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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Morris Richard (2020) The Fate of Mobile Phosphorus in Sulfur-Rich, Mars-Relevant Systems
Berger J, Ming D, Morris R, King P, Schmidt M & Tu V
(2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N
(2017) Nanoscale Analyses of a Carbonaceous Chondrite Exposed to Simulated Space Weathering Conditions
Thompson M, Keller L, Christoffersen R, Loeffler M, Morris R, Graff T & Rahman Z
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
(2016) Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
(2016) Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI

Morris Richard V (2019) Distribution of Fe3+ and H in Minerals during Partial Melting and Metasomatism of Spinel Peridotite
Peslier A, Schaffer L, Brandon A, Kilgore M, Agresti D, Morris R, Graff T, Lamb W, Armytage R & Harvey J
(2019) The Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge: Oxidative Weathering on Mars?
Fraeman A, Arvidson R, Edgar L, Fedo C, Fischer W, Horgan B, L'Haridon J, Grotzinger J, Lanza N, Milliken R, Morris R, Salvatore M, Siebach K, Stack K, Thompson L, Sun V, Wiens R & Williams A
(2019) Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
(2015) Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM
(2014) Mineralogical Analysis of Drilled Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Bish D, Rampe E, Morris R, Treiman A, Ming D, Chipera S, Morrison S, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Achilles C & Morookian J-M
(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2013) Crystal-Chemical Analyses of Soil and Drilled Rock in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Bish DL, Ming DW, Morris RV, Yen AS, Chipera SJ, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Gellert R, Achilles CN, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Crisp JA, Sarrazin PC & Morookian JM
(2008) Phosphate Alteration on Mars
Hausrath E, Golden DC, Morris R & Ming D
(2007) Jarosite and Goethite Identified by Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Surface of Mars: Mineralogical Evidence for Aqueous Processes
Klingelhöfer G, Morris RV, Rodionov D, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Yen A & Ming DW
(2007) Crystal Water on Mars: Insights from the Mars Exploration Rovers
Ming D, Clark B, Morris R & The Athena Science Team
(2006) Mineralogy on Mars at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum as seen by Iron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Yen A, Ming D, Schroeder C & Rodionov D
(2006) Spherulitic (c-axis) growth for terrestrial (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) and martian hematite 'blueberries'
Golden DC, Ming DW & Morris RV
(2004) Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Mars and its Potential Contribution in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Schroeder C, Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Bernhardt B, Rodionov D, de Souza P & Renz F

Morris Richard V. (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P
(2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2021) Understanding the Space Weathering of Returned Samples Through Coordinated Analysis of Experimental Analogs
Thompson MS, Laczniak DL, Loeffler MJ, Dukes CA, Clemett SJ, Morris RV, Glotch TD, Christoffersen R & Keller LP

Morris Ryan (2017) Multiscale Characterization and Quantification of Arsenic Mobilization during Injection of Treated Coal Seam Gas Co-produced Water into Deep Aquifers
Rathi B, Siade A, Donn M, Helm L, Morris R, Davis J, Berg M & Prommer H
(2016) Model-Based Analysis of Injection Trials in Deep Aquifers to Predict Large-Scale Impacts of CSG Product Water Reinjection
Prommer H, Helm L, Rathi B & Morris R

Morris S. (2011) Episodic Estuarine Hypoxic Events: Integrating the Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Climate on a Sub-Tropical Floodplain, Eastern Australia
Wong V, Johnston S, Walsh S, Morris S, Burton E, Bush R, Sullivan L & Slavich P

Morris V. (2017) Continuous, High-Resolution Measurements of 17O Excess of H2O from Ice Cores
Steig E, Schauer A, Kahle E, White J, Vaughn B, Jones T, Morris V & Thayer A

Morrison Aaron (2020) Squeezing out of the T-X Box: Rheological Evolution of Volcanic Lavas, Impact Lavas and Cryolavas
Whittington A, Morrison A & Sehlke A

Morrison Audrey K. (2023) The End Ordovician Icehouse and the First Mass Extinction of the Phanerozoic: Its History Recorded in Multiple Archives
Morrison AK, Lefebvre A, Van Patter A, Davis A, Riechelmann S, Blamey N, Jin J & Brand U

