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Reddy Steven (2020) Thermally-Induced Shape Maturation of Quartz in Garnet
Cesare B, Parisatto M, Mancini L, Peruzzo L, Franceschi M, Tacchetto T, Reddy S, Spiess R, Nestola F & Marone F
(2020) The Quest for Primary Magnetisation in Earth’s Oldest Materials
Harrison R, Taylor R, Tang F, Kuppili C, Ball M, Einsle J, Borlina C, Fu R, Weiss B, Rickard W, Saxey D & Reddy S
(2017) Atom Probe Analysis of Isotopically-Distinct Nanoscale Pb Reservoirs in Witwatersrand Pyrite
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Kirkland C, Saxey D, Rickard W & Hough R
(2017) Atom Probe Study of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Immiscibility and Implication to REE Distrubution
Vasilyev P, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Evans K & Yaxley G
(2017) Application of Atom Probe Microscopy to Nanoscale Os Isotopic Studies
Tessalina S, Daly L, Bland P, Saxey D, Reddy S, Fougerouse D & Rickard W
(2017) Re-Os Geochronology of Sub-Micrometre Meteoritic Alloys Through Atom Probe Microscopy
Daly L, Bland PA, Tessalina S, Saxey DW, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Rickard WDA, Forman LV, Trimby PW, Yang L, La Fontaine A, Cairney J, Ringer SP & Schaefer BF
(2017) Characterisation of Nanoscale Pb Mobility and Entrapment in Zircon Using Atom Probe Microscopy
Reddy S, Peterman E, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Marillo-Sialer E
(2017) Nanoscale Trace Element Analysis of Zircon via High Spatial Resolution SIMS in a FIB-SEM
Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Cavosie A & Peterman E
(2017) Nanoscale Characterization of Shock Twinning in Zircon by EBSD, TKD, TOF-SIMS, TEM, and Atom Probe
Cavosie AJ, Reddy SM, Rickard WDA, Saxey DW, Fougerouse D & Sharp T
(2017) The Behaviour of Monazite at High Temperature and High Stress in the Lower Crust
Clark C, Taylor R, Reddy S & Hand M
(2017) Isotope Geochemistry Applications of Atom Probe Microscopy
Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Reddy S
(2016) Targeting the Timing of Zircon Deformation with Atom Probe and Correlative Microscopy
Reddy SM, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA, Fougerouse D, Taylor RJM & Johnson TE
(2016) Nanoscale Analysis of Zircon Standards by Atom Probe Microscopy
Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Van Riessen A
(2016) In situ Isotopic Analysis of Sulfides in High-Pressure Serpentinites
Crossley R, Evans K, Jeon H, Kilburn M, Roberts M & Reddy S
(2016) Monazite as a Tectonic and Shock Deformation Chronometer – Linking EBSD and U-Pb Analyses
Erickson T, Timms N, Reddy S, Cavosie A, Pearce M, Kirkland C & Tohver E
(2016) Deciphering Thermal Events in the Capricorn Orogen Using Titanite
