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Malm W. (2015) Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen in the U.S. Rocky Mountain Region
Collett J, Benedict K, Li Y, Evanoski-Cole A, Sullivan A, Zhou Y, Day D, Prenni A, Schichtel B, Sive B, Gebhart K & Malm W

Malmström M.E. (2009) Nickel Sorption on Chlorite: Batch Experiments and Modeling
Dubois IE, Zazzi Å & Malmström ME
(2006) Modelling Ni(II) Sorption in Granitic Groundwater
Malmström ME, Regenspurg S & Docampo Cabaleiro E
(2006) Experimental determination of UO22+ sorption and reduction at mineral surfaces
Regenspurg S, Schäfer T & Malmström M
(2005) Spreading Versus Mixing Effects on Reactive Transport in Groundwater
Malmström M, Destouni G & Berglund S
(2004) Modelling Field-Scale Dispersion in Heterogeneous Groundwater Systems with Multi-Component Reactions
Berglund S, Malmström M, Jarsjö J & Destouni G
(2004) Mineral Weathering Rates in Sulphidic Mill Tailings: Do Rate Laws for Monomineralic Samples Apply?
Malmström M & Salmon U
(2002) Stochastic Modelling of Multi-Species Reactive Transport in Groundwater: The LaSAR-Phreeqc Approach
Malmström M
(2001) Mineral Weathering Rates in Mill Tailings from Kristineberg, Northern Sweden
Salmon SU & Malmström ME

Malmstrom R. (2017) Probing Metabolically Active Cells in Soils Using BONCAT
Couradeau E, Schlapfer J, Goudeau D, Malmstrom R & Northen T

Malod-Dognin C. (2021) High-Precision Pb and Ag Isotope Analysis of Galenas from Spain: New Insights into Silver Ore Exploitation in Roman Times
Milot J, Malod-Dognin C, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P, Ayarzagüena Sanz M & Albarede F

Malone D. (2022) Emplacement Timing of the Markagunt Gravity Slide (Utah, USA): An Example of Instantaneous Lithospheric Change
Holliday ME, Rivera T, Sprain CJ, Jicha B, Malone D, Biek R, Braunagel M, Griffith A, Hacker D & Mayback D

Malone E. (2013) Tracing Denitrification Using Isotopic Composition of Nitrogen in Soils and Plants
Sebilo M, Mothet A, Hamilton L, Malone E, Vaury V, Gros O & Pinay G

Malone S. (2018) The Significance of the Medicine Hat Block (Southern Alberta, Northern Montana) in the Assembly of Laurentia: New Interpretations from Single Grain Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Data
LaDouceur B, Gifford J, Malone S & Davis B

Maloney A. (2023) Plio-Pleistocene Climate and Environmental Reconstruction in the Bogotá Basin, Northern Tropical Andes of Colombia
Pérez-Ángel LC, Sepúlveda J, Russell JM, Snell K, Mora-Páez H, Eaman K, Parrado A, González-Arango C & Maloney A
(2022) Mechanistic Insights on Cellular Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation by N2-reducing Mo-Nitrogenase
Han E, Maloney A, Ai X(, Sigman DM, Kopf S & Zhang X
(2018) Precipitation Changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone during the Last 2, 000 Years Using Dinosterol Hydrogen Isotopes from Freshwater Lake Sediments
Maloney A, Nelson D, Richey J, Prebble M, Hassall J, Sear D, Langdon P & Sachs J
(2015) Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is Well Correlated with Coretop δDdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
Maloney A, Nelson D, Sachs J, Hassall J, Sear D & Langdon P

Maloney M. (2018) Earth’s Building Materials from Mass-Dependent Ca Isotopic Compositions
Bouvier A, Martin P-E, Amsellem E, Maloney M, Frossard P, Boyet M & Moynier F

Maloney P. (2019) Magmatism Associated with Slab Foundering and Asthenosphere Upwelling beneath Central Anatolia
Reid M, Cosca M, Maloney P & Schleiffarth WK

Maloney S. (2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Syngenetic Precious Metal Enrichment in a Deformed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System
Brueckner S, Piercey S, Sylvester P, Maloney S & Pilgrim L

