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Martins Luis (2007) Factor Analysis Interpretation of Geochemical Atlas of Europe Data
De Vos W, Batista M-J, Demetriades A, Pirc S, Albanese S, De Vivo B, Bidovec M & Martins L

Martins M. (2017) The Arraias Formation Volcanism, Araí Group, a Register of Intracontinental Rifting Paleoproterozoic in North Brasília Belt, Central Brazil
Silva C, Souza V, Botelho N & Martins M

Martins N. (2021) Linking Phytoavailability of Inorganic Nanoparticles with their Transformation in the Rhizosphere
Rodrigues SM, Rodrigues S, Miranda M, Martins N, Trindade T, Gao X, Lowry GV & Avellan A

Martins R. (2022) Nucleosynthetic Zinc Isotope Anomaliesreveal the Origin of Earth’s Volatiles
Martins R, Kuthning S, Coles BJ, Kreissig K & Rehkämper M

Martins S. (2017) Offshore Assessment of Minerals in Deep-Sea Sediments from the TAG-Area (26°N, 44°W)
Milinovic J, Barriga F, Dias Á, Martins S, Pereira M & Janeiro A
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data of High Cu Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments from the TAG Area
Martins S, Barriga F, Milinovic J & Petersen S
(2017) The 2014 Fogo Eruption (Cape Verde): Constraints on the Short-Term Geochemical Evolution and Plumbing System
Mata J, Martins S, Mattielli N, Madeira J, Caldeira R, Ramalho R, Silva P & Moreira M
(2008) On the Origin of the EM-1 Component in Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2007) Plume-Lithosphere Interaction at Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N

Martins Tânia (2007) Lithium-Bearing Pegmatite Resources at Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatitic Field (Spain & Portugal)
Vieira R, Lima A, Roda-Robles E & Martins T

Martins Tania (2022) Lithium Mineralization and Remobilization at the Tanco Pegmatite, Manitoba
Breasley CM, Martins T, Linnen RL & Groat LA

Martins Vanderlei (2015) Aerosol Remote Sensing: Key Measurements for Climate Change
Remer L, Levy R & Martins V
(2015) The Use of the HARP Satellite for the Measurement of Aerosol and Cloud Particles
Martins JV, Fernandez-Borda R & Remer L

Martins Veridiana (2020) Isotopes Revealing the Lead Contamination Source in the Groundwater of an Industrial Area, São Paulo, Brazil
Martins V, Tadeu da Silva H & Queiroz AP
(2017) Lead Isotopes Used to Investigate the Occurrence of Copper in Aquatic Macrophytes and Water from a Public Supply Water Reservoir
Martins V & Rabelo F
(2013) Sr and Pb Isotopes in Surface Water and Bottom Sediments from a Public Water Supply Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil
Martins V, Murakami C & Grohmann C

Martins Z. (2023) Spectroscopy of Arctic Ice Samples as Planetary Field Analogues for Astrobiology
Xavier F, Dias R, Cesário R, Gonçalves D, Pedras B, Canário J & Martins Z
(2021) Exogenous Delivery of Organic Matter to the Early Earth by Primitive Carbonaceous Meteorites and Implications for the Origin of Life
Martins Z
(2019) Influence of Mineralogy on the Preservation of Biosignatures Under Simulated Mars Conditions
Martins Z, Patel M & Cuadros J
(2017) Effect of Obliquity, Atmospheric Dust and UV-Organic Interaction on the Survivability of Organics on Mars
Laurent B, Cousins C, Martins Z & Pereira M
(2014) Shock-Synthesis of Amino Acids via the Impact of Comets
Martins Z & Price MC
(2014) Studying the Physical Processes Promoting Aqueous Alteration of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Moyano-Cambero CE, Trigo-Rodríguez JM & Martins Z
(2011) The Formation of Organic Molecules in Solar System Environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space Preflight Overview
Kotler JM, Ehrenfreund P, Martins Z, Ricco AJ, Blum J, Schraepler R, van Dongen J, Palmans A, Sephton MA & Cleaves HJ
(2009) Primitive Lithium Isotope Signatures in CR Carbonaceous Chondrites?
Fehr M, James R, Sephton M, Martins Z & Bland P

Martins Pimentel R. (2019) Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology of the Santa Impact Crater
Martins Pimentel R, Mojzsis S & Kelly N

