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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pletnev S. (2015) Residue of the most Ancient Fe-Mn Crust in Pacific Ocean – Geochemistry of the Trace Elements
Asavin A, Melnikov M, Anosova M, Senin V, Pletnev S & Ivanov V

Pleuger J. (2012) Brittle Fault Dating from the Mesoproterozoic to the Neogene
Zwingmann H, Mancktelow N, Viola G, Pleuger J, Yamasaki S & Tagami T
(2007) The First Lu-Hf Garnet Ages of North Penninic Alpine Eclogites
Herwartz D, Münker C, Scherer E, Nagel T, Pleuger J & Froitzheim N

Pleus A. (2020) Rheology and Thermal Structure of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Ridge Inferred from Gravity Data and Models of Plate Flexure
Pleus A, Ito G, Wessel P & Neil F

Plewa K. (2004) Regional Differences in Productivity, Dust Supply and Diagenesis in the Canary Islands Area
Plewa K, Kasten S, Meggers H & Freudenthal T

Plihon H. (2023) Comparison of the Metallic Contamination and Organic Matter Content of Two Mangrovesin Fortaleza, Brazil
Plihon H

Plihon M. (2016) Impact of an in situ Acidification Experiment on Benthic Foraminifera Ecology and their Calcite Geochemistry
Vigier N, Barras C, Cox E, Gazeau F, Rollion-Bard C, Plihon M, Mahacek P, Kerros M-E, Parent B, Alliouane S, Jorissen F & Gattuso J-P

Plissart Gaelle (2021) Mineral-Scale Mobility of PGE and TABS in Subducted Serpentinites
Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM, Piña R, Saunders J, Plissart G, Marchesi C & Padrón-Navarta JA

Plissart Gaëlle (2024) Magmatic and Tectonic Processes Recorded by Mantle Rocks of the Taitao Ophiolite (6 Myr), Southern Chile
Schilling ME, Plissart G, Akizawa N, Lin K-Y, Corgne A, Alvear M, González EJ, Marín C, Walker RJ, Anma R, Warren JM, Ishikawa A, Prigent C, González VE, Rivera A, Martínez FA, Donoso NF & González-Jiménez JM

Pližingrová E. (2019) Sorption of Uranium from Aqueous Solution by TiO2 Composite Material
Šuhájek M, Szatmáry L, Salačová P, Motlochová M, Pližingrová E & Šubrt J
(2018) Sorption of Radionuclides from Aqueous Solutions Using Titania Based Nanomaterial
Szatmáry L, Havlová V, Salačová P, Motlochová M, Pližingrová E & Šubrt J

Ploch I. (2009) Paleoceanographic Change Associated with the Valanginian δ13C Excursion in the Western Tethys
Westermann S, Matera V, Adatte T, Schnyder J, Duchamp-Alphonse S, Fiet N, Fleitmann D, Ploch I & Föllmi KB

Ploetze M. (2009) Pioneering Fungi and their Role in Initial Weathering of Damma Glacier Forefield Granite in the Swiss Alps
Brunner I, Ploetze M, Zumsteg A, Furrer G & Frey B

Plomerova J. (2017) Formation of Continental Lithosphere by Oceanic Paleosubductions Constrained by 3D Seismic Anisotropy
Babuska V & Plomerova J

Ploquin A. (2004) Heavy Metals Dispersion in Soils from a 800-2500 BP Years Old Pollution (Mont-Lozère, France)
Baron S, Carignan J & Ploquin A

Ploquin F. (2016) Change in Co and Mn Speciation during the Differentiation of a Lateritic Regolith Upon Peridotites in New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ploquin F, Brest J, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L & Morin G

Ploskey Z. (2011) Cosmogenic Nuclide Measurements of Pleistocene Glacial Erosion
Stone J, Ploskey Z, Hallet B & Jaffrey M

Plotinskaya O. (2007) Oscillatory Zoning Fahlores from Au-Ag Epithermal Deposits
Plotinskaya O, Rusinov V & Seltmann R

Plotkina J. (2011) TIMS U-Pb Dating of Bastnäsite, Calzirtite and Tantalite as a Powerful Tool for Timing of Rare-Metal Granites and Carbonatites (Eastern Siberia)
Salnikova E, Yakovleva S, Kotov A & Plotkina J

Plotnick R. (2006) Unsupervised Classification and Analysis of 2D Data Using Wavelet Transform Techniques
Honeycutt C & Plotnick R

