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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Reimus Paul W. (2019) Isotopic Fingerprint of Se Reduction in Groundwater: Results from a Field Experiment
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Reimus PW & DePaolo DJ
(2015) Selenium Isotope Ratios as Novel Redox Proxies to Detect the Onset of U(VI) Reduction in Groundwater
Basu A, Schilling K, Brown ST, Johnson TM, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW & Heikoop JM
(2014) Scale Dependence of Colloid-Associated Radionuclide Transport
Reimus P, Boukhalfa H, Wasserman N & Erdmann B
(2014) Assessment of Uranium in Post in situ Leach Mined Mineralized Arkosic Sandstone Units
WoldeGabriel G, Boukhalfa H, Reimus P, Heikoop J & Ware D
(2014) Uranium Remediation at an in situ Recovery (ISR) Site: Isotope Ratios as Indicators of Reducing Enviroments
Basu A, Brown ST, Christensen JN, DePaolo DJ, Reimus PW, Heikoop JM, Schilling K & Johnson TM
(2013) Multiple Isotopic Tracers to Monitor Remediation of Uranium Solution Mining
Brown S, Christensen J, DePaolo D, Basu A, Reimus P, Simmons A & Heikoop J

Rein E. (2011) Weathering of Black Shales and Re-Os Isotope Systematics
Georgiev S, Stein HJ, Hannah J, Bingen B, Hatlø V, Rein E, Piasecki S, Weiss H & Xu G

Rein I.M.T. (2020) Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of Icelandic Apatite: A Case Study at Torfajökull Volcano
Carley TL, Connors L, Rein IMT, Ruger ECV, Gross J & Burger P

Reinaldo S.R. (2022) Trace Metals Distribution in Pyrite from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
González-Jiménez JM, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, Reinaldo SR & Ruiz de Almodovar G
(2021) Golden Pyrites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, González-Jiménez JM, Reinaldo SR, Ruiz de Almodovar G, Proenza JA & Pons JM

Reindel J. (2018) Origin and Cause of Melting beneath East Antarctica
Reindel J, Panter K & Smellie J
(2018) On the Orgin of Intraplate Volcanism in Antarctica
Panter K, Castillo P, Krans S, Reindel J, Martin A & Smellie J

Reinecker J. (2007) Topographic Threshold Values for the Interpretation of Low-Temperature Thermochronology
Glotzbach C, Spiegel C, Reinecker J, Rahn M & Frisch W

Reiner K. (2015) Geochemical and Geochronological Evidence for an Early Neoproterozoic Crystalline Basement in the South Beishan Orogenic Belt, Southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Yuan Y, Zong K, He Z & Reiner K

Reiners Peter (2022) K-Ar Dating of Clay in Paleoweathering Environments: A Case Study from Weathered Granite beneath the Great Unconformity in Manitou Springs, Colorado
Levenstein BM, Schaen AJ, Siddoway CS, Kirk J & Reiners P
(2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J
(2020) Rb-Sr and Re-Os Ages of Fault Gouges and Copper Mineralization from the Paradox Basin, Utah
Kirk J, Ruiz J, Reiners P, Krantz R & Downs R
(2018) Development of Superheavy δ34S Values in Paleozoic Pyrite Detected by SIMS Microanalysis and Ion Imaging
Drake H, Whitehouse M, Heim C, Reiners P, Tillberg M & Hogmalm J
(2018) Interpreting the Geo/Thermo/Compo-Chronometric Record of Paleofluid-Rock Systems from Hematite
Reiners P

Reiners Peter W (2019) Geochemical and Mineralogic Effects of Flow of Reduced Fluids Through Oxidized Red Sandstones
Bailey LR & Reiners PW
(2019) Thermochronology of Antarctic-Derived Pebbles for Ice Sheet and Geologic History
Cox S, Hemming S, Williams T, Thomson S, Reiners P & van de Flierdt T
(2017) Age, Emplacement Conditions, and Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Clastic Dike by Hematite (U-Th)/He Dating and Fluid Inclusion Analysis
Jensen JL, Reiners PW, Steele-MacInnis M, Ault AK & Siddoway CS
(2017) Hematite Textures and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry Inform Seismic and Aseismic Fault Zone Processes
Ault A, McDermott R, Moser A, Evans J & Reiners P

