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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Rauschenbach I. (2014) Iron and Molybdenum Metabolism in Se(VI)-Respiring Bacteria
Yee N, Choi J, Porter A, Carey S & Rauschenbach I
(2012) Genome-Enabled Study of Alternate Respiratory Pathways in a Novel As(V)-respiring Bacterium
Yee N, Rauschenbach I, Bini E & Heggblom M
(2010) Insights into Anaerobic Respiration from the Genome of the Selenate Respiring Bacterium “Desulfurispirillum indicum” Strain S5
Rauschenbach I, Yee N, Häggblom M & Bini E

Rauschenberg S. (2014) Response of Phytoplankton Metal Quotas to Oceanic Gradients in Dissolved and Particulate Metals
Twining B, Rauschenberg S, Vedamati J, Moffett J & Sedwick P

Rauscher J. (2023) Experimental Determination of Boron Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Melts and Hydrous Fluids, with Application to Understanding Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Rauscher J, Wunder B, Wilke M, Trumbull RB, Jahn S, Sieber MJ, Scicchitano MR, Fechtelkord M, Michaud J, Pohl F & Appelt O

Rauscher T. (2008) Iron-60 in the Cosmic Blender
Dauphas N, Cook D, Sacarabany A, Frohlich C, Davis A, Wadhwa M, Pourmand A, Rauscher T & Gallino R
(2002) Technetium-97 and P-Radionuclides
Dauphas N, Rauscher T, Schatz H, Marty B & Reisberg L

Rausis K. (2023) The Influence of Humidity and CO2 Supply on Calcium Oxide Looping: Implications for Passive Direct Air Capture
Dostie L, Rausis K & Power I
(2023) Enhanced Weathering of Kimberlite Residues in Soils: Effects on CO2 Fluxes and Drainage Chemistry
Schaffer ZR, Rausis K, Power I & Paulo C
(2023) Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization: Negative Emissions or CO2 Avoidance?
Rausis K, Power I, Paulo C, Lockhart JA, Bates B & Thompson K
(2022) Passive and Enhanced CO2 Sequestration Rates at Diamond Mines Determined from Field Experiments: Results from Project CarbonVault
Paulo C, Power I, Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Dostie L, Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Vietti A, May H, Ndlovu S & Senzani K
(2022) Atmospheric CO2 Removal Rates Using Magnesium Oxide Powder
Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Power I & Paulo C
(2022) Enhanced Weathering Rates of Kimberlite Residues: Insights from Field and Laboratory Studies
Schaffer ZR, Rausis K, Power I & Paulo C
(2019) Experimental Evidence for Direct Gas-Solid Carbonation of Enstatite: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Early Mars
Rausis K & Casanova I

Raut H.K. (2023) In situ Identification of the Biomacromolecules Relevant to Diagenetic Isotope Exchange in Biocalcites
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Otter LM, Adams A, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2023) Measuring Oxygen Lattice Diffusion in Biominerals – Implications for Paleotemperature Reconstructions
Adams A, Cisneros-Lazaro D, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2022) Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Biocalcites: The Key Role of Microstructure and Organic Matter in Diagenetic Isotope Exchange
Cisneros Lazaro D, Adams A, Raut HK, Bernard S, Baumgartner LP, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Stolarski J, Escrig S & Meibom A

Raut P. (2020) Deep Subsurface Bacterial Proteins Bind and Modify Clathrate
Johnson A, Huard D, Kim J, Raut P, Petrov A, Williams L, Dai S, Lieberman R & Glass J

Rautela D. (2010) Spectroscopic Characterization of Clays from Assam and Meghalaya
Sarmah NC, Saikia BJ & Rautela D
(2009) Tectonoic Implications of Dense GPS Velocity Fields at Kumoun Himalayas
Rautela D & Kumar K
(2009) Modeling Deformation Velocity in Himalayan Urban Centers from Plate Motion and Elastic Strain Accumulation
Rautela D & Kumar K

Rautela O. (2022) Spatiotemporal Evolution of Large-Scale Thermal Anomalies in the Pacific Mantle: Leveraging Geologic Records of Lithosphere Subsidence within a Bayesian Framework
Rautela O & Gurnis MC

Rautenberg W. (2023) Heterogeneous Chemistry and Nanometer Particle Growth: Laboratory Studies of Particle Size Dependent Aerosol Chemistry
Hoffmann T, Klink D, Douverne M, Rautenberg W, George C & Riva M

Rauzi S. (2023) Lithium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering during the Early Triassic Warm Period
Rauzi S, Foster WJ, Tarhan L & Isson T
(2023) Oxygen Isotope Ensemble Reveals Enhanced Carbon Recycling and Modest Temperatures on early-Earth
Isson T & Rauzi S
(2023) Paleosol Lithium Isotopes Indicate Lower Clay Production in the Weathering Zone Before Land Plants
Beaty B, Kalderon-Asael B, Rauzi S, Isson T & Planavsky NJ

Ravagnan J. (2002) Size Effects on Colloids Diffusion in Granite Micro Fractures
Alonso U, Missana T, Patelli A, Rigato V & Ravagnan J

