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Peterkin B. (2020) Chemical Mass Balance, Depositional Efficiency, and Rates of Formation of Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
Jamieson J, Sanchez Mora D, Peterkin B, Barreyre T, Escartin J & Cannat M

Peterman E. (2019) Correlations between TEM and APT Analyses of Nanoscale Features within Zircon
Peterman E, Reddy S, Rickard W, Saxey D & Fougerouse D
(2019) Mechanisms of Radiogenic Isotope Redistribution in Minerals: Evidence from the Nanoscale
Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D, Verberne R, Kirkland C & Peterman E
(2018) Atomic Scale Resolution of Trace Element Variation in Zircon Reveals Multiple Metamorphic Processes
Peterman E, Reddy S, Saxey D, Snoeyenbos D, Fougerouse D & Rickard W
(2017) Characterisation of Nanoscale Pb Mobility and Entrapment in Zircon Using Atom Probe Microscopy
Reddy S, Peterman E, Saxey D, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Marillo-Sialer E
(2017) Nanoscale Trace Element Analysis of Zircon via High Spatial Resolution SIMS in a FIB-SEM
Rickard W, Reddy S, Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Cavosie A & Peterman E
(2014) A Multi-Sample Diffusion Cell for Noble Gas Analysis
Hourigan J, Grove M & Peterman E
(2013) Isotopic Tomography of Monazite
Snoeyenbos D, Peterman E, Jercinovic M, Williams M & Reinhard D
(2010) Linking Temperature to Time in Retrograde Metamorphism: Ti-in-Quartz + Rb/Sr of Muscovite in Preserved Ms + Qtz Symplectite
Peterman E & Grove M
(2008) High Precision Neodymium Isotopic Analysis of Very Small (1-10ng Nd) Aliquots
Baxter E, Harvey J, Mehl L, Pollington A & Peterman E

Peterman Z. (2014) Stable Sr Isotopic Composition (δ88Sr) as a New Hydrological Tracer: A Williston Basin Example
Neymark L, Premo W, Peterman Z & Emsbo P
(2012) Isotopes and Geochemistryof Rock-Water Interaction, Chalk River, Ontario
Gascoyne M, King-Sharp K, Neymark L, Peterman Z & Frape S
(2007) Dust Chemistry and Accumulation Rate in a Long-Term Full-Scale Heater Test at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA
Marshall B & Peterman Z
(2006) Strontium and 87Sr/86Sr in Granite and Groundwater in Canada’s Underground Research Laboratory
Gascoyne M & Peterman Z
(2005) Dust Salts and Deliquescence on Waste Packages in an Unsaturated-Zone Repository
Wolery T, Peterman Z, Carroll S, Jove-Colon C, Sutton M, Rard J & Wijesinghe A

Petermann E. (2017) Rn-222 Surveys for the Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Why did the Tracer Fail in the Eckernförde Bay?
Scholten J, Kreuzburg M, Petermann E, Paiva M, Koehler D, Schlueter M, Rapaglia J & Schubert M

Petermann H. (2014) Bioapatite, the Mineral Essential to Human Bones and Teeth
Skinner C, King HE & Petermann H

Petermann T. (2017) Rare Element Bearing Skarns in the District of Oelsnitz-Schönbrunn, Vogtland Synclinorium, Germany
Petermann T, Seifert T, Hüttel SP, Barth A & Kallmeier E

Peters A. (2023) Examining the High Variability in Particulate Nitrate Photolysis Rate Constant
Zhou X, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Ye C, Elshorbany Y, Hayden M & Peters A

Peters Baron (2012) Nucleation: Concentration Fluctuations and Polymorph Selection
Peters B

Peters Brad (2022) The 142Nd Signature of the Modern Global Depleted Mantle
Halfar MC, Peters B, Castillo PR & Schönbächler M
(2022) Implications for the Source of the Marquesas Island OIB from Short-Lived Radiogenic Isotope and Seismic Data
Mundl-Petermeier A, Herret M-T, Peters B, Kim D & Castillo PR
(2022) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Differentiation and Archean Geodynamics Preserved in Granitoid Rocks from the Western Dharwar Craton, India
Ravindran A, Peters B, de Souza G, Mezger K, Maden C, Srinivasan B & Schönbächler M
(2022) A Multi-Siderophile Element Connection to Earth’s Core?
Peters B, Mundl-Petermeier A & Finlayson V

