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Nozaki Tatsuo (2018) Spatial Variations of Mineral Texture and Chemical Composition of Sulfide Chimney Collected from the Okinawa Trough, Japan
Torimoto J, Fujiwara T, Nozaki T, Takaya Y & Kumagai H
(2018) Pb Isotope Analysis of Galena in Seafloor Polymetallic Sulfide Deposits from the Mid-Okinawa Trough Using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Totsuka S, Ishibashi J-I, Nozaki T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Shimada K
(2018) Pore Fluid Chemistry of Active Hydrothermal Fields in the Mid-Okinawa Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Toki T, Shinjo R, Nozaki T, Kumagai H & Maeda L
(2018) Subseafloor Mineralization at the Izena Hole, Okinawa Trough from the Aspect of Drill Cores Obtain by the CK16-05 Cruise (Exp. 909)
Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Nagase T, Yamasaki T, Ishibashi J-I, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Cruise Members C-0
(2018) Comparison of Ore Formation Processes between VHMS Deposits and a Submarine Hydrothermal Ore Deposit in Okinawa Trough
Otake T, Ikeshima T, Sato T, Ishibashi J-I, Nozaki T, Kumagai H & Maeda L

Nozaki Tatsuo (2019) In situ Mineral Precipitation Experiment by Using a Deep-Sea Artificial Hydrothermal Vent
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Torimoto J, Takaya Y, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Watanabe M, Masaki Y, Kitada K, Saito M, Sakai S, Yokoyama T, Akiyama K, Sakurai N, Saruhashi T, Kyo M, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Takai K
(2019) Geochemical Features of “Invisible Gold” in Pyrites from the Akeshi and Kasuga Deposits, Kagoshima, Japan
Ishida M, Romero R, Leisen M, Torimoto J, Nozaki T, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Reich M & Kato Y
(2019) Fluctuation of Osmium Isotope Composition Recorded in Cenozoic Pelagic Brown Clay from the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2019) Mineralogical and Fe Isotope Correlations between Kuroko-Type VMS Deposits and a Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposit in Okinawa Trough
Otake T, Ikeshima T, Sato T, Ishibashi J-I, Nozaki T, Kumagai H & Maeda L
(2019) Geochemistry of REY Carriers within REY-Rich Muds in the Pacific Ocean
Kashiwabara T, Toda R, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Kubo S, Nozaki T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K & Kato Y
(2019) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of REY-Rich Mud Cores in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Tanaka E, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Nozaki T & Kato Y
(2019) REY-Rich Mud: An Overview from Scientific and Engineering Perspectives
Kato Y, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Takaya Y, Ohta J, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Iijima K, Machida S & Nozaki T

Nozaki Tatsuo (2020) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in the Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposit of the Okinawa Trough Revealed by SIMS in situ Analysis
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Ushikubo T & Shimizu K
(2020) Mineral Chemistry and Pb Isotope Compositions of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits Obtained by Drillings in the Gondou Field, Okinawa Trough: Preferable Modern Analogue of Kuroko Deposit
Totsuka S, Shimada K, Nozaki T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Ishibashi J-I
(2020) Chemical Leaching Characteristics of Umber Ore Samples Showing their Forming Processes
Takaya Y, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T & Kato Y
(2020) Fish Debris and Rare-Earth Deposition Event in the Latest Eocene Revealed by Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Usui Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y

Nozaki Tatsuo (2021) Fluctuation of Marine Osmium Isotope Ratio during the Quaternary Climate Cycles
Kuwahara Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T, Ohta J, Sato H, Kimura J-I, Nakamura K, Yokoyama Y & Kato Y
(2021) Depth Profile of Re-Os Concentrations and Isotope Ratios in the Hydrothermally Altered Clay Obtained from Brothers Volcano Hydrothermal Field during the IODP Expedition 376
Nozaki T, Ishida M, Takaya Y, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Kato Y

Nozaki Tatsuo (2023) Re-Os Dating of Matsumine-Mine, a Largest Kuroko-Type Deposit in the Hokuroku District, Northeast Japan
Takaya Y, Nozaki T & Yamada R