Maloof Adam (2021) Geochemical Fingerprints of Early Diagenesis in Pleistocene Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates
Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Murphy J, Maloof A & Higgins J
(2019) Large Isotopic Variability at the Micron-Scale in Shuram Excursion Carbonates from South Australia
Husson J, Linzmeier B, Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Ishida A, Maloof A, Schoene B, Peters S & Valley J
(2019) Stable Strontium Isotope (δ88/86Sr) Record of pre-Sturtian Carbonate Rocks Spanning a Large δ13C Anomaly
Sarvian N, Hurtgen M, Jacobson A & Maloof A
(2019) Atmosphere-Ocean Oxygen and Productivity Dynamics during the Cambrian Explosion
Dahl TW, Connelly JN, Da L, Kouchinsky A, Gill BC, Porter S, Maloof AC & Bizzarro M
(2011) The Role of Sulfur in Triggering Early Neoproterozoic Oxygenation
Hurtgen M, Swanson-Hysell N, Halverson G & Maloof A
(2006) Identification of magnetotactic bacteria and their fossils with ferromagnetic resonance
Kopp R, Nash C, Weiss B, Maloof A, Kobayashi A, Vali H & Kirschvink J

Maloof Adam C (2023) Secular Change, Early Diagenesis, or Both? A Case Study from Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 1a
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG, Hagen C, Wu Z, Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Stolper DA, Maloof AC & Higgins JA
(2023) Formation and Diagenetic Alteration of Bahamian Carbonate Mud found in Deep-Water Settings Using Clumped Isotope Analyses
Wu Z, Edmonsond S, Nadeau MD, Geyman EC, Higgins JA, Maloof AC & Stolper DA

Maloof Adam C. (2020) Hints of an Eoarchean Magnetic Field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt
Nichols CIO, Weiss BP, Eyster A, Maloof AC, Greenfield T, Kelly NM, Zawaski M, Mojzsis SJ, Watson EB & Cherniak DJ
(2020) Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotope Records Preceding the Sturtian Snowball Earth Event
Sarvian N, Jacobson A, Hurtgen M, Osburn M & Maloof A
(2018) An Early Diagenetic Deglacial Origin for Basal Ediacaran ‘Cap Dolostones’
Ahm A-S, Maloof A, Bjerrum C, Bold U, Hoffman P, Rose C, Strauss J & Higgins J
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC
(2015) Ca and Mg Isotope Stratigraphy of the Trezona C Isotope Excursion – Geochemical Record of the Descent into a Snowball?
Ahm A-S, Bjerrum C, Hoffman P, Macdonald F, Maloof A, Rose C & Higgins J
(2015) Meteoric Diagenesis of Platform Carbonates during the Mid-Carboniferous
Dyer B, Maloof AC & Higgins JA

Maloszewski P. (2017) Transit Time Distributions of Heterogeneous Catchments: Are Current Lumped-Parameter Models Applicable ?
Farlin J & Maloszewski P

Maloubier M. (2019) Dissolution and Mobility of Neptunium Under Vadose Zone Conditions
Peruski K, Maloubier M, Kaplan D & Powell B

Malov Alexander (2019) Transformation of the Chemical Composition of Surface Waters in the Area of the Exploited Lomonosov Diamond Deposit (NW Russia)
Malov A
(2015) Water Cycle of a Subarctic Hydrothermal System
Malov A, Bolotov I, Tokarev I & Pokrovsky O
(2013) Use of Uranium, Thorium and Carbon Isotopes for Thermal Groundwater and Travertine Dating
Malov A, Bolotov I, Zykov S, Druzhinin S & Pokrovsky O
(2011) On Dating of Groundwater with a High 234U/238U and Eh >100mV
Malov A

Malov Alexander I (2021) Tritium Records to Trace Groundwater Recharge and Mixing in Western Russian Arctic
Malov AI

Malpas J. (2012) Heterogeneous Mantle Sources of the Alkaline-Tholeiitic Intraplate Basalts from the Aleppo Plateau, NW Syria
Ma G, Malpas J, Suzuki K, Lo C-H, Wang K-L, Iizuku Y & Xenophontos C
(2003) A Petrogenetic Link between High-MgO and Garnet-Bearing Andesites – A Setouchi Analogue from the Eastern Volcanic Belt in Northland, New Zealand?
Bach P, Malpas J & Smith I
(2001) An Ultrahigh Pressure Mineral Assemblage from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
Robinson PT, Malpas J, Cameron S, Zhou M-F & Bai W-J
(2001) SHRIMP Zircon Geochronology of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China): Implications for Double Mass Extinctions in Late Permian
Zhou M-F, Malpas J, Song X-Y, Robinson PT, Kennedy AK, Sun M, Thompson G & Yan D-P
(2001) Environmental Impacts of Mining the Giant Panzhihua V-Ti Magnetite Deposit, SW China
Ni S, Zhang C, Teng Y, Ma Y, Zhou M-F, Sun M, Malpas J, Li Y & Wang Z
(2001) A Geochemical Study of Acid Mine Drainage at the Sia Mine, Cyprus
Wong CK & Malpas J

Malpas John (2019) Modification of Mantle Rocks by Plastic Deformation and Origin of Nodular Chromitites in Ophiolites
Zhang P, Zhou M, Liu Q, Malpas J, Robinson PT & He Y

