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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Opitz L. (2023) The Role of Complex Oxides Towards Decarbonizing the Energy Sector
Finkeldei SC, Granger-Jones J, Proctor JM, Opitz L, Migdisov AA & Caporuscio F
(2022) Understanding Redox Chemistry of UO2 in a Deep Geological Repository
Finkeldei SC, Opitz L, Connor TML, Sauer K, Weber J, Migdisov AA & Caporuscio F

Opitz S. (2015) Microbially Driven N Turnover Processes Contribute to Carbon Autotrophy in Limestone Aquifers
Herrmann M, Opitz S, Kumar S, Schwab V, Totsche KU & Kuesel K
(2013) Depth-Dependent Links between Surface and Subsurface as Reflected by Microbial Community Structures in Limestone Aquifers
Kuesel K, Herrmann M, Rusznyak A, Akob D, Risse-Buhl U, Opitz S & Totsche K-U

Opiyo N. (2022) Niobium Contents of the Lateritic Soils of Bingo in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kasay GM, Nyamai C & Opiyo N

Oppelt A. (2013) Cold-Water Coral Biomineralization in High Resolution
Oppelt A & Rocha C

Oppenheim L. (2019) Plagioclase and K-Feldspar Megacryst Recycling in a Large, Prolonged Magma Mush, Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, California
Memeti V, Chambers M, Oppenheim L, Barnes C, Eddy M & Schoene B

Oppenheimer Clive (2015) Redox Change Driven by Sulphur Degassing; A Review of Empirical Evidences
Moussallam Y, Oppenheimer C, Hartley M, Schipper CI, Scaillet B, Gaillard F & Kyle P
(2015) Particulate Matter Produced during Commercial Sugarcane Harvesting and Processing: A Respiratory Health Hazard?
Le Blond J, Williamson B, Horwell C, Oppenheimer C & Strekopytov S
(2013) Toward a Unified Method for the Quantification of Volatiles in Magmas via FTIR
Iacovino K, Peters N & Oppenheimer C
(2012) Experimental Constraints on the Evolution of Alkaline Magmas from Ross Island, Antarctica: A Case for CO2-dominated Volcanism
Iacovino K, Oppenheimer C, Scaillet B & Kyle P
(2012) Iron Redox and Viscosity of Erebus Volcano Phonolite Lava (Antarctica): Implications for Lava Lake Convection and Degassing Processes
Le Losq C, Neuville DR, Moretti R, De Ligny D, Moussalam Y, Baudelet F & Oppenheimer C
(2011) Volatile Solubility in Phonolites from Erebus Volcano: Towards a Multi-Component Degassing Model
Alletti M, Burgisser A, Scaillet B & Oppenheimer C
(2011) Inverse Modelling of Gas Chemistry Measurements
Burgisser A, Alletti M & Oppenheimer C
(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I
(2009) Deposition of Volatiles from Erebus Volcano in Antarctic Snow and Ice
Ilyinskaya E & Oppenheimer C

Oppenheimer Clive (2016) Quantifying Gas Composition and Yield from the 946 CE Millennium Eruption of Paektu Volcano, DPRK/China
Iacovino K, Kim JS, Sisson T, Lowenstern J, Ri KH, Jang JN, Song KH, Ham HH, Oppenheimer C, Hammond J, Donovan A, Weber-Liu K & Ryu KR

Oppenheimer Clive (2017) Cenozoic Magmatism and Dynamic Topography of Libya and Tibesti
Ball P, White N, Oppenheimer C, Stuart F, Maclennan J & Hoggard M

Oppenheimer Clive (2019) Aerosol Chemistry of the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone Eruption – From Source to Exposed Communities
Mason E, Ilyinskaya E, Whitty RCW, Wieser P, Liu E, Edmonds M, Mather T, Elias T, Nadeau P, Kern C, Schneider DJ & Oppenheimer C

Oppenheimer Clive (2020) Volatiles in Melt Inclusions and Apatite from Erebus Phonolite
Li W, Costa F & Oppenheimer C

Oppenheimer J. (2013) Crystals Modulate Non-Explosive Gas Transfer at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
Cashman K, Rust A, Belien I, Oppenheimer J & Soldati A
(2013) Analogue Experiments on Volatile Escape from Crystal-Rich Magmas
Rust A, Cashman K, Oppenheimer J & Belien I

Oppenheimer S. (2017) Perturbations in CO2 Flux and Subsequent Chemosynthesis by Chemoautotrophs in Agricultural Soil are Induced by the Addition of Elemental Sulfur Sº
Kelleher B, Flanagan P, Hart K, Simpson A, Oppenheimer S, Murphy B, O'Reilly S, Allen C, Jordan S, Brennan P & Pulleyblank C