Martins-Ferreira M.A.C. (2020) Multi-Stage Crustal Accretion by Magmatic Flare-Ups and Quiescence Intervals in the Western Margin of the São Francisco Craton: U-Pb-Hf and Geochemical Constraints from the Almas Terrane
Dias ANC, Martins-Ferreira MAC, Chemale Jr F, Campos JEG & Pereira VQ

Martins-Lopes P. (2021) Potential of Sr Isotopic Signature for Authenticity and Geographical Origin of Portuguese Wines
Teixeira R, Gomes S, Pereira L, Fernandes R, Mendes-Ferreira A, Preto Gomes ME & Martins-Lopes P

Martinson A. (2020) Evaluating Bacterial Ureolysis for the Low pH, High Temperature and Limited Oxygen Conditions of the Deep Subsurface
Akyel A, Martinson A, Skorupa D, Phillips A & Gerlach R

Martinsson O. (2017) Tungsten (W) Mobility in Historical Sulfidic-Oxidic Tailings
Hällström L, Alakangas L & Martinsson O

Martirosyan N. (2019) Pressure Induced Phase Transitions in Ca-Carbonate and Effect of Cationic Substitution on the Phase Behavior
Martirosyan N, Koch-Müller M, Efthimiopoulos I & Jahn S
(2018) Effect of Water on the MgCO3–Fe Reaction and the Fate of Carbonates in the Reduced Mantle
Martirosyan N, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Chanyshev A & Yoshino T
(2017) Magnesite Stability at the Reduced Mantle Conditions from the Metal Saturation Depth to the Lower Mantle
Martirosyan N, Litasov K, Shatskiy A & Lobanov S

Martizzi P. (2022) Sulfur Differentiation in Siliceous Shales by Means of Advanced Open-System Programmed Pyrolysis Methods: New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Potential and Sulfur Risk Assessment of the Onnagawa Formation from Akita Prefecture, Japan
Martizzi P, Carvajal-Ortiz H, Gentzis T, Chiyonobu S, Mansour A, Ostadhassan M & Takeuchi T

Martlew J. (2009) Microcosm Studies Investigating the Fate of Mercury in Contaminated Sediments and Potential Remediation Options
Martlew J, Livens F & Lloyd J
(2008) Biological and Geochemical Impacts on the Solubility of Mercury in Sediments
Martlew J, Lloyd J & Livens F

Martma T (2000) Carbon Isotopic Test of Silurian Oceanic Episodes
Kaljo D & Martma T
(2000) The Mid-Caradoc Carbon Isotopic Event and its Expression in Siljan District, Central Sweden-Offshore Area of the Balto-Scandian Palaeobasin
Ainsaar L, Martma T & Meidla T

Martma Tõnu (2013) Dating the Collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using CH4-Derived Carbonate Crusts from the Barents Sea
Lepland A, Chand S, Sahy D, Noble SR, Condon DJ, Martma T, Pedersen JH, Sauer S, Brunstad H & Thorsnes T

Martma Tonu (2016) Wintertime Sea-Ice Chemistry and Influence of Glacial Freshwater Discharge during Two Contrasting Years in a Spitsbergen Fjord
Fransson A, Chierici M, Nomura D, Granskog M, Kristiansen S, Martma T, Nehrke G & Steen H

Martma Tõnu (2018) Thallium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Oceanic Anoxia Associated with the Late Silurian Lau Extinction Event
Bowman C, Young S, Kaljo D, Eriksson M, Them T, Martma T, Hints O & Owens J

Martma Tõnu (2015) Origin of 2.0 Ga Phosphorites and Associated Carbon and Sulphur Isotope Anomalies, Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Oduro H, Patel N, McLean F, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Wing B, Bui TH, Martma T, Romashkin A & Rychanchik D

Márton E. (2011) Potentially Toxic Metal Bearing Mineral Phases in Total Suspended Particles from Budapest, Hungary
Sipos P, Márton E, Németh T, Kovács Kis V, May Z & Szalai Z
(2000) Magnetite and Greigite from Magnetotactic Bacteria and from Sedimentary Rocks: Size Distributions and Microstructures
Arato B, Cziner K, Posfai M, Marton E & Marton P

Marton F. (2007) Subduction of Hydrated Lithosphere: 300 ppm H2O in Subducting Olivine Would Eliminate the Metastable Olivine Wedge
Sharp T, Diedrich T, Marton F & Wyatt D
(2004) Metastable Phase Transitions and Latent Heat Release
Marton F & Bina C

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