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Nuppunen-Puputti M. (2023) Smell from the Well: Indigenous VOCs in Deep Bedrock Groundwater at Outokumpu, Finland
Kietäväinen R, Nyyssönen M, Nuppunen-Puputti M & Bomberg M

Nurgaliev D. (2020) Sr-Chemostratigraphy Using MС-ICP-MS Investigations
Gareev B, Batalin G, Nurgaliev D & Chugaev A

Nurhati Intan (2012) Lead, Cadmium and Copper Concentrations and Lead Isotopic Distribution in Seawater, Sediments and Coral Reefs in Kuwait
Carrasco G, Boyle E, Nurhati I, Gevao B, al-Matrouk K & al-Ghadban AN
(2010) Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
Sayani H, Cobb K, Cohen A, Elliott WC, Nurhati I, Rose K & Zaunbrecher L

Nurhati Intan (2015) Chronology of Lead Concentrations and Isotopes in Coastal Environments Near Rapidly Growing Cities in South and South East Asia, South America, and the Middle East
Carrasco G, Lee J-M, Chen M, Lazzari L, Wagener A, Carreira R, Nurhati I, Zhao N, Gevao B, al-Ghadban AN & Boyle E
(2013) Tracing Lead Sources and Chronologies in Sediments and Coral Cores in Kuwait
Carrasco G, Boyle E, Zhao N, Nurhati I, Gevao B & al Ghadban AN

Nuria R. (2014) Exploring the Ecology of Continental Deep-Subsurface Communities Through a Multi-Technique Approach
Puente-Sánchez F, Alejandro A-R, Yolanda B, Miriam G-V, Mercedes M-P, Ignacio G-C, Nuria R, Ricardo A, Kenneth T & Víctor P

Nuriel Perach (2009) A Fossil Oceanic Core Complex in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus: Field and Isotope Evidence
Katzir Y, Nuriel P, Abelson M, Valley JW, Matthews A, Spicuzza MJ & Ayalon A

Nuriel Perach (2014) What can Fault-Related Opals Tell us About Brittle Fault Behavior?
Nuriel P, Miller D, Schmidt K & Maher K
(2013) Probing Paleoearthquakes with in situ U-Pb SHRIMP-RG Analyses of Fault-Related Opals
Nuriel P, Maher K & Miller D

Nuriel Perach (2016) Synfaulting Calcite U-Pb Ages Constrain the Evolution of the Dead Sea Fault
Nuriel P, Weinberger R, Kylander-Clark A & Craddock J

Nuriel Perach (2017) Dating Fault Activity Around the Globe by in situ Chronology of Fault-Related Precipitates
Nuriel P, Weinberger R, Craddock JP, Kylander-Clarh ARC, Hacker BR, Miller DM, Maher K & Uysal IT
(2017) U-Pb Ages of Fault-Related Calcite from Mt. Hermon: Prominent Mid-Miocene Faulting along a Newly-Formed Plate Boundary
Oren O, Nuriel P, Haviv I & Katzir Y
(2017) Directly Dating Deformation by U-Pb Carbonate LA-ICPMS
Holder R, Hacker B, Kylander-Clark A, Roberts N & Nuriel P

Nuriel Perach (2019) Dating Terrestrial Sediments by in situ U-Pb Dating of Carbonates
Nuriel P, Weinberger R & Kylander A

Nuriel Perach (2023) Macro- to Micro-Scale Dating of Structures along the Dead Sea Transform: Implications for Continental Transform Evolution
Nuriel P, Oren O & Weinberger R
(2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2023) A New Reference Material Candidate RA138 for U-Pb Carbonate Dating by LA-ICP-MS
Guillong M, Samankassou E, Müller IA, Looser N, Tavazzani L, Szymanowski D, Tomé OM, Nuriel P & Ovtcharova M

Nurmi J. (2010) Adsorbate Effects on Aqueous Aging of Nano-Sized Zerovalent Iron (nZVI) Particles
Amonette J, Nachimuthu P, Russell C, Baer D, Tratnyek P, Dohnalkova A, Wang C & Nurmi J
(2005) Consilience Among Disciplines on the (Bio)geochemistry of Zero-Valent Metals
Tratnyek PG, Nurmi JT, Johnson RL & Bandstra JZ
(2005) Chemistry of Metallic Iron Nanoparticles
Amonette J, Sarathy V, Linehan J, Matson D, Wang C, Nurmi J, Pecher K, Penn L, Tratnyek P & Baer D
(2005) Understanding the Redox Properties of Georgetown NOM
Nurmi JT, Bae B & Tratnyek PG

Nurmuhametov F. (2015) Sources of Materials for Hydrothermal Veins of Saranovsky Chromite Deposit (Middle Urals): Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Data
Shagalov E, Soloshenko N, Streletskaya M, Kiseleva D & Nurmuhametov F