Reiners Peter, W. (2016) Constraining Time and Temperature from 4He/3He Thermochronometry of Polycrytalline Fe- and Mn-Oxides
Shuster D, Reiners P, Ault A, Deng X-D & Tremblay M
(2014) Direct Dating of Brittle Deformation with Hematite (U-Th)/He Chronology
Ault A, Reiners P, Evans J, Frenzel M & Woodcock N
(2014) Radiation Damage and Noble Gas Mobility in Minerals
Reiners P & Farley K
(2013) A New Radiation Damage Based Model for He Diffusion in Zircon
Guenthner W, Reiners P, Ketcham R, Nasdala L & Giester G
(2010) Insight into Drake Passage Opening from Sediment Provenance and Thermochronology
Barbeau DL, Zahid KM, Gombosi DJ, Guenthner WR, Scher HD, Bizimis M, Davis JT, Brown AR, Gehrels GE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN & Garver JI
(2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W
(2008) Triple-Dating of Detrital Apatites and Zircons from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Cox SE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN, Gehrels GE, Nicolescu S, Hemming SR, van de Flierdt T, Goldstein SL & Brachfeld SA
(2008) Secondary Weathering Phases and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
Reiners P, Thomson S, Tipple B, Peyton L, Rahl J & Mulch A
(2008) Exhumation and Basin Evolution of the Puna Plateau of NW Argentina Revealed by a Multi Geo-Thermochronological Approach
Carrapa B, DeCelles PG, Reiners PW, Geherels G & Biswas A
(2007) Zircon M257 – A New Standard for SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology
Nasdala L, Hofmeister W, Mattinson J, Dörr W, Corfu F, Reiners P, Kronz A, Norberg N & Kröner A
(2007) Fo 99.8 Olivine in Basalts: Assimilation of Meta-Serpentinites or Oxidation of Magmatic Phenocrysts?
Blondes M, Brandon M, Reiners P, Kita N, Page FZ & Valley J
(2006) Thermochronologic Approaches to Paleotopography
Reiners P, McPhillips D, Brandon M, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP
(2006) He Diffusion in and (U-Th)/He Dating of Fossil Tooth Enamel and Conodonts
Reiners P, Peppe D, Bibi F & Nicolescu S
(2006) Dating Young Basalt Eruptions by (U-Th)/He on Xenolithic Zircons
Blondes M, Reiners P, Edwards B & Biscontini A
(2006) Coupled hydrogen isotope paleoaltimetry and (U/Th)/He thermochronology of river deposits
Mulch A, Graham S, Reiners P & Chamberlain CP
(2006) Four million years of thermal history - the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Argentina
Harris A, Cooke D, Dunlap J, Reiners P, Allen C, White N & Campbell I
(2006) Identification of first and multi-cycle zircons through U-Pb and (U+Th)/He dating of river sands
Allen CM, Campbell IH & Reiners PW
(2005) Temporal Constraints on the Juxtaposition and Exhumation of Deep Crustal Domains, East Athabasca Region, Western Canadian Shield
Flowers R, Pringle M, Mahan K, Bowring S, Williams M, Hodges K & Reiners P
(2005) Continental-Scale Tectonics: Zircon He-Ft-Pb Triple-Dating of Modern River Sediment
Reiners P, Campbell I, Nicolescu S, Allen C & Garver J
(2005) Using Thermochrometry to Image Topographic Evolution in the Northern Apennines, Italy
Brandon M, Zattin M, Isaacson P, Braun J & Reiners P
(2005) Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Zonation-Dependent Alpha-Ejection Correction of Zircons in (U-Th)/He Chronometry
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Brandon M & Plank T
(2005) Combined (U-Th)/He and U-Pb Thermochronometry of Rift-Flank Exhumation in East-Central Africa
MacPhee D, Bowring S & Reiners P
(2005) Systematic Geochemical Variations in Single Eruptions of Primitive Basalts: Tectonic Implications
Blondes M & Reiners P
(2005) (U-Th)/He Dating of Epidote and Andradite Garnet
Nicolescu S & Reiners P
(2003) (U-Th)/He Dating and Calibration of Low-T Thermochronometry
Reiners P
(2003) Zircon He-Pb* Dating: Approaches and Applications
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Mattinson J, Campbell I, Nicolescu S & Allen C
(2002) Intercalibration of Zircon (U-Th)/He and K-Feldspar 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronometry
Reiners P & Spell T

