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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rico-García A. (2009) Nanoscale Epitaxial Growth of PbSO4 on the Celestite (001) Face: Implications for Mineral Reactivity
Pina CM & Rico-García A

Ricolleau A. (2011) Oxygen and Silicon Partitioning between Molten Iron and Silicate Melts up to 70 GPa and 4000 K
Ricolleau A, Badro J, Siebert J, Antonangeli D, Cantoni M, Hebert C, Alexander D & Gillet P
(2008) Constraints on Deep Earth Heterogeneities from Mineral Physics Data
Fei Y & Ricolleau A
(2008) Experimental Evidence for Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Silicate and Si in Fe Metal
Shahar A, Ziegler K, Young E, Ricolleau A, Schauble E & Fei Y
(2008) Obtaining D<sub>Ni</sub><sup Style="margin-Left: -2ex;">met/Sil</Sup> in the LHDAC
Cottrell E, Fei Y, Ricolleau A & Prakapenka V
(2008) New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model Under Lower Mantle Conditions
Ricolleau A, Fei Y, Cottrell E, Watson H, Zhang L, Fiquet G, Auzende A-L, Roskosz M, Morard G & Prakapenka V

Ricordel S. (2023) Realistic Evaluation of Tire Wear Particle Emissions and their Driving Factors on Different Road Types
De Oliveira T, Muresan Paslaru B, Ricordel S, Lumière L, Poirier L & Gasperi J

Ricroch P. (2021) Development of a Downhole Sampler and an Integrated Analysis System for Gas Content Determination in an Aquifer Fluid (Major, Noble Gas and Isotopic Meaurement). Application in situ on a Geothermal Well
Noirez S, Julia G, Martin F, Ekambas P, Estublier A, Ricroch P, Lajarthe M, Cazeaux D & Savay-Guerraz G

Ridame Céline (2023) Spatial Variability of the Primary Production and Structure of the Phytoplankton Community in the South Indian Ocean
Deteix V, Ridame C, Dimier C, Thyssen M, Gest L & Tribollet A
(2014) Dust Deposition in an Oligotrophic Marine Environment: Impact on the Carbon Budget
Guieu C, Ridame C, Pulido-Villena E, Bressac M, Desboeufs K & Dulac F
(2013) Impact of Iron Limitation on Marine Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
Jacq V, Ridame C, L'Helguen S, Kaczmar F & Saliot A

Ridame Celine (2017) Response of the Marine Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium C. Watsonii to Input of Atmospheric Iron from Saharan Dust
Ridame C, Jacq V, Desboeufs K, L’helguen S, Kaczmar F & Saliot A

Riddle J. (2020) Mitigating Environmental Impacts of CO2 Through Mineralization Using FGD Gypsum
Donahoe R & Riddle J
(2019) An Experimental Study of CO2 Mineralization
Donahoe R & Riddle J

Riddle K. (2020) Impact of Hydraulic Residence on SO42- and NO3- Reduction Dynamics in Woodchip Bioreactors Supporting a Unit Process Open Water Wetland
Brady A, Vega M, Riddle K & Sharp J

Riddle M. (2017) Phosphorus Speciation in a Long-Term Manure-Amended Soil Profile – Evidence from Wet Chemical Extraction, 31P-NMR and P K-Edge XANES Spectroscopy
Schmieder F, Gustafsson J-P, Kirchmann H, Zehetner F, Riddle M & Bergström L

Ridely H. (2015) Modes of ENSO and Solar Influence on Central American Rainfall during the Past Millennium from Bi-Monthly Speleothem Isotopic Data
Asmerom Y, Ridely H, Polyak V, Aquino V, Breitenbach S, Baldini J, Prufer K & Kennett D

Ridenour C. (2017) Nutrient Silicon Cycling and Seasonal Silicon Limitation in a Eutrophic Coastal Embayment
Ridenour C, Parsons C & Van Cappellen P

Ridenour G. (2012) Environmental Monitoring of Tungsten in Fallon, Nevada
Sheppard P, Ridenour G & Witten M

Ridge S. (2023) The Effect of Neodymium-Concentration Changes in Sea Water Mass End-Members on Neodymium-Isotopes at Mixing Locations: A Bayesian Approach
Goldstein SL, Yehudai M, Tweed LE, Ridge S & Wu Y

