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Manceñido M. (2009) Evidence for the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Southern Hemisphere (Neuquèn Basin, Argentina)
Al-Suwaidi A, Damborenea S, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Manceñido M & Riccardi A

Manchester C. (2009) High-Frequency Late Glacial to Mid-Holocene Climate Variability: Evidence from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Values of Marl Lakes in Canada, Ireland and the United States
Patterson W, Eglington B, Holmden C, Brasseur J, Mc Kenzie S & Manchester C

Mancinelli P. (2016) NVP Melt/Magma Viscosity: Insight on Mercury Lava Flows
Vetere F, Rossi S, Morgavi D, Namur O, Perugini D, Mancinelli P, Pauselli C & Lustrino M

Mancini A. (2017) Interaction of Fe(II) with Cement Phases in Anoxic Conditions
Mancini A, Wieland E & Lothenbach B

Mancini J. (2021) Reinventing a Primordial Hydrogenase with a di-Nickel Center
Timm J, Mancini J, Pike D, Tyryshkin A, Poudel S, Nanda V & Falkowski P

Mancini Lucia (2021) CO2 Storage in the Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM: Clues from Fluid Inclusions, Mineral Chemistry and X-Ray Microtomography
Casetta F, Rizzo AL, Faccini B, Ntaflos T, Giacomoni PP, Lanzafame G, Mancini L & Coltorti M
(2021) Some Examples of X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography Applied to Mantle Petrology
Venier M, Ziberna L, Mancini L, Kao AP, Bernardini F, Youbi N, Majigsuren Y, Lenaz D & De Min A
(2020) Thermally-Induced Shape Maturation of Quartz in Garnet
Cesare B, Parisatto M, Mancini L, Peruzzo L, Franceschi M, Tacchetto T, Reddy S, Spiess R, Nestola F & Marone F
(2020) Deep Sea Explosive Eruptions may be not so Different from Subaerial Eruptions
Iezzi G, Lanzafame G, Mancini L, Behrens H, Tamburrino S, Vallefuoco M, Passaro S, Signanini P & Ventura G
(2013) Spherulites in Trachytic Melts
Arzilli F, Voltolini M, Mancini L, Cicconi MR, Giuli G & Carroll MR
(2012) The Cataclysmic Campanian Ignimbrite Eruption (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy): Volatile Melt-Fining Processes and the Effects of Physico-Chemical Heterogeneities
Moretti R, Arienzo I, Brun F, Civetta L, D'Antonio M, Le Losq C, Mancini L, Neuville DR & Orsi G
(2011) Volatile Release from Crustal-Xenolith during Subvolcanic Magma Transport
Berg S, Troll VR, Annersten H, Freda C, Mancini L, Blythe L, Muñoz Jolis E & Barker A

Mancini Luis (2011) Deep Ground Water Migration in Brazilian Federal District Based on Isotope Geochemistry
Santos R, Pacheco W & Mancini L

Mancini Luiz (2023) Impact of Deforestation on the Iron Elemental and Isotopic Cycling in Amazonian Streams
Poitrasson F, Akerman A, Oliva P, Seyler P, Da Silva Souza V, Mancini L, Ponzevera E & Santos RV

Mancini S. (2004) Effect of Degradation Pathway on Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1, 2-Dichloroethane
Hirschorn S, Dinglasan M, Elsner M, Mancini S, Lacrampe- Couloume G, Edwards E & Sherwood Lollar B

Mancini T. (2020) The Statistical Equivalence of the CO2 Raman Densimeter Equations
Remigi S, Mancini T, Ferrando S & Frezzotti ML

Mancktelow Neil (2002) K-Ar Dating of Alpine Fault Gouges
Horst Z & Mancktelow N
(2002) Fluid Flow and Element Mobility in Middle-Crust Shear Zones of Collisional Orogens: Insights from the Mont Blanc Massif Shear Zone Network
Rolland Y, Cox S, Boullier A-M, Pennachioni G & Mancktelow N

Mancktelow Neil (2012) Brittle Fault Dating from the Mesoproterozoic to the Neogene
Zwingmann H, Mancktelow N, Viola G, Pleuger J, Yamasaki S & Tagami T
(2009) New Time Constrains on Brittle Faulting in the Core of the Lepontine Dome, Central European Alps
Zwingmann H, Mancktelow N, Antognini M & Lucchini R
(2009) Integrated Zircon U/Pb, (U-Th)/He, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Study of a Normal Fault Zone (Western Alps, Switzerland)
Guerra I, Corfu F, Stockli D, Ruiz G, Mancktelow N, Negro F, Vennemann T & Kalt A
(2006) Contrasting fluid regimes in an advancing nappe complex, Namibia
Miller J, Viola G & Mancktelow N