Taylor R, Reddy S, Clark C & Johnson S
(2016) Chemical Variation and Deformation of the Upper Mantle Across an OCT
Kaczmarek M-A, Reddy S & Vonlanthen P
(2016) Invisible Gold in Arsenopyrite Revealed by Correlated Atom Probe Microscopy, NanoSIMS and Maia Mapping
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, van Riessen A & Micklethwaite S
(2016) Preservation of Framboidal Pyrite and its Role in Trace Element Transfer in Subduction Zones
Hayes S, Evans K & Reddy S
(2016) Effects of Geodynamic Setting on the Redox State of Fluids Released by Subducted Mantle Lithosphere
Evans K, Reddy S, Tomkins A & Crossley R
(2016) Stable Isotope Labelling as a Tool to Investigate Mineral-Fluid Interaction
Kilburn M, Fiorentini M, Piazolo S, Rushmer T, Reddy S, Martin L & Jeon H
(2016) Zircon Breaking Badd: Fingerprinting Impact Histories from ZrSiO4 and Zirconia Microstructures
Timms N, Cavosie A, Erickson T, Pearce M, Reddy S, Schmieder M, Tohver E, Zanetti M & Wittmann A
(2015) Quantitative Microstructural and Trace Element Geochemical Analysis of a Mineralogically Zoned Vein
Meadows H, Reddy S, Clark C & Taylor R
(2015) LASS-ICPMS Zircon Geochronology: Comparisons with SHRIMP
Jahn I, Clark C, Reddy S, Taylor R & Kylander-Clark A
(2015) Geochronology of ex situ Shocked Zircons: Towards Dating Impacts
Cavosie AJ, Reddy SM, Timms NE, Erickson TM & Pincus MR
(2013) Microstructural Control on Trace Element Diffusion in Pyrrhotite from Komatiite Hosted Massive Ni Sulphides, Yilgarn Craton
Vukmanovic Z, Reddy S, Godel B, Barnes S, Fiorentini M & Barnes S-J
(2013) A Comparison of Shocked Zircon and Quartz from the Reis Impact Structure, Germany
Erickson T, Reddy S, Timms N & Nemchim A
(2013) Deformation Mechanisms in Martian Shergottites
Kaczmarek M-A, Grange M, Reddy S & Nemchin A
(2009) Zircon U-Pb Dating of Mylonitization, Macaloge Shear Zone, Mozambique
Bingen B, Henderson I & Reddy S
(2008) Zircon U-Pb Age Discordance and Trace Element Alteration due to Deep, Post-Impact Flow; Implications for Planetary Chronology
Moser D, Davis W, Reddy S, Flemming R & Hart R
(2008) 40Ar/39Ar UV Laser Dating, EBSD & EMP Analysis of 1040-940 Ma Metamorphic/Deformation/Cooling Events Recorded in Sibao Orogen White Micas, South China
Wartho J-A, Li Z-X, Occhipinti S & Reddy S
(2006) Geochemical Modification of Plastically-Deformed Zircon
Reddy S, Timms N & Kinny P
(2006) Relating quantitative microstructure to fluid chemistry in pyrite
Hough R & Reddy S
(2006) Origin and weathering of gold nuggets
Butt C, Hough R, Reddy S & Verrall M
(2006) Deformation-related modification of U and Th in zircon
Timms N, Kinny P & Reddy S
(2001) Systematic Analysis of the Temporal Significance of Porphyroblast-Foliation Relationships in Deformed Rocks
Potts GJ & Reddy SM