Oppo D. (2018) Partitioning Environmental Controls on Benthic Foraminifera Elemental Composition: Implications for Paleo-Temperature Reconstruction
Guo W, Oppo D, Huang K-F & Yu J
(2015) Timescales of Plant Wax Storage and Transport in River Systems
Galy V, Hein C, Fornace K, Dubois N, Oppo D & Eglinton T
(2012) Towards an Improved Understanding of Paleoceanographic Proxies for Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation: A Core-Top Perspective
Huang K-F, Oppo DW, Curry WB & Blusztajn JS
(2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L
(2010) Geochemical, Isotopic, and Physical Evidence for Vigorous Meridional Overturning Circulation at Mid-Depth in the Atlantic Ocean at the LGM
McManus JF, Major C, Mohamed K, Robinson L, Oppo D, Curry W, Yu J, Bradtmiller L & Jaccard S
(2006) High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
Holtvoeth J, Wagner T, Johnson C, Meggers H, Mollenhauer G, Montluçon D, McManus J, Oppo D & Eglinton T
(2003) Late Quaternary Paleoclimatology of the Western Equatorial Pacific
De Garidel-Thoron T, Rosenthal Y, Oppo D, Linsley B, Beafort L & Bassinot F

Oram J. (2017) Model-Based Identification of Physical and Geochemical Controls of Uranium in situ Leaching
Sun J, Prommer H, Bunney K, Jackson M, Austin P, Li J, Robinson D, Oram J, Rao A & Kuhar L

Oram L. (2008) Selenium Speciation in Rhizosphere Soils and Aster eatonii Roots: Implications for Plant Uptake
Oram L, Strawn D & Moller G
(2007) Molecular Characterization of Selenium in the Environment
Strawn D, Oram L & Moller G

Orandi S. (2007) Influence of Acid Mine Drainage on Aquatic Life at Sar Cheshmeh Copper Mine
Orandi S, Yaghubpur A, Sahraei H & Behrouz M

Orange D. (2009) Erosion and Impact of Human Disturbance on Sediment Transport in the Red River, Vietnam
Dang TH, Coynel A, Orange D, Blanc G, Etcheber H, Schäfer J & Le LA

Orange F. (2021) First Identification, Geochemical Characterization, and Land-Sea Correlations of Holocene Marine Distal Tephra from the Ecuadorian Arc
Bablon M, Nauret F, Samaniego P, Devidal J-L, Ratzov G, Michaud F, Saillard M, Orange F, Proust J-N, Le Pennec J-L, Liorzou C, Vallejo S, Mothes P & Hidalgo S

Orani A.M. (2023) Effect of Lithium on Seven Phytoplanktonic Species and their δ7Li
Chen D, Oberhänsli F, Rabouille S, Orani AM, Sdiri K, BEN-Gharbia H, Thibon F, Weppe L, Montanes M, Metian M & Vigier N

