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Palacios Marta (2015) 29Si-Enriched C3S and its Hydration
Pustovgar E, Flatt R, Palacios M, Andreev A & d'Espinose J-B

Palacios Fernandez D. (2024) Mapping Soil Gas Radon Concentration Using Machine Learning in an Urban Section of the Lima Metropolitan Area of Peru
Ponce-Amanca R, Guevara-Pillaca CJ, Pérez B, Palacios Fernandez D & Pereyra Anaya P
(2024) Assessing Soil Moisture Estimation with NaI 3"X3" Detector: Potential for Agricultural Applications in Peru
Pérez B, Rojas Hancco JJ, Muñoz Gambini DA, Warthon Olarte BS, Cornejo Mendoza DA, Liza Neciosup RA, Pereyra Anaya P, Vilcapoma Lazaro L, Zamalloa Ponce De Leon AI & Palacios Fernandez D

Palacz Zenon (2020) Bridging the Gap between Faraday Cup and Ion Counting Measurements – A Faraday Detector with the Equivalent Noise Performance of a 1014 Ω Resistor Amplifier
Yardley S, Volkovoy V, Hockley M, Tootell D & Palacz Z
(2019) Accurate Determination of 90Sr in IAEA Proficiency Test Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Kavasi N, Sahoo SK, Aono T & Palacz Z
(2018) A High Sensitivity Nier-Type Gas Source for Noble Gas Mass Spectrometry
Tootell D, Jones T, Palacz Z & Rousell D
(2018) High Precision Measurement of Isotope Ratios Using Faraday Collectors with ATONA Amplifiers
Hockley M, Palacz Z & Yardley S
(2017) Accurate Measurement of 236U/238U Isotope Ratio in 10-8 Range in Soil Using TIMS
Sahoo SK, Aono T, Palacz Z & Steierer P
(2017) A Faraday Amplifier with sub Attoamp Noise Floor and a Headroom of 100 Volts
Tootell D, Volkovoy V, Jones T, Palacz Z & Burgess D
(2013) High Precision Measurements of sub Nanogram Levels of Neodymium Measured as NdO<sup>+</sup> Using Phoenix X62 Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
Palacz Z, Burgess D & Inglis J
(2011) Peformance Characteristics of an Enhanced Daly Ion Counting System for TIMS
Palacz Z, Jones T, Tootell D, Guest R & Locke S
(2003) Measurement of Isotope Ratios at High Mass Resolution Using a Collision Cell Interfaced, Multicollector ICPMS
Palacz Z
(2000) The Role of Magmatic Versus Subsolidus Processes in Determining Mineral-Scale Isotopic Characteristics of the Rum Intrusive Complex
Tepley Iii FJ, Davidson JP & Palacz Z
(2000) Ultra High Nd Isotope Ratio Precisions – The Limit of Exponential Mass Fractionation Correction
Palacz Z, Turner P & Meffan-Main S
(2000) IsoProbe2 – The Second Generation Single Focussing MC-ICPMS
Meffan-Main S, Palacz Z & Turner P

Palacz Zenon A (2024) Optimising the Isotopx NGX Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer: Analysis Strategies
Tootell D & Palacz ZA
(2023) Development of Multiple- Ion Counting to Measure Isotope Ratios at the Picogram Level
Palacz ZA, Hockley M, Yardley S & Guilfoyle S

Palaia T. (2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T

Palaich S. (2016) Structure, Stability and Themoelastic Properties of CO2-IV
Palaich S, Makhluf A, Santamaria-Perez D, Tulk C, Molaison J, Guthrie M, Kavner A & Manning C

Palanco H. (2021) Unexpectedly Anthropogenic and ‘natural’ Ecosystems in Urban Contexts: New York City Oysters and Abu Dhabi Mangroves
Holmberg K, Killilea M, Schneider Paolantonio K, Rademacher A, Roble C, Kister T, Hayes JS, Krupitsky M & Palanco H

Palandri James (2023) A Model of Unidirectional and Accumulative Fluxes from Mantle to the Lithosphere Explaining Crustal Growth via Triple Oxygen Isotope Mass Balance throughout Earth’s History
Bindeman I, Kanzaki Y & Palandri J
(2020) Modern and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions Constrained from Triple Oxygen Isotope and in situ δ18O Measurements
Zakharov D, Tanaka R, Butterfield D, Reed M, Palandri J, Bindeman I, Bouvier A-S & Marin-Carbonne J
(2020) Triple Oxygen Isotope Investigation of Granites Through Time in Comparison with Coeval Shales
Bindeman I, Hofmann A & Palandri J