Reinfelder J. (2019) Using Mercury Stable Isotopes to Investigate Bacterial Hg(II) Uptake
Wang Y, Janssen S, Schaefer J, Yee N & Reinfelder J
(2018) Diel Variation of Stable Isotope Ratios Record Photoreduction of PM2.5-bound Mercury
Huang Q, Chen J, Huang W, Reinfelder J, Fu P, Yuan S, Wang Z, Yuan W & Cai H
(2017) Mineralization and Recrystallization of Cadmium-Doped Schwertmannite Induced by Fe(II)
Fan C, Guo C, Zeng Y, Reinfelder J, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) The Sulfate Reducing Microbial Community Succession Under Different Electron Transfer Routes in Schwertmannite Transformation
Zeng Y, Fan C, Wang H, Guo C, Lu G, Reinfelder JR & Dang Z
(2016) Differential Uptakes of Fe, Zn and Cd by Hydroponically Grown Rice
Liu J, Song Z, Li F, Liu C, Huang W & Reinfelder J
(2014) Photo-Microbial Reduction and Extracellular Dark Oxidation of Mercury in Marine Surface Waters
Reinfelder J
(2014) Offshore and Onshore Monomethylmercury (MMHg) and Total Mercury (THg) Accumulation during Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) Development along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
Sontag P & Reinfelder J
(2012) Microbial Production of Methylmercury from Hg(0)
Colombo M, Ha J, Reinfelder J, Barkay T & Yee N
(2011) Microbial Uptake and Methylation of Dissolved Elemental Mercury
Colombo M, Barkay T, Reinfelder J & Yee N
(2009) Carbon Dioxide Regulated Macronutrient Demand in Marine Diatoms
Reinfelder J

Reinhard Christopher (2019) Limited Biological Productivity in the Archean Anoxic Ocean
Ozaki K & Reinhard C
(2019) Low Mid-Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygen Levels?
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Isson T, Ozaki K & Crockford P
(2019) Intermediate Atmospheric Oxygen Levels, Ocean Ventilation, and Global Biospheric Productivity
Cole D, Ozaki K, Planavsky N & Reinhard C
(2019) A Limited Habitable Zone for Complex Life
Schwieterman E, Reinhard C, Olson S, Harman C & Lyons T

