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Piejus M. (2023) Barium Excess as Remineralization Proxy in the Southern Ocean – Indian Sector (SWINGS-Gs02)
Le Roy E, Jacquet S, Baudet C, Dufour A, Cardinal D, González-Santana D, Liao W-H, Hamelin B, Vorrath M-E, Piejus M, Jeandel C & Planquette H

Piel C. (2021) First Field Record of 17O-Excess of Atmospheric Vapor Measured by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Voigt C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Piel C, Reiter IM, Orts J-P, Xueref-Remy I, Santonja M & Alexandre A

Pielichowskiaze K. (2011) Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Through their Life Cycle
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Miche H, Botta C, Geantet C, Puzenat E, Afanasiev P, Leclerc E, Garric J, Manuela F, Vollat B, Noury P, Pielichowskiaze K, Njuguna J, Bottero J-Y & Abbaci K

Piena M. (2022) Characterization and Parameterization of P-Sorption Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Utah Lake, a Shallow Hypereutrophic Lake
Jarvis F, Piena M, Aremu A, Hughes AS, Hunter KM, Stewart SA, Tingey DG, Nelson ST, Rey KA, Carling GT & LeMonte J

Pienaar J.J. (2015) Size-Resolved Characterisation of Organic Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Welgegund, South Africa with GCxGC-TOFMS
van Zyl PG, Booyens W, Beukes JP, Ruiz-Jimenez J, Kopperi M, Riekkola M-L, Josipovic M, Venter AD, Jaars K, Laakso L, Vakkari V, Kulmala M & Pienaar JJ

Pienaar K. (2009) Characterisation of Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Aerosols Utilising a GCxGC/MS-TOF
Engelbrecht W, Curry S, van Zyl P, Beukes P & Pienaar K

Pienitz R. (2015) Zinc and Pb Isotope Signatures Suggest Change in Lake Sediment Source in Response to Global Warming
Dong S, Cloquet C & Pienitz R
(2014) Elemental and Isotopic Study of Lake Sediments: Evidence for Long-Term Anthropogenic Perturbations
Cloquet C, Aebischer S, Pienitz R, Maurice C & Carignan J

Pieńkos T. (2017) Determination of Chlorine Isotope Ratio with 0.01‰ Accuracy
Pelc A, Pieńkos T & Hałas S

Pieńkowska A. (2023) Do We Obtain Valid Data from Climate Change Incubations Using Soils of Today?
Muehe EM, Pienkowska A, Kosel P, Fendorf S & Reitz T
(2023) Effects of Heavy Metals on Crop Quality and Soil Microbiome Health Under Different Fertilization Regimes
Pienkowska A, Fleischman J, Merbach I, Reitz T & Muehe EM
(2017) Melt Inclusion Studies – A New Way to Explain the Genesis of Anorthosite Massifs?
Bieńko T, Jędrych M & Pieńkowska A

Pieńkowski A.J. (2021) Reconstructing the Holocene Variability of the Strength and Radiogenic Isotope Composition of Labrador Sea Water
Filippova A, Pieńkowski AJ, Hathorne E & Frank M

Piepenbrock A. (2013) Quantification of Organic Matter Redox States by Mediated Electrochemical Analysis
Sander M, Klüpfel L, Piepenbrock A, Kappler A & Aeschbacher M
(2012) Reduction of Biogenic and Abiogenic Fe(III) Minerals by Humic Substances
Piepenbrock A, Bauer I & Kappler A
(2011) Control of Biomineral Formation during Microbial Fe(III) Reduction by Local Fe2+ Gradients – A Multiscale Approach
Dippon U, Schmidt C, Obst M, Piepenbrock A & Kappler A

Pieper D. (2015) Bacterial Community Changes Induced by Uranyl Nitrate Treatment Under Aerobic Conditions
Lopez Fernandez M, Sanchez Castro I, Pieper D, Boon N, Vilchez Vargas R & Merroun ML

Pieper H. (2004) Cm(III)/Eu(III)- Coprecipitation with Trioctahedral Smectite (Hectorite)
Pieper H, Bosbach D, Panak P, Dardenne K, Rothe J, Denecke M & Fanghänel T

Pierau N. (2015) Vanadium Isotopes – A Potential New Proxy for Paleo-Oceanography
Brüske A, Schuth S, Xu L, Arnold M-C, Pierau N & Weyer S