Peters Bradley (2023) Secular Variability in the 142Nd/144Nd Compositions of high-3He/4He Basalts from the Iceland Hotspot
Peters B & Mundl-Petermeier A
(2023) The 142Nd Signature of Crustal Xenoliths in Dykes Associated with the Narmada-Tapi Rift Zone, Central Deccan Traps
Halfar MC, Peters B, Day JMD & Schönbächler M
(2021) Constraints on the Origins of Pacific FOZO Domains from 142Nd Compositions
Peters B & Castillo PR
(2021) An Isotopically Enriched Mantle Component in the Source of Rodrigues, Réunion Volcanic Hotspot
Halfar MC, Peters B, Day JMD & Schönbächler M
(2021) The Search for Preserved Late-Stage Accretionary Components in Terrestrial Materials
Bermingham KR, Walker RJ, Finlayson VA, Tornabene HA, Peters B, Day JMD, Rudnick RL, Nakanishi N, Jackson MG, Pearson DG & Schilling ME
(2020) Origins of 142Nd Heterogeneity in Deccan Flood Basalts
Peters B & Day J
(2019) Lithophile-Siderophile Constraints on Hadean Processes Preserved in Hotspot Sources
Peters B, Mundl-Petermeier A, Carlson R, Walker R & Day J
(2018) The Hadean Geochemical Heritage of the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Mundl A, Carlson R, Day J & Walker R
(2017) An Elevated 142Nd Signature in the Réunion Mantle Source
Peters B, Carlson R & Day J
(2016) Early Mantle Heterogeneties in the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Day J & Taylor L
(2014) Trace-Element Signatures of Réunion Hotspot-Ridge Interactions
Peters B & Day J

Peters Carl (2022) Environmental Lipidomics and the Derisking of Deep Ocean Petroleum Exploration
Ventura GT, Ahangarian N, Oueslati G, Peters C, Chowdhury A, Bentley J, Baghalabadi V, Umoh U, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Hubert C, Campbell C, Bennett R, Lipp JS, Hin­richs K-U & Desiage P-A

Peters Carl A. (2019) The Utilization of Intact Polar Lipids to Track Marine Petroleum Systems
Peters CA, Ventura GT, Bentley JN, Hubert CRJ, Lipp JS, MacDonald A, Fowler MG, Schubotz F & Hinrichs K-U
(2019) Life Signatures and Organic Matter Preservation at Cathedral Hill Hydrothermal Vent Site, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Ventura GT, Bentley J, Dalzell C, Peters C, Nelson R, Reddy C, Seewald J & Sievert S

Peters Catherine (2020) Machine Learning for SMART Mineral Mapping Using Coupled XRF-Xrd
Peters C, Kim J, Ling F, Plattenberger D & Clarens A
(2018) Mineral Paragenesis and Microtextures in Naturally Sealed Shale Fractures
Sheets J, Hajirezaie S, Swift A, Crandall D, Cole D, Peters C & Kornacki A
(2016) Modeling Geomechanical Deformation in Reactive Fractures
Spokas K, Peters C & Pyrak-Nolte L
(2016) Permeability Evolution in Fractured Carbonates Exposed to Reactive Flow
Peters C, Spokas K, Pyrak-Nolte L & Fitts J

Peters Catherine A (2023) Sulfur Oxidation States in Underground Salt Caverns and Sedimentary Formations: Geochemical Considerations for Underground H2 Storage
Beckingham LE, Shi Z, Peters CA, Hajibeygi H & Dopffel N

Peters Catherine A. (2017) Barite Particle Precipitation Kinetics and Trace Metal Uptake
Hunter H, Ling F, Fitts J & Peters C
(2017) Reaction-Induced Porous Fracture Surfaces: Effects on Fracture Friction and Permeability during Shear
Spokas K, Fang Y, Elsworth D, Fitts J & Peters C
(2017) Wollastonite Hydration, Dissolution, and Calcite Precipitation for Targeted Mineral Carbonation
Ling FT, Tao Z, Plattenberger D, Fitts JP, Peters CA & Clarens A
(2013) Spatial Variation of Dissolution at Fracture Boundaries
Fitts JP, Deng H, Tappero R & Peters CA
(2011) Geochemical Alteration of Fracture Geometry during Leakage of CO2
Ellis BR, Peters CA, Fitts JP, Bromhal GS, McIntyre DL & Warzinski RP
(2009) Sandstone Mineral Accessibility for Acid-Driven Reactions via BSE-EDX Imaging
Groff K & Peters C
(2007) Upscaling Reaction Rate Laws in Geochemical Reactive Transport Using Pore-Scale Network Models
Kavetski D, Peters C, Celia M & Lindquist B
(2007) Consideration of Formation Buffering Potential and Reactive Mineral Availability Pertaining to Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Ellis B, Bowman K, Peters C & Buschkuehle M

Peters Chelsea (2020) Conversion of Tidal Channel Water to Shallow As-Rich Groundwater Through Reduction of Ferric Oxides in the Tidal Deltaplain of SW Bangladesh
Ayers J & Peters C