Mancktelow Neil (2016) Tracing Meteoric Fluids in Fault and Detachment Systems
Mulch A, Teyssier C, Chamberlain CP, Zwingmann H & Mancktelow N

Mancuso A. (2020) Modeling δ18Ow to Calculate Paleotemperatures from Deep Time Lacustrine Carbonates
Benavente C, Bowen G, Irmis R & Mancuso A
(2019) Mercury Enrichment Associated with Local Volcanism: A Triassic Example Relevant to LIPs
Whiteside J, Nayee J, Percival L, Irmis R, Mather T, Mancuso A & Benavente C

Mänd K. (2023) Synchrotron-Based Constraints on the Vanadium Paleoredox Proxy in the Tremadocian Alum Shale of Northeast Estonia, Baltic Paleobasin
Mandjoukov BP, Lumiste K, Vind J, Kirsimäe K, Chappaz A & Mänd K
(2023) The Molybdenum-Uranium Isotope System at the Cambrian-Ordovician Transition in Black Shales of Northern Estonia, Baltic Paleobasin
Vind J, Mänd K & Kirsimäe K
(2021) Protracted Oxygenation in the Paleoproterozoic did not Result in Proliferation of Mitochondrial Organisms
Mänd K, Planavsky NJ, Porter S, Robbins LJ, Wang C, Kreistmann T, Paiste K, Paiste P, Deines Y, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K
(2020) Heaviest Precambrian Shale U Isotopes to Date: Oxygenation in the ~2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Russia
Mänd K, Lalonde S, Robbins J, Thoby M, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Paiste P, Reinhard C, Romashkin A, Planavsky N, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A & Konhauser K
(2020) Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion – Isotopic Shift Happens
Lepland A, Bakakas K, Moussavou M, Kreitsmann T, Paiste K, Mänd K, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K
(2015) Apatitic Micronodules in Namibian Shelf Sediments: Mineralized Microbes or Diagenetic Precipitates?
Mänd K, Bailey J, Lepland A & Kirsimäe K

Manda Sneha (2022) The Role of Symbiont Bearing Benthic Foraminiferal Biomineralization in Coastal Environments Undergoing Warming
Manda S, Pinko D, Abramovich S, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Titelboim D, Abdu U, Almogi-Labin A, Herut B, Kucera M & Morard R

Manda Štěpán (2011) Geochemical Constraints on Petrogenesis and Geotectonic Setting for Silurian Basalts of the Prague Synform (Bohemian Massif)
Tasáryová Z, Janoušek V, Frýda J, Manda Š, Petr Š & Jakub T

Mandal I. (2023) Recent Progress in Understanding the Dynamics of Peroxy Radical Interactions and their Impact on Atmospheric New-Particle Formation
Daub CD, Valiev R, Zakai I, Salo V-T, Mandal I, Ramazanov R, Skog R, Gerber B & Kurtén T

Mandal N. (2023) High Pressure-Temperature Proton Migration in P-3 Brucite [Mg(OH)2]: Implication for Electrical Conductivity in Deep Mantle
Mondal SK & Mandal N

Mandal R. (2018) Geochemical Controls on Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater from Mehsana District, Gujarat, India
Mandal R & Das A

Mandal S. (2023) The Enigmatic Polythionate S4O62- as a Key Junction in the Sulfur Cycle of Continental Slope Sediments
Mandal S, Bhattacharya S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W

Mandal T. (2009) Study on District Level Emission of Carbonaceous Aerosol from Biofuels Used in Rural Sector as Energy over Indo Gangetic Plain
Mandal T, Saud T, Saxena M, Bhatnagar R, Singh D, Gadi R, Gautam R, Sharma S, Mukherjee A & Datta A

Mandalakis M. (2008) Study of PAHs’ and PCBs’ Occurrence and Fate in Marine Aerosols of Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou EG, Mandalakis M, Tsapakis M & Apstolaki M
(2003) Transport and Atmospheric Processes PCBs in the Subtropical Atmosphere of Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou E, Mandalakis M & Apostolaki M

Mandaliev Petar (2011) Speciation and Micro-Scale Spatial Distribution of As in a Mining-Affected River Floodplain
Kretzschmar R, Mandaliev P, Mikutta C, Barmettler K & Kotsev T
(2005) Dissolution of Uranyl-Hydroxy-Hydrate Minerals
Schindler M, Mandaliev P & Hawthorne F

Mandaliev Petar (2023) Is Microplastic Transported into Deep Soil Layers? Analysis of Agricultural Soil Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Artificial Neural Networks
Toda M, Schreiber RM & Mandaliev P

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