Orberger Beate (2013) Origin of Laminations in BIF Deciphered from N and Fe Isotopes
Hashizume K, Pinti D, Orberger B, Cloquet C, Jayananda M & Soyama H
(2009) Banded Iron Formations of the ~ 2.7 Ga Manjeri Formation, Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: An Anoxic Carbonate- and Sulphide-Rich Depositional Environment
Bah MSI, Orberger B, Hofmann A & Tudryn A
(2008) Covariation of Nitrogen and Iron Isotopic Ratios in a Banded Iron Formation
Hashizume K, Soyama H, Cloquet C, Pinti DL, Rouchon V, Orberger B & Jayananda M
(2008) Mössbauer Spectroscopy Used for Iron-Oxide Determination in Banded Iron Formations: Implications for Analyses on the Martian Surface
Garonne C, Orberger B, Linares J, Wagner C, Wirth R & Hashizume K
(2008) Fluorine and Barium Remobilization in 2.4 Ga Low Grade Metamorphic Carbonate Rocks Associated with Dolomitic Banded Iron Formations in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil
da Mota Carvalho C, Rosiere CA & Orberger B
(2008) K-Si-Metasomatism of 3.4-3.3 Ga Volcanoclastic Sediments: Implications for Archean Seawater Evolution
Rouchoon V & Orberger B
(2008) The Role of Fe-Oxides and Quartz in the Sequestration of Carbonaceous Matter in 2.72 Ga Banded Iron Formations, Dhawar Craton, India
Orberger B, Wirth R, Wagner C, Noret A, Massault M, Gallien JP, Jayananda M, Rouchon V, Quirico E & Montagnac G
(2007) Organometallic Complexes from Ni-Mo-Pge Black Shales in South China – Combination of Bioactivities, Hydrothermal Venting and Phosphate Deposition during Global Cambrian Biological Explosion
Pašava J, Sklodowska A, Vymazalová A, Biernat A, Kribek B & Orberger B
(2006) Origin of MoSC phases in Lower Cambrian black shales from southern China
Orberger B, Vymazalova A, Wagner C, Fialin M, Gallien JP, Wirth R, Pasava J & Montagnac G
(2006) Biomarkers in Archaean banded iron formations from Pilbara and Dhawar Craton
Orberger B, Pinti DL, Cloquet C, Hashizume K, Soyama H, Jayananda M, Massault M, Gallien JP, Wirth R & Rouchon V
(2006) Origin of black cherts from the Marble Bar Drill Core #1 (Pilbara,W-Australia)
Rividi N, Orberger B & Hofmann A
(2006) Silica alteration zones and cherts as a record of hydrothermal processes on the Archaean seafloor
Hofmann A, Bolhar R, Harris C & Orberger B
(2006) Search for primordial biogenic isotopic signatures of nitrogen in Archean sedimentary rocks.
Hashizume K, Sugihara A, Pinti DL, Orberger B & Westall F
(2004) Archean Protominerals and their Evolution during Chert Formation: Kittys Gap, Pilbara Complex
Rouchon V, Orberger B, Westall F, Gallien J & Pinti D
(2003) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of an Archaen Chert: In Quest of N-Sites
Gallien J, Orberger B, Pinti D, Wagner C, Fialin M & Daudin L
(2003) Alkaline Hydrothermalism in S-, Rare Metal and P-Rich Black Shales
Orberger B, Gallien J, Pasava J, Daudin L & Pinti D

Orberger Beate (2015) Iron Oxyhydroxides Inclusions in Dolomitic Banded Iron Formations (Exemple from the Cauê Formation, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil)
Tudryn A, Wagner C, Orberger B, Baptiste B, Wirth R & Morgan R

Orberger Beate (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Takab Iron Formation, NW Iran: Implication for BIF Depositional Setting
Honarmand M, Nabatian G, Delpech G, Bayon G, Wagner-Raffin C, Boudouma O, Monsef I & Orberger B

Orchard M. (2016) Oceanic Anoxic Event at the Carnian/Norian Boundary Interval in the Black Bear Ridge Section, British Columbia, Canada
Onoue T, Zonneveld J-P, Orchard M, Yamashita K, Sato H & Kusaka S

Orcutt B. (2021) Discharge of Hydrothermal Fluids on Ridge Flanks: Recent Discoveries and Future Potential
Wheat CG, Orcutt B & McManus J
(2018) Active Microbial Groups in Oceanic Crust
Orcutt B, D'Angelo T, Goordial J & Jones R
(2018) Energy in the Deep Subsurface and as Extraterrestrial Habitability Analogs
Jones R, Goordial J & Orcutt B
(2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J
(2014) Microbial Functions in the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank Crustal Deep Biosphere Revealed Through Single Cell Genomics
Orcutt B, Carr S, Jungbluth S, Rappé M & Wheat CG
(2013) Oxygen and Carbon Cycling in Basaltic Crust
Orcutt B, Bach W, Edwards K, Girguis P & Wheat G
(2010) Massively Parallel Tag Sequencing of Bacterial Communities on Basalts and Extinct Sulfides Reveals Substrate Endemic Populations
Sylvan J, Orcutt B, Toner B & Edwards K
(2010) Life in Young Ocean Crust: Insights from Subsurface Microbial Observatories
Orcutt B, Bach W, Becker K, Fisher A, Hentscher M, Toner B, Wheat CG & Edwards K
(2010) Mineralogy Selects Microbial Community Characteristics at Low-Temperature along the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge
Toner B, Lesniewski R, Marlow J, Santelli C, Bach W, Orcutt B & Edwards K
(2005) Quantifying the Role of Manganese in Biotic and Abiotic Nitrogen Cycling
Harnmeijer J, Orcutt B, Devol A & Joye S

Orcutt J.A. (2008) The Hawaiian PLUME Experiment and its Initial Data Assessment
Laske G, Markee A, Orcutt JA, Wolfe CJ, Solomon SC, Collins JA, Detrick RS, Bercovici DA & Hauri EH

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