Pinna-Jamme R.
New Time Constraints on Alpine Brittle Structures: Coexistence of Compressive and Transtensive Deformation Since the Miocene
Bilau A, Bienveignant D, Boschetti L, Rolland Y, Schwartz S, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Gautheron CE, Pinna-Jamme R, Brigaud B, Mangenot X & Dumont T
Calcite – Hematite Dating, Stable and Clumped Isotopes Record the History of Fault Activity, Exhumation and Climate in the Internal Alps (Penninic Frontal Thrust and Briançonnais Zone)
Rolland Y, Bilau A, Schwartz S, Gautheron CE, Brigaud B, Mangenot X, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Pinna-Jamme R, Noret A, Bienveignant D & Dumont T
Dating Fe-Duricrusts of Central Amazonia (Brazil) by (U-Th)/He and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Methods
Allard T, Gautheron C, Balan E, Bressan Riffel S, Morin G, do Nascimento N, Pinna-Jamme R, Selo M, Soares FernandesSoares Fernandes B & Taitson Bueno G
Pinnick Veronica
Next Generation of in situ Chemical Analysis of Titan Aerosols via Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry
Pinnick V, Sebree J, Li X, Trainer M, Brinckerhoff W & Mahaffy P
MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Richardson C, Chaicharoen K, Cornish T, Antione M, VanAmerom F, Pinnick V, Cotter R, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfruend P
Pinnick Veronica
In situ Detection of Organic Molecules on the Martian Surface with the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) on ExoMars 2018
Arevalo Jr. R, Li X, Pinnick V, van Amerom F, Danell R, Getty S, Brinckerhoff W, Mahaffy P, Goesmann F & Steininger H
Pinon H.
The Columbia Supercontinent Reconstruction: Perspectives of The Île de Cayenne Complex (French Guiana)
Pinon H, Bosch D, Heuret A, Aertgeerts G, Monie P, Bruguier O, Triantafyllou A & Fernandez F
Pinquier Y.
Feedback Effects of Clay Minerals Formation on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation within Tholeiitic Basalt
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Verlaguet A, Pinquier Y & Guyot F
Pinsky M.
Aerosol Transformation and Scavenging in Stratocumulus Clouds
Magaritz L, Khain A & Pinsky M
Pintar A.
Understanding Structural Changes in Amorphous Calcium Phosphates as Function of Composition
Wang D, Krogstad D, Pintar A, Lin-Gibson S, Fernandez-Martinez A & Wallace A
Pintea I.
Preliminary Petrography and Microthermometry of the Fluid and Melt Inclusions from the Vidruța Beryl Mineralization, Lotru Metamorphic Suite (South Carpathians, Romania)
Pintea I & Săbău G
Hydrosaline Melt Inclusion Provinces in Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Munteanu M & Cetean VM
Is There a Eutectic Mixture of the Halite Daughter Phase with Sulphate±Carbonate±Phosphate±Borate±Fluoride in the Hydrosaline Melt Inclusions from Porphyry Cu-Au (±Mo) Deposits in Metaliferi Mountains, Western Romania?
Pintea I, Iatan EL, Udubasa SS, Berbeleac I & Ghinescu E
Minerals-, Glassy-, Globular Opaque and Fluid Inclusions from Metamorphic Recrystallized “MVT” Sulfide Mineralization from Blazna-Guşet Prospect, Rodna Mountains, Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Nutu ML, Iatan EL & Berbeleac I
Remnants of ”nelsonitic” Apatite as a Possible Source of Phosphorous from Epithermal and Porphyry Copper Deposits of Carpathians (Romania)
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I & Petrescu L
Clathrasil Compound Evidence in Fluid and Brine Inclusions by Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Nutu-Dragomir ML, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Petrescu L & Ghinescu E
Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in the Alpine Porphyry Copper Deposits from Romania: Insights on Micrometallogeny
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Birgaoanu D, Iatan EL & Barbu OC
Pintelon R.
Estimation of the time scale for ice volume records
De Ridder F, De Brauwere A, Paillard D & Pintelon R
A parametric method for water mass analysis applied to the Southern Ocean
De Brauwere A, Jacquet S, Dehairs F, De Ridder F, Pintelon R, Schoukens J & Baeyens W
Pinter J.
Assessing Human Imprints on Trace Metal Loads in the Great Lakes
Pinter J, Bentley C, Junqueira T & Vriens B
Pintér Z.