Nozaki Tatsuo (2024) Effect of Deformation and Metamorphism on Metal Redistribution at the Sulitjelma Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
Sendula E, Faber C, Pedersen L-ER, Mansur ET, Nozaki T, Matsumoto H & Strmic Palinkas S

Nozaki W. (2005) SR-Xrf Analyses of Trace Elements in Electrum from Several Epithermal Gold Deposits, Japan
Sakamoto T, Shimada N, Abe D, Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Shimada K & Iida A
(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation to X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Small Extraterrestrial Material
Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Noguchi T, Nakamuta Y, Tanaka M & Takaoka N

Nozaki Y (2003) Geochemistry of Mo in the Chao Phraya Estuary, Thailand
Nishimura K, Dalai T & Nozaki Y
(2003) Os Isotopic Record of Japan Sea Sediments over Last Glacial Maximum
Dalai T, Suzuki K, Minagawa M & Nozaki Y
(2003) Surface Distribution of the Rare Earth Elements in the North Pacific and Bering Sea
Hongo Y, Obata H & Nozaki Y
(2003) Determination of Platinum in the Marine Environment with Two Different Methods
Obata H, Yoshida T & Nozaki Y
(2003) Particle Flux in the Eastern Indian Ocean Derived from 228Ra – 228Th, 234U – 230Th
Okubo A, Nozaki Y & Yamamoto Y
(2003) The Ce and Nd Isotope Ratios in the Surface Seawater
Tazoe H, Amakawa H, Obata H & Nozaki Y
(2000) REE Abundances and Nd Isotopic Ratios of Seawaters Around the Japanese Islands
Amakawa H, Sotto Alibo D, Fukugawa K & Nozaki Y

Nozaki Yoshiyuki (2002) Nd Concentration and Isotopic Ratio in the Waters of the Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Alibo D, Fukugawa K, Zhang J & Nozaki Y

Nozawa J. (2007) 3-D Colloidal Crystals of Magnetite in the Tagish Lake Carbonaceous Chondrite
Nozawa J, Tsukamoto K, Satoh H, Nagashima K & Yamada K
(2007) Dependence of the External and Surface Morphologies of Matrix Olivine Particles on Growth Condition
Yamada J, Kobatake H, Nozawa J & Tsukamoto K

Nozu T. (2012) Development of a Process-Based Model of Chemical Weathering with Consideration of the Effective Surface Area
Nozu T & Tajika E

Nøhr-Hansen H. (2013) Paleoredox Chemistry of Cenomanian–Coniacian Black Shales at High Paleolatitudes: Implications for the Extent of Anoxia during OAE2
Lenniger M, Nøhr-Hansen H, Hills LV & Bjerrum CJ

Nøst O-A. (2017) Model Analysis of Deoxygenation Connected with Acetate Dumping in the Coastal Zone
Ilinskaya A, Yakushev E & Nøst O-A

Np S.

Nshimiyimana Félix (2017) The Bramram Pb-Zn Deposit, Central Jebilet, Morocco: Mineralogy and Fluid Inclusion Study
Nshimiyimana F, Essarraj S, Mohamed H & Carocci E

Nshimiyimana Felix (2020) Post Hercynian Circulation of Brines in the Central Jebilet: The Bir N’has, Sarhlef and Bramram Pb-Zn Deposits, Morocco
Nshimiyimana F, Essarraj S, Hibti M, Boulvais P & Boyce AJ

Nsifa E.N. (2002) Geochemical and Geochronological Investigations of TTG Rocks from the Ntem Complex, Congo Craton and Implications for Post Magmatic Evolution
Shang CK, Siebel W, Satir M, Nsifa EN, Taubald H & Chen F

Nsingi M. (2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering and Organic Carbon Burial Following the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Cui Y, Adloff M, Nsingi M, Wu Q & Planavsky NJ

Nsungani P-C. (2009) Record of the ∼540 My Collision-Stage of Gondwana in NW Angola
Nsungani P-C, Bosch D & Monié P