Ridgewell A. (2021) Seawater Stable Strontium Isotope Fluctuations over Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
Wood M, Kolevica A, Eisenhauer A, Hain M, Ridgewell A, Griffith EM & Paytan A
(2021) A New Numerical Framework to Investigate Variations of Weathering-Tracing Isotope Systems in the Sedimentary Record
Adloff M, Greene SE, Monteiro F & Ridgewell A
(2021) The Recovery of the Biological Pump Across the K/Pg Boundary in the GSSP of El Kef, Tunisia
Dijk JV, Sepúlveda J, Alegret L, Birch H, Bralower T, Jones H, Henehan MJ, Hull PM, Negra MH, Ridgewell A, Roehl U, Vellekoop J, Westerhold T, Whiteside J, Wilkes EB & Zeebe R

Ridgewell C. (2012) Improved Analytical Method for Determination of Mg Isotopes: Application to Seawater and Natural Carbonates
Dial A, Ridgewell C, Kilgore B, Tremaine D, Misra S & Salters V

Ridgley J. (2005) Duration of Microbial Gas Generation in Upper Cretaceous Reservoirs, Montana and Canada˜Interpretation from <+>129<$>I/I Ratios
Ridgley J & Snyder G

Ridgway S. (2018) Losses of Soil Organic Carbon with Deforestation in Mangroves of Madagascar
Arias-Ortiz A, Glass L, Masqué P, Benson L, Kennedy H, Garcia-Orellana J, Ridgway S, Salgado G, Duarte CM & Lovelock CE

Ridgwell Andy (2020) Impact of New Observations on Improved Understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Li M, Kump L, Ajayi O, Amrhein D, Hakim G, Malevich S, Poulsen C, Ridgwell A, Tardif R, Tierney J, Zhang F & Zhu J
(2020) Reconstructing the Spatial Redox Structure of Anoxic Oceans Using a 3D Ocean-Based Earth System Model
van de Velde SJ, Hulse D, Reinhard CT & Ridgwell A
(2020) A Dynamic Biological Pump Controlled the Global Redox Landscape during the End-Permian Extinction
Hülse D, Lau K, Arndt S, van de Velde SJ, Meyer K & Ridgwell A
(2019) Ferruginous Versus Euxinic: Elucidating the Fundamental Controls on the Redox State of the Precambrian Ocean
van de Velde S & Ridgwell A
(2019) Eocene Carbon Cycling and Climate Interactions
Anagnostou E, John E, Babila T, Sexton P, Ridgwell A, Pearson P, Gasson E, Lunt D, Pancost R & Foster G
(2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L
(2019) Signal Tracking Diagenesis Model
Kanzaki Y, Hülse D, Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2019) A New Modelling Framework to Investigate Trace Metal Dynamics during Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Adloff M, Greene SE, Ridgwell A, Parkinson IJ, Monteiro FM, Naafs BDA & Dickson AJ
(2019) Bioturbation: How Much is it Messing up our View of the Past?
Hülse D, Kirtland Turner S, van de Velde S, Kanzaki Y & Ridgwell A
(2018) Evolution of the Oceans’ Biological Pump
Ridgwell A
(2018) Atmospheric Seasonality as an Exoplanet Biosignature
Olson S, Schwieterman E, Reinhard C, Ridgwell A, Meadows V & Lyons T
(2018) Modeling Orbital Dynamics in Early Cenozoic Greenhouse Climates
Vervoort P, Kirtland-Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2018) Subseafloor Storage of Biogenic Methane Prior to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Kanzaki Y, Hunter S, Arndt S, Huelse D & Ridgwell A
(2018) Uncertainty in the Weathering Feedback: Implications for Earth System Recovery to Carbon Release
Kirtland Turner S, Ridgwell A & Penman D
(2018) Contrasting the Response of Marine Calcifiers and Silicifiers during Carbon Cycle Catastrophes
Penman D, Hull P & Ridgwell A
(2018) Nutrients, Ecosystems, and the Expansion of Eukaryotic Life
Reinhard C, Ward B, Planavsky N, Love G & Ridgwell A
(2018) Silicate Weathering vs. Organic Carbon Burial: Who Wins?
Ridgwell A, Hülse D, Arndt S & Kirtland Turner S
(2018) About the Beginning and End of OAEs: A Story of Biogeochemical Feedbacks and Organic Matter Burial
Hülse D, Arndt S & Ridgwell A