Pierce B. (2016) Contribution of Dissolved Organic Carbon to Submicron Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Miyazaki Y, Coburn S, Ono K, Ho D, Pierce B, Kawamura K & Volkamer R

Pierce C. (2023) Utilization of X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure to Identify Iron Speciation in an Experimentally Warmed Bog
Pacheco M, Pierce C, Kolka R, Sebestyen S, Hall S, Arnold W & Toner BM
(2020) The Effect of Climate Change on Methylmercury in Boreal Peatlands
Pierce C, Sebestyen S, Kolka R, Griffiths N, Nater E & Toner B

Pierce Elizabeth L (2014) East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics during the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
Pierce EL, van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Williams T, Cook CP & Passchier S
(2013) Isotopic Fingerprint of Ice-Rafted Debris from the Antarctic Margin: A Spatial Record of Initial Ice Growth
van de Flierdt T, Kim S-E, Cook C, Hemming S, Williams T, Pierce E, Bohaty S, Passchier S, Roehl U & Houben S
(2012) Evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Across the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition Based on Ice-Rafted Detritus Provenance Studies
Pierce EL, van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Williams T & Cook C
(2012) Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Instability
Cook C, van de Flierdt T, Williams T, Hemming S & Pierce E
(2011) Dynamics of the Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Revealed by Radiogenic Isotopes in Marine Sediments
Cook C, van de Flierdt T, Williams T, Hemming S & Pierce E
(2010) Tracing Antarctica’s Terrigenous Sediment Contributions to the Southern Ocean
Hemming S, Goldstein S, van de Flierdt T, Pierce E, Dale C, Williams T, Brachfeld S & Licht K
(2009) U-Pb Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Hornblende Ages of Glaciogenic Detritus Around East Antarctica
Pierce EL, Steponaitis E, Cox SE, Gehrels GE, Hemming SR, Goldstein SL, Brachfeld SA, Van de Flierdt T & Williams T
(2008) Ar-Ar Ages of Glacially Transported Hornblende, Wilkes Land, Antarctica
Pierce E, Williams T, van de Flierdt T, Hemming S, Goldstein S & Brachfeld S

Pierce Eric (2022) Phytoplankton Demethylation: An Unexplored Pathway of Methylmercury Detoxification
Gu B, Liang X, Lei P, Zhong H, Johs A, Zhang L, Pelletier D, Zhao J & Pierce E
(2021) Complexation of Group 12 Transition Metals by Methanobactins from Methylocystis sp. Strain SB2
Eckert P, Johs A, Semrau J, DiSpirito A, Richardson J, Sarangi R, Gu B & Pierce E
(2018) Formation, Size, and Dissolution Behavior of HgS Nanoparticle: Implications for Release from Diffuse Source Zone Soils
Pierce E, Eskelsen J, Chiu M, Leonard D, Lu X & Gu B
(2018) Initial Stages of Hydrated Layer Formation: An in situ Dissolution Study of the International Simple Glass
Eskelsen J, Chiu M, Ievlev A, Leonard D & Pierce E
(2018) Influence of Structural Defects on Biomineralized ZnS Nanoparticle Dissolution: An in situ Electron Microscopy Study
Eskelsen J, Xu J, Chiu M, Moon J-W, Wilkins B, Graham D, Gu B & Pierce E
(2018) Characterization of Iron Oxide Biofilms from Arctic Tundra Air-Water Interfaces
Jubb A, Eskelsen J, Yin X, Zheng J, Philben M, Pierce E, Graham D, Wullschleger S & Gu B
(2016) Anaerobic Mercury Methylation and Demethylation by Geobacter Bemidjiensis Bem
Lu X, Liu Y, Johs A, Zhao L, Wang T, Elias D, Pierce E, Liang L, Barkay T & Gu B