Reinhard Christopher T (2017) Behavior of Mo, U, and Tl Isotopes during Differentiation in the Kilauea Iki System
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Owens J, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D, Greaney A & Helz R
(2017) Organic and Carbonate Carbon Burial Through Earth’s History
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Bolton E & Terry-Tang Y
(2017) Archean Oxidative Weathering: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments at Ultra-Low pO2
Johnson AC, Reinhard CT, Romaniello SJ, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2017) Deciphering Proterozoic Shallow Marine Redox Structure Using Carbonate REE
Bellefroid E, Planavsky N & Reinhard C
(2017) Sulfur non Mass Dependent Anomalies in Modern River Water of Archean Catchment
Asael D, Planavsky N, Bellefroid E, Hofmann A & Reinhard C
(2017) Isotopic and Theoretical Constraints on the Evolving Redox State of Earth's Atmosphere
Reinhard C
(2017) Tracking the Local Accumulation of Free Oxygen within Archean Marine Systems Using a Coupled Fe-Mo-Tl Stable Isotope Approach
Rybacki K, Owens J, Planavsky N & Reinhard C
(2017) Atmospheric Seasonality on the Early Earth: Implications for Remote Life Detection
Olson S, Schwieterman E, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2017) Characterizing N2O as an Exoplanet Biosignature: Early Earth as a Template
Schwieterman E, Olson S, Reinhard C, Meadows V & Lyons T
(2017) Climatic Consequences of Methane Boosting by Photoferrotrophs in the Archean Atmosphere
Ozaki K, Tajika E, Hong P, Nakagawa Y & Reinhard C
(2016) Mo and U Isotope Behavior in the Lesser Antilles Subduction System
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D & Chauvel C
(2016) Is a Coherent Picture of Earth's Early Oxygenation Emerging from Sedimentary Metal Isotope Records?
Planavsky N & Reinhard C
(2016) Photosynthetic Oxidation of the Earth Before Cyanobacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Kenward P, Bauer K, Michiels C, Gauger T, Kappler A, Reinhard C & Konhauser K
(2016) An Ecophysiological Throttle on Planetary Oxygenation during the Archean
Reinhard CT, Crowe SA, Ozaki K & Thompson KJ
(2016) Mobilizing Molybdenum: Interpreting Archean Oxidative Weathering Signatures
Johnson A, Reinhard C, Romaniello S, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons T & Anbar A
(2016) Nutrient-O2 Feedbacks and Proterozoic pO2 Regulation
Olson S, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N
(2016) Evolution of Earth's Phosphorus Cycle
Reinhard CT, Planavsky NJ, Gill BC, Robbins LJ, Lyons TW, Fischer WW, Wang C, Cole DB & Konhauser KO
(2016) Tracking the Long-Term Carbon Cycle in Earth History: Himalayan Anecdotes
McKenzie R, Planavsky N, Colleps C, Stockli D, Singh B, Kalderon-Asael B & Reinhard C
(2015) Chromium Isotope Effects Induced by Metamorphic, Weathering, and Hydrothermal Alterations
Wang X, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Zou H, Ague J, Wu Y & Peucker Ehrenbrink B
(2015) Cadmium Isotopic Composition of Cenozoic Seawater from Ferromanganese Crusts
Murphy K, Rehkamper M, van de Flierdt T, Abraham K, Barling J, Halliday A, Hein J, Nielsen S & Reinhard C
(2014) Links between the Sedimentary Redox Cycle and Marine Acid-Base Chemistry
Reinhard CT & Fischer WW
(2014) Exploring the Effects of Oxidant Availability on the Early Methane Cycle
Olson S, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2014) Cenozoic Seawater Uranium Isotopic Composition Recorded in Mn-Fe Crusts
Wang X, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Hein J, Lyons T & Johnson T
(2014) Revisiting Molar Tooth Structures in Light of a Low Oxygen and Sulfate Mid-Proterozoic Ocean
Hancock L, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Wehrmann L, Bekker A, Olson S & Goldbaum E
(2014) Geochemical Evidence for Ferruginous Marine Conditions Following the Paleoproterozoic Demise of Iron Formation Deposition
Li C, Planavsky N, Love G, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Feng L, Huang J, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2014) Deep Ocean Oxygenation
Planavsky N & Reinhard C
(2013) Palaeozoic Biosphere and Climate: Modes of Marine Primary Production and Methane Cycling Feedbacks
Rohrssen M, Love GD & Reinhard CT
(2013) Trace Metal Drawdown during a Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event: Implications for Global Redox Conditions
Owens JD, Reinhard CT & Lyons TW
(2013) Metal Micronutrients for Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Glass J, Steele J, Dawson K, McGlynn S, Reinhard C & Orphan V
(2013) Earth Surface Redox Constraints from the Ancient Cr Cycle
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Wang X, Fischer W, Johnson T & Lyons T
(2012) New Insights from FOAM: Iron and Trace Metal Cycling in Highly Sulfidic Pore Waters beneath an Oxic Water Column
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Gill B, Johnston D, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Asael D & Lyons T
(2012) Oxidative Weathering on the Early Earth
Reinhard C, Lalonde S & Lyons T
(2012) Significance of Sulfidic Organic-Rich Archean Shales
Planavsky N, Scott C, Reinhard C, Wing B & Lyons T
(2011) Sensitivity and Feedback in the Oceanic Molybdenum Cycle
Reinhard C, Scott C & Lyons T
(2011) Molybdenum as a Paleoredox Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Arnold G, Chappaz A, Gill B, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Riedinger N, Scott C & Anbar A
(2011) Iron and Other Metals in the Proterozoic Oceans
Planavsky N, Scott C, McGoldrick P, Li C, Reinhard C, Love G, Bekker A & Lyons T
(2011) Whither the Whiff?
Anbar A, Kendall B, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2011) Molybdenum Isotopes as Oceanic Paleoredox Proxy of the Paleoproterozoic Shunga Event
Asael D, Rouxel O, Reinhard C, Lyons T & Kump L
(2009) Euxinia in the Proterozoic Ocean, Trace Metal Abundances, and the Potential Impacts on Life
Lyons T, Scott C, Reinhard C & Anbar A
(2009) Iron Oxides, Dissolved Silica, and Regulation of Marine P Concentration
Planavsky N, Rouxel O, Bekker A, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2008) Oxidative Weathering and The Fe-S Balance of the Late Archean Ocean
Reinhard C, Raiswell R, Anbar A & Lyons T