Morrison David (2012) Noble Gases in Geothermal Waters as Tracers for Deep Fluid Circulation
Klump S, Brennwald M, Morrison D & Kipfer R

Morrison Deborah (2012) Re-suspension of Lead-Contaminated Soils a Major Human Health Burden in Cities
Laidlaw M, Zahran S, Mielke H, Taylor M, Morrison D & Filippelli G

Morrison Elise S. (2020) Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Climate Change – Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
Bianchi TS, Aller RC, Atwood T, Brown C, Batois L, Levin LA, Levinton JS, Middelburg JJ, Morrison ES, Regnier P, Shields MR, Snelgrove PVR, Sotka EE & Stanley RRE

Morrison Evan (2022) Observations on Particulate Metal Stoichiometry and Metal Remineralization Rates in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
Kong KP, Kelly RL, Bent S, Morrison E & John SG

Morrison G. (2011) Ptychography: A Powerful X-Ray Imaging Tool
Maiden A, Morrison G, Kauliich B, Gianoncelli A, Kakonyi G & Rodenburg J

Morrison H. (2012) Evidence of Bacterial Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation
Wieser M, Proemse B, Turner R, Morrison H & Mayer A

Morrison J. (2023) Persistent Science Challenges in Legacy Mine Land Sites: Results from a Multi-Scale Geochemical Study in Tomichi Creek, Colorado, USA
Morrison J, Manning A, Runkel RL, Walton-Day K & McGee BN
(2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM
(2018) Ferricrete, Surface- and Groundwater Chemistry as an Indicator for Concealed Mineral Deposits
Morrison J, Manning A & Wanty R
(2018) Using High-Resolution Streambank Groundwater Discharge Sampling to Locate Concealed Mineral Deposits
Manning A, Wanty R, Morrison J & Mills C
(2018) Copper Isotopes in Surface- and Groundwater as Indicators of Hydrothermally Altered Crystalline Bedrock in Handcart Gulch, Colorado, USA
Wanty R, Manning A, Morrison J, Verplanck P, Caine J & Balistrieri L
(2014) The Role of Sulfur in the Geochemical Evolution of the Praire Potholes Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C & Morrison J
(2014) Nonpoint Source Pathways of Salinity, Se and B in the Pariette Draw Watershed, Utah, USA: Impact of Climate and Land Use
Morrison J, Tuttle M & Fahy J
(2012) Scaling of Ecological and Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA and Canada
Goldhaber MB, Mills C, Stricker C, Mushet D & Morrison J
(2012) Critical Zone Weathering of Glacial Till in the Prairie Potholes Region: A Major Control on Wetland Ecology
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Mills C & Ellefsen K
(2011) Scaling of Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA
Goldhaber M, Mills C, Morrison J & Stricker C
(2010) Weathering Textures and Chemical Changes of Cr-Bearing Spinels, California
Diehl S, Morrison J, Goldhaber M & Holloway J
(2010) Controls on the Formation of Geogenic Cr(VI) in Soils of the Sacramento Valley, California
Mills C, Morrison J & Goldhaber M
(2010) Accumulation of Cr and Ni in Clays and Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides from Ultramafically-Derived Sediments in Northern California, USA
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Hooper R & Diehl S
(2009) Geochemical Landscape Studies of Geogenic Trace Elements in Northern California, USA
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Holloway J, Mills C & Wanty R
(2008) Weathering and Transport of Cr and Ni in Northern California Soils
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Lee L, Holloway J & Richard W
(2008) Basin-Scale Variations in California Ground-Water Chemistry Utilizing a Publicly Available Database
Wanty R, Goldhaber M, Morrison J & Lee L
(2008) Cr(III) Oxidation by Soluble Mn(III) Chelates: A Potential Biogeochemical Pathway for the Enhanced Mobilization of Cr from Spinels
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Foster A & Morrison J
(2007) A Coordinated Continental and Regional Soil Geochemical Survey of North America
Goldhaber M, Smith D, Morrison J, Wanty R & Holloway J
(2006) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California: Links to Human Health
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Wanty R, Smith D & Plumlee G
(2005) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California-Links to Human Health Issue
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Reynolds R & Smith D
(2001) The Application of Chrome-Hd Technology to the Continuous Flow-Irms Measurement of Deuterium Isotopes on Nanolitre Quantities of Natural and Enriched Waters and Brines
Morrison J
(2000) Footwall Refrigeration in the Whipple Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, CA
Morrison J & Anderson L
(2000) Continuous Flow Pyrolysis Techniques for the Isotopic Measurements of Oxygen-Deuterium in Waters and Organic Compounds
Morrison J