Palandri Jim (2009) Hydrogen Isotope Analyses of Hydrous Glasses by TC/EA System
Martin E, Bindeman I, Palandri J & Johnston D

Palano M. (2023) Geochemical and Geodetic Monitoring of CO2 Degassing Site in a Tectonically Active Area: The Mefite D’Ansanto (Irpinia, Southern Italy) Case Study in the Frame of the FURTHER Project
Sciarra A, Voltattorni N, Gasparini A, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Chiodini G, Esposito A, Doumaz F, Galvani A, Palano M, Pietrantonio G, Riguzzi F, Sepe V, Sparacino F, Iannarelli M & Pecoraro P

Palascini F.

Palastanga V. (2011) Enhanced Phosphorus Regeneration in Low Oxygen Marine Settings: Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments and Implications for the Future Ocean
Jilbert T, Slomp CP, Kraal P, Steenbergh AK & Palastanga V

Palau J. (2019) Reductive Dissolution of Magnetite from Iron Mine Tailings: Potential Impacts in Coastal Environments
Palau J, Benaiges R, Offeddu F, Urmeneta J, Soler J, Cama J & Dold B
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Fe(III) Oxides by Shewanella Loihica Under Submarine Tailings Disposal Conditions
Benaiges-Fernandez R, Palau J, Offedu FG, Cama J, Urmeneta J, Soler J & Dold B
(2019) Isotopic Analysis of Nitrite during Abiotic Reduction by Bio-Produced Fe(II). Potential Insight into the Fate of Nitrite in Marine Environments
Margalef Marti R, Offedu F, Benaiges Fernandez R, Palau J, Urmeneta J, Carrey R, Otero N, Soler A & Cama J
(2019) Dual C-Br Isotope Fractionation during Anaerobic Biodegradation of Ethylene Dibromide by Dehalococcoides- and Dehalogenimonas-Containing Cultures
Shouakar-Stash O, Palau J, Rosell M, Yu R, Hatijah Mortan S, Marco Urrea E, Freedman DL & Soler A

Palazhchenko O. (2008) Isotope and Mineralogical Study of Diamonds from Northwestern Russia
Palazhchenko O, Garanin V & Galimov E

Palazzi E. (2018) The Nivolet Critical Zone Observatory: Relation between Carbon Fluxes and Geology
Baneschi I, Giamberini M, Mosca P, Palazzi E, Provenzale A, Raco B & Viterbi R

Palazzo L. (2013) Detoxification of Milk Contaminated by Aflatoxin M1 Using Clay Minerals and Effects on Milk Quality
Carraro A, De Giacomo A, Giannossi M, Medici L, Palazzo L, Quaranta V, Summa V & Tateo F

Palchan D. (2023) Leaves over Roots: Direct Atmospheric Nutrient Uptake in a High CO2 World Sustains Plant Nutrition
Lokshin A, Gross A & Palchan D
(2018) Sahara Dust Fluxes over the Last 20 kyrs Record the Limits of the African Humid Period “Green Sahara”
Palchan D & Torfstein A
(2013) Dust Transport over the Late Quaternary Red Sea – Dead Sea Regions from Nd-Sr Isotopes in Deep-Sea Cores and Lake Sediments
Stein M, Palchan D, Almogi-Labin A, Erel Y & Goldstein SL
(2011) Red Sea Detritus Provenance during MIS 6/5 and MIS 2/1 Transitions
Palchan D, Stein M, Erel Y, Almogi-Labin A & Goldstein SL

Palchaudhury S. (2020) Trace Elements in Algae: A Comparative Study
Chakraborty A, Chatterjee S, Das S, Palchaudhury S & Ganguly M