Reinhard Christopher T. (2023) Progressive Planetary Oxygenation: Multiple Lines of Evidence Confirm an Archean Oxidation Event at 2.5 Ga
Anbar AD, Buick R, Gordon G, Johnson A, Kendall B, Lyons TW, Ostrander CM, Planavsky NJ, Reinhard CT & Stüeken EE
(2023) Land Plant Radiation and its Linkages to Global Marine Anoxia during the Devonian
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Smart MS, Filippelli G, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA & Whiteside J
(2023) Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
(2023) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agricultural Settings: Real-World Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Crop Yields, and Soil pH
Welbel G, Reershemius T, Matlin-Wainer M, Davis I, Lieberman S, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
(2023) Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Removal in an Enhanced Rock Weathering Field Trial in Queensland, Australia: A Soil-Based Mass Balance Approach
Reershemius T, Nelson PN, Davies K, Bird MI, Kalderon-Asael B, Asael D, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
(2021) Modeling Global Biosphere Response to Enhanced Riverine Nutrient Delivery during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event
Smart MS, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA, Whiteside J, Gilhooly W & Filippelli G
(2020) Heaviest Precambrian Shale U Isotopes to Date: Oxygenation in the ~2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Russia
Mänd K, Lalonde S, Robbins J, Thoby M, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Paiste P, Reinhard C, Romashkin A, Planavsky N, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K
(2020) Reconstructing the Spatial Redox Structure of Anoxic Oceans Using a 3D Ocean-Based Earth System Model
van de Velde SJ, Hulse D, Reinhard CT & Ridgwell A
(2020) Mid-Proterozoic Atmospheric O2 Levels Re-calculated from D17O Values in Sulfates Using a Detailed 1-D Photochemical Model
Liu P, Liu J, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Babikov D, Boering K & Kasting J
(2020) Chromium Isotope Systematics and Diagenesis in Marine Carbonates
Wang C, Rybacki K, Hardisty D, Wang X, Reinhard C & Planavsky N
(2020) The Potential Role of Later Alteration on the Inferred Mo and U Isotope Compositions of Mantle Reservoirs Derived from OIB Lavas
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D & Jackson M
(2018) Atmospheric Seasonality as an Exoplanet Biosignature
Olson S, Schwieterman E, Reinhard C, Ridgwell A, Meadows V & Lyons T
(2018) The Importance of Ozone and UV Capability in Detecting Biosignatures on Planets with Intermediate Oxygenation States
Schwieterman E, Olson S, Reinhard C & Lyons T
(2018) Constraints on Earth's Stepwise Oxygenation from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments at Low pO2
Johnson AC, Reinhard CT, Romaniello SJ, Greaney AT, Gregory DD, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2018) Oxidative Biological Weathering and its Archean Origins
Zaharescu GD, Szeinbaum N, Burghelea C, Dontsova K, Chorover J & Reinhard C
(2018) Nutrients, Ecosystems, and the Expansion of Eukaryotic Life
Reinhard C, Ward B, Planavsky N, Love G & Ridgwell A
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J
(2018) Significant Influence of Seawater Calcium Concentration on Marine Phosphorus Burial
Zhao M, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Zhang S & Reinhard C
(2018) The Tl and Cr Isotope Composition of the Upper Continental Crust from the Archean to Present
Gaschnig R, Owens J, Newby S, Reinhard C, Wang X, Asael D, Planavsky N & Rudnick R
(2018) A Thallium Isotope Record of Ocean Oxygenation during the Lomagundi Event
Li Z, Owens J, Planavsky N, Ozaki K & Reinhard C

