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Maleke Maleke (2019) Geochemical Mine Waste Characterization and Revalorization of Palabora Igneous Complex
Gómez-Arias A, Yesares L, Maleke M, Vermeulen D, Nieto JM & Castillo J
(2019) Remediation Catalyses of AMD by Indigenous Microorganisms during Chemical Treatment
Castillo J, Maleke M, Rankoroane T, Cason E, Gomez-Arias A, Valverde A & Vermeulen M

Maleke Maleke Mathews (2023) Energy Sources Like Iron Contribute to Shaping the Microbial Communities in Scalding Hot Springs
Maleke MM, Matu A, Cason ED, Gómez-Arias A & Castillo J
(2023) Re-purposing BDAS System as a Green Technology to Concentrate REE from Mine Tailings
Gómez-Arias A, Castillo J, Yesares Ortiz L, Cánovas CR, Caraballo MJ, Maleke MM & Purcell W

Malekzadeh A (2006) The Geochemistry and Mineralization of Taknar Polymoetal Massive Sulfide (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-Pb) Deposit, North East Iran
Mazaheri SA, Karimpour MH & Malekzadeh A

Malekzadeh Azadeh (2018) Geology, Alteration, Mineralization, Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Studies in Namegh Prospective Area, Northeastern Kashmar
Taghadosi H, Malekzadeh A, Karimpour MH & Karimi H

Malenda H. (2021) Insights into the Role of Lateral Hyporheic Exchange on Biogeochemical Cycling as a Function of Varying Annual Discharge in the East River, CO, USA
Fox PM, Arora B, Anderson C, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Christensen JN, Dewey C, Dong W, Dwivedi D, Faybishenko B, Fendorf S, Keiluweit M, Malenda H, Newcomer M, Newman AW, Williams KH & Nico PS

Malenda M. (2019) Pore-Scale Mineral Dissolution Rates Measured in Reactive Microfluidics at Variable pH and Fluid Velocity
Navarre-Sitchler A, Malenda M, Jung H, Heil E, Gorman B & Squier J

Malenkov G. (2009) Structure and Dynamics of Water Surface in the Helium and Argon Atmosphere: Computer Simulation
Malenkov G

Malespin Charles (2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW

Malespin Charles A. (2015) In situ Measurement of Atmospheric Kr and Xe Isotopes on Mars
Conrad PG, Malespin CA, Franz HB, Trainer MG, Wong MH, Atreya SK, Pepin RO, Schwenzer SP, Jones J, Owen T & Mahaffy PR

Malet E. (2021) The Role of Early Diagenesis in the Shaping of Geochemical Records: An Example from Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Ader M, Baudin F, Antheaume I, Arnaud F, Malet E, Bard E, Capano M, Simon L, Mignard S, Cartigny P & Gelin F
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G

Maletic Erica (2019) Noble Gas and Trace Element Geochemistry of Marie Byrd Land Xenoliths
Maletic E & Darrah T
(2018) Resolving Potential Sources of Volcanism in Southern Victorialand, Antarctica Using Noble Gases
Maletic E & Darrah T

Maletic Erica Lynn (2023) The Polar Rock Repository: An Invaluable Resource for Climate Analyses
Maletic EL & Grunow AM

Maletz J. (2019) Age and Geochemistry of Black Shales from Baltica Margins: Role of Tectonics in Marine Productivity and Water Column Anoxia
Goswami V, Hannah J, Stein H, Ahlberg P, Lundberg F & Maletz J

Malevich Steven (2020) Impact of New Observations on Improved Understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Li M, Kump L, Ajayi O, Amrhein D, Hakim G, Malevich S, Poulsen C, Ridgwell A, Tardif R, Tierney J, Zhang F & Zhu J

Malevich Steven Brewster (2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L

MALF»RE J-L. (2002) Hf and Pb Isotope Systematics in Basalts from the Iceland Neovolcanic Zones
MALF»RE J-L, Fontignie D, Blichert-Toft J & Schilling J-G