Nurmyrza M. (2021) Enhanced Mineral Carbonation of Slag Wastes for CO2 Sequestration in Kazakhstan
Absalyamova M, Kemalova A, Nurmyrza M & Lee W
(2021) The Potential of in situ Mineral Carbonation for the Sequestration of CO2 in the Mineral Deposits of Kazakhstan
Nurmyrza M, Absalyamova M, Kemalova A & Lee W

Nürnberg D. (2018) δ13C of DIC and Carbonate Samples – Comparison of Traditional Mass Spectrometry Methods with Infrared Spectrometry Method
Smajgl D, Nürnberg D, Fessler S, Leis A & Mandic M
(2018) Field Application of Na/Ca as Salinity Proxy in Planktonic Foraminifera
Bertlich J, Nürnberg D, Hathorne EC, Groeneveld J, Kucera M, Siccha M & Meilland J
(2017) Complex Astronomical Forcing of South Asian Monsoon Precipitation over the Past ~1 Million Years
Gebregiorgis D, Hathorne EC, Giosan L, Clemens S, Nürnberg D & Frank M
(2012) Changes in North Atlantic Deep Water Circulation during the Past 4 Myr
Khelifi N, Frank M & Nurnberg D
(2009) Deciphering the Phase Shift of Tropical δ18O<sub>foram</sub> And Mg/Ca<sub>foram</sub> Signals: A Salinity Effect?
Horn C, Eisenhauer A, Nürnberg D & Schönfeld J

Nusbaumer J. (2019) Decoding Past, Present, and Future Changes in the Large-Scale Circulation with Water Isotopes
Dee S, Konecky B & Nusbaumer J
(2018) What are Asian Speleothem δ18O Telling us? Insights from an Isotope-Enabled Model
Hu J, Emile-Geay J & Nusbaumer J
(2017) Mechanisms of Tropical Hydroclimate Change during the Late Quaternary: New Frontiers at the Intersection of Proxies, Models, and Observations
Konecky B, Noone D, Di Nezio P, Nusbaumer J, Otto-Bliesner B & Cobb K
(2015) Evaluating Hydroclimate Change in the Recent Past with Observed and Modeled Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes
Konecky B, Nusbaumer J, Stevenson S, Thompson D, Wong T, Noone D & Sachse D

Nusrat F. (2019) Optimization of Coagulation-Flocculation Process for the Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent with an Approach Towards Zero Discharge
Nusrat F & Huda S

Nüsslein M. (2002) CO2 Fluxes from the Mantle Plume in the Eifel
Nüsslein M, Griesshaber E & Job R

Nüster J. (2002) The Isotopic Signature of Fe-Mineralisation during Early Diagenesis
Severmann S, Larsen O, Palmer MR & Nüster J

Nuth Joseph (2020) Fluid-Assisted Hydration Processes on Chondrite Parent-Bodies: Low-Temperature Experimental Alteration
Dobrica E, Nuth J & Brearley A

Nuth Joseph A. (2022) Investigating the Effects of Hydrothermal Alteration on Chondrite Matrices Through the Synthesis of Low-Temperature Olivine Using Magnesium-Bearing Amorphous Silicates
Maxwell JL, Dobrică E, Nuth JA & Brearley A

Nutman Allen (2023) Heterogeneous Hadean Chemical Evolution Revealed by 142Nd, 143Nd and 176Hf Isotopic Variations in Meso-Eoarchean Terranes, Southwest Greenland
Bennett VC, Nutman A, Friend CRL, Jenner FE & Steenfelt A
(2023) Ti and Fe Isotopic Signatures of Basalt Melting and Crustal Reworking in Archean Granitoids
Zhang ZJ, Dauphas N, Johnson A, Aarons SM, Bennett VC, Nutman A, MacLennan S & Schoene B
(2023) Geodynamic Implications of Granites in the Lachlan Orogen, Eastern Gondwana
Zhang Q, Buckman S, Nutman A, Mitchell RN & Li X-H

Nutman Allen (2022) Tracking Hadean Chemical Domains in Time and Space Using Neodymium-142 Isotopic Signatures Measured from Southwest Greenland Terranes
Bennett VC & Nutman A
(2022) Keeping the Baby in the Bathwater: Diagnostic Morphological Biosignatures for Ancient to Modern Stromatolites
Van Kranendonk MJ, Baumgartner R, Campbell KA, Dobson M, Murphy RJ & Nutman A

Nutman Allen (2018) Earth’s Adolescence: Isotopically Tracking the Transition from the Hadean to the Modern Earth
Bennett V & Nutman A

Nutman Allen (2015) A Continuum of Crust Formation Processes, Eoarchean-Phanerozoic
Bennett V & Nutman A

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