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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Onnis P. (2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM
(2023) Long-Term Metal Flux and Concentration Behaviour in an AMD Affected Catchment
Jennings E, Comber S, Crane R, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Onnis P
(2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2023) Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA

Onnis-Hayden A. (2020) Selenium Oxyanion Uptake on Iron Oxides and Pyroaurites: Probing Mechanisms Using 18O Tracing
Larese-Casanova P, Yue P, Schellenger A, Chen N, Peak D, Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Onnis-Hayden A
(2018) Usefulness and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Application to Selenium Oxyanion Biogeochemistry
Larese-Casanova P, Schellenger A, Paydary P, Xia L, Jaisi D & Onnis-Hayden A

Ono A. (2003) Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic Change in the Okhotsk Sea: Based on Analyses of Opal, CaCO3, TOC, and Microfossils in MD01-2412 Core
Okazaki Y, Takahashi K, Ono A, Hori J, Katsuki K & Asahi H
(2003) Paleoceanographic Reconstruction in the Okhotsk Sea: Evedince from Calcareous Microfossil Record in MD01-2412
Asahi H, Takahashi K, Ono A, Hori J, Ikehara M & Sakamoto T

Ono H. (2017) Iron Valence Variation in Plagioclase from Eucrite Meteorites: Additional Information and Implications
Mikouchi T, Satake W, Takenouchi A, Ono H & Buchanan P
(2016) Silica Polymorphs in Yamato-75011 Eucrite: Implications for their Formation Conditions
Ono H, Takenouchi A & Mikouchi T

Ono J. (2024) Quantifying Impacts of Anthropogenic Tritium Releases at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Tritiated Water Cycle with Numerical Modeling
Gusyev M, Cauquoin A, Yoshimura K, Bong H, Okazaki A, Komuro Y & Ono J

Ono Kanta (2016) In situ Analysis of Organic Component in the Allende Meteorite Matrix
Suga H, Takeichi Y, Miyamoto C, Miyahara M, Mase K, Ono K & Takahashi Y

Ono Kaori (2024) Application of Compound Specific Hydrogen Isotopes to Reconstruct Paleoclimate in Antarctica
Seki O, Ono K, Nakamura Y, McKay R & Weber ME
(2020) Evidence for Decoupling of Climate and Carbonaceous Aerosol over the Past 160 kyrs
Honda H, Seki O, Ono K & Iizuka Y
(2016) Contribution of Dissolved Organic Carbon to Submicron Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Miyazaki Y, Coburn S, Ono K, Ho D, Pierce B, Kawamura K & Volkamer R

Ono Katsuma (2017) Theoretical Study of Reduced Partitioning Function Ratios of Zn-Bearing Minerals and Metals
Abe M, Moynier F, Asai K, Ono K, Sossi P, Zempo Y, Imamura Y & Hada M

Ono Makoto (2016) Numerical Simulation for the Long-Term Evolution of Freshwater-Seawater Interface
Kunimaru T, Saegusa H, Yagi K, Ono M, Ijiri Y, Horio A, Kurihara A & Ota K

Ono Masahiko (2022) Identification of Glacial Meteoric Water Using Noble Gas Temperature, in the Northern Part of Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2019) Stability of Deep Groundwater at Costal Area in Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2016) Contrast of Groundwater Ages Around Saltwater-Freshwater Mixing Zone
Machida I, Ono M, Koshigai M & Marui A
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics and Distribution of Deep Saline Groundwater in the Osaka Basin
Shintani T, Nakanishi K, Masuda H, Ono M, Marui A, Ishikawa T & Nagishi K

Ono S (2006) Physics and chemistry of CaIrO3-type postperovskite phase
Ono S
(2006) Quadruple sulfur isotope constraints on the origin of the early Archean barite and pyrite
Ueno Y, Rumble D & Ono S
(2005) Low Atmospheric pO<->2<$> in the Aftermath of the Oldest Paleoproterozoic Glaciation
Bekker A, Ono S & Rumble D
(2005) Reconciling Isotope Effects of SO<->2<$> Photolysis with the Archean Record of Sulfur Multiple Isotopes
Wing B, Lyons J, Ono S, Farquhar J, Jonasson I & Kaufman A
(2005) Multiple Isotope Effects Associated with Biogeochemical Networks
Farquhar J, Johnston D, Wing B, Ono S, Canfield D & Habicht K
(2004) Tellurium Isotopes in Archean Sulfides
Fehr M, Rehkämper M, Wiechert U, Halliday A, Ono S & Rumble iii D
(2003) Chemical Composition of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Ono S
(2003) Experimental Constraints on the Mechanism of S Isotope Mass-Independent Fractionation during SO2 Dissociation
Lyons J, Wing B, Farquhar J, Ono S & Rumble D
(2003) S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Ono S, Rumble D, Kasting J & Toon B
(2003) Percolative Segregation of Iron Melts during Core Formation
Takafuji N, Hirose K, Ono S & Mitome M
(2003) Direct Observation of Immiscible Fluids Using X-Ray Radiography
Mibe K, Kanzaki M, Kawamoto T, Matsukage K, Fei Y & Ono S
(2001) Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W