Morrison K. (2023) Linking Microbial Assimilation of Carbon and Microbial Biomarkers to Soil Organic Matter Persistence
Finstad KM, Grant KE, Morrison K, Nuccio E, Pett-Ridge J & Mcfarlane K
(2022) Belowground Allocation and Dynamics of Recently Fixed Plant Carbon and Soil Organic Matter in a California Annual Grassland
Pett-Ridge J, Fossum C, Estera-Molina K, Yuan M, Herman D, Jacoby I, Nico PS, Morrison K & Firestone M

Morrison L. (2017) Sourcing Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in North-East Ireland
Russell A, McDermott F, Hunter Williams T, Daly E, Henry T & Morrison L
(2017) Aqueous Geochemistry of Arsenic and Other Metals within Groundwater in North East Ireland
McGrory E, Brown C & Morrison L
(2016) National Spatial Assessment of Arsenic in Groundwater in Ireland
McGrory ER, Brown C & Morrison L

Morrison M. (2008) Performance and Key Biogeochemical Reactions in Full-Scale Passive Mine Water Treatment Systems
Aplin A, Fabian D, Morrison M, Younger P, Hallberg K & Johnson B

Morrison N. (2023) Methane Formation and its Isotopic Alteration at Two Active Deep Ocean Cold Seeps from the Scotian Slope of Atlantic Canada
Ventura GT, Chowdhury A, Lalk E, Ono S, Dooma JM, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Owino Y, Bentley J, Kerr M, Fowler M, MacRae A & Bennett R
(2022) Environmental Lipidomics and the Derisking of Deep Ocean Petroleum Exploration
Ventura GT, Ahangarian N, Oueslati G, Peters C, Chowdhury A, Bentley J, Baghalabadi V, Umoh U, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Hubert C, Campbell C, Bennett R, Lipp JS, Hin­richs K-U & Desiage P-A

Morrison P. (2002) Geochemical Reactions during Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in the Rose Run Formation, Ohio USA
Saylor B, Matisoff G, Morrison P, Janda N & Zerai B

Morrison Shaunna (2021) Linking Plate Tectonic Settings and Microbial Functions on a Global Scale
Bastoni D, Buongiorno J, Morrison S, Hazen R, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Barry P, Bekaert D, Zahirovic S, Cordone A & Giovannelli D
(2021) Investigating Iron Redox Evolution Using the Mineral Chemistry Network Analysis Platform, Dragon
Moore E, Ostroverkhova A, Hummer D, Morrison S & Spielman S
(2019) Evolutionary System of Mineralogy: Data-Driven Mineral Classification
Hazen R & Morrison S
(2019) Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
(2019) Interactions between Microbial Communities and their Geologic Environment at the Costa Rica Active Margin
Buongiorno J, Fullerton K, Rogers T, Giovennelli D, DeMoor M, Barry P, Shrenk M, Lloyd K, Morrison S & Hazen R
(2018) Crystallography on Mars with the CheMin XRD Instrument
Castle N, Rampe L, Morrison S & Achilles C
(2017) Carbon Mineral Network Analysis: A Big Data Geobiology Study
Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Meyer M, Fox P, Hummer D, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Ralph J
(2017) Ecology and Evolution of Manganese Minerals: Implications for the Redox History of Earth and Life
Hummer D, Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Meyer M
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
(2016) Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
(2016) Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI
(2016) Mineral Ecology and Evolution of First-Row Transition Elements
Hazen RM, Hummer DR, Liu C, Hystad G, Downs RT, Golden JJ & Morrison SM