Ravanis E. (2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M

Ravasi D. (2012) Geochemical and Bacterial Evidence for 9800 Years of Meromixis and Euxinia in Alpine Lake Cadagno
Wirth SB, Gilli A, Dahl TW, Niemann H, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M & Anselmetti FS

Ravasio A. (2021) Exploring the Deep Interior of Ice Giants with Shock-Compressionexperiments and ab Initio simulations:The Case of Metallic Ammonia
Bethkenhagen M, Hernandez J-A, Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Datchi F, French M, Guarguaglini M, Lefevre F, Ninet S, Redmer R, Vinci T & Ravasio A

Raveggi M. (2023) The Thickness of Diversely Constructed Lithosphere Controls the Ages of Isotopic Reset in Archean Cratons
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Capitanio F, Miller L, Millet M-A, Bruand E, Moyen J-F, Wang X, Raveggi M & Nebel-Jacobsen Y
(2013) Isotopic Evidence for a Crustal Pb Source in the Giant Broken Hill Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, NSW, Australia
Raveggi M, Giles D, Foden J, Meffre S, Raetz M & Nicholls I
(2010) Dependence of the Level of Argide Interferences on Light PGEs during Laser Ablation of Sulphides on the Configuration of ICP-MS
Danyushevsky L, Guillong M, Gilbert S, Waelle M & Raveggi M

Raveh-Amit H. (2021) Bio-Stimulation of Ureolytic Bacteria for Calcite Precipitation in Desert Soils
Raveh-Amit H & Tsesarsky M
(2021) Limiting Resuspension of Radioactively-Contaminated Soils by Different Stabilizers
Sharon A, Katra I & Raveh-Amit H

Ravel B. (2014) Bromination Pathways in Marine Organic Matter Oxidation
Leri A, Mayer L, Thornton K & Ravel B
(2010) Fate of Ferric-Hydroxide Associated U(VI) during Biological Magnetite Formation
Swindle A, Madden A, Beazley M, Moon J-W, Ravel B & Phelps T

Ravelo A.C. (2019) El Padre: Pacific Pliocene Sea Surface Temperatures and Thermocline
Ford HL & Ravelo AC
(2014) The Effect of Varying Holocene Insolation on ENSO, as Recorded by Individual Foraminifera at the Line Islands, Central Tropical Pacific
White SM, Ravelo AC & Polissar P
(2014) Stable SST in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Transition
Dekens P, Ravelo AC & Griffith E
(2014) Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Marine Sediments: A New Approach for Studies of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Batista F, Ravelo AC, Crusius J, Casso M & McCarthy M

Ravelo C. (2013) Groundtruthing the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera as a Paleobiogeochemical Proxy
Ren H, Sigman D, Ellis K, Weigand M, Anderson R, Ravelo C, Altabet M, Fawcett S & Rafter P
(2012) Constraining Tropical Climate Sensitivity: The Need for Improved Mg/Ca Calibrations
Dyez KA & Ravelo AC
(2009) Causes and Impacts of Tropical Pacific Climate Change during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
Ravelo C, Hoven S & Dekens P

Raven K. (2012) Understanding the Origin of Porewater Geochemical Profiles in the Michigan Basin, Southwest Ontario
Al T, Clark I, Kennell L, Raven K & Jensen M
(2011) Helium in Michigan Basin Sediments: A Tracer for Pore Fluid Migration and Age
Mohapatra R, Clark I, Jackson R, Raven K & Jensen M
(2010) Geochemical and Isotope Tracers in Pore Waters from Low Permeability Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin of Southwest Ontario
Clark I, Liu I, Mohammadzadeh H, Mohapatra R, Jackson R, Heagle D & Raven K

Raven Mark (2017) Trace Metal(loid) Release and Transport from Gold Mine Tailings in Porgera, Papua New Guinea
Hoagland B, Mosley L, Russo T, Kirby J, Cullen C & Raven M
(2014) Extreme Geochemical Environments in Mound Springs of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Shand P, Love A, Gotch T, Raven M, Grocke S, Kirby J & Scheiderich K

Raven Morgan (2020) Sulfur Structure and Stable Isotopic Analysis of the Blackstone Band of the Jurassic Aged Kimmeridge Clay Formation
O'Beirne M, Werne J, Gilhooly W, Bosco-Santos A, Raven M, Sessions A & van Dongen B
(2020) Structural Characteristics and Sulfur Isotope Compositions of Laboratory Sulfurized Carbohydrates and DOM
Werne J, O'Beirne M, Raven M, van Dongen B, Bosco-Santos A & Gilhooly Iii W
(2019) Rapid Organic Matter Sulfurization and Enhanced Organic Matter Burial Across Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Raven M, Fike D, Gomes M & Webb S
(2017) Organic Matter Sulfurization during Ocean Anoxic Event 2: Evidence from Pont d’Issole, France
Raven M, Fike D, Gomes M & Webb S

Raven Morgan Reed (2021) Sulfidic Conditions Transform Sinking Marine Particles
Raven MR, Keil R & Webb S

Ravenel C. (2003) How Bacteria can Induce the Formation of Nanoparticles of Fe-Oxides in their Vicinity
Chatellier X, Ravenel C, Blanco C, Fortin D, West M & Ferris G

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