Malfait Wim (2017) Density and Structure of Amorphous Silicate at High Pressure Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Kupenko I, Sahle C, Spiekermann G, Weis C, Sternemann C, Sinmyo R, Hennet L, Wilke M & Rubie D
(2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Journaux B, Collings I, Kantor I, Hennet L, Harries D, Dane T, Burghamer M & Rubie D
(2015) Magma Bouyancy: From Supervolcano Magma Chambers to the Core-Mantle Boundary
Malfait W, Petitgirard S, Seifert R & Sanchez-Valle C
(2015) Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Harries D & Rubie D

Malfait Wim J. (2012) The Density of Carbonate and Silicate Melts in the Upper Mantle
Sanchez-Valle C, Ghosh S, Malfait W, Seifert R, Petitgirard S & Perrillat J-P
(2010) Water Speciation in Hydrous (Alumino)silicate Melts/Glasses and Quasi-Chemical Modeling
Xue X, Kanzaki M & Malfait W
(2010) Zr Mobilization and Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids
Louvel M, Sanchez-Valle C, Malfait WJ, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L

Malfatti F. (2014) Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals Marine Synechococcus-Heterotrophic Bacteria Interactions at Individual Cell Level: Implications for Oceanic Carbon Biogeochemical Cycle
Malfatti F & Azam F

Malheiro V. (2009) Isotopic Markers in Wines from Douro Region, Portugal
Malheiro V, Favas P, Gomes M & Ribeiro S

Malherbe C. (2021) UV-Screening Pigment Enabling Ancient Photosynthesis
Lara YJ, McCann A, Malherbe C, François C, Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Eppe G, De Pauw E, Wilmotte A, Jacques P & Javaux EJ

Malherbe J. (2017) Frontiers in Speciation Sciences: The MARSS Center: Centre of Mass Spectometry for Reactivity and Speciation Sciences
Donard OFX, Berail S, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Bowen I, Szpunar J, Bierla K, Schaumloeffel D, Malherbe J, Horreard F, Martinez H & Courreges C

Malhi Y. (2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M

Malich K. (2017) Origin of Ru-Os-Ir Alloys from the Evander Goldfield, Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa)
Malich K, Badanina I, Dale C & Merkle R
(2014) Ru-Os-Ir Alloys and Ru-Os Sulfides from Oceanic Mantle: Evidence for Robustness of Os-Isotope System
Malich K, Badanina I, Belousova E, Lord R, Meisel T, Murzin V & Pearson N
(2011) Redox Conditions of Formation of Osmium-Rich Alloys from Dunite and Chromitite of the Guli Massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia)
Malitch K, Kadik A, Badanina I & Zharkova E
(2009) Distinct PGM Assemblages in a Mantle Tectonite at Unst: Evidence for Robustness of Os-Isotope System
Malich K, Lord R, Meisel T, Prichard H & Kapitonov I
(2008) Contrasting Magma Sources in Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions of the Noril’sk Area (Russia): Hf-Isotope Evidence from Zircon
Malitch K, Belousova E, Griffin W, Badanina I, Petrov O & Pearson N
(2007) Zircons from Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions at Noril'sk Area (Russia): A Compositional and U-Pb Study
Malich K, Petrov O, Badanina I & Presnyakov S
(2007) Mineral Chemistry and Os Isotope Systematics of Os-Bearing Alloys from the Guli Massif (Russia): New Data
Badanina I, Malitch K & Kapitonov I
(2007) Isotope-Geochemical Criterion in Search for the Norilsk-Type Massive PGE-Cu-Ni Sulphide Ores: Constraints from Pb, Nd and Sr Isotope Data
Petrov O, Malitch K, Pushkaryov Y & Bogomolov E
(2005) Os-Ir-Ru Alloys and Ru-Os Sulfides from Clinopyroxenite-Dunite Complexes: A Combined EMPA, LA MC-ICP-MS and N-TIMS Study
Malich KN
(2004) Ru-Os-Ir-Pt Alloys from the Evander Goldfield (Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa): Osmium Isotope Evidence for the Oldest PGEmineralization on Earth
Malich K & Merkle R

Malien F. (2012) O2 Controls the Biogeochemical Cycling of Cd, Fe and Mn along 85°50' W in the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
Croot P, Malien F, Stramma L, Streu P & Wuttig K

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