Palcsu Laszlo (2022) Inter-Laboratory Redetermination of the Atmospheric 22Ne/20Ne
Gyore D, Sumino H, Yang I, Palcsu L, Laszlo E, Mukhopadhyay S & Stuart F
(2019) Saline Groundwater Generation from Paleo-Termite Mounds in the Buffels River Valley, South Africa
van Gend J, Miller J, Palcsu L, Clarke C & Francis M
(2019) A Multi-Isotope and Modelling Approach to Understanding Groundwater Sustainability in a Biodiversity Hotspot Impacted by Anthropogenic Activity
Miller JA, Turner KB, Sigidi NT, Watson AP, Fleischer M, Clarke CE, le Roux P, Molnar M, Turi M & Palcsu L
(2019) Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotopic Study of a Salinity Crisis: Middle Miocene Evaporites from Transylvanian Basin (Europe)
Gelencsér O, Palcsu L, Futó I, Aradi LE, Berkesi M & Szabó C
(2014) Impacts of a Nuclear Power Plant and a Radioactive Waste Storage Facility on the Environment, Hungary
Molnar M, Palcsu L, Janovics R & Veres M
(2009) Palaeoclimate Reconstruction in the Southern Great Hungarian Plain Based on Noble Gases
Palcsu L & Varsanyi I
(2006) An automatic mass spectrometric system for determining noble gas concentrations in large and small water samples
Palcsu L, Friedrich R, Kluge T, Zimmek G, Träumner K & Aeschbach-Hertig W

Palcsu László (2023) Geochemistry and Fossil Record of the End-Triassic Event: A Holistic View from a Single Site
Pálfy J, Demény A, Haas J, Heszler B, Katchinoff J, Kovács EB, Palcsu L, Planavsky NJ, Somlyay A, Vallner Z & Zajzon N
(2023) FluidsByDepth: An Inclusion-Based Research Project on the Better Understanding of Lithosphere-Scale Fluid Transfer
Berkesi M, Spránitz T, Hencz M, Nemeth K, Török K, Békési E, Porkoláb K, Palcsu L, Kővágó Á & Szabó C
(2023) Integrated Geodynamic Stations in Central Europe
Kovács IJ, Szabo C, Szakács A, Lange TP, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Berkesi M, Liptai N, Patko L, Palcsu L, Bozso I, Gergely S, Süle B, Novák A & Wesztergom V
(2022) Combined Noble Gas, Fluid Inclusion and Clumped Isotope Analysis of Carbonatites from Sevattur and Samalpatti, South India
Benkó Z, Molnar K, Magna T, Rapprich V, Czuppon G, Palcsu L, Rinyu L, Kiss G & Aradi LE
(2021) Does Dawsonite Preserve Mantle CO2 Signature? Implication for CO2 Origin at Covasna, Eastern Transylvania, Romania
Lange TP, Cseresznyés D, Szakács A, Czuppon G, Papucs A, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Király C, Szabó Á, Gyila S, Palcsu L, Demény A, Szabó C, Falus G & Kovács IJ
(2020) Mantle Metasomatism and Crustal Contamination in Carbonatites the East African Rift – A Case Study of Sukulu and Tororo (Uganda)
Benkó Z, Magna T, Molnár K, Rapprich V, Palcsu L, Czuppon G & Čejková B
(2015) Noble Gas and Carbon Isotope Studies on Ciomadul Volcano (South Harghita Mts. Romania): Constraints on the Origin of Fluids
Kis B-M, Harangi S & Palcsu L

Palcu D.V. (2024) Tracing Paleoenvironmental Change in the Paratethys Sea: Insights from Elemental Redox and Salinity Proxies
Palcu DV, Liu Z, Wei W, Krijgsman W & Algeo TJ

Palenik C S (2005) Characterization of Nd, Te and U Isotope Ratios in Uraninite Using SIMS
Fayek M & Palenik CS
(2005) Applications of Cathodoluminescence in Forensic Geology
Palenik CS & Buscaglia J

Palenik Christopher S (2024) Toward a Wholistic, Objective, Timely, and Quantitative Approach to Microplastic Analysis
Vercelletto O & Palenik CS

Palenova E. (2016) Orogenic Kopylovskoe, Kavkaz, and Krasnoe Black Shale-Hosted Gold Deposits, Siberia, Russia
Palenova E, Belogub E & Kotlyarov V

Palenzona M. (2002) In situ U-Pb Dating of Zircon by Means of Single-Collector Sector-Field LA-ICP-MS
Tiepolo M, Palenzona M & Vannucci R

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