Reinhard D. (2019) A Record of Basin-Forming Impact from Pb Clusters in Lunar Zircon
Blum T, Reinhard D, Coble M, Spicuzza M, Chen Y, Cavosie A, Nasdala L, Chanmuang C, Prosa T, Larson D & Valley J
(2016) Combining Microstructural and Isotopic Analysis of Baddeleyite to Unravel Solar System Bombardment
White L, Darling J, Moser D, Reinhard D, Horstwood M, Bullen D, Barker I, Prosa T, Olson D, Larson D, Clifton P, Lawrence D & Martin I
(2016) Radiation Damage, APT and Pb Mobility in Zircon: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Valley J, Blum T, Reinhard D, Larson D, Prosa T & Kelly T
(2016) Atom Probe Tomography of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite Reveals a 4.4 Billion Year Record of Cool, Stable and Hydrothermally Altered Crust
Moser D, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Prosa T, Larson D, Clifton P, Olson D, Price K, Chen Y & Irving A
(2016) Sensativity and Uncertainty in Nanoscale Geochronology by Atom Probe Tomography
Blum T, Reinhard D, Chen Y, Prosa T, Larson D & Valley J
(2014) Applications of Atom Probe Tomography in Geological Science
Kelly T, Clifton P, Reinhard D, Prosa T, Olson D, Lawrence D, Martin I & Larson D
(2013) Isotopic Tomography of Monazite
Snoeyenbos D, Peterman E, Jercinovic M, Williams M & Reinhard D
(2013) Atomic Views of Martian Evolution
Moser D, Reinhard D, Clifton P, Larson D, Darling J, Tait K, Bugnet M, Gault B & Barker I
(2013) Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
Valley J, Ushikubo T, Cavosie A, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Martin I, Larson D, Clifton P, Kelly T, Wilde S, Moser D & Spicuzza M
(2012) Atomic Scale Imaging of U, Th and Radiogenic Pb in Zircon
Snoeyenbos D, Reinhard D & Olson D

Reinhard M. (2002) The Fate of Wastewater Indicator Compounds during Groundwater Recharge
Reinhard M, Litwiller E & Gross B

Reinhardt F. (2022) Connecting Scales of Observation with Rapid micro-Xrf Elemental Characterization in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
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(2020) Homogeneity Test on a Candidate Microanalytical Mn-nodule Reference Material Using Micro X-Ray Fluourescence Spectroscopy (µXRF)
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Reinhardt J. (2022) The “Trapping” of Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts in the Metasedimentary Country Rocks Adjacent to the S-Type Peninsula Granite, Cape Granite Suite, Pan African Saldania Belt, South Africa
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Reinhardt Manuel (2020) Molecular Signatures from Kerogens Preserved in 3.42 Ga Microbial Mats (Buck Reef Chert, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
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(2015) The Interpretation of the Mass Independent Isotope Effect in Ozone: Possible Implications for Solar System Isotopic Anomalies
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(2013) Mass Independent Isotope Fractionation in Ozone
Robert F & Reinhardt P

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Reinhold A.M. (2022) Water Quality Legacies of Agriculture, Urbanization, and Strip Mining in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
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Reinhold J. (2011) Effect of Lake Sediment Application on Soil Structure Assessed by Means of X-Ray Computed Microtomography
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