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Ries Justin (2018) Northern North Atlantic Temperature and pH Reconstructions Through the Common Era, Using the Coralline Algae Clathromorphum compactum
Anagnostou E, Williams B, Moffa-Sanchez P, Adey W, Foster G & Ries J
(2018) Advances in the Mg/Ca-Temperature Proxy in Coralline Algae: A Case Study in the Genus Clathromorphum
Williams B, Williams S, Anagnostou E, Ries J, Rasher D, Westfield I, Halfar J & Adey W
(2017) Northern North Atlantic Sea Ice, Temperature, and Carbon Cycle Interactions Through the Common Era Using Coralline Algae
Anagnostou E, Williams B, Moffa-Sanchez P, Foster G, Adey W, Westfield I & Ries J
(2017) Marine Calcifying Organisms Exhibit Highly Differential Regulation of pH at Site of Calcification in Response to CO2-induced Ocean Acidification
Liu Y-W, Eagle R, Sutton J & Ries J
(2017) Insights into the “Health” of Tropical Coral Reefs from Coupled Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Foster G, Fowell S, de le Vega E, Tyrrell T, Castillo K, Ries J, Donald H & Chalk T
(2015) Biologic Controls on Clumped Isotope Signatures in Cultured Corals
Eagle R, Kimball J, Ries J & Dunbar R
(2015) The Vital Aspects of Reconstructing Seawater Li Isotope Composition: Insights from Modern Shells and Cultured Organisms
Dellinger M, West AJ, Adkins JF, Paris G, Freitas PS, Bagard M-L, Eagle R, Ries J & Corsetti F
(2013) Novel Calcite-Aragonite Sea Transition in the Terminal Proterozoic
Wang Z, Ries J & Liu C
(2012) Insights on Biomineralisation and the Nature of 'Vital Effects' Using Boron Isotopes
Henehan M, Foster G, Rae J, Ries J, Erez J, Bostock H, Kucera M, Castillo K, Martinez-Bota M & Wilson P

Ries Justin B. (2023) Dual Carbonate Clumped (Δ47, Δ48) and Bulk (δ13C, δ18O) Isotopes in Cultured Marine Calcifiers Provide Insights into the Origins of Vital Effects
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Arnold A, Ries JB, Tripati AE & Eagle RA
(2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA
(2021) Coupled Δ47–Δ48 Clumped Isotope Analysis Indicates Origins of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Cultured Biogenic Marine Carbonates
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Ries JB, Tripati A & Eagle RA
(2021) Boron Geochemistry in Cultured Corals and Mollusks with Independent Determinations of Internal Calcification Fluid Pool pH
Eagle RA, Guillermic M, Cameron LP, Alvarez Caraveo B, Reymond C, Misra S, Bijma J, de Beer D, Westphal H & Ries JB

Riese W.C. (2001) Postburial Diagenesis of Peats and Associated Solutions: Inorganic Aspects
Bailey AM, Cohen AD, Gibbs RB, Orem WH & Riese WC

Riesemeier H. (2011) Iodine Fingerprints Biogenic Fixation of Platinum and Palladium
Cabral AR, Radtke M, Munnik F, Lehmann B, Reinholz U, Riesemeier H, Tupinambá M & Kwitko-Ribeiro R

Riesselman C. (2018) New Zealand Fjord Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability
Moy C, Hinojosa J, Gilmer G, Browne I, Wilson G, Riesselman C, Stirling C, Gorman A, Lembo C & Eglinton T
(2018) Impacts of Community Composition and Preservation on Diatom-Bound δ15N
Jones C, Riesselman C, Kelly R & Robinson R
(2014) Isotopic Fingerprints of Warm Pliocene Circulation throughout the Deep Atlantic
Riesselman C, Scher H, Dowsett H & Robinson M

Rietbrock A. (2009) Dehydration Processes in the Subducting Slab: Seismological Observations from the Andean Subduction Zone
Rietbrock A

Rietmeijer F. (2008) Processing of the Smallest Wild 2 Particles in Hot Silica Aerogel
Rietmeijer F

Rietze A. (2018) Sourcing Dissolved Methane from the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, NL, CAN: A Terrestrial Site of Serpentinization
Morrill P, Cumming E, Rietze A, Morrissey L, Cook M, Rhim J & Ono S
(2014) Hydrocarbon Sources at a Site of Active Continental Serpentinization: The Cedars, California, USA
Rietze A, Morrill PL, Kavanagh H, Kuenen JG, Suzuki S, Eigenbrode JL, Nealson KH, Sherwood Lollar B & Fogel ML
(2012) Sourcing Hydrocarbons at Two Continental Sites of Present-Day Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAN and The Cedars, CA, USA
Morrill P, Rietze A, Szponar N, Kuenen JG, Suzuki-Ishii S & Nealson K