Ono Shigeaki (2016) Raman Spectra of Diamond at High Pressures and High Temperatures
Ono S
(2015) Influence of Spin Transition on Elastic Properites of hcp-Fe
Ono S
(2013) Phase Transformation in Fe2SiO4 at High Pressure and High Temperature
Ono S
(2013) Convergence in Chemical Compositions between Aqueous Fluid and Silicate Melt in the Peridotite-H2O System
Mibe K, Kawamoto T & Ono S
(2009) Reconciling the Contradicting Resutls from Computational and Experimental Studies of High-Pressure Minerals
Ono S
(2009) Supercritical Fluids from Downgoing Slab beneath Volcanic Arcs: Critical Endpoints in Sediment – H2O and High Mg Andesite – H2O Systems
Kawamoto T, Kanzaki M, Mibe K, Matsukage K & Ono S

Ono Shuhei (2015) Fractionation of 13CH3D during Microbial Methanogenesis
Gruen D, Wang D, Koenneke M, Hinrichs K-U, Stewart L, Topcuoglu B, Holden J, Pape T, Bohrmann G, Hristov A & Ono S
(2015) Origin and Implications of Archean Suflur Mass-Independent Fractionation
Ono S & Whitehill A
(2015) Rapid Oxygenation of Earth's Atmosphere at ~2330 Ma
Luo G, Ono S, Beukes N, Wang D, Xie S & Summons R
(2014) Is SO2 Photolysis the Source for Archean Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Signatures?
Whitehill A & Ono S
(2014) Measurements of Clumped Methane Isotopologue (13CH3D) by Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Ono S, Wang D, Gruen D, Sherwood Lollar B, McManus B, Zahniser M & Nelson D
(2014) Clumped Isotopic (13CH3D) Composition of Methane from the Potato Hills Gas Field, Oklahoma
Wang DT, Gruen DS, Seewald JS, Whelan JK, Sherwood Lollar B & Ono S
(2014) Clumped Isotope Systematics of Biogenic Methane
Gruen D, Wang D, Stewart L, Holden J & Ono S
(2014) Two Mechanisms for the Production of Mass-Independent Fractionation during the Photochemistry of SO2
Whitehill A, Xie C, Hu X, Xie D, Guo H & Ono S
(2012) Mercury Isotopes in the Precambrian
Bergquist BA, Ghosh S, Ono S, Hazen RM, Sverjensky D, Papineau D, Kah LC & Joel B
(2012) Origin of Anomalous Isotope Effects in Photo- and Thermo-Chemical Reactions of Organosulfur Compounds
Oduro H, Whitehill A, Farquhar J, Summons R & Ono S
(2012) Pressure Effects on Sulfur Mass-Independent Fractionation during SO2 Photolysis and its Implication to the Archean Atmospheric Chemistry
Ono S & Whitehill A
(2011) Pre-Sturtian Euxinia and Ocean Chemistry: Evidence from the Coppercap Formation in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Thomas K, Hallmann C, Macdonald F, Summons R & Ono S
(2011) Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Does not Require Disproportionation
Sim MS, Ono S & Bosak T
(2011) Microbial Cycling of Sulfur in the Aphotic Zone a Meromictic Lake
Bannon D, Ono S, Templer S & Bosak T
(2011) Experimental Tests for the Origin of Archean Sulfur Mass-Independent Fractionation during SO2 Photolysis
Ono S & Whitehill A
(2010) Effect of the Energy Status on Multiple-S Isotope Fractionation during the Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Sim MS, Ono S & Bosak T
(2010) Stable Isotope Studies of Manus Basin Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Deposits
Shanks WCP, Ono S, Seewald J, Reeves E, Tivey M & Craddock P
(2010) Exploring Mass Independent Fractionation in Aqueous Phase Sulfur Chemistry: The Contribution of Magnetic Isotope Effects
Kopf S & Ono S
(2010) Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes during Experimental Photolysis of Sulfur Dioxide and Carbonyl Sulfide
Whitehill A, Lin Y, Cordner E & Ono S
(2010) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Deep Biosphere in Altered Oceanic Basalt and Peridotite Basement Rocks
Ono S, Keller N, Rouxel O & Alt J
(2009) The Fate of Sulfur in Late-Stage Magmatic Processes: Insights from Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes
Keller NS, Ono S & Shaw AM
(2009) Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Altered Oceanic Basalts
Rouxel O, Alt J, Ono S, Honnorez J & Shimizu N
(2008) Stage II of Multiple-Sulfur Isotope Records in South Africa
Ono S, Guy B, Rumble D & Beukes N
(2005) Sulfur Multiple Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic-Cretaceous Sulfur Cycle
Wing B, Johnston D, Ono S, Farquhar J & Paytan A
(2005) Before the Rise of Oxygen: Multiple Sulfur Isotope Systematics in the Late Archean Basins in South Africa and Australia
Ono S, Beukes N, Sumner D, Eigenbrode J, Wing B, Johnston D, Farquhar J & Rumble D
(2005) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Constraints on Sulfur Cycle in the Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Ono S, Scott J, Rumble D, Wing B, Johnston D, Farquhar J & Voight J
(2005) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation of Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Wang P, Rumble D, Ono S, Scott J & Steele A
(2003) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Early Archean Hydrothermal Deposits from Western Australia
Ueno Y, Rumble D, Ono S, Hu G & Maruyama S
(2003) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Records from the Hamersley Basin, Australia
Ono S, Rumble D, Pavlov A, Eigenbrode J, Kasting J & Lindsay J
(2001) Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in Geologic Samples: Is It Real?
Ohmoto H, Yamaguchi K & Ono S