Ridgwell Andy J. (2017) Constraining Carbon Inputs during the Onset of OAE 1a via Inverse Modelling
Adloff M, Greene S, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Lunt D, Ridgwell A & Hesselbo S
(2016) Time-Dependent Response of Overturning Circulation to Warming Across Eocene Hyperthermals
Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2016) Hot, Salty, Bottom-Waters in the Past?
Ridgwell A
(2015) Linking Marine Carbonate Preservation to Past Climate Through the Filter of the Biological Pump
Greene S, Arndt S, Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2015) Source and Magnitude of Carbon Release Associated with the PETM
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Ridgwell A, Anagnostou E, Pearson PN, Pälike H, Norris RD, Thomas E & Foster GL
(2015) Interpreting PETM Surface Ocean pH Change as a Function of Carbon Release Rate
Kirtland Turner S, Ridgwell A & Greene S
(2015) Eocene Seawater pH – Atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John E, Edgar K, Pearson P, Ridgwell A, Inglis G, Pancost R, Lunt D & Foster G
(2015) Tracing Palaeo-Weathering via Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Ridgwell A, Jenkyns H, Lechler M, Metzger G, Kasemann S & Desrochers A
(2015) The Global Weathering Thermostat: Fact, Fiction, and Computer Models
Ridgwell A, Greene S, Kirtland Turner S & Pogge Von Strandmann P
(2015) Interpreting the Ca Isotopic Signal of Ocean Acidification in the Rock Record
Fantle MS, Kump LR & Ridgwell AJ
(2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M
(2014) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ocean Acidification during the End-Permian Mass Extinction – An Earth System Model Evaluation
Cui Y, Kump L & Ridgwell A
(2014) Long-Term Stability of the Carbonate Compensation Depth Across the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Warming Trend
Greene SE, Ridgwell AJ, Kirtland Turner S, Schmidt DN, Pälike H & Thomas E
(2014) Playing ‘Telephone’ with the PETM—Tracing Carbon Isotopic Excursions Among Reservoirs
Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A
(2014) The CCD in the Latest Maastrichtian: Implications for Global Carbon Cycle Resilience to the K/Pg Impact and Associated Extinctions
Ridgwell A, Green S, Schmidt D, Thomas E, Kirtland S & Pälike H
(2014) Ocean Anoxia and the Biological Pump
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J
(2014) Modelling Reactive Iron Species as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D
(2013) Multiple Pools of Reduced Carbon can be Released during Hyperthermals
Pancost R, Badger M, Naafs D, Froehner S, Castro J-M, De Gea G, Quijano M-L, Aguado R, Lowson C & Ridgwell A
(2013) Interpreting Molybdenum Isotopes as a Proxy for the Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Ocean De-Oxygenation Events in an Earth System Model
Death R, Ridgwell A, Arndt S, Monteiro F, Sherman D & Vance D
(2013) Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling
Rae J, Adkins J, Foreman A, Charles C, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2013) Is This a Good Time to be Burning Fossil Fuels?
Ridgwell A
(2013) The Biological Pump and Evolution of Marine Animal Ecosystems
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J
(2013) Evolution of the Ocean's Biological Pump
Ridgwell A
(2013) Response of the Biological Pump to Elevated Ocean Temperatures during the Eocene
John E, Pearson P, Wade B, Coxall H, Foster G, Wilson J & Ridgwell A
(2012) Boron Isotope Constraints on Deglacial Deepwater Formation and CO2 Release from the North Pacific
Rae J, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Sarnthein M, Grootes P & Elliott T
(2012) A Spatially-Structured Model for Proterozoic Ocean Biogeochemistry
Daines S, Ridgwell A & Lenton T
(2012) Interrogating >1Myr Time-Scale Controls on Ocean Chemistry In a 3D Model?!
Ridgwell A
(2011) Quantifying Ocean Acidification during the Palaeogene Hyperthermals
Foster L, Schmidt D, Ridgwell A, Thomas E, Coath C, Hinton R & Scott T
(2011) Sea Floor Methane Emissions in Continental Shelves and the Role of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Tsandev I, Regnier P, Ridgwell A & Dale A
(2009) Ocean Acidification: Been There, Done that
Kump L & Ridgwell A
(2008) Constraints on the Carbon Cycle Changes during the PETM
Schmidt DN, Ridgwell A, Kasemann S & Thomas E
(2008) In Search of the Deglacial Carbonate Preservation Maximum: Why is it Missing?
Mekik F, Anderson R & Ridgwell A
(2008) Reconciling 14C Timescales for Marine Isotope Stage 3
Richards D, Beck W, Hoffmann D, Smart P, Singarayer J, Ridgwell A & Valdes P
(2007) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycling in a Euxinic End-Permian Ocean
Meyer K, Kump L & Ridgwell A
(2007) Greenhouse Gas Driven Hyperthermals of the Paleogene: How Much Carbon, How Fast?
Ridgwell A, Panchuk K & Kump L
(2006) Glacial-interglacial changes in atmospheric CO2 - A smörgåsbord of marine biogeochemical forcings
Ridgwell A & Kohfeld K
(2002) Does the Ocean Iron Cycle Destabilize the Glacial Climate System?
Ridgwell A

