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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pandey R. (2024) Petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic Mafic Dykes from the Contact of Bastar Craton and Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB), India: Implications for Source Characterization and Recycled Crustal Component
Pandey R, Singh MK, Belyatsky BV, Chalapathi Rao NV, Naskar S & Singh KM
(2023) Discovery of the Deepest Rock from the Indian Shield: Insight from a Kimberlite-Borne Eclogite Xenolith from the Dharwar Craton
Chatterjee A, Chalapathi Rao NV, Pandey R & Pandey A
(2022) Zoned Crystal Cargos in Alkaline Mafic Dykes: Evidences for Magma Chamber Plumbing System beneath the Deccan LIP, NW India
Sharma A, Pandey R, Chalapathi Rao NV & Sahoo S
(2022) Platinum-Group of Elements (PGE) in Lamprophyres from the Dharwar Craton and the Deccan Large Igneous Province, India: A Comparison in Space and Time
Pandey R, Seth V, Chalapathi Rao NV & Satyanarayanan M

Pandey Santosh K

Pandey Satyendra (2019) Planetary Boundary Layer Height Controls the Transport of Heavy Metals to the Himalayan Glaciers
Mitra A, Sen IS, Vinoj V & Pandey S

Pandey Sudeep (2019) Elemental Analysis of Zircons via Tandem Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Pandey S, Guerrero JC, Gonzalez J & Mueller P

Pandey Sudhanshu (2022) Relevant Methane Emission to the Atmosphere from the Geological Gas Manifestation of the LUSI Eruption Study Case, Indonesia
Sciarra A, Mazzini A, Etiope G, Sadavarte P, Houweling S, Pandey S & Husein A

Pandis S. (2016) Molecular Corridor Based Approach for Predicting Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosols
Li Y, Tsimpidi A, Karydis V, Pandis S, Lelieveld J, Poschl U & Shiraiwa M
(2015) Interactions of Atmospheric Organic Particles with Inorganic Pollutants and Cloud Water
Riipinen I, Häkkinen S, Rastak N, Dalirian M, Murphy B, Julin J, Pandis S & Ekman A
(2013) Atmospheric Evolution and Chemical Aging of Combustion Organic Particulate Matter
Pandis S, Donahue N & Robinson A
(2013) Rethinking Primary Organic Aerosol Emission Inventories with a Focus on Wood Combustion in Europe
Denier van der Gon H, Visschedijk A, Bergstrom R, Simpson D, Genberg J, Fountoukis C & Pandis S
(2009) Chemical Composition of Aerosols and Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Eastern Mediterranean: Results from Long-Term Studies
Bougiatioti A, Fountoukis C, Kalivitis N, Moore R, Nenes A, Pandis S & Mihalopoulos N
(2009) Atmospheric Organic Particulate Matter: Primary or Secondary?
Pandis S, Donahue N & Robinson A
(2009) Air Quality in a Changing Climate
Adams P, Pandis S, Dawson J & Racherla P
(2009) Rethinking Organic Aerosols: Semivolatile Emissions and Photochemical Aging
Donahue N, Robinson A, Pandis S, Kroll J & Worsnop D

Pandit D. (2017) Subduction Zone Influence in Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo-Myanmar Range: Constraints from 143Nd/144Nd and Elemental Concentrations
Kingson O, Bhutani R, Dash JK, Srinivasan B, Pandit D & Rao NVC
(2017) Ti-Rich Garnet Core in Spinel in a Kimberlite: Evidence for Metasomatic Origin
Choudhary BR, Xu YG, Ernst R & Pandit D

Pandit Manoj (2019) No Collision between Western and Eastern Gondwana at their Northern Extent
Wang W, Cawood P, Pandit M, Zhao J & Zheng J

Pandit Manoj K. (2024) India and Adjacent Blocks in the Tonian: East Central Gondwana
Meert JG, Raghuvanshi S, Chalapathi Rao NV & Pandit MK
(2022) Global-Scale Emergence of Continental Crust during Mesoarchean – Early Neoarchean
Wang W, Cawood PA, Spencer C, Pandit MK, Zhao J-H, Xia X-P, Zheng J & Lu G
(2021) Permian–Triassic Boundary Volcanism: Hg Isotope and Elemental Hg Proxies in the Meishan and Guryul Ravine Successions
Sial AN, Chen J, Korte C, Pandit MK, Spangenberg JE, Tamayo JCS, Lacerda LD, Ferreira VP, Barbosa JA, Gaucher C, Pereira NS & Riedel PR
(2017) Petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Granitoids from NW India: Regional Correlation of Rodinia Paleogeography
Zhao J-H, Wang W, Pandit MK & Xia X-P

Pandit Manoj KUmar (2015) Hg Chemostratigraphy and Hg Isotopes from Sections Straddling the KTB in Europe, India and South America
Sial AN, Jiubin C, Lacerda LD, Tewari VC, Pandit MK, Gaucher C, Frei R, Cirilli S, Ferreira VP, Peralta S, Barbosa JA & Pereira NS