Reddy Steven M (2022) Nano-Clusters in Natural Beryllium-Bearing Sapphires
Jin S, Reddy SM, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA, Fougerouse D & Palke A
(2021) Making the most out of the Minimum: Atom Probe Tomography’s Role in Characterising Returned Extraterrestrial Samples
Daly L, Lee M, Hallis L, Einsle JF, Bland PA, Saxey DW, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Rickard WDA, Cairney J, McCarroll I, Yang L, Bagot PAJ & Darling JR
(2021) Origin of U-Th-Pb Isotopic Disturbance in Discordant Monazite from UHT Context (Napier Complex, East Antarctica) Resolved by Atom Probe Tomography
Turuani MJ, Laurent AT, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Harley S, Fougerouse D, Saxey DW & Reddy SM

Reddy Steven M. (2023) A New Coordinated NanoSIMS, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography Approach for the Characterization of Primitive Astromaterials
Nevill ND, Rahman Z, Nguyen AN, Saxey DW, Sun X, Keller LP, Rickard WDA & Reddy SM
(2023) One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Diversity of Critical Elements Distribution in Sphalerite at the Nanoscale
Fougerouse D, Cugerone A, Luo K, Krause J, Reddy SM, Saxey DW & Rickard WDA
(2020) Constraints from Pyrite Micro-Structures on Gold Mineralization Processes of Multi-Stage Fluid Episodes
Tan W, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Wang CY & He H
(2019) Origins and Significance of U-Th-Pb Isotopic Disturbance in Monazite from UHT Context (Napier Complex, East Antarctica)
Turuani M, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Harley SL, Laurent AT, Fougerouse D, Bosse V & Reddy SM
(2019) In Vitro Bone Fossilization – Micro to Nanoscale Alteration Processes
Kral AG, Guagliardo P, Fougerouse D, Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tütken T & Geisler T
(2019) Correlations between TEM and APT Analyses of Nanoscale Features within Zircon
Peterman E, Reddy S, Rickard W, Saxey D & Fougerouse D
(2019) Apatite: A Nanoscale Story-Teller of Lunar Geological History
Cernok A, Anand M, White L, Darling J, Whitehouse M, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Quadir Z, Tait K & Franchi I
(2019) Trace Element Heterogeneities at Twin Boundaries: A Combined Atom Probe Tomography and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study
Verberne R, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Rickard W, Quadir Z, Evans N & Clark C
(2019) Composition of Micrometre-Scale Zircon Grains from the Bunburra Meteorite
Montalvo SD, Reddy SM, Benedix GK, Saxey DW, Rickard WDA & Fougerouse D
(2019) Dating Monazite at the Nanoscale with Atom Probe Tomography
Fougerouse D, Kirkland C, Saxey D, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Rickard W, Rowles M & Reddy S
(2019) Nanoscale Compositional Segregation in Complex In-Bearing Sulfides
Krause J, Reddy SM, Rickard WDA, Saxey DW, Fougerouse D, Bauer ME, Seifert T & Gutzmer J
(2019) Mechanisms of Radiogenic Isotope Redistribution in Minerals: Evidence from the Nanoscale
Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D, Verberne R, Kirkland C & Peterman E
(2019) Nanoscale Quantification of Isotope Ratios by Atom Probe Tomography
Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tessalina S & Pearce M
(2019) Neocrystallization of Zircon during Ultramylonitization: Cases from the Sveconorwegian and Mozambique Belts
Bingen B, Henderson I, Torgersen E & Reddy S

Reddy T. (2008) Electrical Resistivity of Ti-Rich Phologopite Under Mantle Pressures
Parthasarathy G & Reddy T

Reddy U.V. (2014) 43Ca NMR Spectroscopy of Natural Organic Matter
Reddy UV, Kirkpatrick RJ & Bowers GM

Reddy V. (2016) Reflectance Spectroscopy (0.35-2.5 µm of Low Calcium Pyroxene + Metal Mixtures
Cloutis E & Reddy V

Redeker K (2003) Production and Consumption of Atmospheric Methyl Halides in Irish Soil Ecosystems
Redeker K, Keppler F, Boshoff G, Hamilton J & Kalin R

Redeker Kelly (2017) The Key Role of Bioturbation in the Carbon-Sulfur-Iron Interplay in Salt Marsh Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Mills J & Redeker K
(2017) Role of Sulfur Intermediates and Volatiles in Euxinic and Ferruginous Environments
Wilkening J, Antler G, Redeker K & Turchyn A
(2017) Volatile Metabolite Fluxes from Natural Salt Marshes
Redeker K, Fenn K, Cai L, Toet S, Dumbrell A & Turchyn A
(2015) The Sulfur-Iron Interplay and its Role in the Fate of Carbon in Salt Marsh Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Mills JV, Povia S & Redeker K
(2011) Modelling Methyl Halide Emissions from Plants: From Cytosol to the Atmosphere
Parshotam L, Christopoulou D & Redeker K

Redemann J. (2014) Aircraft-Based Assessment of Relationships between CCN Concentration and Aerosol Optical Depth
Shinozuka Y, Clarke A, Nenes A, Lathem T & Redemann J
(2011) The Combined Use of CALIOP, MODIS and OMI Aerosol and Cloud Products for Calculating Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects
Redemann J, Vaughan M, Shinozuka Y, Russell P, Livingston J & Remer L

Redfern SImon (2019) Carbonate Mineral Solubility in Deep Earth
Farsang S, Louvel M, Mezouar M, Rosa AD & Redfern SAT
(2019) A Possible Reservoir for Primordial Helium in the Lowermost Mantle
Redfern S, Feng X, Zhang J, Lv J, Li H, Lu C, Liu H, Chen C & Ma Y

