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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Paulson K. (2012) Characterization of Hg Leaching from the Riverbank Sediments of the South River, VA
Paulson K, Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Gibson B, Landis R, Dyer J & Grosso N

Paulsson O. (2022) Forest Ash Fertilization to Stimulate Algal Growth and Remediate Pit Lake Water – A Microcosm Study
Paulsson O & Conrad S
(2022) Uranium Sources and Mobility Related to Mining Areas
Dzimbanhete VL, Hegg F, Alakangas L, Karlsson T, Peinerud E, Aiglsperger T & Paulsson O

Paulukat C. (2015) Global Cr-Isotope Distributions in Surface Seawater and Incorporation of Cr Isotopes into Carbonate Shells
Paulukat C, Frei R, Voegelin AR & Samankassou E
(2015) Chromium-Isotope Signatures in Corals from the Rocas Atoll, Tropical South Atlantic
Pereira NS, Voegelin A, Paulukat C, Sial AN, Ferreira VP & Frei R
(2014) The Behaviour of Chromium Isotopes during the Oxidative Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks
Paulukat C, Døssing LN, Mondal SK & Frei R

Paulus Elizabeth

Paulus Elizabeth L (2024) The Influence of Oscillating Redox Cycles on Colloid Composition and Stability
Paulus EL, Spielman-Sun E, Stewart B, Boye K, Tadjiki S & Noël V
(2024) Modeling of Redox Reaction Network and Sensitivity Analysis for Predicting Methane Production Potential by Anoxic Microsites
Farber K, Ruiz HC, Paulus EL, Noël V, Boye K, Bhattacharyya A, Tinnacher R & Kokkinaki A
(2024) Deciphering the Role of Anaerobic Microsites for Hot Spot/Hot Moment Dynamics of Metal Redox Chemistry and Methane Emissions within Riverine Floodplains
Ruiz HC, Noël V, Paulus EL, Farber K, Kokkinaki A, Tinnacher R, Boye K & Bhattacharyya A
(2024) A Critical Look at Colloid Generation, Stability, and Transport in Redox-Dynamic Environments: A Pilot Study in Mountain Watershed (CO)
Noël V, Spielman-Sun E, Paulus EL, Stewart B, Engel M, Babey T, Pierce S & Boye K
(2023) Manganese Does Not Control Soil Organic Carbon Stability on a Hawaiian Grassland Rainfall Gradient
Paulus EL & Vitousek P
(2022) The Influence of Manganese Redox Cycling on Soil Carbon Stability
Paulus EL & Vitousek P
(2021) The Influence of Mn Redox Cycling on Soil C Stability
Paulus EL & Vitousek P

Pauly Jérôme (2020) How to Resolve the Noble Gas Composition of an Oil
Pujol M, Pauly J, Collell J, Hermoso X & Destandau F

Pauly Jim (2014) Timing and Duration of Continental Collision during Gondwana Assembly – A Case Study from Antarctica
Marschall H, Pauly J, Meyer H-P, Chatterjee N & Monteleone B

Pauly M. (2016) Investigating the Onset of the Younger Dyras by High Temporal Resolution of Radiocarbon
Sookdeo A, Wacker L, Büntgen U, Friedrich M, Helle G, Kromer B, Pauly M & Reinig F

Pausata F. (2018) End of Green Sahara Responsible for Monsoon Failure and Societal Shifts in Mainland Southeast Asia
Griffiths M, Johnson K, Pausata F, White J, Yang H, Henderson G & Conrad C
(2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Pausch J. (2023) How Does Paddy Soil Aging Affect Arsenic Biogeochemistry? Insights from a 2000-Year-Old Chronosequence
León Ninin JM, Muehe EM, Kölbl A, Higa Mori A, Gilfedder BS, Pausch J & Planer-Friedrich B

Pausch T. (2023) Phosphorus in the Deep Earth: An Experimental Investigation of Ca-Phosphates at Upper- to Lower-Mantle P-T Conditions
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J
(2022) Ca-phosphates in the Deep Earth: Phase Stability and Volatile Incorporation of Tuite, γ-Ca3(PO4)2
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J
(2021) The Role of Tuite, γ-Ca3(PO4)2 in the Earth Phosphate and Volatile Cycle
Jaseem V, Pausch T, Withers AC, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J

Pauselli C. (2020) A Dry Origin of 4-Vesta Estimated by the Water Content in Pyroxenes from the HED
Nazzareni S, Pauselli C, Skogny H, Murri M, Domeneghetti MC, Alvaro M, Stalder R, Petrelli M, De Sanctis MC, Formisano M & Federico C
(2016) NVP Melt/Magma Viscosity: Insight on Mercury Lava Flows
Vetere F, Rossi S, Morgavi D, Namur O, Perugini D, Mancinelli P, Pauselli C & Lustrino M

Paustenbaugh M. (2023) Major and Trace Metal Uptake from Soil and Water by Common Garden Vegetables
Matyjasik M, Patino C & Paustenbaugh M

