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Petrik Leslie

Petrik Leslie Felicia (2012) Partitioning and Mobility of Trace Elements in Brine Impacted Fly Ash Residues
Fatoba OO, Petrik L, Akinyeye R & Gitari W
(2010) Geochemistry of Fly Ash-Brine Co-disposal Systems: Solubility Controls on Trace Elements
Fatoba OO, Petrik L, Gitari W & Iwuoha E
(2008) Factors Controlling the Release of Species from Some South African Fly Ashes to the Environment
Fatoba OO, Gitari WM & Petrik LF

Petrikis J. (2016) Speciation and Fractionation of Geogenic Thallium in Soils from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Voegelin A, Pfenninger N, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Plötze M, Mangold S, Steininger R & Göttlicher J
(2015) In situ X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of FeO(OH) and MnO(OH) at High Pressures and Temperatures
Grevel K-D, Wiethoff F, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Kirste J & Lathe C

Petrillo Z.

Petrinec Z. (2022) Mesozoic Subduction-Related Metamorphic Record from Amphibolites of Sava Zone: Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Petrinec Z, Balen D, Ladišić A & Olić I
(2017) A Cretaceous A-Type Granite from the Europe-Adria Collisional Zone: A Marker of Geodynamic Changes
Balen D, Schneider P, Massonne H-J, Opitz J & Petrinec Z
(2011) LP-Ht Signature from the Adria-Europe Plate Boundary Realm: The Role of Mantle/Crust Interaction in Granite Generation
Petrinec Z & Balen D
(2011) A 3D Snapshot from Granitic System: Tourmaline Nodules and their Bearing on the Granite Evolution
Balen D & Petrinec Z

Petrini R. (2010) Isotopic Evidence of Possible Cr(III) Oxidation in an Early Contaminated Site from NE Italy
Petrini R, Lutman A, Cavazzini G, Slejko F & Pezzetta E
(2010) Iron Isotope-Fractionation in Coastal Aquifers from the Grado-Marano Lagoon, Adriatic Sea (Italy): Preliminary Results
Castorina F, Lutman A, Pezzetta E & Petrini R
(2005) Identification of the Hydrous Environments in Volcanic Glasses
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Forte C & D'Antonio M
(2005) Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction in Groundwaters
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Ottonello G, Marini L, Vetuschi Zuccolini M & Accornero M
(2002) Melt/Biotite 11B/10B Isotopic Fractionation and the Boron Local Environment in the Structure of Volcanic Glasses
Ferrara G, Forte C, Petrini R, Slejko F & Tonarini S

Petrishcheva E. (2021) Cracking the Problem of Atmospheric Ice Nucleation: Chemically Induced Fracturing of Alkali Feldspar Makes it a Better Ice-Nucleating Aerosol Particle
Kiselev AA, Keinert A, Gaedeke T, Petrishcheva E & Abart R
(2019) Mechanisms of Na- and K- Diffusion in Alkali Feldspar
Petrishcheva E, Baldwin L, Hutter H & Abart R
(2019) Secondary Chemical Zoning of Partially Resorbed Garnet
Asenbaum R, Petrishcheva E, Racek M, Lexa O, Gaidies F & Abart R
(2013) New Data on Anisotropy and Composition Dependence of Na/K-Interdiffusion in Alkali Feldspar
Schaeffer A-K, Petrishcheva E, Habler G, Abart R & Rhede D
(2013) Composition-Dependent Anisotropic Interdiffusion Tensor Obtained from Cation Exchange between Alkali Feldspar and NaCl-Kcl Salt Melt
Petrishcheva E, Abart R & Schaeffer A-K
(2009) Phase Decomposition in a Ternary System with Different Component Diffusivities
Petrishcheva E & Abart R
(2008) Spinodal Decomposition in Ternary Feldspar: Microstructure Evolution during Cooling
Petrishcheva E & Abart R
(2007) Transport, Interface and Rheological Controls on the Kinetics of Mineral Reactions
Abart R, Milke R, Petrishcheva E, Schmid D, Wirth R & Rhede D
(2007) Influence of Coupled Diffusion and Viscous Creep on the Composition of Metasomatic Reaction Bands
Abart R, Milke R & Petrishcheva E
(2007) Phase Decomposition in Non-Isotropic Multi-Component Systems: The Alkali Feldspar Example
Petrishcheva E & Abart R

Petrisic M. (2010) Lipid Biomarkers in Methanogenic Sediments of the Alpine Lake Bled (SW Slovenia)
Ogrinc N, Petrisic M, Mandic-Mulec I, Gorenc K & Faganeli J

Petrizzo D. (2015) Marine Bivalve Mollusc Shell DELTA47-temperature Calibration Using the MIRA Mass Spectrometer
Clarke L, Dennis P, Marca A, Petrizzo D & Henkes G

Petro C. (2022) Toward a Predictive Understanding of the Microbe-Plant-Environment Interaction Networks that Regulate Soil Carbon Sequestration in Northern Peatlands
Kostka J, Wilson RM, Petro C, Song T, Duchesneau K, Roth S, Schadt C, Chanton J & Hanson P