Redfern Simon (2023) Investigating Fluorine Incorporation in Nominally Anhydrous Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Teo JHB & Redfern S
(2022) Improved Volatile Quantification in Unexposed Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions by FTIR Spectroscopy and an Application to the Toba Caldera Complex, Sumatra (Indonesia)
Lee DWJ, Hsu Y-J, Forni F, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C, Phua M, Rifai H & Redfern S

Redfern Simon A. T. (2020) Halogens in Deep Earth Carbonates
Hsu Y-J, Feng X & Redfern SAT
(2020) Halogen Incorporation into Calcite, Aragonite and Vaterite CaCO3: Computational Chemistry Insights and Geochemistry Implications
Feng X, Steiner Z & Redfern S

Redfern Simon Anthony Turner (2017) Sodium in Foraminiferal Calcite
Read E, Branson O, Tyliszczak T & Redfern S
(2016) Influence of the Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition of Water on Mineral Solubility and Solution Chemistry
Redfern S & Facq S
(2016) Diagenesis Determined by Synchrotron X-Ray CT – Insights from the Ontong Java Plateau
Read E, Branson O, Redfern S, Rau C & Elderfield H
(2015) Speciation and Distribution of Arsenic in Water at Bakyrchik Gold Mine, Kazakhstan
Seitkan A & Redfern S
(2015) Yellow and Colourless Anorthite Megacrysts from Hakone Volcano: Structural Controls on Colouration
Matsui T, Buisman I, Lampronti G & Redfern S
(2015) Theme 14: Mineralogy and Mineral Physics
Redfern S
(2014) Core Formation in Terrestrial Planets Without Magma Oceans: The Role of Deformation in Melt Segregation
Berg M, Bromiley G, Bulter I, Redfern S & Carr J
(2014) Ostracod Trace Element Proxies: More Complexity, Less Certainty
Branson O, Redfern S, Molina S, Elmore A & Elderfield H
(2013) Geochemical Proxy Nanostructure of Foraminifera by X-Ray Imaging: STXM and Tomography
Redfern S, Branson O, Elderfield H, Tylisczak T & Rau C
(2013) 3D Visualisation of Core Formation in Deforming Planetesimals
Berg M, Butler I, Redfern S, Le Godec Y & Bromiley G
(2013) Nanomagnetism of Iron Meteorites Identified by X-Ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy
Bryson J, Herrero Albillos J, Kronast F, van der Laan G, Redfern S & Harrison R
(2013) The Coordination of Boron in Foraminiferal Calcite
Branson O, Redfern S, Kaczmarek K, Tyliszczak T & Elderfield H
(2012) 3D Visualisation of Core-Forming Melts
Berg M, Butler I, Redfern S & Bromiley G
(2011) Anelastic Processes in Minerals at High Temperature: Examples of Quartz and Spinel
Redfern S, Peng Z, Walsh J & Daraktchiev M
(2004) Phase Transitions and Anelasticity in LaxNd1-xGaO3 Perovskites
Jakeways C, Redfern S, Harrison R & Whittle K
(2004) In situ high-P/T Behaviour of Minerals by Neutron Scattering
Redfern S, Stone H, Dove M & Meducin F
(2004) Structural Phase Transitions and Solid Solubilities of (Nd, La)2(Zr, Ti)2O7 Phases
Harvey E, Whittle K, Lumpkin G & Redfern S
(2004) The Effect of Cs on the Structural and Hydrothermal Stability of Barium Hollandites
Whittle K, Lumpkin G, Ashbrook S, Cope E & Redfern S
(2004) Transformation Twinning in Minerals: A Credible Source of Anelasticity in Crustal and Mantle Rocks?
Harrison R, Redfern S & Salje E
(2002) Transitions and Twin Wall Conduits: Controls on Chemical Transport in Minerals
Redfern S & Sartbaeva A
(2002) An Electrochemical Cell Across the Core-Mantle Boundary
O'Neill HSC & Redfern SAT