Ntaflos T. (2023) Peridotite Xenoliths from the Udachnaya-East Kimberlite: Clues on the P-T Structure and Composition of the Siberian Sub-Cratonic Lithospheric Mantle
Casetta F, Faccincani L, Ashchepkov I, Abart R & Ntaflos T
(2021) CO2 Storage in the Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM: Clues from Fluid Inclusions, Mineral Chemistry and X-Ray Microtomography
Casetta F, Rizzo AL, Faccini B, Ntaflos T, Giacomoni PP, Lanzafame G, Mancini L & Coltorti M
(2020) Pre-Rifting Volatile-Rich Melts and Asthenosphere Influxes: The Alkaline-Carbonatitic Lamprophyres of the Southern Alps (NE Italy)
Casetta F, Ickert RB, Mark DF, Bonadiman C, Giacomoni PP, Ntaflos T & Coltorti M
(2020) Heterogeneous Lithosphere in Central Tibet: Insights from the Mantle Xenoliths
Yang Y, Abart R, Yang X & Ntaflos T
(2019) Mantle Columns beneath Kosomolskaya and Zarnitsa Kimberlite Pipes: Xenolith Study
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Yudin D, Ivanov A, Makovchuk I & Kiseeva K
(2018) Deep Mantle Roots of Zarnitsa Pipe
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Khmelnikova O, Tolstov A & Smarov G
(2015) Refertilization vs Metasomatism in Mantle Xenoliths from Greene Point and Handler Ridge, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Pelorosso B, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Melchiorre M, Giacomoni PP, Faccini B, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2014) Evolution of Mantle Column of Pipe Sytykanskaya, Yakutia Kimberlite
Ashchepkov I, Reimirs L, Ntaflos T, Vladykin N, Logvinova A, Travin A, Yudin D, Karpenko K, MakovchukI I, Palessky S & Salikhov R
(2013) Melt Modified Mantle Lithosphere beneath Dalnyayay Pipe
Ashchepkov I, Ntaflos T, Spetsius Z & Salikhov R
(2013) Different Styles of Metasomatism in Lithospheric Mantle beneath Central Europe
Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2013) Modal Metasomatism in Upper Mantle from Eastern Part of Central European Volcanic Province (SW Poland)
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Ntaflos T & Grégoire M
(2013) Lithospheric Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Southern Patagonia
Mundl A, Ntatflos T, Bjerg E, Ackerman L & Hauzenberger C
(2013) Delaminated Lithospheric Mantle and Exotic Metasomatism beneath East Russia
Ntaflos T, Aschchepkov I, Koutsovitis P, Hauzenberger C, Prikhodko V & Asseva A
(2011) Mantle Metasomatic Events Related to Alkaline Volcanism during Incipient Rifting: NE Eger Rift (Central Europe) Example
Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2011) Fe–metasomatism in Upper Mantle beneath SW Poland
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Grégoire M & Ntaflos T
(2011) Evolution of Variscan Orogenic Popiel Peridotite (SW Poland)
Kukuła A, Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M & Ntaflos T
(2011) Origin of Craton Mantle Layering According to PT Reconstructions
Ashchepkov I, Ionov D, Ntaflos T, Hilary D & Palessky S
(2011) Asthenospheric Signature in Mantle Xenoliths from Enmelen, NE-Russia?
Ntaflos T, Tschegg C, Bizimis M & Akinin V
(2011) Primary Phases in Peridotites of the Ślęża Ophiolite (SW Poland)
Wojtulek P, Puziewicz J & Ntaflos T
(2011) Basaltic Volcanism in NE-Russia; Evidence for Metasomatized Depleted Mantle Underneath Bering Sea Basalt Province
Ntaflos T, Tschegg C, Bizimis M & Akinin V
(2010) Metasomatism in Peridotites beneath the Daldyn-Alakite Region Yakutia
Ashchepkov I, Travin A, Ntaflos T, Logviniva A, Vladykin N & Palessky S
(2009) Cenozoic Ultramafic Intrusive Rocks in Upper Mantle beneath SW Poland
Puziewicz J, Gregoire M, Koepke J & Ntaflos T
(2009) Mineralogy of “Digested” Wall-Rock Xenoliths in Transitional Coherent Kimberlites of Tuzo Pipe (Gahcho Kué Kimberlite Field, NWT, Canada)
Seghedi I, Kurszlaukis S, Ntaflos T & Maicher D
(2009) Insight into the Lithospheric Mantle beneath NE Part of Bohemian Massif: A Case Study of Lutynia (SW Poland) Peridotite Xenoliths
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Ntaflos T & Grégoire M
(2008) Insights into Lithospheric Mantle beneath Patagonia
Ntaflos T, Bjerg E & Aliani P
(2007) The Nature of the Arabian Lithospheric Mantle beneath Aritain Volcano, NE Jordan
Ntaflos T, Kurat G & Swoboda S
(2006) Mantle Xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric metasomatism
Faccini B, Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Melchiorre M, Ntaflos T & Siena F
(2004) Magma Mixing in a Compositionally Layered Silicic Magma Chamber: Inferences from Silicate Melt Inclusions
Harangi S, Czuppon G, Lukacs R & Ntaflos T
(2004) Magma Chamber Processes Revealed by Silicate Melt Inclusions Hosted by Phenocrysts of the Szomolya Ignimbrite, Bu?kkalja Volcanic Field
Lukacs R, Harangi S, Ntaflos T & Mason P
(2002) Relationships between Ti-Rich Alkali Silicate Metasomatism and Amphibole, Glass and Clinopyroxene Genesis in Mantle Xenoliths from Antarctica, Australia and Austria
Coltorti M, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Faccini B, Ntaflos T & Siena F
(2002) LAM-ICP-MS and Whole-Rock Investigations on Mantle Xenoliths from Chukotka, NE-Siberia
Ntaflos T, Richter W & Akinin S
(2001) Garnet-Bearing Xenoliths: Evidence of Plume Activity in Northern Patagonia
Ntaflos T, Bjerg EA, Labudia CH, Thöni M, Frisicale C & ̧nther MG