Pautler B.G. (2014) Solution-State NMR Spectroscopy up to 20 Kilobars
Pautler BG, Colla CA, Johnson RL, Klavins P, Harley SJ, Ohlin CA & Casey WH

Pauwels Helene (2012) Transport and Deposition of Engineered Nanoparticles (NPs) in Saturated Porous Media (Schist): Role of Interactions between NPs and the Rock Matrix
Ollivier P, Pauwels H, Wille G, Braibant G & Picot-Colbeaux G
(2012) Simulating Fluoride Evolution in Groundwater Using a Reactive Multicomponent Transient Transport Model
Pettenati M, Perrin J, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
(2010) Role of Major Ion Geochemistry in Delineating Polluted Parts in Southern Granitic Aquifer System, Andhra Pradesh, India
Atal S, Négrel P, Pauwels H & Ahmed S
(2010) Salinity Increase with Depth in Fractured Aquifers
Aquilina L, Laurencelle M, Labasque T, Leborgne T, Bour O, Boisson A, Vergnaud-Ayraud V & Pauwels H
(2009) Lead Isotopes in Groundwater as Indicator of Water-Rock Interaction (Masheshwaram Catchment, Andhra Pradesh, India)
Negrel P, Millot R, Roy S, Guerrot C & Pauwels H
(2007) Reactivity of Nitrates in the Near Field of type-B Nuclear Waste Cells
Andre L, Azaroual M, Pauwels H, Albrecht A & Romero M-A
(2004) Evolution of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Fractured Aquifer Related to Pumping
Ayraud V, Aquilina L, Pauwels H, Tarits C, Pierson-Wickmann A & Bour O

Pauwels Hélène (2016) Tracing TiO2 Nanoparticles in a Hard-Rock Aquifer
Cary L, Ollivier P, Picot G, Leroy P, Labille J & Pauwels H
(2016) Investigation of the Paris City Contribution to CeO2NPs and TiO2NPs in the Seine River by spICPMS and FEG-Sem Imaging
Phalyvong K, Sivry Y, Pauwels H, Gélabert A, Cordier L, Wille G, Bourrat X, Ranville JF & Benedetti MF
(2016) Development of an Activated Carbon-Based Trap for Preconcentration of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Systems
Phalyvong K, Sivry Y, Pauwels H, Cordier L, Wille G, Bourrat X & Benedetti MF

Pavan C. (2019) Silanol Distribution is the Main Determinant of the Membranolytic and Inflammatory Activity of Respirable Silica Particles
Pavan C, Tomatis M, Leinardi R, Santalucia R, Fabbiani M, Yakoub Y, Uwambayinema F, Sironval V, Pastero L, Fubini B, Martra G, Turci F & Lison D

Pavan M. (2017) Partial Melting of Continental Crust during West Gondwana Assembly
Pavan M, Moraes R, Sawyer E & Faleiros F
(2013) High-Pressure Amphibolite Facies Metapelites of Carrancas Klippe, Southern Brasília Belt, Brazil
Pavan M & Moraes R

Pavel K. (2014) Granitoid Batholithes Thermochronology and Dynamics of their Formation in Orogens
Travin A, Vladimirov A, Gertner I, Khromykh S & Pavel K

Paver R. (2021) Balancing the Modern Marine Barium Isotope Budget with Estuarine Processes
Bridgestock L, Nathan J, Paver R, Hsieh Y-TA, Porcelli D, Tanzil JTI, Holdship P, Carrasco G, Annammala KV, Swarzenski P, Andersson P & Henderson GM
(2021) Barium Isotope Calibrations between Shallow-Water Corals and in situ Seawater
Hsieh Y-TA, Paver R, Tanzil JTI, Bridgestock L, Lee JN & Henderson GM

Pavese Alessandro (2013) Flux Particle Size and Composition Effects on the Evolution of Sanitary-Ware Vitreous Body
Bernasconi A, Marinoni N, Pavese A, Diella V, Francescon F & Young K

Pavese Alessandro (2015) Lower Mantle Hydrogen Partitioning between Periclase and Perovskite: A Quantum Chemical Modeling
Pavese A, Bonadiman C, Merli M & Diella V

Pavia Frank (2014) Dust in the Southern Hemisphere – From Source to Sink
Winckler G, Borunda A, Koffman B, Recasens C, Pavia F, Kaplan M, Goldstein S, Schwarz R, Anderson R, Lamy F, Gersonde R & Pahnke K

Pavia Frank (2015) Scavenging of Thorium and Protactinium by Particles from the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Anderson R, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Cheng H, Lu Y & Edwards RL

Pavia Frank (2017) What do Deviations from the Reversible Scavenging Model Tell us About the Removal of Trace Elements from the Ocean?
Anderson R, Pavia F, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards L
(2017) Vertical POC Flux Profiles and Oxygen Utilization Rates from Particulate 230Th-Normalization
Pavia F, Anderson R, Lam P, Martin M, Fine R, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards RL

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