Redfield T. (2007) Evidence for Natural, Non-Thermal Annealing of Fission Tracks in Apatite
Hendriks B, Donelick R, O'Sullivan P & Redfield T
(2006) Relative U and Th Concentrations from LA-ICP-MS for Apatite Fission-Track Grain-Age Dating
Donelick RA, O'Sullivan PB, Ketcham RA, Hendriks BWH & Redfield TF
(2005) Evidence for Underestimation of Long-Term FT Annealing in Apatite from Natural FT and (U-Th)/He Data
Hendriks B & Redfield T

Redford S. (2016) Perchlorate Mediated Adaptive Evolution of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Mehta-Kolte M, Yongblut M, Redford S, Melnyk R, Gregoire P, Carlson H & Coates J

Redina A.A. (2021) Fluorite Mineralization Specificities Related with Carbonatites in Western Transbaikalia (Arshan and Yuzhnoe Ore Occurrences)
Redina AA & Doroshkevich AG

Redkin A. (2015) Liquid Immiscibility in the System NaF–H2O at 1073 K and 170–230 МPа and Its Effect on the Microlite Solubility
Redkin A, Kotova N & Shapovalov Y

Redler C. (2017) Major and Trace Element Composition of Tourmaline in Aplites and Granites as Indicator for Magmatic and Hydrothermal Evolution (Eastern Elba, Italy)
Redler C, Vespa M & Rahn M
(2015) Tourmaline from Western and Central Elba (Italy)
Redler C, Vespa M & Rahn M
(2013) Partial Melting and Melt Loss: Migmatites from Val Strona di Omegna (Ivrea Zone, NW Italy)
Redler C

Redlich A. (2011) Microbial Mobilization of Arsenic from Soil of the Mokrsko Gold Deposit, Czech Republic
Drahota P, Redlich A, Falteisek L, Rohovec J & Čepička I
(2005) Investigation of pH and mCO<->2<$> Influence on Gd3+ and UO<->2<$>2+ Sorption onto Goethite and Nontronite
Redkin A & Wood S

Redlinger J. (2019) Selenium Isotopes Trace Crustal Recycling in the Upper Mantle
Yierpan A, König S, Labidi J, Varas-Reus MI, Redlinger J & Schoenberg R
(2018) Selenium Isotope and Se–Te Elemental Systematics of the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge Basalts
Yierpan A, König S, Labidi J, Kurzawa T, Redlinger J & Schoenberg R

Redmer R. (2021) Exploring the Deep Interior of Ice Giants with Shock-Compressionexperiments and ab Initio simulations:The Case of Metallic Ammonia
Bethkenhagen M, Hernandez J-A, Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Datchi F, French M, Guarguaglini M, Lefevre F, Ninet S, Redmer R, Vinci T & Ravasio A

Redmond M. (2017) Light Rare Earth Depletion during Methanotropy: Are There Implications for Oceanic Distributions?
Shiller A, Chan E, Joung D, Redmond M & Kessler J

Redmond N.A. (2021) Thorium-Derived Dust Fluxes in the Pacific: Examining Seawater, Particle and Sediment-Based Estimates
Black E, Anderson R, Edwards RL, Hayes CT, Li X, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Redmond NA & Schroedl P
(2021) Particle Dynamics in the Central Pacific Ocean: Insights from Th and Pa Isotopes
Fleisher M, Anderson R, Black E, Carracino N, Edwards RL, Hayes CT, Lam PJ, Li X, Redmond NA, Rojas S & Schroedl P

Redmond Patrick (2020) Redistribution of Rare Metal(loids) during Digenite Exsolution in Porphyry Copper Ores
Brodbeck M, McClenaghan SH, Kamber BS & Redmond P

Redmond Patrick B. (2002) Fluid Evolution at the Bingham Cu-Au-Mo-Ag Porphyry Deposit
Landtwing MR, Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Redmond PB & Einaudi MT
(2001) Temporal Evolution of the Intrusive-Hydrothermal System at the Bingham Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposit, Utah
Redmond PB & Einaudi MT

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