Plotnikova I. (2017) Geochemical, Geological and Geophysical Aspects of the Deep Origin of Oil in the Volga-Ural Region, Russia
Plotnikova I & Trofimov V
(2014) Biomarkers of Organic Matter and Oil from Sedimentary and Crystalline Rocks and New Geochemical Criteria of the Restoration of Conditions of Shale Strata Formation (on Example of the Volga-Ural Region, the East European Platform)
Nosova F, Ostroukhov S, Plotnikova I & Pronin N
(2010) Specific Geochemical Behavior of the Oil as Evidence of its Abiotic Origin
Gottikh R, Pisotskiy B & Plotnikova I
(2010) Monitoring of Deep Processes – The Important Part for Understanding of a Process of Origin of Hydrocarbons
Gatiatullin N & Plotnikova I
(2010) Modern Geodynamic Processes in the Earth's Crust and the Problem of a Deep Origin of Oil
Muslimov R, Plotnikova I, Smelkov V & Borisov A
(2009) Trace-Elements of the Hydrocarbon's Reduced Systems and the Origin of Oil and Gas
Gottikh R, Pisotskiy B & Plotnikova I
(2009) Concentration of the Trace-Elements in Heavy Oil and Bitumen of Tatarstan
Muslimov R, Smelkov V, Plotnikova I & Borisov A

Plötze Michael (2016) Tracing the Provenance of Organic Matter and its Associations with Minerals in the South China Sea
Blattmann T, Wen K, Li J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Plötze M, Liu Z & Eglinton T
(2016) Modified Montmorillonite as Tool for Exploring Diffusion Pathways for Anions and Cations
Van Loon L, Fetz E, Hummel W & Plötze M
(2016) Speciation and Fractionation of Geogenic Thallium in Soils from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Voegelin A, Pfenninger N, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Plötze M, Mangold S, Steininger R & Göttlicher J
(2011) Influence of Cyanide on Granite Weathering
Wongfun N, Plötze M, Brandl H & Furrer G
(2009) Primary Microbial Succession in a Glacier Forefield
Zumsteg A, Brunner I, Furrer G, Plötze M & Frey B
(2009) Cyanide-Promoted Mineral Weathering in a Glacier Forefield
Wongfun N, Furrer G, Plötze M & Brandl H
(2008) Effect of Cyanide-Mineral Interactions on Granite Weathering in a Glacier Forefield
Gärtner D, Plötze M & Furrer G
(2007) Experimentally Determined Biomediated Sr2+ Partitition Coefficient for Dolomite
Sanchez-Roman M, Vasconcelos C, de Luca Rebello Wagener A, Plötze M & McKenzie JA
(2001) Mineralogy in Controlled Landfill and Containment
Hermanns Stengele R & Plötze M
(2001) EPR and Cathodoluminescence Study of Clay Minerals
Plötze M & Götze J
(2001) Axial Fe3+-Centers in Natural Fluorite: Evidence from EPR Spectroscopy
Plötze M & Kempe U

Plötze Michael Lothar (2024) Clay-Mineral Extraction and Purification for Reconstructing Silicate Weathering
Aquila G, Galili N, Plötze ML & Hemingway JD

Plouchart D. (2019) Can Intracellularly Accumulated Polyphosphate from Synechococcus Cells Trigger Apatite Formation?
Dittrich M, Plouchart D, Manuel A, Alam S, Bollmann J & Depew D

Plouffe J. (2021) Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Metal Transformations Associated with Dreissena Polymorpha
Kuzyk SB, Plouffe J, Wiens K, Ma X & Yurkov V

Pluckthun C. (2021) Redox Controls on the Solubility of SnO2 Cassiterite and the Speciation of Tin in Crustal Fluids
Sanchez-Valle C, Springklee C, Louvel M, Pluckthun C, Hazemann J-L & Testemale D

Pluemper O. (2018) Syntectonic Serpentinite Dehydration within Subduction Zones
Pluemper O, Janssen C, Wallis D, Ohl M & Scambelluri M
(2018) In situ Stable Isotope Tracing of Nanoscale Deformation Processes in Earthquake-Prone Crustal Fault Materials
Ohl M, Chen J, Niemeijer A, King H & Pluemper O
(2017) Nanoscale Control on Fluid-Driven, Crustal Metamorphism
Pluemper O, Botan A, Liu Y & Jamtveit B

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