Pierce Eric M. (2020) Biogeochemical Controls on Mercury Methylation in Arctic Tundra Soils
Zhang L, Philben M, Yang Z, Pierce EM, Graham DE & Gu B
(2020) Isotope Exchange between Dissolved Elemental Hg(0), Inorganic Hg(II), and Hg(II)-bound to Organic Ligands and Environmental Implications
Gu B, Wang Q, Zhang L, Liang X, Yin X, Lu X, Zheng W & Pierce E
(2020) Spectroscopic Investigations of Late Transition Metal Complexation by Methanobactin Chalkophores
Eckert P, Johs A, DiSpirito A, Semrau J, Gu B & Pierce E
(2014) AFM Based Mechanical Property Mapping for Glass Corrosion Studies
Hopf J & Pierce EM
(2014) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2013) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2013) Effect of Hafnium on Glass Structure and Dissolution
Pierce E, Kerisit S, Charpentier T, Angeli F & Icenhower J
(2012) Dynamics of Uranium Release from the Capillary Fringe of Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Rod K, Wellman D, Flury M, Pierce E, Harsh J & Wang Z
(2012) Incorporation of Perrhenate into Nitrate Sodalite
Harsh J, Dickson J & Pierce E
(2012) The Fate of Mercury at a Contaminated Site
Liang L, Watson D, Miller C, Howe J, He F & Pierce E
(2012) Solid-Solution Interfacial Reactions: Effect of Solution Saturation State
Pierce E & Kerisit S
(2011) Reliance of the Rate of Dissolution of the SON68 Glass on SiO2(aq): New Quantification Using Interferometry
Icenhower J, Steefel C, Luttge A, Ryan J & Pierce E
(2011) The Structure and Lability of Re(VII)-sodalite
Pierce E, Harsh J & Dickson J
(2010) Effect of B/Al Ratio on the Dissolution of Nepheline Glass, Na3(Al, B)1-4Si4O16
Pierce E
(2005) Effect of Al/B Ratio on the Dissolution of Nepheline Glass, Na3(Al, B)1-4Si4O16
Pierce E, Reed L, Shaw W & Icenhower J
(2002) Dissolution Kinetics of UO2 (cr)
Pierce E, Martin W, Serne RJ & Icenhower J

Pierce J L (2010) Microclimate Influences on Slope Angles in the Western U.S
Poulos MJ, Pierce JL, Flores AN & Benner SG

Pierce Jeffrey (2014) Understanding and Constraining Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Amount and Size-Resolved Condensational Behavior
D'Andrea S, Häkkinen S, Westervelt D, Kuang C, Levin E, Leaitch R, Spracklen D, Riipinen I & Pierce J
(2014) Aerosol Size Distribution Response to Anthropogenically Driven Historical Changes in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
D'Andrea S, Acosta Navarro J, Farina S, Riipinen I & Pierce J
(2011) Evaluating New Particle Formation, Growth, and CCN Formation in Global Models
Adams P, Westervelt D, Riipinen I, Pierce J & Trivitayanurak W

Pierce Jennifer (2017) Investigating the CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration): Why Parents Matter
Pierce J & Kohn M

Pierce K.L. (2005) Patterns of Rhyolitic Volcanism along the Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot
Morgan LA, Pierce KL & McIntosh WC

Pierce S. (2023) Organic Matter and Si – The Guardians of Fe-Rich Colloid Persistence in a Redox-Active Floodplain
Engel M, Noël V, Pierce S, Kovarik L, Kukkadapu R, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Qafoku O, Chorover J, Boye K & Bargar J
(2023) Floodplain Biogeochemistry at the Molecular to Pore Scale and Why it Matters at Ecosystem Scales
Boye K, Pierce S, DeVore C, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Maher K, Fendorf S, Francis CA, Bargar J & Noël V

Piercey S. (2020) Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits from the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Evidence from Multiple Sulfur Isotopes for Buried Sediment and Microbial Activity
Moriarty S, Bertran E, Dottin J, Jamieson J, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Tivey M & Piercey S
(2020) The Application of Pyrite Chemistry to Hydrothermal Base Metal Deposits: An Example of Irish-Type Zn-Pb Mineralization
Doran A, Hollis S, Piercey S & Menuge J
(2012) Mineral and Element Vectoring in the Pilley's Island VMS District, Newfoundland Appalachians, Canada
McKinley C, Piercey S, Winter L & Thurlow JG
(2012) Setting and Styles of Hydrothermal Mudstones Near the Lemarchant Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Newfoundland Appalachians
Lode S, Piercey S, Copeland D, Devine C & Sparrow B
(2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Syngenetic Precious Metal Enrichment in a Deformed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System
Brueckner S, Piercey S, Sylvester P, Maloney S & Pilgrim L
(2008) Fluid-Mobile Elements in Evolved Archean Magmas: Implications for Archean Subduction Processes
Kamber B, Mohan R & Piercey S

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