Ono Shuhei (2013) Production of S-Mif Signatures during Photochemistry of Biogenic Volatile Sulfur Compounds: A Potential Marker for Marine Stratospheric Sulfur Aerosol Layer
Oduro H & Ono S
(2013) Manganese-Oxidizing Photosynthesis Before the Rise of Cyanobacteria
Johnson J, Webb S, Thomas K, Ono S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W
(2013) Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Atmospheric Reaction of the Methane Clumped Isotopologue 13CH3D with OH and Cl
Joelsson L, Forecast R, Ono S & Johnson M
(2013) Return of Archean Low Sulfate Levels during the Earliest Mesoproterozoic Oceans
Luo G, Ono S, Huang J, Li C, Liu J & Xie S
(2013) Sulfur Isotope Systematics of Geothermal Fluids, Krafla, Iceland
Keller N, Stefansson A, Ono S & Gunnarsson Robin J
(2013) Clumped Methane Isotopologue (13CH3D) Thermometry of Geological Methane by Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy
Ono S, Sherwood Lollar B, Harris E, McManus B, Zahniser M & Nelson D

Ono Shuhei (2016) Multiple Sulfur-Isotopic Evidence for Prolonged Earliest Jurassic Euxinia
Luo G, Richoz S, van de Schootbrugge B, Algeo T, Xie S, Ono S & Summons R
(2016) Near-Equilibrium Multiple-Sulfur Isotope and Methane Isotopologue Ratios in the Slow and Deep Biosphere
Ono S, Wang D & Rhim J
(2016) Sulfur Cycling in Ancient Terrestrial Fracture Waters Transports Archean Signatures
McDermott JM, Li L, Sutcliffe CN, Ono S, Wing B & Sherwood Lollar B
(2016) Origin of Biogenic Methane in the Nankai Submarine Mud Volcano Based on Methane Stable Isotopologues
Ijiri A, Wang D, Ono S & Inagaki F
(2016) Experimental Study of Methane Isotopologue Fractionation during Microbial Methanogenesis
Rhim J & Ono S
(2016) Clumped Isotopologue Constraints on the Origin of Methane in Basalt- and Ultramafic-Hosted Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids
Wang DT, Reeves EP, Seewald JS, McDermott JM & Ono S