Rieuotrd F. (2019) The Interfacial Layer Properties in Nanoconfinement: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Rebiscoul D, Baum M, Tardif S, Siboulet B, Wang K, Dufreche J-F & Rieuotrd F

Rieutord F. (2017) Distribution of Ions in SiO2 Nanochannels: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Hocine S, Baum M, Rebiscoul D, Siboulet B, Rieutord F & Dufrêche J-F
(2017) Relation between Structure and Dynamics of Water with BaCl2 Confined in Nanoporous Silica and the Dissolution of the Silica Nanoconfinement
Baum M, Rebiscoul D, Juranyi F & Rieutord F

Rieuwerts J. (2011) Dissolved Metals and As from Metal Mine Waste – Laboratory vs. Field Determination
Turner A, Braungardt C & Rieuwerts J

Rifai H. (2022) Improved Volatile Quantification in Unexposed Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions by FTIR Spectroscopy and an Application to the Toba Caldera Complex, Sumatra (Indonesia)
Lee DWJ, Hsu Y-J, Forni F, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C, Phua M, Rifai H & Redfern S
(2021) Intense Warming on Highland Sumatra during the Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Highstand
Hällberg PL, Martínez Cortizas A, Hapsari KA, Rifai H, Eisele S, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C & Smittenberg R
(2012) Vegetation Collapse on Flores 69, 000 Years Ago: A Consequence of the Toba Super-Eruption, or a Volcanic Disaster Closer to Home?
Scroxton N, Gagan MK, Williams IS, Hellstrom JC, Cheng H, Ayliffe LK, Dunbar GB, Hantoro WS, Rifai H & Suwargadi BW

Riffel S.B. (2021) Detailed Study of a Lateritic Cover in NE French Guiana: Dynamic Evolution Through Time Extracted from Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Heller B, Riffel SB, Gautheron CE, Allard T, Morin G, Roig J-Y & Coueffe R

Riffle M. (2019) Coupling Metaproteomics with Organic Biomarkers to Determine Functional Responses of Native Microbiomes to Organic Inputs in the Western Arctic Ocean
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, Riffle M, Noble W & Harvey R
(2018) Metaproteomic and 16S rRNA Reveal Rapid Shifts in Functional Responses of Native Polar Bacterial Communities to Organic Carbon Inputs: Does Taxonomy Matter?
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, May D, Riffle M, Noble W, Salter I & Harvey R

Rigal F. (2019) Impact of Forest Canopy on Iodine, Selenium and Cesium Atmospheric Inputs on Forest Ecosystems
Roulier M, Bueno M, Coppin F, Nicolas M, Thiry Y, Rigal F, Le Hécho I & Pannier F

Rigali M.J. (2023) Microwave Digestion for Rare Earth Elements (REE) Quantification in Coal and Coal Ash
Powell M, Xu G, Rigali MJ, McLemore V, Wei S & Happney R

Rigato V. (2013) Se(IV) Uptake by Äspö Diorite: Micro-Scale Distribution
Alonso U, Missana T, Patelli A, Ceccato D, García-Gutiérrez M & Rigato V
(2002) Size Effects on Colloids Diffusion in Granite Micro Fractures
Alonso U, Missana T, Patelli A, Rigato V & Ravagnan J

Rigaud B. (2019) Searching for Biosignatures on Mars: Experimental Perspectives
Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Jacquemot P, Balan E, Delbes L, Rigaud B, Georgelin T & Jaber M
(2019) Experimental Fossilization: Biomolecule-Mineral Interactions
Jacquemot P, Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Rigaud B, Georgelin T & Jaber M

Rigaud P. (2012) Archaeo-Environmental Characterization of the Arvernian Gold Mines of Auvergne (France)
Trement F, Argant J, Bremon E, Cubizolle H, Dousteyssier B, Lopez-Saez J-A, Massounie G, Rigaud P & Veron A

