ripmeester JA, Chakoumakos BC, Ehm L, Martin CD & Parise JB

Ripmeester John (2016) Hydrogen Water Mixtures: Dynamics in Amorphous Deposits and Surprises of Hydrogen Hydrate Under High Vacuum
Tulk C, Kolesnikov A, Molaison J, Koh C, Ripmeester J & Klug D

Ripoll S. (2004) Evaluation of Current Zr(IV) Solubility Data and their Influence on the Stability of Aqueous and Solid Hydroxides
Domènech C, Duro L, Ripoll S, Bruno J & Giffaut E

Ripp G. (2005) Nature of Metamorhosed High-Aluminum Rocks of Southwest Transbaikalia, Russia
Isbrodin I & Ripp G
(2005) Geochemical Features of Oxide Minerals in Carbonatites of Northern Transbaikalia
Badmatsyrenov M & Ripp G
(2004) Cr-Bearing Mineral Phases in Carbonatite of Nothern Tansbaikalia
Badmatsyrenov M, Ripp G & Doroshkevich A
(2003) Sulphate-Bearing Carbonatites of West Transbaikalia
Doroshkevich A & Ripp G

Ripperger S. (2006) Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Seawater
Ripperger S, Rehkämper M & Halliday AN

Riquelme B. (2019) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Los Buitres and San José Tailing Impoundments, Punta del Cobre District, Atacama, Chile
Caraballo MA, Townley B, Riquelme B, González-Díaz EY, García-Cardenas S, Martínez P & Moraga R
(2019) Critical Raw Materials Enrichment Processes Associated with Tailings Processing at the Cauquenes Tailings Deposit Plant
Garcia S, Caraballo M, Townley B, Riquelme B, Gonzalez E & Kotthoff K
(2018) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in the Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing
Caraballo MA, Townley B, González-Díaz EY, Riquelme B, García-Cardenas S, Collao R, Martinez P & Noriega F

Riquelme R. (2019) First U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ Dating of Supergene Copper Mineralization: Case Study in Chuquicamata Mining District, Atacama Desert, Chile
Kahou ZS, Brichau S, Poujol M, Duchene S, Campos E, D'ABZAC F-X, Riquelme R & Carretier S

Riquier L. (2023) Using Extraterrestrial 3He as a New Tool to Reconstruct Terrigenous Fluxes and their Impacts on Primary Production and Carbon Burial during OAE2 in the Vocontian Basin
Godet B, Blard P-H, Suan G, Suchéras-Marx B & Riquier L
(2019) IODP Site U1513 Volcanic Sequence, Naturaliste Plateau: Implications on East Gondwana Breakup
Tejada ML, Lee EY, Brumsack H-J, Kimura J-I, Harry D, Richter C, Li Y-X, Wainman C, Riquier L, Jiang T, White L, Hobbs R, Wolfgring E, Martinez M & Scientists E3
(2017) Oscillating Redox Conditions in the Vocontian Basin (SE France) during OAE 2: Paleoenvironmental Implications
Danzelle J, Riquier L, Baudin F, Thomazo C & Caron B

Risacher F. (2002) U-Sr Isotopic Tracing of Water-Rocks Interactions in Aquifer: Example of the Pollution of the Rhine Water Table by Salty Waters
Chabaux F, Durand S, Schmitt A-D, Risacher F & Elsass P

Risbud S. (2020) Deviations in Point of Zero Charge with Nanoscale Pore Geometries of Synthesized Silica-Based Materials
Jacobson A, Dewey J, Muraleedharan M, Chen C, van Duin A, Copeland G, Kaszuba J, Xia Y, Sen S, Risbud S, Cho H, Deo M, Bartl M & Butt D
(2020) Dependence of Amorphous Silica Surface Speciation on Electric Double Layer (EDL) Overlap in Confinement
Copeland G, Jacobson A, Kaszuba J, Dewey J & Risbud S

Riscassi A. (2014) Diel Mercury-Concentration Variations in a Mercury Impacted Stream
Brooks SB, Riscassi A & Miller C
(2012) Biogeochemistry of Mercury in Contaminated Sediments of East Fork Poplar Creek
Brooks S, Kocman D, Miller C & Riscassi A

Risebrobakken B. (2012) The Nordic Seas in the Pliocene: A Hot Spot or Not?
Risebrobakken B, Andersson C, McClymont E & Jensen L

Riser S. (2017) Measuring the Ocean’s Biological Carbon Pump Using Oxygen Data from Profiling Floats
Emerson S, Yang B & Riser S
(2015) Determining the Ocean’s Biological Pump Using Oxygen Measurements on Profiling Floats
Emerson S, Bushinsky S & Riser S
(2013) Global Variability of the Ocean’s Biological Pump from in situ Measurements of the Air-Sea Oxygen Flux: A Status Report
Emerson S, Bushinsky S & Riser S