Peters Christian (2022) Magmatic Volatile Influx and Fluid Boiling in Submarine Caldera-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems, Niuatahi Volcano, Tonga Rear-Arc
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Sporer C, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Storch B, Peters C, Rubin K & Anderson MO
(2019) Geochemical Variability of Hydrothermal Fluids from Four Vent Sites in the North East Lau Basin
Klose L, Kleint C, Diehl A, Bach W, Peters C, Strauss H & Koschinsky A
(2019) Sulfur Cycling at the Kermadec Arc Revealed by Sulfur Isotopes
Peters C, Hesseler V, Koschinsky A, Bach W, Stucker V & Strauss H

Peters Christine (2021) Finding the Lost Child of the Norsethite Family: BaFe[CO3]2, a New Double Carbonate – Synthesis, Structural Characterisation, and Geostability Implications for High and Low PT
Liang W, Peters C, Li L, Leupold O, Gehlken P-L, Li H & Böttcher ME

Peters D. (2001) Recent Advances in the Geochronology of the Central Highlands, Scotland: Progress with TIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb Isotopes, and MC-ICP-MS Hf Isotopes
Noble SR, Horstwood MSA, Hyslop EK & Peters D

Peters Daniel (2023) Copper Isotope Compositions Measured Using the Collision/Reaction Cell (CRC)-MC-ICP-MS Sapphire
Luu T-H, Peters D, Gérard Y, Lahoud-Heilbronner E & Moynier F
(2023) Chalcophile Elements on Collision Course: S and Se Isotope Ratio Measurements Using the Sapphire Dual Path MC-ICP-MS with Collision/Reaction Cell
Peters D & Gérard Y
(2023) Performances of Isotopic Ratio Measurements of Sr and U by MC-ICPMS Using Oxygen in Collision/Reaction Cell
Isnard H, Gérard Y & Peters D
(2023) Anomalous Vanadium Isotopes in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Nielsen SG, Auro M, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
(2022) Tungsten Isotopic Compositions of high-3He/4He Baffin Island Lavas
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
(2018) Petrochronological Evolution of Garnet-Free UHT Mafic Granulites in the Guaxupé Nappe (SE Brazil): From Subduction to Collision?
Tedeschi M, Pedrosa-Soares A, Dussin I, Lanari P, Novo T, Piacentini Pinheiro MA, Lana C & Peters D
(2018) Tungsten Stable Isotopes as Fluid Tracer: Insights from Serpentinites
Peters D & Quitté G
(2018) Tungsten Stable Isotope Variability in Geostandards and Igneous Rocks
Quitté G, Peters D & Fabre S
(2016) Fluid-Rock Interactions in Serpentinites Subducted to 60-80 km Depth
Peters D, John T, Scambelluri M & Pettke T
(2015) Evaluation of Bulk Rock Nanoparticulate Pressed Powder Pellet LA-ICP-MS Analysis Employing a Binder
Peters D & Pettke T

Peters H. (2017) Thermodynamic Studies of Water-Rock-Hydrocarbon-Gas Interactions in Petroleum Systems
Richard L, Michel P, Uteyev R, Peters H, Gelin F & Brosse E
(2015) Geochemical Consistency between Subsurface-Wells-Surface Applications
Tambach T, Peters H & Snippe J
(2014) A Geochemical Database for Integrated Subsurface-Wells-Surface Applications
Tambach TJ, Peters H & Snippe JR
(2012) Combining Spectroscopic, Isotope and Modeling Techniques to Reveal the Fate of Sulphur in Petroleum System Studies
Peters H, Podlaha O, Glemser C, Stasiuk L & Idiz E

Peters Jan (2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA
(2016) Compound-Specific Isotope Fractionation of Dispersion and Diffusion at Natural Isotopic Abundance in Sediment Flow-Through Tanks
Gharasoo M, Peters J, Meyer A, Griebler C, Cirpka O, Thullner M & Elsner M

Peters John (2014) Evidence for Mixotrophy and Metabolic Switching in Chemotrophic Hot Spring Microbial Communities
Urschel M, Boyd E, Kubo M, Hoehler T & Peters J
(2013) Seasonal Variation in Biological Methane Production in a Subglacial Ecosystem
Boyd E, Hamilton T, Spots T, Dore J, Canovas P, Havig J, Peters J, Shock E & Skidmore M

Peters Jon (2016) Vortex Mixing Dilution System for Geological Applications
Winship P, Peters J, Block J, Clarke D & Lay C

Peters Karsten (2011) Ship Emissions and their Influence on Large Scale Cloud Fields
Peters K, Quaas J, Stier P & Grassl H
(2006) Continental Crust Subduction and Exhumation: insights from eastern Papua New Guinea
Baldwin SL, Webb LE, Monteleone B, Little TA, Fitzgerald PG, Peters K & Chappell JL

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