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Pastore L. (2017) Lipid Content Composition and Mineralogic Characterization of Kidney Stones
Pastore L, Froehner S, Armstrong I, Schleder A, Carvalho M & Bahniuk A

Pastore Z. (2023) Tracking the Migration and Conversion of Metamorphic H2 and Reduced Carbonic Fluids in Orogenic Belts
Vitale Brovarone A, Boutier A, Olivieri OS, Ressico F, Giuntoli F, Siron G, Pastore Z & Peverelli V

Pastres R. (2021) Early Diagenesis in Sediments of a Mediterranean Lagoon and its Relationship to Hypoxia
Brigolin D, Rabouille C, Demasy C, Bombled B, Monvoisin G & Pastres R

Pastukhov M. (2012) Hg Stables Isotopes Assessing Methylmercury Bioaccumulation, Sources, and Metabolization in the Pelagic Food Web of Lake Baikal (Russia)
Perrot V, Pastukhov M, Epov V, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2011) Comparison of Mercury Bioacumulation within a Trophic-Web for Pristine and Anthropogenically Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Husted S, Alieva V, Amouroux D, Grebenshchikova V & Donard O
(2009) Speciation and Isotopic Signatures of Hg in the Lake Baikal – Angara River Food-Web
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Tessier E, Grebenshchikova V, Sonke J, Amouroux D & Donard O

Pastura Valéria F S (2021) Surface Radioactive Heat Production from in situ Gamma Spectrometry and Chemical Data of Mantle Exhumed Peridotites from St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (Equatorial Atlantic)
Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Fonseca EM, Araujo JH, Pastura VFS, Sichel S, Motoki K, Barão L, Maia M, Brunelli D, Virgens Neto J, Vargas T & Szatmari P

Pastura Valeria Fonseca Da Silva (2023) St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic: Your Surface Radiogenic Heat Flow Suggest that is Colder Than the Surroundings Lithospheric Atlantic Ocean
Motoki KF, Ferreira da Costa Campos T, Sichel S, Araujo JH, Pastura VFDS, Barão L, Fonseca EM, Maia M, Navoni J, Vargas T, Szatmari P & Brunelli D

Paszczynski A. (2007) Directed Proteomics Applied to the Detection and Characterization of Arsenic-Transforming Enzymes in Complex Communities from the Alvord Basin Hydrothermal System
Ledbetter R, Deobald L, Paszczynski A & Magnuson T

Paszkowski M. (2013) Extraterrestrial Mechanism of Kimberlite Emplacement
Paszkowski M & Mietelski JW

Pataki D.E. (2012) Stable Isotopes and Radiocarbon as Tracers of Atmospheric Methane Sources
Townsend-Small A, Tyler SC & Pataki DE

Pataki M. (2005) Pressure Solution and Mica in Quartzose Sandstone: Observations and Experiments
Boles J, Israelachvili J, Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Meyer E, Greene W & Pataki M

Patankar S. (2017) Nanoscale Geofluid-Shale Interactions
Rother G, Vlcek L, Gautam S, Patankar S & Cole D
(2015) Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N

Patapy Cedic (2021) Composition, Glass Structure, Activation System – There is not Only One Reactivity of GGBS
Blotevogel S, Kaknics J, Poirier M, Doussang L, Steger L, Danezan A, Canizares A, Simon P, Chesneau E, Montouillout V, Patapy C & Cyr M

Patapy Cedric (2020) The Effect of Ti and Other Minor Elements on the Reactivity of Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in Blended Cements
Blotevogel S, Steger L, Bornhöft H, Deubner J, Doussang L, Fayon F, Hart D, Kaknics J, Montouillout V, Patapy C, Saldi G, Schott J & Cyr M

Patault E. (2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J

Patchett J. (2017) Early Hominin Cultural Development in Central Asia Constrained by High-Precision U-Series Chronology
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Wagner J & Patchett J
(2010) U-Pb-Hf Characterization of the Coast Mountain Batholith: New Insights into the Crustal Architecture of the Central Canadian Cordillera
Cecil MR, Gehrels G, Patchett J & Ducea M
(2007) Three Decades of Hf Isotope Research
Patchett J
(2007) The Lu-Hf CHUR Value
Bouvier A, Vervoort J & Patchett J
(2007) Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of Sediments, Old and New
Vervoort JD, Plank T, Patchett PJ & Prytulak J
(2002) The Lu-Hf-Nd Isotopic Signature of Subducting Pelagic Sediments
Vervoort JD, Plank T, Patchett PJ & Söderlund U
(2002) Decoupling of the Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Systems in Granulitic Lower Crust beneath Southern Africa
Schmitz MD, Vervoort JD, Bowring SA & Patchett PJ