Risgaard-Petersen Nils (2017) Electrostatic Potential Measurements as Proxies for Cable Bacteria Activity – Potentials and Resistances
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N, Giao Garcia D & Nielsen LP
(2017) Cable Bacteria & N Cycling: Direct and Indirect Electrogenic Effects
Kessler A, Cook P, Wawryk M, Glud R, Meysman F, Marzocchi U & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2017) Methylotrophic Methanogenesis Fuels Cryptic Methane Cycling in Surface Sediment of Aarhus Bay, Denmark
Xiao K-Q, Beulig F, Røy H, Jørgensen BB & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2017) Sediment Biogeochemistry after the Entrance of Cable Bacteria
Risgaard-Petersen N
(2014) Cable Bacteria in Tokyo Bay Sediment
Nielsen LP, Risgaard-Petersen N, Giao Garcia D, Schauer R, Sayama M & Damgaard LR
(2014) Potentiometric Analysis of Marine Biogeobatteries
Risgaard-Petersen N, Damgaard L, Garcia D, Sayama M & Nielsen LP
(2013) Activity of Cable Bacteria and Electro-Physical Properties of Gradient Systems Studied with a Novel Microsensor for Electric Potential
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP
(2013) Distribution of Metabolic Activity and Current Production along Conductive Cable Bacteria
Pfeffer C, Larsen S, Damgaard LR, Nielsen LP & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2011) Long Distance Electron Transmission Couples Sulphur, Iron, Calcium and Oxygen Cycling in Marine Sediment
Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP
(2011) Conductive Filaments and Electric Fields Associated with Electric Currents in Marine Sediment
Nielsen LP, Risgaard-Petersen N, Gorby Y, Revil A, Wanger G, El-Naggar M & Yuzvinsky T
(2011) Biogeoelectric Networks in Marine Sediments – A ‘First Cut’ Study
Pfeffer C, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP
(2011) Nitrate Reduction Drives Distant Sulfide Oxidation
Marzocchi U, Risgaard-Petersen N, Revsbech NP & Nielsen LP
(2010) Survival of Benthic Foraminifera (Globobulimina turgida) Through Intracellular Nitrate Respiration: A Laboratory Experiment
Koho K, Piña-Ochoa E, Geslin E & Risgaard-Petersen N
(2010) Extracellular Electron Transport Coupling Biogeochemical Processes Centimeters Apart
Risgaard-Petersen N, Fossing H, Christensen PB, Sayama M & Nielsen LP
(2009) Decomposition of Macroalgae Affects N-Cycling in Intertidal Sediments
Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Risgaard-Petersen N & Corzo A

Risgaard-Petersen Nils (2015) Electricity in Biogeochemistry – Potential for Confusion?
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP

Risgaard-Petersen Nils (2018) Impact of Cable Bacteria on the Biogeochemistry of Coastal Sediment
Hermans M, Behrends T, Risgaard-Petersen N, Meysman FJR & Slomp CP

Risgaard-Petersen Nils (2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A

Rishworth G. (2023) Inferences from the Cooccurrence of Modern Stromatolites with Metazoans Using Geobiological and Geochemical Approaches
Rishworth G & Dodd C

Risi C. (2013) Quantification of the Role of Orbital and Millennial Timescale Processes on δ18O and 17Δ Signals
Reutenauer C, Landais A, Woillez M-N, Risi C, Braconnot P, Blunier T, Mariotti V & Kageyama M
(2013) Asian Monsoon Hydrometeorology from TES and SCIAMACHY Water Vapor Isotope Measurements and the LMDZ Simulations: Implications for Speleothem Climate Record Interpretation
Lee J-E, Risi C, Fung I, Worden J, Scheepmaker R, Lintner B & Frankenberg C
(2012) Combination of Water Isotopes to Improve Temperature Reconstruction
Landais A, Winkler R, Barkan E, Dapoigny A, Eykakin A, Falourd S, Fourre E, Jean-Baptiste P, Luz B, Minster B, Petit J-R, Prie F & Risi C

Risk D. (2016) Continuous Measurement of Soil Carbon Efflux with Forced Diffusion (FD) Chambers in a Tundra Ecosystem of Alaska
Kim Y, Park S-J, Lee B-Y & Risk D

Riso R. (2021) Vertical and Spatial Distribution of the Iron-Humic Complex during the TONGA GPpr14 Expedition
Fourrier P, Dulaquais G, Tilliette C, Guieu C & Riso R
(2020) Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Fluids
Dulaquais G, Fourrier P, Laës A, Sarradin P-M, Sarthou G, Waeles M & Riso R
(2020) Physico-Chemical Speciation of Iron along the Land Sea Continuum of the Iroise Sea
Laes A, Dulaquais G, Hemery A, Davy R, Waeles M, Devesa J, Riso R & Lalonde S
(2019) Links between Iron and Humic Substances Biogeochemistry in the Ocean
Dulaquais G, Crampond K, Waeles M, Gerringa LJA, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Boye M & Riso R
(2017) Organic Speciation of Copper in the Mediterranean Sea in Relationship with Natural Organic Matter
Dulaquais G, Waeles M & Riso R
(2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A
(2017) On the Nature of Dissolved Copper Ligands in the Early Mixing Zone of Hydrothermal Vents
Cotte L, Omanovic D, Waeles M, Laes A, Cathalot C, Pernet-Coudrier B, Sarradin P-M & Riso R

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