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Paola G. (2024) Microfibers in the Tiber River: A Case Study in Rome
Tserendorj D, Paola G, Károly Á, Rita S-S, Borbála D, Péter D, Sandil S & Záray G

Paolieri M. (2013) Arsenic-Chloride Exchange in the Pecora River Valley (Southern Tuscany, Italy)
Morelli G, Gasparon M, Costagliola P, Rimondi V, Benvenuti M, Di Benedetto F, Lattanzi P & Paolieri M

Paonita A. (2021) Sulphur Behaviour and Oxygen Fugacity Variation in Mt. Etna System Revealed by Melt Inclusions
Gennaro EM, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Moussallam Y, Peters N, Pichavant M & Martel C
(2017) Melt Inclusions Track Changes in Chemistry and Oxidation State of Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Rizzo A, Martel C, Rotolo S, Liotta M & Pichavant M
(2016) Melt Inclusions Constrain S Behaviour and Redox Conditions in Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Paonita A, Liotta M, Pichavant M, Martel C & Rotolo S
(2015) Sulfur Behavior in Etnean Magmatic System (Italy)
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Pichavant M, Paonita A, Liotta M, Rotolo S & Martel C
(2014) Magma Dynamics at Campi Flegrei (Italy) as Inferred by Inert Gas Geochemistry
Paonita A, Caliro S & Chiodini G
(2014) Monitoring of Dissolved Helium Isotope Ratios in Etnean Groundwaters
Longo M, Bellomo S, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2014) Real-Time Measurements of Concentration and Isotope Composition of Atmospheric and Volcanic CO2 at Mt. Etna (Italy)
Jost H, Rizzo A, Caracausi A, Paonita A, Liotta M & Martelli M
(2013) A Two-Component Mantle Below Mt Etna Volcano: Evidences from Noble Gas and Trace Element Geochemistry of Primitive Products
Correale A, Paonita A, Martelli M, Rizzo A, Rotolo S, Corsaro RA & Di Renzo V
(2013) Magma Dynamics at Mount Etna (Italy) Inferred from Geochemistry of Gas Emissions
Caracausi A, Martelli M, Paonita A & Rizzo AL
(2013) Sulfur and Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanic Products at Mt. Etna, Italy
Liotta M, Rizzo AL, Paonita A, Barnes JD, Caracausi A, Corsaro R & Martelli M
(2013) Bromine in Basaltic Volcanic Systems: Experimental Study on Fluid/Melt Partitioning Coefficient
Costa M, Aiuppa A, Iacono Marziano G & Paonita A
(2004) Groundwater Residence Time Estimations Based on Heat and 4He Abundance: An Application to Western Sicily (Italy) Hydrothermal Systems
Caracausi A, Favara R, Italiano F, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2004) Inferences on Physico-Chemical Conditions and Gas-Water Interaction by New Quantitative approaches:The Case of Panarea (Italy)
Caracausi A, Ditta M, Italiano F, Longo M, Maugeri R, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2004) Mount Etna: Dynamics of Magma Degassing and Ascent Towards the Shallow Levels of the Feeding System
Caracausi A, Italiano F, Nuccio P, Paonita A, Rizzo A & Rosciglione A

Papa G. (2010) Nanoscale Structure of Organic Matter Could Explain Soil Organic Matter Recalcitrance
Papa G & Adani F

Papadaki S. (2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR

Papadakos G. (2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R

Papadimitriou S. (2019) An Autonomous Sensor for in situ Measurement of Total Alkalinity
Schaap A, Papadimitriou S, Mawji E, Loucaides S & Mowlem M

Papadomanolaki Nina M. (2018) Controls on Marine Organic Carbon Burial and its Impact on the Global Carbon Cycle during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Papadomanolaki NM, Egger M, Sluijs A & Slomp CP

Papadomanolaki Nina-Maria (2023) Circulation and CO2 Impact on Paleocene Oxygenation
Papadomanolaki N-M, Sarr A-C & Donnadieu Y

Papadopoulos A. (2015) 226Ra/238U Disequilibrium as a Weathering Index in Heavy Minerals-Enriched Beach Sand Sediments
Papadopoulos A, Koroneos A, Christofides G & Stoulos S
(2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D
(2013) LREE-Rich Beach Sands from Sithonia Peninsula (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Papadopoulos A, Christofides G, Pe-Piper G & Koroneos A
(2013) Enrichment of Pb, Se, As, U and Cs in Commercial Cosmetic Clays
Giouri K, Papadopoulos A, Bourliva A, Tzamos E, Papadopoulou L, Ntouanoglou K & Filippidis A