Patchineelam S. (2015) Applying Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Electroplating Wastes in a Brazilian Lagoon System
Araújo D, Boaventura G, Machado W, Viers J, Weiss D, Patchineelam S, Ruiz I, Rodrigues AP, Babinski M & Dantas E
(2014) Influence of Microalgae in REE Biogeochemistry at Funil Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil
Santos-Neves J, Manoel Ferreira M, Vidall M, Almeida AC, Goddoy JM & Patchineelam S
(2014) Arsenic Mobility in Soil of Paracatu
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z, Gerth J & Calmano W
(2013) Sequential Extraction of Arsenic in Sediments of Paracatu, MG, Brazil
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z & Calmano W
(2013) Dissolved Mercury in Funil Reservoir, RJ, Brazil
Vidal M, Ferreira M, Satyro-Ferreira S, Soares T, Belmino I, Lacerda L & Patchineelam SR
(2013) Early Diagenesis of Sulfur and Trace Element Pyritization in Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System: Cabo Frio, Southeastern Brazil
Mendoza U, Díaz R, Moreira M, Amorim N, Böttcher ME, Machado W, Patchineelam S, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REE) at Funil Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil
Santos-Neves J, Ferreira M, Vidal M, Rocha A & Patchineelam S
(2007) PAHs in Sediment Cores from an Estuary in South of Brazil
Pietzsch R, Patchineelam S & Torres J

Patel Ashim Kumar (2019) Pyrochlore Alteration and REE Mineralization in the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Complex, India
Patel AK, Mishra B & Pruseth KL

Patel Avni (2021) Humidity-Controlled Phase Transitions of Amorphous Ca-Mg Carbonates (ACMC)
Patel A, Wilson S, Raudsepp M & Harrison A
(2021) Transition Metal Mobility and Recovery from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel A, Locock A, Hamilton J, Paterson DM, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones T & Jowitt S
(2020) Identification of Meteoric Diagenetic Transformation of Fine-Grained Carbonates Using Clumped Isotopes
Patel A, John C & Veillard C

Patel Avni S (2023) Ni Recovery by Precipitation of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg- and Mg-Carbonates and their Crystalline Transformation Products
Patel AS, Wilson S, Harrison A & Raudsepp M
(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V
(2022) Crystallization of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg, and Mg- Carbonates in Water-Limited Systems
Patel AS, Raudsepp M, Wilson SA & Harrison A
(2022) Transition Metal Mobility and Recoverability from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson SA, Locock A, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel AS, Hamilton J, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones TR & Jowitt S

Patel B. (2014) Tracing Arc-Like Volatiles into Panama Using Helium and CO2
Patel B, Hilton D, Kulongoski J, Ramirez C, Barry P & Blackmon K

Patel D. (2012) Fixation and Remediation of Trace Elements Associated with Coal Fly Ash
Donahoe R, Bhattacharyya S, Neupane G, Ladwig K & Patel D

Patel K. S. (2013) Arsenic Contamination in Pond Sediment of Central India
Sahu BL, Patel KS, Wysocka I & Jaron I
(2010) Runoff Water Pollution in India
Patel KS, Ambade A, Nicolas J & Yubero E
(2009) Road Dust Pollution in India
Patel KS, Sahu D, Hoinkis J, Aguilera JFN & Funes EY

Patel Khageshwar Singh (2008) Manganese Soil Pollution in Central India
Jaiswal NK & Patel KS
(2008) Assessment of Trace Elements Compositions of Atmospheric Aerosol in Central India
Gupta S, Patel KS, Nava S & Lucarelli F
(2008) Contamination of Steel Plant Sludge
Jena VK, Patel KS, Blazhev B & Stefanova R
(2007) Monitoring of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Around Raipur Central India
Patel KS, Jaiswal NK, Saathoff H, Schurath U & Leisner T
(2007) Remediation of Heavy Metals with Species and Green Vegetables
Sharma S, Patel KS, Jena VK & Patel SK

Patel Manish (2019) Influence of Mineralogy on the Preservation of Biosignatures Under Simulated Mars Conditions
Martins Z, Patel M & Cuadros J

Patel Megha (2021) Alteration of Uranyl-Phosphate Source from Environmental Exposure
Ferguson B, Hundley JB, Patel M, Collins K, Edayilam N, Tharayil N & Powell B

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