Morrison Shaunna M (2023) Uncovering Sulfur Redox Evolution via Mineral Chemistry Networks
Moore EK, Diedolf J, Morrison SM & Hummer DR
(2023) Methods to Identify Planetary Biosignatures: A Network Science Case Study
Prabhu A, Wong ML, Williams JR, Morrison SM & Hazen RM
(2023) Correlation of Symmetry Indices and Mineral Properties
Bermanec M, Gavryliv L, Hummer DR, Hazen RM, Morrison SM, Prabhu A & Williams JR
(2023) Metal Cofactor Microbial Usage Across Convergent Margins
Bastoni D, Bastianoni A, Cascone M, Oliva F, Correggia M, Selci M, Di iorio L, Cordone A, Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Zahirovic S, Bekaert DV, Chiodi AL, Ramírez-Umaña C, Jessen G, Barry PH, Lloyd KG, de Moor M & Giovannelli D
(2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2022) Pursuing Big Science Questions with Information-Rich Minerals
Prabhu A, Morrison SM, Wong ML, Fox P & Hazen R
(2022) Mineral Network Analysis: Exploring Mineralization and Mineralizing Environments via Machine Learning and Large Data Resources
Morrison SM, Hazen R, Prabhu A, Williams JR, Eleish A & Fox P
(2022) The Astromaterials Data System: Access and Preservation of Past, Present, and Future Data from Planetary Sample Analysis – New Developments
Mays J, Cao S, Downs R, Figueroa JD, Ji P, Johansson A, Morrison SM, Ostroverkhova A, Profeta L, Richard S & Lehnert KA
(2022) Evidence for Phanerozoic Crustal Oxidation from the Evolution of Manganese Minerals
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G, Downs RT, Eleish A, Liu C, Ralph J, Morrison SM, Meyer MB & Hazen RM
(2015) Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM
(2014) Mineralogical Analysis of Drilled Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Bish D, Rampe E, Morris R, Treiman A, Ming D, Chipera S, Morrison S, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Achilles C & Morookian J-M
(2013) Crystal-Chemical Analyses of Soil and Drilled Rock in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Bish DL, Ming DW, Morris RV, Yen AS, Chipera SJ, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Gellert R, Achilles CN, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Crisp JA, Sarrazin PC & Morookian JM

Morrison Shaunna M. (2020) Broadening Access to Space Science Data: The Astromaterials Data System
Mays J, Profeta L, Lehnert K, Ji P, Morrison S, Johansson A, Song L, Figueroa JD, Evans C & Zeigler R
(2020) Assessing the Classification of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains Using Cluster Analysis
Boujibar A, Zhang S, Howell S, Hystad G, Prab A, Narkar S, Eleish A, Morrison S, Liu N, Stephan T, Alexander C, Hazen R & Nittler L
(2020) An Integrated Machine Learning Approach Reveals Geochemical Controls on Microbial Electron-Transfer Protein Abundance
Buongiorno J, Giovannelli D, DeMoor M, Barry P, Shrenk M, Lloyd K, Nakar S, Morrison S & Hazen R
(2020) An Evolutionary System of Mineralogy: Employing Mineral Data to Elucidate the Co-evolution of the Geo- and Biosphere
Hazen RM & Morrison SM
(2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2017) Network Analysis Applications: Exploring Geosphere and Biosphere Co-evolution with Big Data Techniques
Morrison SM, Eleish A, Liu C, Hummer DR, Giovannelli D, Meyer MB, Fox P, Downs RT, Golden JJ, Pires A, Hystad G, Ralph J & Hazen RM

Morrison-Ibrahim D. (2010) New Approaches to Identifying and Reducing Persistent Lead Exposure Pathways to Urban Populations
Filippelli G, Morrison-Ibrahim D, Liu G & Wiehe S

Morrissey Laura (2020) The 2 Ga Eclogites of Central Tanzania: Directly Linking Age and Metamorphism
Tamblyn R, Brown D, Hand M, Morrissey L & Anczkiewicz R
(2020) Th–U Powered Metamorphism: Thermal Consequences of a Chemical Hot Spot
De Vries Van Leeuwen A, Hand M, Morrissey L & Raimondo T
(2018) 150 Myr of Episodic Metamorphism, Magmatism and Intraplate Deformation Catalysed by Rehydration and Localised Weakening of the Deep Crust
Raimondo T, Howlett D, Varga J, Morrissey L, Kelsey D & Hand M
(2017) Voluminous Low-Temperature Melting of Metasedimentary Crust
Hand M, Morrissey L & Barovich K

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