Pandit S.A. (2024) Understanding the Redox Milieu of Uranium in Eastern Karnataka Groundwater Through Isoscapes
Mitra A, Jindal MK, Srinivasan R, Pandit SA, Halliday AN, Navas-Acien A, Schilling K & Basu A

Pando K. (2016) Phase Equilibria of a S- and C-Poor Lunar Core
Righter K, Pando K, Go M, Danielson L & Habermann M
(2016) Melting of the Primive Mercurian Mantle, Insights into the Origin of its Surface Composition
Boujibar A, Righter K, Rapp J, Ross D, Pando K, Danielson L & Fontaine E
(2016) Metal-Silicate-Sulfide Partitioning of U, Th, and K: Implications for the Budget of Volatile Elements in Mercury
Habermann M, Boujibar A, Righter K, Danielson L, Rapp J, Righter M, Pando K, Ross D & Andreasen R
(2014) Core-Mantle Partitioning of Volatile Elements and the Origin of Volatile Elements in Earth and Moon
Righter K, Danielson L, Pando K & Nickodem K

Pandolfi L. (2013) Andesitic Dyke Swarms in the Araç-Boyalı Foredeep Basin, N Anatolia: Evidence for Eocene Extension
Çakıroğlu RE, Göncüoğlu MC, Marroni M & Pandolfi L

Panechou K. (2022) Determining the Source Location of Transatlantic Dust Transported to South America and the Caribbean Using Lead Isotopes
Barkley AE, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Panechou K, Prospero JM & Gaston C
(2021) Determining the Source of African Dust Transported to the Tropical Atlantic Ocean and its Associated Fe Mineralogy
Barkley AE, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Oehlert A, Brown C, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Panechou K, Prospero JM, Ault A & Gaston C
(2020) African Biomass Burning and Dust are Equally Important Sources of Phosphorus Deposition to the Amazon
Barkley A, Prospero J, Mahowald N, Hamilton D, Popendorf K, Pourmand A, Gatineau A, Panechou K, Blackwelder P & Gaston C
(2020) Determining the Source and Associated Fe Mineralogy of African Dust Transported to Cayenne, French Guiana
Gaston C, Barkley A, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Oehlert A, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Panechou K, Prospero J & Ault A

Panehal J. (2023) Novel Isotopic Techniques to Investigate the Deep Subsurface Acetate Cycle
Mueller EP, Panehal J, Hansen CT, Song M, Boettger J, Heuer VB, Warr O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Eiler J, Orphan V, Sherwood Lollar B & Sessions AL

Panero W. R. (2005) Water Solubility in Octahedrally-Coordinated Silicates
Panero W, Stixrude L & Akber-Knutson S
(2001) Lower Mantle Transport of Water in ‘Anhydrous’ High-Pressure Basalt Assemblages
Panero WR, Benedetti LR & Jeanloz R

Panero Wendy (2023) Fizzy Super-Earths: Impact of Magma on Bulk Density of Lava Worlds
Boley K & Panero W

Panero Wendy R. (2016) The Water Undersaturated Transition Zone
Panero WR, Thomas C, Myhill R & Pigott JS

Panetta R.J. (2010) δ13C of N-Alkanes as a New Potential Proxy for High Atmospheric pCO2
Panetta RJ, Schubert BA & Jahren AH

Panetta T. (2013) High Precision Isotope Measurements Unveil Poor Control of Copper Metabolism in Parkinson’s Disease
Larner F, Sampson B, Rehkämper M, Weiss DJ, Dainty JR, O'Riordan S, Panetta T & Bain P

Panettieri Jr R. (2015) What is the Role of Lung Inflammation in Mediating Particulate Matter and Ozone Exposure Effects on Health and Disease?
Panettieri Jr R

Panfili F. (2005) Changes in Zn Speciation in the Rhizosphere of Graminaceous Plants Induced by Phytostabilization of a Contaminated Sediment
Panfili F, Manceau A, Sarret G, Laboudigue A, Bert V & Marcus M

Panfilova I. (2015) The Potential Importance of Metal Transfer from Formation Waters to Petroleum for Re-Os Dating of Oils
Mahdaoui F, Reisberg L, Michels R, Montarges-Pelletier E, Panfilova I, Pujol M & Kieffer I

Pang B. (2020) Geochemical Characteristics of Bauxite-Associated High Lithium Claystone in Western Guangxi, China
Xu J, Pang B, Lu G, Li Z, Xu H, Liang D, Luo J, Zhou Y & Zhou Y
(2016) The Origin of Ore-Forming Fluids of the Wandao Gold Deposit, Southeastern Guangxi, China
Lai X, Pang B, Zhang Q, Li Y, Lv J & Zhou Y
(2013) Ore Genesis of the Longshan Sb-Au Deposit, Hunan, China: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions
Pang B, Zhang M, Yang D, Liu X & Wang B

Pang Calvin (2024) Fingerprinting the Refining of Spodumene into Lithium Chemicals
Oskierski HC, Wijewardhana TDU, Honra A, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Vasilyev P, Pang C & Senanayake G

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