Malstrom R. (2015) Tracking the Genomic Signatures and Metabolic Interactions within Single Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal-Bacterial Consortia
Orphan V, Hatzenpilcher R, Chadwick G, Skennerton C, Yu H, Scheller S, McGlynn S, Goudeau D, Malstrom R & Woyke T

Malta M. (2011) Radionuclides in Uranium Milling Tailings and Environment Remediation
Carvalho F, Oliveira J & Malta M

Maltais D. (2015) Challenges in Measuring and Characterizing SPM in Estuaries
Lebeuf M, Maltais D, Larouche P & Babin M

Maltese A. (2023) Accretion of the Earth: Constraints from Element Abundances and Isotope Compositions of Bulk Silicate Earth
Mezger K & Maltese A
(2023) Towards an Improved Traceability of W-Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts: A Nu Analytical Approach Using N-TIMS
Maltese A, Israel C, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2023) Hadean Crustal Composition and Evolution Inferred from Coupled 146,147Sm-142,143Nd Systematics of Paleoarchean Acasta Gneisses
Maltese A, Caro G, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2021) A Fresh Look at the Sm-Nd Record of Earth’s Oldest Rocks: The Acasta Gneiss Complex (Northwest Canada)
Maltese A, Caro G, Scherer EE, Sprung P, Bleeker W & Mezger K
(2021) Isotopic Evidence for Episodic Mantle Melting in the Hadean
Maltese A, Caro G, Pandey OP, Upadhyay D & Mezger K
(2020) Boron Isotopes: no 'Arc' in Archean?
Smit M, Scherstén A, Næraa T, Emo R, Scherer E, Sprung P, Bleeker W, Mezger K, Maltese A, Cai M, Rasbury T & Whitehouse M
(2019) Towards a Model for the Pb-Isotope Evolution of Bulk Silicate Earth
Mezger K & Maltese A
(2019) A Contribution to the Archean Hf Record by Bulk Lu-Hf Single Grain Analysis of Zircon
Maltese A, Mezger K, Upadhyay D & Scherer EE
(2017) Relics of Pristine Paleoarchean Continental Crust: Granitoids from the Bastar Craton, India
Maltese A, Klaus M & Dewashish U
(2017) Element Depletion and the Accretion of Rocky Planetary Bodies
Mezger K, Vollstaedt H & Maltese A
(2015) Multiple-System Geochronology on Acasta Layered Gneisses
Maltese A, Sprung P, Scherer EE, Mezger K & Bleeker W

Malthe-Sorenssen A. (2014) Fragmentation and Carbonation of Serpentinized Dunites
Ulven OI, Austrheim H, Hövelmann J, Beinlich A & Malthe-Sørenssen A
(2013) Fracture Propagation Driven by Crystal Growth and the Role of Interfacial Fluid Chemistry
Røyne A, Meakin P, Malthe-Sørenssen A, Jamtveit B & Dysthe DK
(2013) Forceful Carbonation of Serpentine
Ulven OI, Austrheim H & Malthe-Sørenssen A
(2012) Mechanisms of Reaction Driven Porosity and Permeability Generation
Jamtveit B, Plumper O, Royne A & Malthe-Sorenssen A
(2011) Porosity Evolution, Fracturing and Liesegang-Banding during Spheroidal Weathering
Jamtveit B, Kobchenko M & Malthe-Sørenssen A
(2007) Controls on Weathering Rates by Reaction-Induced Hierarchical Fracturing
Jamtveit B, Royne A, Malthe-Sorenssen A & Mathiesen J
(2005) Fracturing-Assisted Reactive Transport
Jamtveit B & Malthe-Sorenssen A
(2004) The Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum: Global Warming Resulting from Contact Metamorphism and CH4 Venting in Volcanic Basins
Planke S, Svensen H, Malthe-Sørenssen A, Jamtveit B & Myklebust R
(2004) Front Propagation in Fracture-Assisted Reactive Transport
Malthe-Sørenssen A & Jamtveit B
(2003) Fracturing Assisted Fluid Migration in Rocks
Jamtveit B & Malthe-Sorenssen A
(2002) Deformation Assisted Fluid Migration in Rocks
Jamtveit B, Malthe-S¯renssen A, Kostenko O & Flekkoy E
(2001) Fracture Controlled Fluid Migration during Metamorphism
Jamtveit B, Malthe-Sørenssen A, Flekkøy E & Austrheim H
(2000) Retrogressive Metamorphism: Mechanisms of Fluid Introduction to Impermeable Rocks
Jamtveit B, Malthe Sörenssen A & Austrheim H

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