Petro N. (2019) Volatile Traps in a Lunar Landslide. An Example from the Unopened Apollo 17 Double Drive Tube
Shearer C, Schmitt H, Jolliff B & Petro N

Petroff A. (2010) Quantitative and Qualitative Morphological Signatures of Photosynthesis on Early Earth
Bosak T, Petroff A, Sim MS, Liang B, Templer S & Rothman D
(2009) Morphological Record of Oxygenic Photosynthesis in Conical Stromatolites
Bosak T, Liang B, Sim MS & Petroff A

Petron G. (2013) Quantifying the Relative Contribution of Natural Gas Fugitive Emissions to Total Methane Emissions in Colorado, Utah, and Texas Using Mobile Isotopic 13CH4 Analysis
Rella C, Crosson E, Winkler R, Petron G, Jacobson G, Karion A & Sweeney C

Petrone C.M. (2023) Mobile Chalcophile Element Subduction Fluxes in a Continental Arc Setting
Matthews Torres C, Jennings ES, Petrone CM, Jenner FE & Downes H
(2022) Magma-Mush Dynamics Control Paroxysmal Eruptions at Basaltic Volcanoes: The Summer 2019 Eruptions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Buret Y, Scarlato P, Del Bello E, Andronico D, Ellis BS, Pontesilli A, De Astis G, Giacomoni PP & Coltorti M
(2021) Where has the Mush Gone? A Tale of a Rejuvenated System
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Del Bello E, Scarlato P, Andronico D & Gertisser R
(2020) New Insights into the Evolution of the 1914-15 Plinian Eruption of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Zawalna-Geer A, Petrone CM, Hickey J, Williamson B & Pickles J
(2020) The 2019 Paroxyms at Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Timescales of Eruption Triggering
Petrone CM, Di Stefano F, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Del Bello E, Andronico D & Scarlato P
(2020) A Relationship between Timing of Mafic Recharge and VEI at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico?
Mangler M, Petrone CM & Prytulak J
(2019) Major and Trace Element Maps of Zoned Clinopyroxenes at Stromboli: New Clues on Complex Magma Dynamics during 2003-2017 Eruptions
Di Stefano F, Scarlato P, Mollo S, Petrone CM, Ubide T, Nazzari M & Andronico D
(2019) The Influence of Crustal Assimilation on Magma Genesis and Eruptive Behaviour: An Oxygen Isotope Study of the Central Aeolian Arc, Italy
Wiltshire R, Gertisser R, Boyce A, Halama R, Petrone C, Lucchi F, Tranne C & Sulpizio R
(2019) Plumbing System Dynamics at Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Greece, Prior to the 1650 CE Explosive Eruption
Mastroianni F, Fantozzi I, Petrone CM, Vougioukalakis GE, Braschi E & Francalanci L
(2019) Magma System Model for Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Zawalna-Geer A, Hickey J, Williamson B, Petrone C, Pickles J, Brown J & Healey J
(2018) Pyroxene Residence Time of Two Contrasting Plinian Eruptions at Popocatèpetl Volcano (Mexico)
Petrone CM, Leung YL, Mangler M, Delgado-Granados H & Prytulak J
(2017) Recharge, Recycle, Repeat: The Steady-State Plumbing System of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
Mangler M, Petrone CM, Prytulak J, Hill S & Delgado-Granados H
(2016) The Ticking Eruptive Clock at Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico): The 23-14ky Eruptive Sequence
Petrone CM, Pellegrino R, Rengifo-Castillo C & Delgado-Granados H
(2015) NIDIS: The Non-Isothermal Diffusion Incremental Step Model. A New Approach to Elemental Diffusion in Volcanic Rocks
Bugatti G, Petrone CM, Braschi E & Tommasini S
(2015) The Build up to a Large Explosive Eruption 14, 000 Years ago at Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico)
Fyfe F, Mangler M, Prytulak J, Delgado-Granados H & Petrone CM
(2015) Decadal Timescales of Magma Chamber Dynamics at a Steady-State Volcano: The Case of Stromboli Volcano, Italy
Petrone CM, Braschi E, Francalanci L & Tommasini S
(2014) Melting and Metasomatism in the South Patagonian Lithospheric Mantle
Rooks E, Gibson S, Petrone C & Parkinson I
(2013) Mixing, Mingling and Enclave Crumbling in the post-Minoan Dacitic Magmas of Santorini Volcano, Greece
Petrone CM, Francalanci L & Vougiokalakis GE
(2013) Dual Explosive Activity Revealed by Petrochemical and Mineralogical Data on Tephra: Peculiar Roman-Age Eruptions of Stromboli Volcano
Francalanci L, Braschi E, Di Salvo S, Lucchi F & Petrone MC
(2013) The Establishment of the Steady-State Activity at Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Evidence from Diffusion and Mixing Processes Revealed at Mineral Scale
Braschi E, Petrone CM, Francalanci L & Tommasini S

Petronilho L.A. (2014) Reference Material BRP-1 (Basalt Ribeirão Preto): can it be Used as an Isotope Standard?
Babinski M, Petronilho LA, Magdaleno GB, Silva RA, Ruiz IR & Enzweiler J