Riding J.B. (2018) Environmental and Organic-Matter Characterisation of the Toarcian Lacustrine Da’anzhai Member, Sichuan Basin, China
Xu W, Weijers JWH, Idiz EF, Ruhl M, Gorbanenko O, Tegelaar EW, Jenkyns HC, Riding JB & Hesselbo SP
(2018) A High-Precision Numerical Time Scale for the Toarcian Stage: Implications for Timing of the Marine Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE) and Karoo-Ferrar Volcanism
Ruhl M, Hesselbo SP, Xu W, Thibault N, Jenkyns HC, Mac Niocaill C, Riding JB & Ullmann CV
(2016) Tracing Changes in Neogene Antarctic Hydrology Using a Data-Model Approach
Rees-Owen R, Newton R, Ivanovic R, Francis J, Tindall J, Valdes P & Riding J
(2016) Lacustrine Expansion and Carbon Drawdown during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Xu W, Ruhl M, Jenkyns HC, Hesselbo SP, Riding JB, Selby D, Naafs BDA, Weijers JWH, Pancost RD, Tegelaar EW & Idiz EF
(2015) Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Palaeo-Environmental Change: New Proxy Data from the Mochras Borehole, Wales, UK
Xu W, Ruhl M, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Riding J, Storm M, Huggett J, Ullmann C & Leng M
(2015) Constraints on the Antarctic Hydrological Cycle during the Neogene
Rees-Owen RL, Newton RJ, Ivanovic RF, Francis JE, Tindall JC, Riding JB & Vane CH
(2014) Paleohydrological Reconstruction Using Plant Compound Isotopes from the Neogene of Antarctica
Rees-Owen R, Francis J, Newton R, Ivanovic R & Riding J

Riding R. (2021) A Mesoarchean Oxygen Oasis Expanded: New Trace Element and Stable Isotope Data from the 2.8 Ga Mosher Carbonate, Steep Rock Lake, Canada
Wilmeth DT, Fralick PW, Riding R & Lalonde SV
(2020) New Constraints on Seawater Chemistry from Mesoarchean Carbonates, Canada
Liang L, Afroz M, Fralick P, Lalonde S, Ramsay B & Riding R
(2020) Fine-Grained Carbonates in Mid-Archean ‘Oxygen Oases’: Origins and Implications for CO2 Level
Riding R, Fralick P, Liang L, Afroz M, Lalonde S & Ramsay B
(2019) Clumped Isotope Depositional Temperatures from Palaeoproterozoic Fine-Agglutinated and Microdigitate Stromatolites: Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India
Banerjee S, Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Riding R
(2016) Marine Hypoxia, Lithistid Sponge-Microbial Communities, and the Cause of the Cambrian ‘reef Gap’
Lee J-H & Riding R
(2016) Controls on Proterozoic Stromatolites: CO2 Drawdown, Style of Photosynthesis, and Continental Assembly
Riding R & Tosti F
(2012) Steep Rock Carbonate Platform: An Early Marine Oxygen Oasis
Fralick P & Riding R
(2004) Marine Limestone Accumulation over the Past 550 Million Years—control by Seawater Chemistry
Riding R & Liang L

Ridley A.R. (2016) The 17O Excess of Stratospheric and Oceanic Nitrous Oxide
Kaiser J, Ridley AR, Laube J & Grefe I

Ridley D. (2014) Evaluating Global Model Parameterizations of Aerosol Optical Properties Using in situ Data from ARCTAS
Alvarado M, Lonsdale C, Macintyre H, Bian H, Chin M, Ridley D, Heald C & Wang C

Ridley H. (2018) Uranium Concentration Variability in Aragonitic Stalagmites as a Proxy for Seasonal Hydroclimate
Baldini J, Jamieson R, Asmerom Y, Ridley H & Prufer K
(2014) Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on ITCZ Position
Ridley H, Asmerom Y, Baldini J, Breitenbach S, Aquino V, Prufer K, Culleton B, Polyak V, Lechleitner F, Kennett D, Zhang M, Marwan N, Macpherson C, Baldini L, Xiao T, Awe J & Haug G

Ridley I. (2015) High Precision Pb Isotope Analyses by LA-MC-ICP-MS: A Novel Approach Using a USGS Synthetic Glass Spiked with NIST SRM 981(BPbISO-1)
Pribil M, Koenig A, Wilson S, Rutherford D & Ridley I
(2014) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of High-Silica MOR Lavas
Perfit M, Wanless D, Lundstrom C, Ridley I & Clague D

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