Ntarlagiannis D. (2023) Complex Conductivity for Efficient Biochar Characterization
Estrada J & Ntarlagiannis D
(2014) Assessing the Potential of Geophysical Methods to Detect Subsurface Changes in Iron-Mineral Chemistry
Rosier C, Keating K, Ntarlagiannis D, Williams K, Walsh D & Grunewald E
(2010) Resolving IP Mechanisms Using Micron-Scale Surface Conductivity Measurements and Column SIP Data
Hao N, Waterman J, Kendall T, Moysey S & Ntarlagiannis D
(2010) Investigating the Effect of Electro-Active Ion Concentration on Induced Polarization Signatures Arising from Biomineral Formation
Ntarlagiannis D, Williams K, Slater L, Hubbard S & Wu Y
(2010) Low-Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements on Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Cell Suspensions
Zhang C, Prodan C, Slater L, Bendiganavale A, Ntarlagiannis D & Hubbard S

Ntarmouchant A. (2017) Geochemistry of the Volcanic Rocks of the Moroccan Central Hercynian Massif: Geodynamic Significance
Ntarmouchant A, Bento dos Santos T, Smaili H, Dahire M, Sabri K, Ribeiro M, Driouch Y, Solá R & Calvo R

Nteme J. (2023) 40Ar Closure Dynamics in Mantle Phlogopite: Theoretical Constraints on Pressure Effects
Nteme J, Scaillet S, Brault P & Tassan-Got L

Nteme Mukonzo J. (2019) Ar Diffusion in Muscovite: 2D in situ Imaging and Numerical Modeling of Coupled Lattice and Defect Mediated Diffusion
Nteme Mukonzo J, Scaillet S, Le Trong E & Nabelek P

Ntieche B. (2023) "Sem" Mineralogical Constraints and Pseudomorphosis of the Alkali Feldspar into Biotite: Hydrothermal Processes in the Nana Complex Granites (Cameroon, Central Africa)
wokwenmendam Nguet P, Njonfang E, Cozzupoli D, Moundi A, Ntieche B, Ngwa C & Nchouwet Z

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