Extensive Prekimberlitic Lithosphere Modification Recorded in Jericho Mantle Xenoliths in Kimberlites, Slave Craton
Greene S, Jacob D, O'Reilly S, Henry H, Pinter Z & Heaman L
Magmatic and Tectonic Controls on Kimberlite Genesis and Evolution beneath Slave Craton Locations
Greene S, Jacob D, Pinter Z, O'Reilly S & Heaman L
Insight into the Evolution of Lithosphere beneath Pannonian Basin Through Studying H2O Content in NAMs from Füzes-Tó Upper Mantle Xenoliths (Hungary)
Pintér Z, Kovács I & Szabó C
Integrated Geological and Geophysical Probing of Lithospheric Dynamics in a Young Extensional Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Kovács I, Falus G, Szabó C, Kiss J, Fancsik T, Hegedűs E & Pintér Z
Insights into a Volatile Rich Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: Lherzolithe Xenoliths from the Cameroon Volcanic Line, Africa
Pintér Z, Kovács I, Konc Z, Berkesi M, Szabó C, Perucchi A & Patkó L
CO2-rich Fluids in the Mantle: A Comparative Fluid Inclusion Study
Berkesi M, Szabo C, Guzmics T, Pinter Z, Kaldos R, Dubessy J, Park M & Czuppon G
Pinti Daniele
In situ Analysis of Inclusions in Diamonds from Collections
Daver L, Bureau H, Gaillou É, Ferraris C, Boulliard J-C, Cartigny P & Pinti D
The Carbon Source for Lithospheric Diamonds
Bureau H, Remusat L, Esteve I, Pinti D & Cartigny P
Pinti Daniele L.
Sources of Fluids and Metals in the Krafla-Bjarnarflag Magmato-Hydrothermal System, NE Iceland
Mattioli Rolim J, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Sigurðardóttir ÁK & Alfredsson HA
Supersaturated Metal Contents in Hydrothermal Fluids of the Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland: Implication for Element Transport in the Crust
van Hinsberg V, Berlo K, Saby M, Pinti DL, Gautason B & Sigurðardóttir ÁK
Atmospheric Helium Isotopes and Unknown Source of Helium-3
Sano Y, Pinti DL, Escobar-Nakajima MT, Takahata N, Zhang M, Goto D & Marty B
Recharge and Fluid Circulation in Hydrothermal Systems in the South Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Poblete-González C, Tardani D, Alvarez-Amado F, Sanchez-Alfaro P, Saldías Innocenti C & Pinti DL
The Atmospheric Component in Diamonds: Post-Eruption Contamination or Subduction-Related ?
Pinti DL, Daver L & Bureau H
20Ne/36Ar in Geothermal Fluids of Theistareykir: A Possible Thermometer of Water-Rock Interactions?
Pinti DL, Haute-Labourdette M, Saby M, Poirier A, van Hinsberg V, Berlo K, Castro CM, Gautason B & Sigurðardóttir ÁK
Groundwater Anomaly Related to CCS-CO2 Injection and the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Shirai K, Park J-O, Snyder GT, Shibata T, Yamamoto J, Nishio Y, Chen A-T, Xu S, Zhao D & Pinti DL
Trace Volatile Metals and Noble Gases in Deep Sampling at Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland: it is not Only About Volcanic Arcs
Saby M, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Rocher O, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Gautason B & Kevin B
Reading the Record of Magma Degassing from Gypsum Precipitates
Berlo K, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Ghaleb B & Lauzeral R
Micron-scale δ13C Determination by NanoSIMS in a Juina Diamond with a Carbonate Inclusion
Pinti DL, Ishida A, Takahata N, Bureau H, Cartigny P & Sano Y
Are Basal Fluxes the Ultimate Source of Radiogenic 4He Excesses in Groundwater?
Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M & Ghaleb B
Multi-Isotopic Study of the Fluid Circulation at Los Azufres Geothermal Field, Mexico
Shouakar-Stash O, Pinti DL, Castro CM, Lopez-Hernandez A, Abuharara A, Hall CM, Sandoval-Medina F & Nuñez-Hernandez S
Using Noble Gases to Trace Fluid Circulation in the Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico
Han G, Pinti D, Castro MC, Shouakar-Stash O, Lopez-Hernandez A, Hall C & Ramírez-Montes M
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Helium and Carbon Isotopes at Ontake Volcano, Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Ishida A, Tomonaga Y, Roulleau E, Pinti D, Fischer T, Lan T, Nishio Y & Tsunogai U
The Geothermal System of Copahue-Caviahue Volcanic Complex (Argentina): Relationship between Isotopic Composition of Thermal Fluids and Fault Network
Roulleau E, Tardani D, Barvo F, Pizarro M, Pinti D, Takahata N, Sano Y, Vinet N, Munoz C & Sanchez J
Natural and Anthropogenic Methane Fluxes in a Non-Exploited Shale Gas Area in Québec, Canada
Pinti DL, Gélinas Y, Moritz A, Larocque M & Sano Y
Strontium Isotope Compositions of Apatite Inclusions in Archaean Zircon
Ishida A, Takahata N, Sano Y, David J & Pinti D
A Simple Non-Destructive Approach for the Determination of 40K by Gamma Spectroscopy
Ghaleb B, Pinti D, Samper A & Gillot P-Y
Anomalous Abundances of He and Mobile Metals in Surface Media over the Deeply Buried Millennium U Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Canada
Power M, Hattori K, Pinti D & Potter E
Origin of Laminations in BIF Deciphered from N and Fe Isotopes
Hashizume K, Pinti D, Orberger B, Cloquet C, Jayananda M & Soyama H
U-Pb Dating of Eoarchaean Zircons Using a NanoSIMS
Ishida A, Takahata N, Sano Y, David J & Pinti DL
Light Hydrocarbons and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Shallow Aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands: Concentrations and δ13C Signatures
Moritz A, Gélinas Y, Hélie J-F, Pinti D, Larocque M & Barnetche D
Helium Isotopic Gradients in a Catchment Basin: Constraining Groundwater Flow Patterns and Residence Times
Pinti DL, Vautour G, Roulleau E, Castro MC & Sano Y
Discriminating Magma Sources from Fractionation Processes Using N, Ar and Pb Isotopes: The Monteregian Hills Alkaline Province
Pinti DL, Roulleau E, Stevenson RK, Takahata N & Sano Y
Dating Drinking Water in Eskers from Amos, Abitibi, Canada
Boucher C, Berthot L, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Roy M, Blanchette D, Cloutier V, Castro MC & Hall CM
Behavior of Uranium Isotopes in Shallow Aquifers of Southern Quebec, Canada
Mejean P, Vautour G, Pinti DL, Ghaleb B & Larocque M
Dating Groundwater in Quebec Using Noble Gases, U and Stable Isotopes and Major Elements
Vautour G, Meyzonnat G, Mejean P, Pinti DL, Larocque M, Castro MC, Hall CM & Helie J-F
δ15N-δ13C Covariations in Organic Matter Through Eons: Tracing the Evolution of Metabolic Pathways
Pinti DL & Hashizume K
Do We Really Know Apex Chert? Newly Identified Micro- and Dubiofossils
Mineau R, Pinti DL & Valentin C
Covariation of Nitrogen and Iron Isotopic Ratios in a Banded Iron Formation
Hashizume K, Soyama H, Cloquet C, Pinti DL, Rouchon V, Orberger B & Jayananda M
Deep Circulation and Upward Migration of Brines in the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Qc, Canada) Traced by Noble Gases
Béland Otis C, Pinti DL, Tremblay A, Castro MC & Hall CM
Biomarkers in Archaean banded iron formations from Pilbara and Dhawar Craton
Orberger B, Pinti DL, Cloquet C, Hashizume K, Soyama H, Jayananda M, Massault M, Gallien JP, Wirth R & Rouchon V
Search for primordial biogenic isotopic signatures of nitrogen in Archean sedimentary rocks.