Petronotis K. (2015) Making New Oceanic Crust in a Subduction Initiation Setting: New Results from Bonin Forearc Drilling (IODP Exp. 352)
Pearce J, Reagan M & Petronotis K

Petrosino P. (2023) The 1631 a.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigating the Dynamics and the Timescales of the Feeding System
Arienzo I, De Lucia M, Mormone A, Nave R, Marfè B, Cariddi B, Doronzo D, Pelullo C, Sparice D, Vertechi E, Di Vito MA, de Vita S, Carandente A, Nazzari M, Forlenza G, Montagna C, D'Oriano C, Colucci S, Petrosino P, Di Renzo V, D'Antonio M, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Arzilli F, Balcone-Boissard H, Chakraborty S, Cecere D, Monaco A, Varriale G, Cioni R & Moretti R
(2021) Proximal to Distal Correlation of Campania Tephra in the Last 200 ka: Insights from Two Successions Drilled in the Campania Plain
Totaro F, Arienzo I, D'Antonio M, Di Vito MA, Giaccio B, Iovine RS, Petrelli M, Petrosino P, Santangelo N, Santo A & Zanchetta G
(2021) Chemical and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) Fingerprinting of a Stratigraphic Sequence from the Acerno Lacustrine Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy)
Iovine RS, Totaro F, Petrosino P, Arienzo I, Zanchetta G, Giaccio B, Petrelli M & D'Antonio M
(2013) REE Contents in Soils and Sediments from the GEMAS and FOREGS Data-Bases: Comparison between Different Geological Contexts in Italy and Sweden
Sadeghi M, Petrosino P, Andersson M, Albanese S, Ladenberger A, Morris GA, Uhlbäck J, Lima A & De Vivo B
(2012) Magma Chamber Heterogeneities Recorded by Melt Inclusions from Mt. Somma-Vesuvius, Italy
Klebesz R, Bodnar R, De Vivo B, Esposito R, Lima A, Petrosino P & Torok K

Petrou E. (2022) Diagenetic Cycling of Barium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Petrou E, Bridgestock L, Henderson GM, Hsieh Y-T, Wang T-H, Kasten S, Foschi M, Macminn C & Baioumy M

Petrounias P. (2018) Progression of Rodingitisation in the Veria-Naousa Ophiolitic Complex (Greece) Seen by Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes
Zaronikola N, Debaille V, Rogkala A, Petrounias P, Tsikouras B, Pomonis P & Hatzipanagiotou K

Petrov Alexander (2013) Research of Condensation of Supersaturated Water Vapor
Klimkin A, Kozlov A, Krymskiy G, Kuryak A, Malyshkin S, Petrov A & Ponomarev Y

Petrov Anton (2020) Deep Subsurface Bacterial Proteins Bind and Modify Clathrate
Johnson A, Huard D, Kim J, Raut P, Petrov A, Williams L, Dai S, Lieberman R & Glass J

Petrov E. (2006) Early Archean metabasites of the Okhotsk terrain (north-east Russia): geochemical features and tectonic setting
Shevchenko S, Kuzmin V, Velikoslavinsky S & Petrov E

Petrov O. (2017) Pyrochlore and Baddeleyite from Carbonatites of the Paleozoic Polyphase Kovdor Massif (N.Karelia)
Rodionov N, Lepekhina E, Antonov A, Petrov O, Belyatsky B, Shevchenko S & Sergeev S
(2017) Long-Term History of Tikshe-Eletozero Alkaline-Ultramafic Complex, Fennoscandian Shield, Russia: Isotopic Signatures
Belyatsky B, Krymsky R, Rodionov N, Petrov O, Lepekhina E, Antonov A, Prasolov E, Arzamastsev A, Shevchenko S & Sergeev S
(2008) Contrasting Magma Sources in Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions of the Noril’sk Area (Russia): Hf-Isotope Evidence from Zircon
Malitch K, Belousova E, Griffin W, Badanina I, Petrov O & Pearson N
(2007) Zircons from Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions at Noril'sk Area (Russia): A Compositional and U-Pb Study
Malich K, Petrov O, Badanina I & Presnyakov S
(2007) Isotope-Geochemical Criterion in Search for the Norilsk-Type Massive PGE-Cu-Ni Sulphide Ores: Constraints from Pb, Nd and Sr Isotope Data
Petrov O, Malitch K, Pushkaryov Y & Bogomolov E
(2006) U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from the ore-bearing Kharaelakh intrusion (Talnakh district, Russia)
Petrov O, Malitch K, Shevchenko S, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Tuganova E & Khalenev V

Petrov P (2000) The Southern Strimon Lineament (Bulgaria/Greece): A Fluid Geochemistry Study
Vaselli O, Rossi F, Tassi F, Magro G, Petrov P, Kolios N, Minissale A & Marchev P

Petrov Petko (2019) Cimmerian Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Mountains of SE Bulgaria
Salacinska A, Szopa K, Gaweda A, Gumsley A, Chew D & Petrov P

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