Ono Shuhei (2017) Clumped Isotope Signatures of Serpentinization-Associated Methane from the Philippines
Woycheese K, Meyer-Dombard D, Cardace D, Arcilla C & Ono S
(2017) Re-evaluating the Sulfur Isotope Characteristics of the Iceland Hotspot
Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldórsson SA, Stefánsson A, Ono S, Whitehouse MJ, Hilton DR & Hauri EH
(2017) Sulfide Mineral – Fluid Isotope Exchange Systematics in Hydrothermal Systems
Syverson D, Ono S & Seyfried W
(2017) Organosulfur Radical Acceleration and D/H Isotope Exchange Effects during Petroleum Decomposition
Reeves E, Ono S, Sylva S, Seewald J, Green W, Reddy C & Nelson R
(2017) Experimental Study of Methane Isotopologue Fractionation during Microbial Methanogenesis
Rhim J & Ono S
(2017) Using Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy Technique for Precise 12CH2D2 Measurements
Gonzalez Ramos Y, Ono S, Shorter J, Nelson D, Formolo M & Lawson M
(2017) Clumped Isotopologue (13CH3D) Fingerprinting of Methane Sources
Ono S

Ono Shuhei (2018) Computer-Generated Isotope Modeling for Position Specific Isotope Analysis
Goldman MJ, Vandewiele NM, Ono S & Green WH
(2018) Isotopologue Fractionation during Microbial Methanogenesis in a Bioelectrochemical System
Rhim J, Pajusalu M & Ono S
(2018) Mass Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Elemental Sulfur Photochemistry
Yang J, Hull A, Field R & Ono S
(2018) (Re)defining the Structure of the Great Oxidation Event
Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N & Summons R
(2018) Isotopic Constrains on the Origin of Sulfur in the Icelandic Oceanic Crust and Hotspot
Stefansson A, Halldorsson SA, Ono S, Whitehouse MJ, Bali E, Kleine BI & Gunnarsson-Robin J
(2018) Methane Isotopologue Analysis for Mud Gas Logging Samples to Trace Microbial and Thermogenic Methanogenesis in Deep Marine Sediments
Lalk E, Seewald J & Ono S
(2018) Methane Clumped Isotopologue Thermometry of Icelandic Geothermal Gases
Beaudry P, Rhim J, Stefánsson A, Fiebig J & Ono S
(2018) Sourcing Dissolved Methane from the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, NL, CAN: A Terrestrial Site of Serpentinization
Morrill P, Cumming E, Rietze A, Morrissey L, Cook M, Rhim J & Ono S
(2018) Advances in Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopic Measurements of Clumped CH4 Isotopologues
Gonzalez Ramos Y, Ono S, Formolo M, Shorter J, Nelson DD, Dyroff C & Olszewski WJ
(2018) A Possible Mechanism for Sulfur Mass Independent Fractionation that Involves Perturbations in the UV Spectrum of S2
Hull A, Ono S & Field R
(2018) Clumped Isotopologue Fractionation during Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Ono S, Rhim J & Wegener G

Ono Shuhei (2019) Computer Generated Reaction Mechanisms to Model Methane Isotopologue Exchange Rates in Hydrothermal Settings
Ono S, Goldman M & Green W
(2019) Multi Isotopic (δ56Fe, δ34S, Δ33S) Constraints on the Origin and Mineralization of Sulfide in the Oceanic Crust
Stefansson A, Kleinie B, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Ono S, Halldorsson SA, Whitehouse MJ & Jonasson K
(2019) An Oxygenation Event or The Oxygenation Event? Prejuices, Perspectives and Possibilities
Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N & Summons R
(2019) Quantitative Determination of Methane and its Isotopologues in Deep Marine Sediments at IODP 370 Site C0023, off Muroto, Japan
Lalk E, Wang D, Spivack A & Ono S

Ono Shuhei (2020) Assessing Sulfur Isotope Variability in the Icelandic Mantle: Evidence from Subglacial Glasses and Melt Inclusions
Halldorsson SA, Ranta E, Gunnarsson Robin J, Bali E, Caracciolo A, Ono S, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Hartley M, Dhaliwal J, Matthews S & Stefánsson A
(2020) S Isotopes in Archean & Proterozoic Strongly Peraluminous Granites
Bucholz CE, Biasi JA, Beaudry P, Ono S, Liebmann J & Spencer CJ
(2020) Zn and S Isotope Exchange between Sphalerite and Hydrothermal Fluid
Syverson D, Ono S, Rouxel O, Scheuermann P, Xing Y & Seyfried W