Hashizume K, Sugihara A, Pinti DL, Orberger B & Westall F
Siphoning the lower mantle into Southern Italy Volcanoes
Cadoux A, Albarède F, Blichert-Toft J & Pinti D
Archean Protominerals and their Evolution during Chert Formation: Kittys Gap, Pilbara Complex
Rouchon V, Orberger B, Westall F, Gallien J & Pinti D
The Role of Capillary Pressure on the Atmospheric Noble-Gas “Excess Air”
Mercury L & Pinti D
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of an Archaen Chert: In Quest of N-Sites
Gallien J, Orberger B, Pinti D, Wagner C, Fialin M & Daudin L
Alkaline Hydrothermalism in S-, Rare Metal and P-Rich Black Shales
Orberger B, Gallien J, Pasava J, Daudin L & Pinti D
Nitrogen Quest in Archean Metasediments of Pilbara, Australia
Pinti D, Hashizume K, Philippot P, Foriel J & Rey P
Pinti Daniele Luigi
Dating Two Young Laminated Stalagmites by the 210Pbexcess Method
Ghaleb B, Allan M, Pinti DL, Verheyden S & Fagel N
Pinti Danilele
Groundwater Oxygen Anomaly Related to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Japan
Sano Y, Onda S, Kagoshima T, Miyajima T, Shibata T, Nakagawa C, Onoue T & Pinti D
Pinto Alvaro
New Insights on the Metallogenesis of the Neves Corvo Deposit: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Zinc-Rich Lombador Orebody
Carvalho J, Relvas J, Pinto Á, Marques F, Rosa C, Pacheco N & Fonseca R
Mineralogy and Distribution of Indium and Selenium Metals within Zinc-Rich Ore Types of the Neves Corvo Deposit, Portugal
Pinto A, Relvas J, Carvalho J, Pacheco N & Liu Y
Pinto Álvaro
MAR MINERAL – Science and Riches on the Deep Seafloor
Cruz I, Barriga F, Póvoas L, Lopes C, Relvas J & Pinto Á
Pinto André
Recording of Weathering Profile Development by Uranyl-Phosphate Minerals
Gonçalves M, Pinto A & Mirão J
(Ba, Cu)(UO2)2(PO4)2.nH2O Solid Solution Occurences from an Uranyl-Phosphate Deposit in Portugal
Pinto A, Gonçalves M, Prazeres C & Batista MJ
Ordering Superimposed to Unmixing in the CaSO4.2H2O – CaHPO4.2H2O System
Pinto A, Jiménez A & Prieto M
Oriented Overgrowth of Brushite (CaHPO4·2H2O) on Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O)
Pinto A, Jiménez A & Prieto M
Pinto Andre
Cation Replacement Mechanisms in Uranyl Phosphates and Development of Weathering Profiles
Goncalves M & Pinto A
Pinto C.
Enhanced Metal Release from Acid Mine Drainage Sediments due to the Interaction with Municipal Waste Water
Goncalves M, Waerenborgh J, Maia F, Pinto C, Prazeres C & Serio S
Sequential Metal Extraction Procedure as Applied to Sediments in Acid Mine Drainage Environments (Aljustrel, Portugal)
Pinto C, Goncalves M & Neng N
Biogeochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of the Acid Mine Drainage System in Aljustrel and S. Domingos Mines, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Goncalves M, Figueiras J, Pinto C, Neng N, Pereira P & Batista M
Pinto F.
Paragenetic Meaning of the Bi- and Ag-Rich Phases from the Panasqueira Lode System (Portugal)
Martins I, Mateus A, Figueiras J, Rodrigues P, Vieira R & Pinto F
Trace Elements in Tourmaline: Markers of Incipient W-Deposition in Panasqueira Mine
Carocci E, Marignac C, Cathelineau M & Pinto F
Fluid Sources of the Panasqueira W-Sn-Cu Deposit (Portugal): Evidence from Chemical and Boron Isotopic Compositions of Tourmaline
Codeço M, Weis P, Trumbull R, Pinto F & Lecumberri-Sanchez P
Reconstruction of the Paleo-Fluid Flow in the W-(Sn) Veins System of Panasqueira
Launay G, Sizaret S, Guillou-Frottier L, Gloaguen E & Pinto F
Geochemical Characteristics of Tin-Tungsten Mineralizing Fluids at Panasqueira, Portugal
Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Heinrich CA, Wälle M, Vieira R & Pinto F
Pinto G.
Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on Algal Distribution in Acidic Hydrothermal Environments: Pisciarelli (Naples, Italy) as a Model Site
Valentino G, Ciniglia C, Cennamo P, de Stefano M, Stanzione D, Pinto G & Pollio A
Pinto K.
OIB’s from South Eastern Pacific: Notes from Key Geochemical Features
Montecinos P & Pinto K
Pinto L
Nd and Sr Isotopes, Trace and Major Elements Geochemistry of Neogene Sediments of Western Amazonia
Roddaz M, Viers J, Pinto L, Baby P, Brusset S & Hérail G
Pinto Luisa
Class Subject "The Social Role of the Geologist": Impact and Reflections
Hevia F, Pinto L, Moraga A, Martínez F & Martínez T