Papadopoulos Vassilios (2018) Nutrient Dynamics in East Mediterranean Sea Under Different Water Masses
Pavlidou A, Rousselaki E, Velaoras D & Papadopoulos V

Papadopoulos Vlassis (2015) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Origin of the Manganore Iron Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, R.S.A
Papadopoulos V, Tsikos H, Smith B & Harris C

Papadopoulou L. (2021) Investigation of the Plagioclases Texture Variation and Mineral Chemistryof the Eocene Andesites of W- Torbat-E Heydarieh(NE Iran)
Saki S, Tabakh shabani AA, Papadopoulou L & Sadeghian M
(2013) Enrichment of Pb, Se, As, U and Cs in Commercial Cosmetic Clays
Giouri K, Papadopoulos A, Bourliva A, Tzamos E, Papadopoulou L, Ntouanoglou K & Filippidis A

Papadopoulou M. (2020) Assessing the Origin of Cenozoic Intraplate Magmatism in Mongolia
Papadopoulou M, Barry T & Rutson A

Papainocomou N. (2002) Thermodynamic Modelling of Lithium-Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Dubois M, Monnin C, Papainocomou N & Simonin J-P

Papale P (2005) Feedback Relationships between Magma Properties and Volcanic Eruption Dynamics
Papale P
(2004) On the Saturation Surface and Oxidation State of C-H-O-S-Silicate Melt Systems
Moretti R & Papale P

Papale Paolo (2016) The 2013 Eruption of Chaparrastique (San Miguel) Volcano, El Salvador: Effects of Magma Storage, Mixing, and Decompression
Scarlato P, Mollo S, Del Bello E, von Quadt A, Brown R, Gutierrez E, Martinez-Hackert B & Papale P
(2013) Time Scales of Mingling in Shallow Reservoirs
Montagna CP, Papale P & Longo A

Papanastassiou D. (2014) Dating Mars with ID-Kard: Further Advances for a Future Mission
Cartwright J, Farley K, Hurowitz J, Asimow P, Simcic J, Madzunkov S & Papanastassiou D
(2012) Ca-Isotope Tracing of Submarine Groundwater discharge-Florida Bay
Holmden C, Papanastassiou D, Blanchon P & Evans S
(2011) δ44/40Ca Variability in Modern Shallow Water Carbonates
Holmden C, Papanastassiou D, Blanchon P & Evans S
(2010) Analysis of Samples from Regolith in the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken Basin
Jolliff B, Shearer C & Papanastassiou D
(2010) A 40K-40Ca Perspective on the Oceanic Calcium Cycle
Caro G, Papanastassiou D & Wasserburg G
(2007) Search for Cr Isotopic Anomalies in Unequilibrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
de Leuw S, Papanastassiou D & Wasson J
(2005) High Mass Resolution Plasma Mass Spectrometry of Cr Isotopes
Holmden C, Eglington B & Papanastassiou D

Papandreou Z. (2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T

Papangelakis V. (2018) Microbial Leaching of Nickel from Low-Grade Pyrrhotite Ores
Romano C, Moldoveanu G, Ren D, Yakunin A, Edwards E & Papangelakis V

Papanicolaou E.A. (2023) Hydrothermal Chimney Weathering Time Series, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: The View from the Sulfur Edge
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Toner BM & Jamieson J
(2022) Active and Extinct Chimneys in the Endeavour Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ne Pacific Ocean Show Similar Mineralogy with Distinct Trace Metal Fingerprints
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Northrup P, Bak SM, Toner BM & Jamieson J

Papanicolaou T. (2017) Sediment Dynamics and C-Sequestration in the Midwestern USA Reservoir, Lake Decatur
Blair N, Papanicolaou T, Wilson C, Leithold E & Keefer L
(2016) Hill Slope and Erosional Controls on Soil Organic Geochemistry in Intensely Managed Landscapes
Hou T, Filley T, Hughes M, Tong Y, Papanicolaou T, Wacha K, Wilson C, Abban B & Hester U

Papanikolaou D. (2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece)
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D

Papapavlou K. (2019) Zircon Petrochronology of Metaplutonic Suites in Western Grenville Province
Papapavlou K, Moukhsil A & Poirier A
(2016) Direct Dating of Shear Zone Operation and Sulphide Mineralisation Using Titanite
Papapavlou K, Darling J, Storey C, Moser D, Lightfoot PC & Lasalle S

Papasergio A.E. (2022) Molecular Dynamics Insights of NaCl-Bearing Fluids at deep-Earth Conditions
Papasergio AE, Mei Y & Huang F

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