Ono Shuhei (2022) Kilometer-Scale Profiles of Δ13CH3D Distinguish End-Member Mixing from Methane Production in Deep Marine Sediments
Lalk E, Seewald J, Bryndzia LT & Ono S
(2022) Constraining Fluctuations in Atmospheric Oxygen in the Wake of the Great Oxidation Event(s)
Uveges BT, Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N, Luo G & Summons RE
(2022) Experimental Investigations and a Pathway Thermodynamics Model for Methane Isotopologue Fractionations during Microbial Methanogenesis Under Energy-Limited Conditions
Ono S, Rhim JH & Ryberg EC
(2022) Isotopic Characterization of Abiotic Methane in Hydrothermal Systems: An Experimental Study
Fu Q, Chen X, Ono S & Sun T

Ono Shuhei (2023) Methane Formation and its Isotopic Alteration at Two Active Deep Ocean Cold Seeps from the Scotian Slope of Atlantic Canada
Ventura GT, Chowdhury A, Lalk E, Ono S, Dooma JM, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Owino Y, Bentley J, Kerr M, Fowler M, MacRae A & Bennett R
(2023) Metagenomic and Isotope Geochemical Characterization of Deep Subsurface Microbial Methanogenesis at the Siljan Impact Structure, Sweden
van Dam F, Kietäväinen R, Westmeijer G, Ono S, Dopson M, Ketzer M, McIntosh J & Drake H
(2023) Clumped Isotope Approaches to Evaluate the Sources, Potential Migration and Fate of Methane and Ethane in Sedimentary Basins
Kim J-H, Ono S, Humez P, Jaime C, Becker V, Nightingale M & Mayer B
(2023) Deep Magma Degassing and Volatile Fluxes Through Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Ranta E, Halldorsson SA, Barry PH, Ono S, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Kleine BI, Ricci A, Fiebig J, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE & Stefánsson A
(2023) Mantle CO2 Fluxes and Carbonate Fixation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Kleine BI, Smit MJ, Toro DI, di Stefano AM, Pope E, Waight T, Thomassot E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Padilla Rivas EK, Wiese F, Fridriksson T, Ármansson H, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Mesfin KG, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Fiebig J, Ricci A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldorsson SA, Kjartansdóttir R, Ono S, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Ólafsdóttir R & Stefánsson A
(2023) The Role of Mid- to Deep Crustal Processes for Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Arc Magmas
Rezeau H, Beaudry P, Jagoutz O, Izon G, Ono S, Klein B & Kelemen P

Ono Shuhei (2024) CO2 Fixation Through Carbonation of Basalts and Olivine: A Comparative Study Under CO2-Saturated Water and Water-Saturated Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Serafini AM, Xu M, Fong A, Pec M, Simpson J, Weaver JC, Izon G, Stefánsson A & Ono S
(2024) Probing the Origins of Methane from Headspace and Void Gas Isotopologues in the Nankai Trough, IODP Expedition 370, Site C0023A
Xu M, Serafini AM, Ijiri A, Sun J, Lalk E, Wang DT, Heuer VB, Inagaki F, Farquhar J & Ono S
(2024) Great Oxidation Event or Episodes? Insights from Geologic Records and Coupled Photo-Biogeochemical Models
Ono S, Izon G, Uveges BT & Summons RE
(2024) Investigating in situ Methanogenic Activity in Antrim Shale via Deuterium Injection
Barnhart E, Schweitzer H, Varonka M, Tomaszewski EJ, Ashley K, Carley M, Schramski J, Martini A, McIntosh J, Caldwell Eldridge SL, Hackley PC, Fields M, Cunningham AB & Ono S

Ono Shuji (2017) Large Fe Isotope Fractionations found in Sulfide Ores and Ferruginous Cherts in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
Otake T, Nakamura S, Yamada R, Shin K-C, Ono S & Sato T

Ono Suhei (2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Systematics of of Geothermal Fluids in Iceland
Gunnarsson Robin J, Stefánsson A, Keller N & Ono S

Ono Takahiro (2016) Overview of the Radioactive Particles in the Fukushima Accident
Satou Y, Sueki K, Sasa K, Nakai I, Abe Y, Iizawa Y, Ono T, Adachi K & Igarashi Y

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