Rigaud S. (2021) Influence of Transient Processes on Organic Carbon Remineralization Pathways and Rates in the West Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, Northeast Atlantic)
Dubosq N, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Grémare A, Lamarque B, Tenorio MMB, Cordier M-A, Poirier D & Schmidt S
(2021) Assessment of Oxygen, Oxyanions and Trace Metals Benthic Fluxes by a Novel Non-Invasive Technique in Coastal Areas
Regis J, Meulé S, Verdoux P, Techer I & Rigaud S
(2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2021) Organic Additive Release from Benthic Plastic Debris Through the Sediment Towards the Water Column
Fauvelle V, Regis J, Schmidt N, Grenz C, Maeght J-L, Verdoux P, Dubois C, Strady E, Sempere R & Rigaud S
(2018) U/Th Open-System Behavior in Fossil Corals: An Applicability Test of Alpha-Recoil Based Model
Lu Y, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Tapponnier P & Wang X
(2017) Sediment Oxygen Demand and Nutrient Fluxes during an Experimentally Induced Hypoxia
Grenz C, Rigaud S, Radakovitch O & Deflandre B
(2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X
(2012) Tracing Particulate Scavenging Fluxes Using 210Po and 210Pb during North Atlantic GEOTRACES
Rigaud S, Church T, Baskaran M, Stewart G, Choi Y, Puigcorbe V & Masque P

Rigaudier T. (2023) Source to Sink Approach to Weathering Characterization and Quantification for the Himalayan Erosion System
France-Lanord C, Tachambalath A, Galy A, Limonta M, Huyghe P & Rigaudier T
(2023) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Single Detrital Quartz Grains: A New Frontier in the Source-To-Sink Study of the Bengal Fan Record
Limonta M, France-Lanord C, Rigaudier T, Bouden N & Galy A
(2023) Hydrogen-Bearing Phases in Carbonaceous (and Other) Chondrites
Rigaudier T, Debruycker M, Piani L & Marrocchi Y
(2022) Silicate Weathering Budget of Himalaya from IODP Expedition 354 in the Bengal Fan
Tachambalath AP, France-Lanord C, Galy A, Rigaudier T & Charreau J
(2022) Isotopic Composition of Single Detrital Carbonate Grains in Source-To-Sink Study (Ganga-Brahmaputra-Bengal Sedimentary System)
Limonta M, France-Lanord C & Rigaudier T
(2021) Hydrogen in Chondrites: Influence of Parent Body Alteration and Atmospheric Contamination on Primordial Components
Vacher LG, Piani L, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Florin G, Piralla M & Marrocchi Y
(2021) Earth’s Water may Have Been Inherited from Material Similar to Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites
Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Vacher LG & Marty B
(2021) Assessment of Pb and Zn Sources in the Orne Watershed (Moselle Basin, France) Using Isotopes and Geochemical Tracers
Khelili A, Cloquet C, Gauthier C, Gley R, Losson B, Pasquini L, Mansuy-Huault L, Rigaudier T & Montarges-Pelletier E
(2021) Do Ancient Brines Trapped as Fluid Inclusions in Unconformity-Related Deposits Differ from Present-Day Porewaters in Triassic Aquifers of the Paris Basin?
Lenoir L, Blaise T, Chourio-Camacho D, Tarantola A, Agrinier P, Richard A, Rigaudier T, Monvoisin G, Bardoux G, Brigaud B & Barbarand J
(2018) Detrital, Biogenic, and Diagenetic Carbonates in Turbidites of the Bengal Fan
France-Lanord C, Galy A & Rigaudier T
(2017) Carbonate Content of the Turbidite in the Bengal Fan: A Neogene Record of the Monsoon’s Strength?
Galy A, France-Lanord C, Galy V & Rigaudier T
(2017) Origin of H2 and CO Adsorbed on Talc and Chlorite from the Trimouns-La Porteille Deposit (Pyrenees)
Quesnel B, Truche L, Rigaudier T, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C & Gaucher EC
(2008) Mantle Flux at Lower Crust / Upper Mantle Interface: A Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes Study of Granulites
Rigaudier T, Gardien V, Lecuyer C, Simon L & Martineau F

Rigby H. (2020) Overmedicated Minerals: Pharmaceutical Sorption to Iron Oxides
Kenney J, Ritson J & Rigby H

Rigby M. (2011) P-T-T Evolution of Metapelitic Rocks from the Bushveld Contact Aureole:Using Garnet Isopleths Thermobarometry and Lu-Hf Garnet Dating
Mavimbela P, Rigby M, Eriksson P & Graser P

Rigby R. (2020) Aerosols and Albedo: Links between Airborne Particulate Matter and Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Rigby R, Mayanna S, Tranter M & Benning LG

Rigg D. (2012) 3D Visualization of the Horne Hydrothermal System
Taylor B, de Kemp E, Grunsky E, Martin L, Rigg D, Goutier J, Lauziere K & Dube B

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